I made the mistake of going to Holla Forums

I made the mistake of going to Holla Forums.

Why are videogamers such reactionary idiots?

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I don't think the fact that they're video gamers make them reactionary idiots. I think the fact that they're reactionary idiots makes them reactionary idiots.

This reminds me of that shitty XKCD comic with the girl doing math and then made fun of for being a girl when in reality she was just normal and getting it wrong (since the other person also got it wrong).

ehhh … I understand what you're saying. Still it's quite sad to see how much hatred and ignorance there can be in the community surrounding a medium so young.

Especially considering how much free sharing of collective effort there is in the form of modding and shared community development. You would think one would be attracted to leftist ideas, not the opposite.

Maybe they just need to google Stallman.

For some stuff, sure. 99% of the people that play games will never touch mods and will only wish for more DLC no matter what it is. Or remasters of games which change nothing but graphics. Or anything else that takes their money and gives them little value in return. Or anything that just takes their money that they've been peddled.

At its heart, video gaming is nothing but consumerism. It's especially prevalent now with all this "gamer" shit and "nerd" culture. There are some good, free games, but barely anyone has heard of them or they're "autistic." Dwarf Fortress is one I'm talking about, by the way.

I see communists in TF2 all the time.

how ironic were they?

Gaming probably doesn't do it per se (Playing Tetris probably won't lead you to the conclusion that a ethnostate is necessary), but rather modern online-gaming with the communities on steam and so on, having a certain contrarian character. When a child is told "hitler was bad", and you see some guy with the username " GasTheJews1488", they can think that this guy is pretty rebellious and/or funny.

On the other hand, modern objectiv-based games could lead people to see real life as a kind of game, and project onto them characteristics of a protagonist (defending some place, maximizing efficiency, building/discovering something, accomplishing tasks). This leads to a worldview that belives everything has a reason, eg. to fulfill a quest (say, protect europe from "mudslimes"). You're possibilities are pre-given, and you have to make definitive (and objectively correct, since the game is concrete) choices with linear chain-reactions. In general, one could argue that gaming produces a proto-positivist mindset, that can then later be abused.

Then maybe something about alienation, but I'm not quite sure what to say about that.

you know why
idpol tried and failed to coopt it

I'm sorry, what? There are entire series of games and companies that rely on modding, like basically anything released by Bethesda. Hell, consolefags I know wound up rebuying (dumb fucks should have just torrented) plenty of their games on PC just to get mods, and were overjoyed when they heard that the new generation of consoles would get petty, stripped down modding abilities.

Hell, if we're going to go down to old games, Brutal Doom has had its page viewed six million times, and the latest version alone has been downloaded six hundred thousand times. That's more people than who own the game on Steam.

Yeah made the same mistake, entered an Overwatch thread that soon got sage-bombed by sceeching lunatics. I just wanted to discuss the new meta, not the cultural implications of Zarya's pink hair wtf

Maybe the fact that they have to deal with Postmodernist Neo-Marxists trying to fuck with their games and make every character a transexual pan-dimensional Chinese democracy with crippling depression?

This. Worst consumerist nonsense to happen in the last 10-20 years. It's basically just confining oneself to a limited range of interests, ignoring society and buying games and what not. I hate it when people use "nerd" as some kind of a compliment, it's a negative word and should be used as such!

I will never understand how multi million corporations appealing to broader audiences can get your panties in such a twist. Jesus christ

You're assuming that most people don't play on consoles or if they play on PC they don't play stuff like League of Legends. Anecdotal, but my friend has a "GAMING PC" and never went beyond vanilla Mount & Blade Warband (after me showing it to him in the first place) or League of Legends. He played Fallout 3 and L4D2 but never once modded them. Now he plays on console.

Because Holla Forums

Broader =/= Better
Literally nobody wants this shit aside from 0.01% of the population, who is an assortment of diseased, mentally ill, obese or all three at once.

They're against it for the same reason this board is against identity politics.

It's simple

or tl;dr peer pressure still forcing virgins into a mindset even after school
I think pic related happened on Holla Forums though so that makes them somewhat cool still atleast

You have two problems here.
One is you're blaming neo-marxism for things capitalism does.
Two is you're saying this board is against idpol because they aren't minorities, but idpol is harmful to those extreme minorities, idpol gets in the way of their liberation as well.

Gamergate pretty much drove gamers away when the way of right Winged retards came job to bitch about women and niggers in video games while using them as a platform.

V might as well be pol video games now.

once again idpol tried to coopt gaming and FAILED

Gamergate was idpol.

shut the fuck up nihilist

There is no "ruling ideology" in buying a game from a store, its consumerism.

Apparently a lot of consumers want it since Overwatch is doing extremely well. How deluded and mentally ill are you to think representation has to do with Marxism (?) and not porkie trying to out-compete his competitors by reaching new markets?

Private ownership of the means of production mandates nothing in terms of culture except the persistence of capitalism itself.
Capitalism could exist in the most open, internationalist, libertine society, and it could exist in the most aggressively conservative and ethnocentric state on the planet.
Developments in culture, pushed for by old Maoists in the institutions are entirely the fault of the neo-Marxists pushing them.


