Agitate, educate, and organize, and one day, you can help achieve the revolution

Isn't this the same thing as saying that if you work hard enough, you can be successful? This sounds awfully like the spooked "work ethic" to me.


But telling people that agitating, educating, and organizing implies that people (the proletariat, especially) have agency or self-responsibility under capitalism. Marx and other Hegelian philosophers tell us that this isn't the case. As we haven't achieved socialism yet, nobody in the world has any kind of agency or free will of any kind (even the bourgeoisie, whose actions are inclined solely towards maintaining the existing order).

But they do.

t. not Holla Forums

Work ethic is that work is a moral and virtuous act in and of itself, and that industry and temprence are the most important virtues.

Rejection of work ethic is a rejection of this idea that work has an inherent moral character, not that work can yield results.

pic random

But your wrong though. Marx was of the opinion that "men make their own history, but they do not make it as thay wish"

Vulgar materialism get out

That's what he's saying. How do you want to combine "agitation" and "organization" with the fact that they don't make the world as they wish?

i feel like in order to agitate properly you have to have some appropriate connection with the community and us alienated losers at 8ch don't have a ton of social capital.

just my 2 cents!

Reiterating my previous point: no

These two get it. Marx said that the revolution would be inevitable due to the inherent contradictions within capitalism. So what is the incentive to "agitate, educate, and organize" if the revolution is guaranteed to occur? Self-improvement (read: self-commodification and signalling)? Maintaining the illusion of action?



Who's man on this pic?

Jean-Luc "The Mélenchon of Haruhi Bourgeoisieya"

Well because Marx isn't god.

We cannot ignore our own existence as material actors within society. If everyone just drops out of society and never even tries to achieve revolution it can never happen, it can only happen if the people in society strive for it. Marx isn't a magic man who was able to make whatever he said come true, he was able to analyse society - and in doing so he made the reasonable assumption that people wouldn't read his works and decide "Welp, he said it would happen so my work here is done".

If everyone took this attitude we could be guaranteed that a revolution would never happen. Because it's a completely illogical and retarded attitude to take.

The closed circle of logic which encapsulates the marxist mind is a brilliant thing indeed.

Marx ridiculed the idea that revolution would occur through ideological struggle. Rather, he saw the contradictions of capital to create crises so large that it would make the labour-capital relationship unbearable for the proletariat, which bares the brunt of upholding it, that would then come to terms with its real conditions of existence and instigate an assault on capital. In other words, the communist "ideology" would be born from conditions that necessitate it. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't fight for the well-being of labour, though. On the contrary, actually, because the more labour's interests are highlighted the more stress is put on the side of capital.

Broke: Agitate, educate, and organize