NEETs are not my comrades. They leach of the hard work, fortitude and dedication of the working class...

NEETs are not my comrades. They leach of the hard work, fortitude and dedication of the working class. They are parasites through and through and are no different than the capitalists. In a socialist society these people will be forced into mandatory state funded job programs and if they refuse they would be sent to gulags or at the extreme.. executed.

If you are a NEET, you are a disgrace to the socialist cause and are removed from it as you are not part of the working class. Instead of helping improve the conditions of your fellow workers you leach from us.

neets are lumpenprole

you die if you work

i work minimum wage now and i miss being a neet

I don't care. They are useless to our movement and drag us down. They don't help. They don't contribute. They can fuck off.

Also NEETs tend to end up devolving into Nazis/white nationalists anyway. Just look at Holla Forums - majority of them are NEETs.

hi Holla Forums

The working class just leeches off the hard work of CEOs tho

t. Super duper ultra mega classcuck

How am I Holla Forums? Most of Holla Forums are NEETs you moron.

We can tell, easily, that this is a b8 thread to drive unemployed youth to the far right. This isn't the first time Holla Forums has done something like this.

Better get back to making money for Mr. Porkinson, butthurt wagie. That yacht isn't going to buy itself.

Stopped reading right there

Homosexuals, jews, the homeless, and political dissenters have all been known to be gulaged by comunist regimes in the past, so why bring up NEETS now? Wouldn't they be covered under the same "unproductive traitor of the party" umbrella policy as drifters and such?

This honestly. It's long been established that communism will sinply do away with undesirables. Some kind of liberalism is literally the only option for those who would otherwise be gulaged or gassed.

Why not just don't give them food?

Forgot my flag.

How many people in prisons around the world at this moment thanks to liberalism/capitalism? Really gets the ticker going.

What is this moronic argument OP? If someone refuses to take a meaningless job is now an enemy?

Now I really wonder why they end up so far right, really can't think of any reason at all.

Doesn't matter, their ideology fetishizes hard work and productivity, and thus doing so is reactionary.

that's why they're so good though

Some might say that NEETs contribute to society in other valuable ways like engaging in internet discussion, making memes and such.

That's right. Be another cog in the capitalistic machinery. Us NEETs are fighting the real struggle by taking power away from oinkers.

join us NEETs and lets shitpost till RaHoWa

Yes, good worker, it's the poor damaged people who leech off your work, not your company's shareholders.
We've got to force everyone to work their asses off so that your rulers… I mean the society can benefit.

Excuse me, but I thought this was an episode where we all say something stereotypical of our ideologies in the name of 3rd degree sarcasm and self awareness, was I mistaken? Or is this the episode where we all just going to blindly jump on the bait and let it take us in circles where we fling greentexts and mini-essays st each other but never have an actual dialog? Damn, I hate reruns.

I don't even know anymore. At least I mistook you for being sincere instead of mistaking you for a liar. It's really hard to identify sarcasm on the internet sometimes.

Its cool, I hate baitthreads in general, so I use them to have fun. I kind of got used to them after spending time on /liberty/ that I kind of just filter them out now unless im in the mood for blind pointless fun

Pic to bait newfriends who don t read posts before raging

of course humanists caring about the spook of decency would like us to contribute to society and human progress instead of just eating at their expense

Ah yes of course, remember that last time when some broke, depressed NEET living in his mom's basement made millions by exploiting surplus labor thanks to private property?

you'd still want us to contribute to your non-parasitical society according to our abilities

Your masters did a good brainwash on you.

Oh look, it's this faggot again. The same faggot who seems to think this is still 1980 and keeps posting on this board spreading this same work-fetishism shit on every work/automation post. The faggot that then runs off to /marx/ to whine when Leftypol rightly kicks his ass into next thursday for this short-sighted bullshit. Honestly, you could replace every instance of "NEET" with "Welfare Queen" in your post(s) and it wouldn't look out of place on Holla Forums or The_Donald or /Liberty/ or some other Right-wing shithole, because it's the exact same arguement with some sickles and hammers doodled onto it.

Tell me, do you know why NEETs exist in the first place, or in such numbers nowadays?
No, you don't get to use 'TEH LAZEE' as an answer. That's creatard-level handwaving, an excuse used to avoid having to do any research or analysis (which is, ironically enough, lazy on your part). Laziness is part of being a NEET, sure, but it's not the primary reason why NEETs exist. In fact, I'd have to argue that they're lazy because they've become NEETs for too long, not the other way around.

NEETs exist due to a mix of several reasons: Lack of available jobs due to automation and other reasons, increasing uselessness of human labor in the workplace, increased alienation of the worker in the work place, lack of fulfillment in the workplace, increased debt of education and decreased rewards of such.

TL;DR: Capitalist workplaces becomes such a hell for non-STEMlords that they try to find a way around the system of labor rather than participate in it. They don't run to take jobs because there aren't any. And because they know the ones that exist are complete bullshit that only exist to fill porky's pocket, and even that's questionable. They don't participate in education because, well, let's be frank: education these days amounts to one of two things:
A. A big daycare for people under 18 where they're pumped full of propaganda and facts none of them will ever use again.
B. A giant debt factory where the classes they'd like to learn about are completely useless in today's society, and the only "profitable" classes revolve around finance or business. And even then they usually end up just competing with highschool dropouts for service jobs anyway.
Same goes for training (which is a little redundant to put in the acronym since it's more or less the same thing as education only without the college formality..)
No you aren't. As a worker in this late stage of capitalism, you are a speck. You aren't contributing jack shit to anyone's well being other than the capitalist's, and even if you are, that 'contribution' is so infinitesimally small you might as well not even exist. At best you are an easily replaceable cog in a machine with hundreds of thousands of other cogs ready to replace you on a moment's notice. At worst, you are an easily replaceable cog in a machine with hundreds of thousands of other cogs ready to replace you on a moment's notice in a part of the machine that isn't even necessary to begin with or will be replaced with a software program in the not-so-distant future.

NEETs know the whole 'contribute to society' shit is mere hyperbole, at least in today's capitalist system. Maybe in socialism work will be a bit more meaningful (or at least better distributed. In today's capitalist society we run into the contradiction of NEETs and unemployed people existing while people who are employed are forced to work 50+ hours a week, and a lot of times multiple jobs) But if this society is more focused on creating bullshit jobs to stick people in for the sake of fetishistic work rather than increasing efficiency, even that will just wind up with the same exact problem. We're getting to the point to where productive efficiency is outpacing the capitalist's ability to replace jobs with "meaningful" work. Granted, the number of jobs available has always been less than the people needing to take them, but nowadays it's simply more obvious.
NEETs exist because the whole "you have to work hard or else you're a scumbag (the same narrative OP peddles around) is breaking down, not simply because they're lazy, but because they know they're not useful to society in any meaningful way. (And no, sitting in a cubical and writing reports that no one will ever read is not "useful" to society.")

You're not helping.

TL;DR: read more books on the subject, faggot. This isn't the 1980s anymore.

Have fun being irrelevant, then.