Zarya is Russian person, its promotes Putin.

Complaining about idpol is idpol.

Suka Blyad

Do you honestly fucking think Overwatch wouldn't sell without fifty seven different trannies with purple hair?
If not, shut the fuck up, because you've already conceded my entire fucking point.

Posting a wikipedia article is not proof Jeff Kaplan is out to destroy the white race you spooked fuck

No, that's neither what I think or what I said.

Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

And that's why gamers have turned more and more right-wing these days.

Yeah but gamergate was idpol.
This guy getting hurt is proof

You people are worse.

How are you not doing the same thing? Didn't Holla Forumsirgins recently start a crusade against Far Cry for being "anti-white"? Meanwhile porkie rakes in the profits of the free publicity

Further proof that annihls are the worst faggots on this board.

What a good explanation about why Holla Forums freaks out over shit like Far Cry 5 where white people get shot. It's because other people are freaking out about different people being shot!


really? The videogame community is shit because SocJus wavviovs?

There's only one big problem with this reasoning:

Over a certain amount of money invested there is literally not a single decision taken for any other reason than making more money.

SJW do not make videogames sell better nor make development cheaper, therefore there is no reason to pander to them for anyone that sells 100K or more copies of a game.

It would make much more sense to say that the industry sucks because of the people that own the biggest companies do not have haf a clue to what makes good games.

Take Andromeda, EA forced down the throat of Bioware an engine not designed for RPGs and is a chore to work with. They changed the program for animations mid development (from 3ds to Maya) and forced the devs to rewrite the entire game twice.

Now tell me it was the SJW that destroyed that game.

Okay friend.

Gaming isn't a BOYZONE anymore! The best way to fight against sexist gameboys is by saying a video game is good, as long as it is made by women. Just take a look at a game like Revolution60 and its revolutionary development approach (using 90 % of resources to work on a clever name), and tell all the girls that this is a good game, as far as female creatives are concerned. Tell a woman who wants to get into game dev that this is good enough, as you couldn't expect any better from a girl. And that's what girl power is all about, imho.

Intersecting with the topology of girl power & representing the three genders (men, women, burch) is the issue of re-conceptualizing race, which is also a structural class. Why is every princess Mario saves always white (Daisy, Rosalina, Link)? Other games show that there is a plurality to what beauty means, and the princess doesn't have to be white; but sadly games such as Custer's Revenge are still a niche phenomenon.

Finally, I want to talk about fempowerment through feminizing game mechanics. Typical games by men are just about who mashes the buttons the fastest. This is a lot like masturbation, LOL! A game should have more than one path to victory, to make strategic decisions more interesting (women are naturally better at thinking in a sensible manner, rather than pure violence). Micro transactions are such a viable alternative path to deepen the game experience. That way, we are all winners!


the amount of IdPol cancer in this thread is staggering. I come here to get rid of it, not plaster my face in its putrid excrements.

Hi Holla Forums

What book?

Jokes on you, annihls can't read.

get the fuck out of this board Holla Forums

I don't care.

Why am I not surprised?

So what you're saying is that you don't actually know any books on the topic you're telling people to read books about?

Are you really so disingenuous you'd pretend that the guy who complained about "left-wing nutjobs" and identifies as a "gamer" and talks about gamers turning right wing is not likely just one of them and he came here from Holla Forums because this thread is about Holla Forums?

The topic of me, or Holla Forums, or Holla Forums? I'm sorry but I don't know a book about any of those three things. I just meant to read a book, any book.

On identity politics, since it completely consumes you and everything you write, I would assume you had read a bookshelf worth of texts on the matter.

Uh? They did? I'm genuinely curious as to why. I mean, both main characters — Link and Zelda — are clearly white-looking.

Sure Andromeda had technical issues probably caused from mismanagement. But look at the writing. They shoehorned in trans grammar bullshit by making the Asari choose to use male or female pronouns. That's right, the Asari - a species that, by the canon of the previous games, is mono-gendered and distinctly feminine.

No, you can't tell me this is not some SJW trying to virtue-signal. That's so blatant, it's just undeniable.

make a really fun game with leftist motifs.

Are you going to give me the funds or the time to do so? Then shut up.

I'm honestly not even sure outside of skimming a thread about it on here a bit ago. It just seemed mundane at the time.
If you want to know, one of the two of us is going to have to look it up.

Some sort of rpg that has both capitalist, communist, whatever societies physically close to each other and with a lot of focus on how much they contrast would be great.

fun is anti-thetical to leftypolfaggots.
It's why they identify with the SJWs trying to ruin games over the proles, because fun without ideological shoe-horning is evil™.

Skies of Acadia reaction image! Great Game, I'd recommend for those who have not played it.

Oh wow, shit, the asari genders. This is a serious thing to get butthurt about

Everything is drenched in politics and ideology you dumb fuck. Everything.

Your mom is drenched in politics and ideology.


Don't say that mom

I blame 75% of Holla Forums's problems on Mark. He probably only accounts for a quarter of Holla Forums's issues, buy I don't lile him, so fuck it.
What does a guy have to do to find an imageboard without cocksucking mods?

