How can you call yourselves Anarchists (supposedly therefore in favour of maximum individual liberty)...

How can you call yourselves Anarchists (supposedly therefore in favour of maximum individual liberty), yet also support the violence ANTIFA commits?

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Violence is good, pussy. And it does not conflict with liberty. What's stopping you from being violent too?


Nobody likes antifa here. (Okay, not nobody, but you got retards everywhere) Their violence is all but compleatly inconsequential, and the faggots who whine about them are as insufferable as them.

I should absolutely have the liberty to inflict violence on people I don't like.

I fucking hate anarchism, but those stupid strawman images always piss me off so much. As if anarchists support the EU or go to speeches by their local MPs. Also considering like 95% of the population is working class there are obviously going to be working class fascists.

I have never met an anarchist that supports or likes the EU.

tfw no antifa gf to NazBone

Because Holla Forumstards and the normie scum that they run with deserve to be beaten


If you ""work"" in a fucking office you're not working class.
White collar gets the bullet too.

True freedom is the lack of restrictions. The ability for me to hit people gives me more freedom than the inability to hit people. Therefore to maximize my freedom I must rid myself of this arbitrary fixed idea of "rights", which limits me. All forms of government exist to restrict my will, therefore I must rid myself of them to emanicpate myself.

But if you want the non-meme answer: most of us don't support antifa, your strawman images are retarded, and once again you inbreds got the ancom/ansyn flag direction wrong. Now fuck off back to >>>Holla Forums you degenerate slave moralist.

Because violence kicks ass.

You got your flag wrong an-prim.

would u kill a peasant who uses glasses

Anarchists aren't against violence per se. They're against institutionalized violence. Also, you've probably never seen an actual one. Most are dead now. They died out after 1937.

The revolution will be achieved peacefully and with no violence whatsoever.

Because we don't.

Anarchists are against coercion not specifically violence which is a subset, it has nothing to do there being institutions or not.

You have to go back


I've only just noticed this, but how the fuck has that guy lost his pants?

Capitalism is one giant violation of NAP and we mean to stop it

fun fact, this painting was based on similar painting of a female pirate and pirates lived in proto anarchist collectivist societies

hey Holla Forums, several months ago called..

Just because immigration is your number one priority doesn't mean it's ours, and we're anti EU which is why we support euroskeptic lefty candidates like Melenchon and Corbyn. Now either lurk more or go find some more SJW teens on tumblr to make yourself feel batter

mind sharing the original painting

Hi pol

Antifa to just seem like it is made of of violent tankies, violent liberals, and and maybe some misinformed anarchists. They feel like just killing everyone who opposed them makes it okay.

Please be joking.

I don't. Antifa today is a joke. It was wrong to punch Richard Spencer and deplatforming is petty.

If i'm supposed to have maximum individual liberty then why should that stop where another person starts?

Because that's another individual you ingrate.

I'm in bed now, the book with it in is in the living room, ill post it in the morn

"anarcho"-capitalists are not anarchists

Do you watch the sidewalk so that you don't step on an individual ant when going somewhere?

I'm not a cruel man, I wouldn't inflict violence on someone who didn't deserve it, and I wouldn't inflict excessive force if the situation didn't call for it. But sometimes you just gotta knock some skulls.

Yes I know. Capitalism is coercive.

Humans aren't ants, and in general I don't like killing non-harmful lifeforms.

Humans aren't ants but that doesn't make humans sacred by any stretch. If a human interferes with my self-interest then I should cut him down just as I would an ant.

I don't really support antifa's violence because it is mostly totally ineffective and needlessly harmful. Violence can be useful, but only as a last resort. The people antifa are attacking are usually quick to resort to violence themselves though, so I only have the base level of sympathy I reserve for all humans. It's a sad situation all round.

Yours is the rational solution under game theory. Non-violence is the super-rational solution. Natural selection will favor species which ultimately opt for the super-rational solution.

What are you talking about?

Species where everyone chooses to fuck other people over for their own gain will not advance as quickly as ones which opt for more cooperative, peaceful approaches. At worst the violent species will destroy themselves when they develop nuclear weapons.

The universe will be dominated by species who could see past their differences.
Just looked up what you're talking about. I don't think it's fair to assume other humans are super-rational players given what I've experienced.
It's probably smarter to defect under capitalism.

Yeah, you're right when considering short timescales of a few decades or centuries. The logical thing to do if you want to "defect" is to become porky though, and I don't see many people here advocating that.

It's actually because of porky that we can't cooperate. There is a player who we know will always defect and it makes the smarter decision to defect as well, lest we let him win. Elliminate porky then we can cooperate.


Porky is not fundamentally different from other humans. There is not "porky nature" and "proletarian nature".

Not in those words no, but there are individuals who will always defect. In biology we call them cheaters.
Part of the responsibility of a species in order to survive is to elliminate cheaters from the gene pool. In sort of a sick twisted way these cheaters can actually unify a species and be ultimately beneficial by sharing a common enemy.

You're confusing a crude evolutionary model with real humans. You can't categorize people into "cheaters" and "non-cheaters" any more than Holla Forums can categorize them into "high IQ" and "low IQ".

What do you consider psychopaths/sociopaths to be exactly? Or do they just not exist?

They are many, many orders of magnitude more complex than a single label.
Seriously, this is just as stupid as Holla Forums trying to talk about how everything can be reduced to race.

How can you even call yourself a leftist without understanding that people are shaped by their material conditions and that capitalism is ultimately a systematic problem - not a personal one.

Your brain is material as well and not everyone has the exact same brain. Trying to reduce the entire human species to just "human" is also like pretending different races mean something. You're pretending that humans have somehow escaped evolution and now we don't have people born with different neuroses. That's simply not true and making generalizations about them and that they're only affected by external conditions is ignoring a whole dimension of what shapes individuals. Capitalism is a systematic problem but that doesn't mean sociopaths/cheaters/defecters won't ever exist under socialism. We need to address them instead of pretending they don't exist.

I actually agree with that more nuanced take on it, but just saying "porkies are cheaters - we need to kill them all" is beyond stupid. The number of problems that can be solved by killing large numbers of people is much, much less than what most humans would like to believe. You need to design your systems such that it doesn't matter if people like that exist, because they are going to keep being born even if you kill them all.

Yeah I can see how I'm at fault here for the previous posts sorry about that. I still don't know how to actually deal with them in socialism though. Killing them really does sound the most humane to me personally. I mean their whole thought pattern is to fuck everyone else and take all that they can. I don't know of any treatment for that. Locking them up in confinement or forced labor feels pretty cruel.


Hey so it was actually the illustration of a book (one of the first proper histories of pirates) not a painting but here it is

As an Eurofag Ancom I support a united Europe (and world for that matter), but not the neoliberal shithole known as the EU.