Greek extremists go abroad for training in revolution

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As well as the Greeks in IPRGF there's another Greek division in IFB called RUIS. I gather Greeks are some of the most numerous volunteers in Rojava.

Its time to kill fash

Top lads.


If it wasn't for ISIS trying to infiltrate the west, I think Holla Forums would support them 100%.

What's the name of a horseshoe if it has three prongs?

A… Spork? Oh no.

"the lambda of stupid"

There's no need for any horseshoe theory — Islamists and Nazis are both right-wing from the start.

disillusioned petty-booj yoof recruited to be future NATO mercs - which make the ViceVerso dilettante clerks swoon

One can dream. The article is spooked as fuck though:

Because cutting spending so much that people are starting to starve isn't violence? Pffff. The Greek state is going to be toppled at the current rate, might as well ensure that the Left gains the upper hand in the ensuing mess.

Then you don't understand Holla Forums.
The point is to promote feminism, homosexuality and other damaging behaviour among the muslims.
ISIS kills a lot of muslims to be sure but it doesn't really matter as long as every muslim woman spawns 5 new jihadists.

17N is over.
Newfags aren't as good.


Looks like good news to me.

Would other Euro countries politics look like Greece if the economy looked like Greece's or is there other factors which led to the strength of the left there?

Greece has had a pretty strong left historically. There's a reason they had to be targeted with a coup while the rest of the European left was quietly suppressed by the CIA.

The South of Europa has traditionaly had a strong left, and a strong fascist oppression.

KKE was illegal for most of the 20th century and that's exactly why it was so popular.

Meanwhile, the north was always "ye, SocDem and exports. Here, Kraut, take a package and go to Greece for a week to relax…"

frig off

The left is rising all around the eastern mediterranean. In Lebanon the Communist Party of Lebanon is gaining popularity. In Syria Rojava is becoming stronger as well as Assad forming a coalition government with the Communist Party of Syria. In Cyprus the Communist Party has control of a third of parliament. And in Greece Anarchists are gaining popularity. Let’s hope this goes well.

All thanks to leftypol tbqh

all me


wow I'm surprised.

Are GD sending anyone?


Very underappreciated post, a delicate mix of Greaves and Red Kahina. Bravo.

friendly reminder that men are counter revolutionary