I see tons of communist emblems in BF1 all the time.

The chans are full of reactionaries, so of course Holla Forums would be too. Plus I think most lefty gamers tend to avoid Holla Forums, /r/gaming and other awful gaming communities.

I think you mean mono-sexed
in appearance, by human standards, yeh, but so are the turians with their narrow waisted/waspy builds

oh but they's uggo so thas diffrnt innit

You won't get a useful answer from that person. If you want to read politics into a game series that is rather light on story (Nintendo's approach in general is that game mechanics come first, and story is shaped by that, e. g. Splatoon did not start with a story about squid people, rather the idea of covering the environment with ink lead to squids), it would make more sense the other way around from what black-flag poster claims. The heroes are light-skinned and have something vaguely Christian about them (the artwork of the original Zelda shows Link's shield having the Christian cross, the Temple of Time looks like a church), and the villain looks like if Hitler had a nightmare about Jew-Hulk, the tribe he is from has a somewhat Arabian-influenced design (in the first version of Ocarina, you get a shield with a crescent moon from them, later versions got that edited out). So, what do the fish people in Zelda "really" represent? What does the mask guy represent? It's kinda silly dwelling on the "true message" much, the games are not intended to be history lessons or have a bold and direct message about any geo-political conflict. If the folks at Nintendo ever do a game with a deep story (by their own standards, I mean), it will probably amount to something like:
I doubt the people at Nintendo think much about what race Little Mac "really is". Ultimately, these questions are not better than asking what Yoshi's eggs smell like, they make me think the person asking them is deranged.

You fat fuck, I didn't claim zelda was anything. I just mentioned that there was a thread about some alt-right fags claiming things.
It's not my fault if they're wrong.

Then why do EA's year-over-year earnings only continue to grow, user? By approximately a billion dollars every year in fact.

They can afford to advertise a lot?

This analogy sums it up pretty well:

Imperialism is the highest stage and logical conclusion of capitalism
Fascism is the highest stage and logical conclusion of autism

Just because it isn't an inherent property of capitalism doesn't mean that it isn't being propagated by capitalism you dense fuckwit.

They probably claimed the opposite.

Even if that were the only answer it would mean that either
a) their advertising is reaching people that desire the product
b) their advertising is convincing people that they desire the product

so either way you have people that want games with these themes or elements in them and continue to buy half-assed iteration after half-assed iteration

Why would the alt-right complain about zelda being pro-white?

This. Marketing is just that powerful is how I see it. I've begun to associate neon lights at night with fast food and get hungry every time I see neon lights at night.

Don't come back faggot.

I suspect the FarCry5 thing was more of a fake outrage by astroturfers. Actual outrage happens with games people have high expectations for.

Weren't you that English teacher guy who got trouble with basic reading comprehension, the one who thought that a market is anything involving people and numbers, or are you a different black-flag fag?

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Don't worry I won't come back.


I'm a neet

So gamers are basically dumbass loser cucks?

I can't stop watching that

Except most of the outrage against "gaming journalism" was astroturfing by far right shitposters trying to market their ideology to young adults. Before "Gamergate", you were already seen as a complete moron for caring what "gaming journalists" think, because it is literally paid advertising. That is the sole reason it exists. If you wanted to know whether a game was good, the Internet made it easy to find an opinion from some sperg that actually cared.

Butthurt about le feminazis was already the most popular topic of discussion on Holla Forums before anyone even knew who Zoe Quinn was. When the controversy first started, most people didn't really care about muh ethics, they were just mad at a blue haired hipster slut.

To drive this point home, I'd like to point out that popular culture is slowly returning to the Jack Thompson era of game paranoia.

Where is the outrage over this? Nowhere, because the "ethics gamers" don't mind political propaganda as long as they agree with it.

It's even led to people defending shitty games because they're "politically incorrect". That Hatred game ended up being so vapid that Running With Scissors made fun of them, yet it's ardently defended as some kind of cult classic for no other reason than because offensive = good. If you disagree, ur a whiny babby.

haha idk man i think they just are dry dick autist uggos who smell and have smooth brains. They probably don't even donate to Chapo

this reads like every leftist old fag post, "huh no actually no one was that stupid we were just joking, stupid people don't exist and since intelligence isn't inherited obviously experience or background has nothing to do with the distribution of stupidity if it were to exist. Ergo i can sit back and continuously be incredulous and bemused that you didn't know that EA would throw coke parties for the nerds at IGN and would hire strippers to blow editors and shit." this is why i think there is a gap between old chan logic and new chan logic. Not everyone is so high on irony and anti-capitalist cynicism that they see every single journalistic outlet as a form of propaganda and advertising (they should tho) and therefore its fucking obnoxious to assume everyone who was on the internet from 2004 onward was intelligent and a master ironist. Tons of the people on Holla Forums in 2008 and on Holla Forums in the early years were not "in" on the joke and they spread that lack of understanding to hundreds of other people. So this attitude where we all should have known better, which is victim blaming, is a weak and lazy position.

Its not our fault that kids back then weren't "in on the joke". You should know better.

