Hi, I used to be very far right, and have only moved to the far left after reading Conquest of Bread a few months ago

Hi, I used to be very far right, and have only moved to the far left after reading Conquest of Bread a few months ago.

The problem is I come from a very wealthy family. Not famous, but we're very well off. How can I ethically consume without exploiting the working class?

I'm very willing and able to give up wealth I've gained from my parents, but I've still been given the Education and living standards I have through the class I was born into.

Sorry if this sounds culty, but what should I do to make up for this? I don't want to claim I'm a socialist whilst living like I do.

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No such thing.


Oh boy, do I have some bad news for you. You're coming at this from the wrong angle, you can't "redeem" yourself by giving your stuff away and "making up" for something you had no control over.
Just don't be a fag, man.

If this is genuine ya gotta understand there's no ethical consumption under capitalism

However this doesn't mean you can't be a class traitor of course


Just turn your businesses into coops and keep your wealth
When the revolution comes join us that's all

Who cares?

Socialism isn’t about guilt or redemption. Just don’t do to much consumption after you leave your parents and get an education.

*unethical consumption You can keep your wealth if you want, just turn an business you inherent into a cooperative.

you need to donate all your money to the bill and melinda gates foundation

if you're on some "making amends" kick then stop, there's no point in tearing yourself apart because of a system that's vastly bigger than you

right now there is no way to ethically consume but that's just the way it is, capitalism is bigger and stronger than you are

that doesn't mean you should just lay down and surrender, you can join dsa or whatever, my point is more like - don't beat yourself up over things you can't control

Out of curiosity is there anything that you think you could use through your access to education that could possibly help revolution such as I don't know pulling a Karl Marx and getting an education in philosophy and making a large contribution to political theory?

Don’t charity only works on the local level.

Don’t self hate, no one likes that.

Good for you for recognizing injustice. Just do everything you can (this is like, an ethical extreme) to destroy capitalism.

First thing you need to realize is that your economic situation is entirely out of your control, at this point. The fact that you're part of the Bourg isn't something you can change unless you lose everything you have and become homeless. Stop with this "ethical consumption" shit, that isn't a thing and you wouldn't be changing shit even if it was. You should join Left-wing organizations and groups and become an activist for worker's rights. Don't self pity or hold yourself accountable for your status, that won't get you anywhere.

Getting an engineering degree and heading over to Rojava would be good. I heard they have an engineering shortage there. Or better yet teaching people in to be engineers in Rojava.

Are you any good at math and CS? Go Mr Robot, but instead of being a terrorist, make stuff to benefit the leftist movement. Start reading the Soviet Cybernetics thread.

charities don't work at all unless they are dedicated to building the means of production for others and teaching them how to use it (tho I think that one that builds houses for people is pretty neat)

I guess its some kind of research combine that accepts charitable donations that works too

Most large acherites are ether scams (clint foundation) have a negative effect or have little effect. This is why when giving money to charity do it on the local level.


Use it to help change. If you have too much wealth, mess around with the stock market.
If you have means of production, make working conditions better and promote unions.
AKA be a class traitor.

Being a socialist doesn't mean living in a pot, like Diogenes. It means acting towards a future without class and so on. Engels was bourgie and Koprotkin was a prince. It's the people that can afford to know that will lead those that can't. As long as they don't want to take over.

no even on the local level its completely meaningless. most of it goes to above the board costs and what gets spent on the people in need are almost entirely focused on the symptoms and not the underlying problems.

Why is there no ethical consumption under Capitalism? Isn't there a difference between buying from a local coop and supporting the workers' freedom there and between buying at Walmart and supporting them exploiting thousands under horrible conditions? Or between buying second-hand goods from the original buyer and buying from a company that uses sweatshop labor?

Obviously you're not going to tear down Capitalism with your consumer habits, but it does seem like your actions have a meaningful impact and not wanting to spend the extra money seems like a shitty reason when you can spare it.

Well stuff like bailing out people who are burdened with debt is good. Also proving housing to homeless. It won’t change underlining causes, but it’ll make people’s lives better.

Let’s be honest people only buy from walmart because it’s cheep.

No they don't.
"I'll not buy the new CoD and tell my friends not to, eventually noone will buy CoD!"
That's not how it works.

Even if you buy only from co-ops, those co-ops not only will be less competitive than megalomart, but they will also have to contribute to capitalism, eventually. Does that mean it's pointless to do it? Ofcourse not. What's pointless is to go out of your way to do it, thinking you did your "duty".

It's Zizek on Starbucks.

Nothing wrong with being born rich unless you are actively exploiting people with your riches. But if daddies got some cash start a co-op and convince your co-op work mates to do community help things

Well, theoretically there can be ethical consumption in capitalism. It would start with organic farming owned by the farmer himself or a coop and receive fair prices, the distributor also has to be a coop paying decent wages and so on and so on, all the way until the retailer. Needless to say, all those liveable wages in the production chain will jack up the price of the final product beyond all reason.

