Anyone else here pro-imperialism and pro-colonisation?

Anyone else here pro-imperialism and pro-colonisation?

Communism will never be achieved if we respect backwards cultures, subsistence farming, ethic handicraft etc. just because they are 'valid'. Lest we forget Capitalism is still progressive and proletarianisation via. sweatshops, however distasteful that is, must occur. There is no room for the sentimentality of 'Wretched of the Earth' or 'Condition of the Working Class in England'. The Russian Revolution would have never occurred if not for Western European investment looking for higher profits.

Tankies are wrong for thinking small investment by the national bourgeoisie is 'better' than large investment by the global bourgeoisie. No Marxist should care about the DAPL being run through ancient burial grounds.


Other urls found in this thread:–Contra_affair

Mildly. I generally believe that good government trumps self government, although I was much more gung-ho about this when I was a liberal because social barbarity justified under the mask of culture was far more immediately distasteful than economic mismanagement. (Somewhat rightly so: The governments and people of those countries "control" their own attitudes, but their economies are constantly being fucked by the first world because reasons.)

Also if you're trying to justify neoliberalism with the sweatshops abroad and stuff, nah, fuck that. Colonialism should mean we invade and take over and then impose our own working conditions. Hold down wages if you want, but safety standards better stay up. Social democracy at the barrel of a gun. (unless they vote for non-socdem candidates, in which case social-directrule at the barrel of a gun.)

Get the fuck out and say sorry for Rosa. Hold down wages. Hold down fucking wages. GET OUT. GET THE FUCK OUT IM DEADLY SERIOUS

I mean, I'm promoting a path to outright imperialism for developmental purposes. Wages are already held down, that's the entire appeal of outsourcing. (Well, and shit safety/pollution standards.)
and in any case those wages would be significantly greater than both what they'd receive with no imperialism and what they'd receive in a neoliberal free market.

Fucking read

Fucking watch. Whole thing

meh…just another cunt talking with his belly filled with food nicely packaged and bought in the supermarket.

I mean, some of it appears perfectly legitimate but I'm not talking about imperialism as it stands - which is shit.

I'm talking (theoretically), Invading India and imposing all sorts of western social liberalisation while forcing up safety/pollution standards in industry and investing to bringing housing, sanitation, food provision and so on up to western standards at the barrel of a gun.

Pure fantasyland of course, but y'know it's an option in theory to force-forward investment with good intentions (relative to neoliberalism) while retaining some degree of exploitation (to, y'know, get capital involved.)

Obviously in reality India and China and so on have nuclear weapons so… Posadism?

>>>Holla Forums

Wrong board, sperg.

I fucking hate liberals so much.

don't say another word to me until you are done with that media list.–Contra_affair

Like I said, the idea was germinated as liberalism.
Although in the economic elements, I don't really see the problem with imposing economic advancement in a much more honest way than neoliberalism is presently doing. (Except the implicit global nuclear war, but whatever.)

lmao no you sperged like hell given an off the cuff development of an idea i had as a liberal teenager.

Socdems are the gift that keep on giving

Not unconditionally, but in theory I could be.

As we know nationalism is a spook. There's nothing wrong with violating spooky ideas like "national sovereignty" in order to advance the targeted territory.

Sometimes I wonder (and hope) post like this is just tankies or anarchist trolling to give socdems a bad name.

If you mean providing a variety of reliable sources as to the spread and effect of the single most heinous feature of human society sperging out, sure, sure I sperged out. I will continue to sperg out, until you understand quite what a dumb fucking thing you said.

Their cultures are backwards because of capitalism helping sustain that. They are poorer which causes them to be dumber and thus more religious and less likely to question how things are.

It is wrong altough murdering, exploiting and oppressing in the name of "progress".

It's more like a purposefully silly idea, I mean who the fuck is going to implement it?

In practice I advocate protectionism and westish isolationism. (With some degree of foreign aid or other token measures because really none of it matters because everything enjoyable is dead.)

You're talking about real life imperialism. Unless you've got a response to how we invade India without getting nuked, never reply to me or my son again. None of that soft power bullshit. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧I want the jack back🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

You realize imperialism is a specific economic phenomenon right? An internationalist socialist movement violating "national sovereignty" wouldn't be imperialist by definition.

only when you get shamefully btfo causing mass dissent and desertion

Guess Marx was a liberal then.

Asiatic society, and the laying of the material foundations of Western society in Asia.

I don't get it. He dislikes imperialism but recognises it's logical conclusion?

Development at the barrel of a gun is all well and good, but we both know that's not what happens. Colonialism typically never meant any kind of integration of the Other, only extraction. The Brits didn't significantly industrialize India and so on.

Beyond that, people don't like to be told what to do. Trying to develop people at gunpoint always ends with a great many dead people and very little development.

Everyone on here supports muslim imperialism.

i find your DAPL position flawed, if only due to the fact that 'supporting' DAPL in no way means that communism is any more likely to happen for us. And, conversely, supporting DAPL I don't see as bringing us closer to communism either. The whole 'indigenous' shit seems to be rooted in a kind of sentimental guilt for having eroded an entire people and just not knowing what to do to assuage the absolute resentment for the few that survived it all.

2/10 made me respond


yes unwarranted military assault on people who have the gal to subsist on crops they grow and dress in clothes they sew is really the way forward towards communism

this is what vulgar marxism does to your brain

Maybe you should put down the Proudhon and pick up Marx

Imperialism and colonization are not efforts to improve the lives of people in poor ass countries. They are economic systems that extract value from poor countries under the pretense of helping them. You are so spooked that you're swallowing whole the centuries-old ideology that enabled the first world to exploit the rest of the world. What you're looking for is not imperialism or colonialism but foreign aid in the form of building infrastructure and establishing distribution of goods to poor countries so they can enjoy the benefits of socialism. What you are looking for is the opposite of imperialism/colonization.


Western cultural imperialism is unironically a good thing and led directly to the Vietnamese and Chinese revolutions, Ba'athism, socialism in Africa, and other assorted things that were vastly superior to whatever backwards bullshit was there before. Actual imperialism is bad, but spreading ideas of democracy and left individualism is objectively a good thing.

I think is point is more that as a side-effect of the exploitation good things happen.

Oversimplified: Porky wants to exploit cheap labour abroad, so he builds factories there. Now there are factories abroad, natives can seize the means of production.

Foreign aid might let you build factories out of kindness (though handing them to self-exploiting worker co-ops or arbitrarily appointing some native porkies are both odd solutions to envision.) but given the cost and limited benefits (if you're not exploiting anyone) it would be pretty politically untenable.

if anything the rojava revolution will spread to Greece, and from there, the world (if at all)

I also think there is a lot of revolutionary potential among south/central American campesinoes, they are usually pretty well armed and get together in groups to be armed on the reg

Here here!

Amerikkka bad brown people good

communism will never be achieved period, and even if it were, it would be entirely unsustainable

Western civilization was a mistake. Seize and destroy the means of production.

You must destroy yourself to begin with.