The video game industry becoming a billion dollar entertainment market is what led the flood gates open to those parasites. Blame the corporate suits too for enabling that behavior by promoting philanthropy under the guise of "progressivism". Also the majority of western vidya studios aiming to become a interactive hollywood is why i stopped buying and playing new releases.

You know, I've been meaning to pirate Hatred. Is it that mediocre?

Feels good. Also

I didn't know recognizing propaganda from mainstream trash and telling them to fuck off was literally horseshoe theory. And before any of you liberals bitch about "muh petition" that was proven to be a false flag made by journalists

Please fuck off to some commie hellhole where they censor the internet already.

Yes. If you want fast paced fun top-down violence play Hotline Miami instead. If you want brutally satisfying violence play The Punisher (on Xbox, PS2, and PC) instead.



I already beat Hotline Miami and got As on all the maps, it's not enough.

When a subculture is infiltrated by idpol SJWs it tends to become more reactionary. I don't really blame gamers fro becoming right-wing, I just wish I could educate them.

Play punisher dude. It's my favorite game and a kickass TPS/torture simulator.

I'll give it a shot, I remember reading reviews about that back in the day that said it was alright. Thanks.

Did I stutter liberals? Also


Why not play something not fucking edgy like Kirby or something

Yet you just referred to Far Cry 5 as propaganda. How the fuck are you not reactionary reverse-SJWs?

Also, we're not liberals you politically-ignorant, worthless Holla Forumsirgin.



I almost wrote a whole reply, but

Aaaaaaaand stay out.

Your fragile ass is as much of a liability to Holla Forums as it was a source of mirth for Holla Forums, but at least when you stay here you're out of our hair. Either learn how to deal with being amongst people you disagree with and acquit yourself as a proper defender of your ideology, or take your pained pooper and crawl back to whatever corner of the internet offends it least, faggot.

I am now happy.

You should play it too. Kirby was always a slow as shit cotton ball simulator with some pretty graphics. IMO it's really weak when compared to other great 2D sidescrollers.

Any group that bases its identity around consumerism is going to be a cesspool. A lot of them only care about gaming and things that affect gaming. Capitalism has always provided them their hobby, so suggesting something new probably inherently causes some anxiety.

It's not gamers that are idiots, you idiot.
It's 8/v/ that's an expansion of pol.

If you can't handle the heat, get off the board, right?


Why are almost all fantasy writers some kind of reactionaries, Holla Forums?

Anyways, alrighty liberals

Kirby is objectively one of the most well polished and fun platformers to this day. One of the rare series that is consistantly good.

I knew Liberals were heartless but I didn't know they were "insult Kirby" heartless


I can be smug all day, user.


If you believe we're liberals, you eat propaganda for breakfast, bucko





It makes sense doesn't it?

Holla Forums before GG knew SJWs are a symptom of a larger problem, the main culprits ruining video games are casuals.

You're just trying to see how many reaction images I have, aren't you?

It's not the fact you called it propaganda, it's the reason you did.

And for the last time, liberalism isn't leftism.

It's the secret to become an lol-cow here.
I want to milk ya.

No, it's just ironic considering 90% of the right qualifies as liberal.

Listen. Kirby's main appeal is for simple-minded children (of all ages). Sakurai himself is a master at spinning colorful webs for children. In another life I could see him making a manchild magnet of epic proportions akin to MLP (oh wait he did that with Kirby).

As a game it is right smack dab in the middle in terms of quality.


Here, I'll let you build up your folder. I'm sure yours needs the help.


What is a liberal?

Because it's harder to find complex solutions to real-world problems when you have complete freedom to let your heroes bash in a dude's face with a magic warhammer.

There are exceptions, of course. Skyrim's civil war plot (at least the setup, not so much the execution) is surprisingly nuanced for fantasy politics. And if you're more into anime, Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere is a wonderful action-comedic-political-drama with surprisingly strong leftist themes. It never takes itself too seriously, except when it has to.


Tell me, user, what do you gain from this? Do you enjoy people laughing at you? That's a little masochistic, if you ask me.

*whips out katana*
What is your definition of "liberal"?

What, do you want some of this, too? Lighten up, mate.

my sides can't take this

This is why you're a sucdem.

ITT: Liberals complaining about how Holla Forums is easily triggered get triggered when called liberals
It's like poetry, it rhymes

Don't stop
this is pure gold.


Itt: Holla Forumstard calls leftists liberal and gets easily triggered when presented with facts.

Now that looks like a true leftist's anime.

Mods only ban retards.
We're an ableist brocialist board.

This is what happens when you don't spank your kids, you take them to starbucks, you buy them a "communist party" shirt, and keep giving them money for their liberal arts degrees.

Did any of you liberals have a father figure in your life? Were you ever made into a man?

I just can`t enjoy this shit nowadays. Why is it so socially acceptable to direct violence towards men or are japs in general just masochistic betas?

Okay, this is starting to get boring. No matter what you poke them with, all they do is scream "liberal, liberal, u mad?" like a parrot learning to speak. Step it up, fags.

I bet you think socialism is just taxes and welfare, you fucking moron.


Says the guy who still plays videogames.