So nearly imposible.

lmfao at this welfare capitalism

Pretty much.

Remember that gommie sandwhich shop which closed last year, and every fucking liberal and reactionary in the world crawled out of their child rape dungeons to gloat about "communism failing yet again"? Not a single one of them realized that the real moral of the story is that that was clear proof that it's virtually impossible to have capitalism without exploitation.


you do know that the land the farmer is using was stolen from another people who were murdered and raped for it. those coops have just as much blood on their hands as hitler imo

Fuck Off

And since it's not universal practice, the free market will make it fail.

im right tho. anyone who does not have 100% native blood needs to be genocided out of north and south america

There is NO SUCH THING as ethical consumption under capitalism!

shame on you Holla Forums

Not possible. Under Capitalism there is no such a thing. I am not sure if this is a good article but it will have to be.


Dont do it. If you are doing it because you feel guilty or ashame about it, you are doing it all wrong. You have the opportunity to use your wealth/resources to help the revolution someday. As many mentioned before you can use that to help fund coops, or support lefty groups. As for charities, some of them have devolved into "corporate" managed charities (giving large compensations to their CEOs). If you can find a charitable organization that you can "trust", maybe you can donate a small portoin. But for the most part think of wealth as weapons, does it make any sense to disarm in the face of Capitalism? Instead use it to empower the working class, educate them, and hope, even if it is a small way, that it will add to the sum of something larger than oursevles.

Being rich does not automatically make you bourgie: remember that. BUT, think about the fact that you are using your muh privilege to destroy muh privilege: make your aim to have all mankind live at the same level as you. Engles was the son of a factory owner after all, Tony Benn that of a lord. It matters not where you came from or what changes you had but what you do with them.

And if you inherit your family's business: socialise it. Make it into a coop and be a part of the change you wish to see.

Because it lacks nuance and is disingenuous. Just because one wishes to abolish capitalism, it doesn't mean you should exacerbate the current situation.

If I can afford to consume what I need from relatively more ethical institutions such as cooperatives or even local manufacturers and producers instead of far flung sweatshops and indentured agricultural slaves. I would rather choose to minimise the harm and exploitation that I contribute, I am fully aware that my participation in capitalism will always exert some kind of exploitation, it seems it's you that is trying to justify your lackadaisical attitude to your presumably unfettered consumerism.

No don't give it to charity, a charity is not a means of production, if you use your wealth to start or fund an existing coop, you'll give people the means to support themselves into the future rather than prop up organisations that merely exist to absolve the wealthy of their obligations and guilt of their exploitation.

There's no need to feel any guilt over this. I mean you didn't choose to be born into wealth and it's pretty cool you've gotten the education you have. If anything you can use your money to support radical causes like the Rojava revolution, leftist orgs can always use money

Theres definitely something wrong with someone who goes from really far right to really far left overnight.

It sounds like you are just searching for an ideology to latch on to and somewhere to belong.

Really you should try to search for the truth.

OP, you should be like Kropotkin and Class Traitor it up. I wouldn't donate to charities, but maybe pick up some lefty books and donate them to a library. Becoming an engineer and going to Rojava to do engineer things also seems practical.

Financially supporting Rojava sounds really dangerous, legally speaking. AFAIK the US/EU haven't designated them as terrorists, but even without knowing the law, I'm pretty sure the feds will find a way to punish you for financially supporting middle-eastern militants which oppose the United States Government's imperialist ambitions.

OP just keep your money and get an education. Become a super rich bourgeois and then start a leftist think tank or fund a leftist group or something. Hell, if even one Marxist had the wealth level of Bill Gates, we could do so much more. I mean, your 'personalizing' the leftist critique of capitalism too much, the reason capitalism is bad isn't because capitalists are bad people, its because of the social antagonisms inherent in the system.

Thanks for falling to Porky's plots.

There's often two extreme and stupid views on pic related. Either abandon society, live off your own labour and no one else's, or if you wish, give in and become a consumer whore. The point is, that both of these lifestyles make you a useless turd, rather, accept that you have your own vices and desires, acquire what you will and attempt to make "ethical" consumption choices if it makes you happier (knowing it does fuck all at the end of the day), but make sure that neither OCD ethical consumption and hedonist consumer glutony both impede your ability to educate yourself and inspire others to learn about communism themselves.

The only lifestyle that prevents a person from being socialist is something that prevents them from furthering socialism, especially being a filthy bourg, ie, living off the labour of others whilst owning and commanding their means of production.

Did you really contemplate or did you just repeat what you read in the book in your head over time.
One is self debate and the other is self conditioning.