I understand you are leftists. What is your opinion on George Lincoln Rockwell...

I understand you are leftists. What is your opinion on George Lincoln Rockwell? He provided a lot of good arguments against communism, is all I'm saying.


Really like what?

sage for Holla Forums

Top tier arguments from the greatest thinker of the 20th century.

I listened to a few of his speeches a few years ago but none of it ever stuck. I was still much more liberal orientated back then, though. Maybe I'd have more to say if I listened to him again nowadays. But I really don't give a shit tbh. Nigger was spooked af, although I do respect him for having the balls to actually confront the fascist ideology and even adopting it for himself…

gay but i like this

Nigga, he was the one who motivated WLP. Even if they disagreed about the LARPing as nazis thing.

Seems about right.

lol, like what?

No they aren't they are mostly regular white dudes. And even if they were who gives a shit

Communism is jewish to the core. This is historical fact.
You, obviously, or you would not bother to try and play off like these communist jews are white.

lol I love how many leftists are all "wtf I love and defend the rich now…" once you point out how many of them are jews.

Jews are 0.18% of the population, yet 45% of the top 20 richest persons in the world.

i too love fictional events

Like communism ever not being a massive failure?


made me ponder

So if the top 1% were just white christian guys you would be ok with them fucking you in the ass right?
Read this you fucking corruption apologist: People like are cancer, you are corrupted to the core and you will go to the gulag alongside your jew friends from the 1%. maybe you will become friends there, because you're bnoth useless cunts and corruption apologists

If you mean capitalist in the true sense of the term, that is, "earning" money by simply having large capital and playing in stock markets, then you'd be wrong. Most of them are jews, as a matter of fact.


no, all those who own private property and do not relinquish it peacefully get the bullet.

substantiate your claims

Why should they, exactly? If its property that they owned and their parents owned and passed it down to them, generations of blood toil and sweat, why exactly do you think you have the moral right to shoot them for it?

Go look at the list of richest people/families, then go google their family origins. It is always funny that the far right and the far left is essentially fighting the exact same people, except the right wingers call them jews and the lefties call them the 1% or the capitalist or the bourgeoisie.

every time

The right to steal, coerce and murder under the euphemistic terms profit, employment and property. Labour is the source of all production and to it will go its fruits once it takes hold of the reins of history.

Actually the right always focuses on killing poor jews while being unmatched corporate cocksuckers. The right are always the shock-troopers of capital.
They just use leftist rhetoric while serving your capitalist backers.

Lets get one thing straight. The modern system of capitalism is garbage and I'd have it scrapped. I'm not here to argue for it.


Don't assume that all private property was acquired through stealing it from someone else. There is such a thing as wealth creation. The ideal system is productive enterprise, not "capitalism" which in practice sees money as an end in itself and not as a means to improve the nation as a whole.

The act of acquiring it generally entails depriving someone else of it.

Consider a factory: Few build their own factories, and they certainly don't build the land on which the factory stands. By declaring that only those who sign a contract can go into the factory and make use of the facilities within, they deprive the wider community of the factory and the land. (You can't walk into a factory with your own raw materials, use the machines, fix up the wear-and-tear that arises from your use, then leave. You can only sign a contract to make goods for the factory-owner in exchange for a wage.)

If they put up the money to build the building, they put up the money to build/buy the machinery, they pay the wages to those that did not have the money to build the factory themselves to go and work there. The end result is product getting produced.

Obviously you can't walk in there with your own materials and just use their stuff. They had to front massive amounts of money to have that machinery in the first place. If they let random dumbfucks in to just use their machines, those machines are liable to break because Joe Dumbfuck from the street might not have any training or know how to properly use/maintain the machines. Even if he did have this knowledge, there is essentially no incentive for him to do so because he invested nothing in it; it doesn't belong to him.

Your argument is basically if I build a house in the woods, random woods dwellers are entitled to enter and occupy it because it takes up physical space that they otherwise could have used by them. That's bullshit, because you pretend that my initial investment is worth nothing and people who have not put anything in have just as much right as I to use it.

The building was built with raw resources extracted by other workers and assembled by workers, while profits were extracted by mining and construction companies.

Houses are personal property not private property. Nice little slight of hand with moving from "factory constructed by a team of wage-labourers" to "A house I built myself far from society"

fucken lmao i'm not even a socialist i'm a socdem i'm just having fun

Way to split hairs
Literally the only way to have a large scale project built. Sorry, but people don't work for free. If Mr Evil Moneybags wasn't paying them a satisfactory wage, they wouldn't have built the factory for him.

Let me break it down a bit more.

The reason you can't waltz into someone else's operation and bring your raw materials to manufacture product is because every minute you would spend there working for yourself is a minute rich guy's machinery is NOT being used to make product for him to sell. Since the machinery belongs to him (by right of purchase), he has every right to monopolize it and have it working for his interests.

nigger just read steve keen it's not even about this boring crap lmao

Heres the bottom line
Capitalism has been conflated with productive enterprise and its a damned tragedy.

Nigger just read Lincoln Rockwell its not that hard lmao


For what its worth

Leave my political views out for just a moment and consider the idea. Rockwell outlines exactly why communism is a fundamentally jewish idea, and why the modern understanding of capitalism is also a jewish idea. If lefties truly wish to overthrow the system, they absolutely need to educate themselves on what people have shaped the world into much of the mess that it is in today.

Nice fiction, fag. In reality most of the 1% are JEWS, atheist JEWS and White left-leaning liberal atheists (who are traitors and deserve the rope even more than the jews).

They just use leftist rhetoric while serving your capitalist backers.

I'll make it simple for you:

( ( ( CAPITALISTS ) ) ) regardless of race = ROPE
Middle JEWS = ROPE
Jew-loving whites aka TRAITORS = OVEN
Everyone else = Ok

He said communism is gay.

You may be trolling but I like to point out that original communists were very homophobic by today's standards. They wrote off homosexuality as bourgeoisie extravagance. Homosexuals have only been classified as an "oppressed class" by the marxists very recently, and only for political gain.


Hell, even "le based Yugoslavian moderates XDDD" criminalized it too, lel.

Are you trying to imply that marxism hasn't been a definitive political force in this century?

i'm laughing at your phraseology.

Literally not an argument.

Marxists follow and propogate the idelology of Karl Marx.

Oh look, its another episode of leftist starts out with somewhat entertaining dialectic and devolves into basic bitch shitposting.

Did I ever pretend it was?

"the" was the part that put me in stitches.
(Although isn't it funny how a tumblrite who's never read marx talking about blacks and gay marriage is automatically a "marxist" just for having a red-flag twitter profile?)

i was shitposting from the beginning.

well except the bit about the picture that i liked


not an argument

Neither is anything you provided. Have a pepe, seems you are awful short on good ones :^)




damn this one didnt even pretend to not be a shill for the capitalists.