Because in most cases you are literally dealing with children.


there's only one country you could be from

Nah this was leftist anime at its ideological core.

though I do hope he's not serious, 'cause he has to have terminal brain cancer if he is

There is really no way arguing with people who run the gamernazi hypothesis, because they just keep on making up BS like the above, and when probed, they shift to making up things about what people think, not what they do, and the thing with thought-crimes is nobody could possibly disprove being guilty.

This is going on among journalists (using that term loosely) who copy-paste from each other. It used to be among right-wingers, now it's "progressives", that's the whole difference.
I am occasionally on Holla Forums Holla Forums and I have never seen anybody talk about it like that. Instead I got this picture.

half the posters in this thread should be banned then for biting shitty bait and completely derailing a thread that was having a halfway decent discussion

You know, you can just keep talking about what we were talking about before.

Mods, please don't ban this glorious faggot, I haven't had a good laugh in days

Doesn't the author of the manga like Tito?

This was comedy gold, lads

all my years of shitposting have finally paid off

Beat Kirby's Dream Land in Hard Mode without dying. Tell me a child could do the same.

If you actually played video games you would realize that while the mechanics are intended to appeal to everyone who wants to have fun regardless of skill level, that it is a deliberate design decision, and that just because something is simple, instantly understandable, and more fun than frustrating does not mean it is not well designed or low quality.

As a matter of fact, the polished execution of almost every Kirby mechanic is one of the most consistently high bars of quality in the industry. You understand nothing about design because you have never built anything in your life, and so cannot empathize with creators of anything.

for fuck's sake you faggot mods can you please stop deleting posts that aren't spam
thread is now looking like a swiss cheese
half of the posts are without context

you're not supposed to be a thought police, you're a spam defence mechanism
go back to revleft if you're so trigger happy

Except I wasn't making any kind of ideological inference. Gaming journalism only exists to be paid advertising. That is not in any way an exaggeration, it started in the 80s as a marketing gimmick to appeal to gullible kids.

The entire reason video games have always been popular to discuss online is because open discussion is the only way to actually get opinions on them that haven't been paid off.

t. newfag that only came to chans because of the shitstorm to begin with
Holla Forums was literally /feminism/ before the exodus, even people who agreed with the anti-feminist shitposters were getting annoyed because every fucking thread was getting derailed. Keep in mind that this was when Holla Forums was Holla Forums.
And now it's among right wingers again, mainly because of the massive surge in nationalist astroturfing during the presidential election. Western culture wars have always been a vapid tug-of-war.
The entire internet is not Holla Forums.

He was kinda right tho.

No one likes being called a liberal. Not even liberals like being called liberals.

8/v/ or 4/v/

At least 4/v/ gets tired of Holla Forums's unironic colonialism and actually had some sort of uprising, because Holla Forums kept getting butthurt over FarCry 5.

It resulted in us getting raided, because they thought we were instigating this, and Holla Forums got raided as well.

tbh i wouldn't mind if Holla Forums sort of let the Holla Forumsshit slide there
modern farcry is garbage

Sakurai, leave and don't come back before you put back momentum-based jumping into Sm4sh.

I've been online since the late 90s.
Whoopsie, you got caught making up shit, better start moving goalposts. But tell me, where is Hatred regarded as a cult classic? Must be some secret darknet forum…

The videogame subculture was a holding pin for the most alienated young men for decades.

Probably around the PS3 era graphics and games play reached a level that started to attract normies.

But I think video games aren't an art form yet, and still primarily appeal to said alienated men.

They used to combine smartphone game sales with console sales to make it seem like normies were flocking to videogame she but the console market has always defined videogame culture and it's still firmly within the grasp of alienated young men

I honestly don't. I'm not trolling. Young people love virtue signaling, just pop on over to twitter if you don't believe me.

The marketplace doesn't reward the best games necessarily, ones that combine innovative game play with pandering to their audiences prejudices do the best. Doesn't v constantly complaining poor games do well while lots of innovative games don't

You're reactionary views just aren't the majority anymore and your medium is reflecting that. I wouldn't worry about I though I doubt it will last. Games are still extremely repetitive overall, normies will get tired and only reactionary alienated young men will go back to liking them again.

Sakurai hasn't worked on Kirby in years you stupid liberal.

I doubt it. Gaming journalism was shit, and some dude got treated badly by his dyed hair girlfriend. I think it was an organic movement, and the reaction it got from the mainstream media went a long way to confirmed the 'society is against white males' thing, which was furthered by the fact that they were attacking NEETs and misfits who would feel the rejection most strongly.
It obviously served as a recruiting ground for the right since the sjw and their media allies (the people with the power here) were 'left'. It should have been used to strike against idpol.
The left handled gamergate terribly.

Well, yeah, SJW are both crazy and annoying, and imageboard users are nogf misfits, why is it surprising? Besides, the hipster slut's own terrible ethics are tied to the corrupt gaymen meja, since those were the people she was sleeping with for favours.

Shut up, Sakurai. You are proof that women don't get the finer points of game design.

Gamers have an addicition problem. We shouldn't take serious what they say, because they're behavior is no different than one of a heroin user.
Gamers will be treated after the revolution and video games will be banned as the capitalism garbage they are. Nothing but silly capitalist escapism to keep the masses entertained. Panem et circenses and all that.

Farcry was always garbage.
Just like every game UbiSoft makes.

we should also ban movies and books and also mandatory medicate all people a-la Equilibrium

They are addicts, but not because of games, but because of (you)s.
Have one, while I am at it.

Watch Dogs 2 was kind of alright tbh and I didn't regret buying it. It wasn't hot garbage like the first and it was better than most other trash ubisoft shits out but still nothing to write home about

Everyone who plays video games suffers from alienation and most alienated individuals tend to be very reactionary.

I still won't forgive them for what they have done to Heroes of Might and Magic
They ruined two developers for it while still making it clear through their lacklustre approach that it's not on their priority list. They just hog it because they could


The new Wolfenstein II trailer is triggering the fuck out of reactionaries. Apparently killing Nazis in 2017 is now controversial.

Overwatch is just a first person casual moba which has been a really popular genre for a while now.

And really I think the only 'tranny' happens to be a robot.

And if you say anything about my waifu Mei I will fucking kill you

Not to mention it's pushed by literally one of the biggest publishers in the industry. I'm entirely sure its success has everything to do with its tightly controlled focus group design process and the fact that it's advertised directly in the service that its millions of customers use rather than because of 'trannies'

Looks awesome, I really liked the old school FPS feel of the first game. Trailer even has a gommunist at 5:57

By the time Holla Forums took it over there was nothing we could do, the insane sjw wiki admins (Northbysouthbaronof and Ryulong) had already gained control of the page and tried to blame everything on neonazi's and MRAs by the time it gained mainstream attention.

The scariest part of GG is that I followed it from 4chan, to here, to it's last dying wimpers still being posted on 8/v/, and have hardly any proof to document its happenings. Trying to explain to others what exactly it was when they've already read the wiki or heard vapid shit on reddit or 4/po/ is near impossible. Crazy how something that seemed so huge can be so diluted with false information and the general public has no fucking clue what acutally happened or was about.

We need to take videogames back from the reactionaries, there are many subversive titles, and we need to build a community around them. I'm making videos but I need all your help to make ones too, or OC, or just talk about leftism related to videogames! We cannot let vidja be controlled by the SJWs and the Nazis.

Awesome, I'm up for it. I like analyzing the subversive aspects of videogames since it's an aspect that never gets any attention

Noice. Have you seen my channel? I'll post my master list too incase you want to use it.

Marxist games:


1) Red Faction
(Joke 1) Soviet City (hysterically anti communist)
2) Hostile Waters
3) Metal Gear Solid esp Peace Walker
4) Deus Ex 1 + 2
(Joke somewhere) Assassins Creed w Marx in it (but rewritten as a liberal, joke mention) (April Fools)
5) Liberal Crime Squad
6) Hidden Agenda (also mention Rogue State)
7) Tropico Series
8) Hearts of Iron + Kaiserreich
9) State Of Emergency DONE
10) Victoria II (search command for build factories)
11) Red Orchestra, Call of Duty 1-5 (combine into one entry?)
12) Twilight Struggle
13) Crisis in the Kremlin DONE (Plus Remake)
14) World in Conflict, Red Alert, Wargame (combine into one entry?)
15) Democracy 3 (democratic socialist/social democrat but still pretty good)
16) Dwarf Fortress
17) Men of War, Company of Heroes 2 (borderline slanderous, just use footage from someone else) (combine into one entry?)
18) Everlasting Summer
19) Neocolonialism DONE
(Joke somewhere) Papers Please (anti comm of course but honourable mention, work it into a joke)
(20) Adventure Communist (Joke mention I guess) DONE
Balance of Power? (Play and see), The Cold War Era DONE
Gesta Final (Nowhere on the internet, mention anyway), Guerrilla War (NES game play as Castro) (combine entry?)
Death to Spies (try and see)
Mercenaries 2 and Just Cause 2 (maybe)
KGB – Conspiracy (play it and see)
Oddworld (try it and see)
Ladykiller in a Bind (try it and see)
Alpha Centauri (Free Drones)
Rocketbirds (Music especially)
Republic the Revolution
Mother Russia Bleeds
Night In The Woods

Anti-capitalist/imperialist games:

GTA series
Bioshock 1, 2, Infinite
Syndicate Wars (or just cyberpunk in general)
Spec Ops: The Line
FF Tactics
Dead Rising 1 + 2 (1 DONE)
Mother 3
Star Wars Republic Commando (?) Play and see
No Pineapple Left Behind
Thief Series (Play and see)
Ace Combat Zero (Pixy esp end fight)
Gods Will Be Watching
Getting Up Under Pressure
Watchdogs (meh)
Resident Evil (Umbrella + Simmons “You’re playing with the people who really run this country”)
Big Pharma
Stardew Valley
Dead Space
Jet Set Radio Future (try it)
Civilisation 1 (anti-capitalist?)
Reccetear: "Yo, I have a suggestion for another game that might interest you.
Recettear is a japanese game about a young girl taking over a store to pay off her debts. While innocent in appearance, they game makes some points about financial realities, like a big bank demanding ridiculous payments to take away your house, going so far as to throw a kid into the streets if you get a game over. You also experience some fun merchant stuff like exploiting your workers by sending them into dungeons and giving them much less money than the items they collect for you are worth, charging at least 15, often 40% more than any product is worth and accumulating capital for the sheer sake of it in Endless Mode."
Ratchet and Clank 1?
Metal Slug "i mean
it ain't no marxist
but you literally shoot and blow up fucking nazis"
Bushgame (lets play?)
Persona 5
Alien Isolation (evil corporations)
Kentucky Route Zero (humanity versus faceless corporate buerocracy in a decaying old coal state with a Twin Peaks vibe)

Not Sure:
Wargame Syria (got torrent)

Reactionary Games:

Conflict: Middle East Simulator
Homeland Security Game (name?)
America’s Army
Call of Duty Black Ops (and others?)
Freedom Fighters
Conflict: Global Terror
America's 10 Most Wanted
Left Behind: Eternal Forces (got torrent)

Sweet. I've been thinking of buying Spec Ops: The Line since I've heard it's a hidden gem with an actual anti-imperialist message. Night in The Woods also got me thinking with its all too uncommon class conscious messages

You know what, maybe I'll write a small essay or script for a video for one of these games, haven't got access to vidya for about two weeks but some time after that.

Sounds good! I love Spec Ops, haven't played NITW yet but I've heard some pretty good things about it, best of luck my man. Let me know if I can help.

Will do! I'll message your channel in that case

Might be better to message on Twitter, YT's message system is abysmal, but otherwise sweet.

Ok gotcha, found your twitter

Maybe it's just having interacted with it for so long but I'm pretty fed up with the gaming industry as a whole. Maybe because it's a fairly new concept in the grand scheme of things or just the kind of people it attracts but it's just not quite as mature as the other "art" forms. It's basically just consumerism turned up to 11 and in my opinion the product that it produces can often reflect that. In my personal opinion anyway even the games that people praise for having "an amazing story" are often a bit dumbed down and a lot of the time when a game tries to do something a bit more abstract or different it's dismissed as pretentious. I'm probably a bit out of touch though as I haven't been following it as closely in recent years.

I fuckin loved these games as a kid. I was to dumb to actually get past the first few levels but I played the first few over and over.

i agree with that happening to AAA. with all the millions involved making a "product".
indies have their own cliques, bad in its own way, but its the place you will get "innovation" from.

Yeah I mostly only follow indie games nowadays because they're at least trying to do something interesting and generally has a bit of a nicer community. I'm probably just extra jaded after watching some of the e3 shit and just seeing the excess amount of shilling, rehashes and general commercialism. They basically stopped in the middle of the Microsoft one to do an advert for Porsche.

TBH most companies seem more interested in designing platforms to sell dimwit normies hats and shit than making games. Even Zelda has dlc now.


Uh really liked the Dead Rising analysis. Great work.

Ever thought of collaborating with Hbomberguy?

Yeah… really the only high profile dev team I follow these days is CD Project Red, with a soft spot for Paradox

I pray that if I ever become this brain damaged someone will put me down.

Leave politics out of videogames

everything is politics my friend

I can't help but see N8 every time I look at this pic.

Doesn't mean everything should be politics.

shit, you're right

lol my AV is n8. I might change it eventually but for now it's his new home since /furry/ died.

Thanks a lot!

I haven't really seen his videos to be honest, but I don't think he would be interested seeing as how his vids have 100x more views than mine. Still, you never know, I'll watch his vids for now.

One thing we should do is try to be funny. Just not in the ironic way everyone else is doing.

Well, I try to make jokes when I can, but yeah I agree the yawning chasm of post ironic meaninglessness on the internet right now is an issue

lol mad

Gulag jokes, should be used as a self deprecating style of humor, rather than an ironic one.

Ahaha. Wow what satisfyingly deep answer. Damn you really got me with that compeltely unexpected accusation of homosexuality and psychoactive substances.

Are you going to accuse me to be a libtard now?

Because young white men tend to be reactionary.

nah fam i just know that you're a lifestylist who thinks things like homorights, black superheroes and stronk womyn are the natural course of reality and aren't pushed by extremely powerful WASP-Jewish billionaires. Did you know the entire Women's Lib movement from the 2nd wave on was funded by the Rockefellers? Did you know that the FBI completely infiltrated the Panthers, Student Movements, American communist party and the entire LSD movement? Did you know that the largest suppliers of LSD were invariably connected to the CIA? Did you know that the biggest weed dealers in america wefe invariably Jews or connected to State Law Enforcement?

No, FC2 was a decent game for it's time and pretty challenging to boot.

like clockwork

The thing about Dwarf Fortress is that it really isn't that autistic, it's just that ebin gaymers nowadays need a super simple UI or they fucking drown.

Honestly Overwatch would be much less interesting if it was just 24 different white males to choose from.


Do you mean, "the ruling class"?

Calm down with that red pill fedora shit, son.

Killing the Jews does nothing because you have done nothing to change the structure of society. Once Jews are gone then it will be the Christians, the Muslims, or whatever boogeyman you want. Either way it doesn't matter because you're not looking at the material structure of society– perhaps researching the "fake science economics" would do you some good?

There's a reason people on imageboards told retards to "go back to Holla Forums" since ever, until Holla Forums took their place as the worst board.

No i mean the Jewish elite section of the committee of the ethnic cabals that run the world. The Jews, the WASP's, the Germanics, The Franco elite, the Han elite and the Arab elite. These are the only groups of people who matter. No one else matters at all. If you are not a member of one of those cabals of people you're a cattle-slave

yes i am aware that genociding germans, WASP's, jews and han chinese while ideal would not in reality work very well.
When I say Jews I mean Semites, the race of Man called the Jews; I don't mean some silly set of beliefs you subscribe to. I mean the genetics, motivations, history, customs and survival strategies of distinct historical genetic populations of "humans". Christians are controlled either by Judeo-Protestant Capitalism OR by Papist, Pan-European """""Western"""" crypto-Humanism. Papists and Judeo-Protestants are absolute scum and I already dislike them as much as I dislike Jews and WASP Anglicans.
Islam is a weird Moon Cult kickstarted by the Knights Templar and spread by Arab Freemasons, everyone who practices it is marked for damnation in the after-life. If you pray to Allah you will burn in Hell forever.
You aren't either, you don't pay attention to physics or biology, Marxism has nothing to do with science, its not scientific and has no relationship with science. You replace spirit, ghosts, miracles and will with all kinds of insane ideas like "relationships with production" and "class relations" and "class struggle" which are idealist conceptions that don't have any observable reality when empirical analysis takes place. The fact is that Jews are a distinct genetic lineage and their behavior is documented going back thousands of years. Germans are a distinct linguistic, genetic lineage and I can document their snownigger behavior going back to the break from the Indo-Europeans in Ukraine and Pakistan.

if its not a life science or natural science it is not real and thus is fake knowledge. Things that are not real knowledge that are worth reading:

Religious scriptures (for aesthetic and spiritual training)

Artworks and Literature (for aesthetic and spiritual training)

Poetry (for rhythm and seeing human self expression)

Music (for relaxation and mathematical thinking)

Sex (for connecting with the opposite sex and reflecting on the purpose and value of the organic body)

That's it. There is no reason to study the social sciences. They are garbage. Psychology is garbage, sociology is garbage, economics is garbage, history is garbage. Economics is the worst offender as no one takes the others seriously, but they do genuinely take economics seriously. There is no market, there are people who are owner class and there are people who are ruling class. Owner class are intelligent, clever, good at managing things and are extremely manipulative and ruthless; ruling class are powerful, strong, brave, terrifying, willing to use extreme measures to maintain power. That's it. There's nothing else to know.


I guess abstract concepts are just feelz to autists.

No one said that but you darling. Try to read more carefully I keep my posts medium length so that they are comprehensive but easy to go-back-over. Where do I say that I love 'x' ethnic group? I just said: Jews, WASP's, Germanics, Franco and Han elite are the only people who matter and they are the biggest problem specifically Jews and WASP's who have a knack for being as evil and self-destructive as possible at all times. Who just suspended elections and declared a state of emergency for an attack that was known about in advance? WASP's. And who was it that wants to continue expanding dangerous financial programs that could cause another collapse and has the president's ear and is a close advisor of his? Schwarzman a fucking Jew. Stop being a stupid fag

Abstract concept is an ill defined term. If you mean a mathematical object then of course that's of value, tho it is merely a construction of the human mind-brain. If you mean love or social justice or truth or god then of course not, these things have no truth value they're nonsense propositions that mean nothing. They literally have no meaning, only the natural sciences have meaning. If it has no causal connection with the rest of the world then its just a pointless abstraction. If it has a causal connection or can be used to make reliable predictions according to a model that is explainable and testable then it is worth my time. Nothing to do with Marxist economics is worth my time, outside of the idea of the periphery-core and a few things like Capitalism running out of profit making ability due to excess production and the cheapening of production costs there is nothing that that fool has to offer me. You guys attached to basic bitch thinking because it HAPPENED to be correct about some things. You're fucking plebs there is nothing else to it. If you were intelligent you would let go of Marx and the idea that we're all equal, because we simply are not.

No one said that, you fucking retard.

lmao, this is what happens when kids start getting into politics and start thinking they're profound and shit.

like pottery, you have to reduce me to a stereotype because you can't understand that there are people on the "Left" who genuinely don't agree with the majority opinion. You don't even care that I keep repeatedly mentioning that WASP's are a huge part of the problem nor that I've state I don't want genocide. All that matters is that I mentioned Jews as a group are specifically responsible for the power structure we have now. That's what pisses you off; sad pathetic and stupid is what you are.


I don't even know what to say. If you're not joking, you may be the stupidest person I've ever encountered online.

How do you even conclude Jews, WASPs, etc. are the problem if you don't read history?

Friendly reminder to sage.

but they're not tho.

Jews are overrepresented among the super rich, that doesn't mean 'as a group they're responsible'.