I thought you guys were joking when you talked about the "cult of the entrepreneur" surrounding people like Musk...

I thought you guys were joking when you talked about the "cult of the entrepreneur" surrounding people like Musk. Jesus fucking christ.

What am I even supposed to say against retards like this?

Other urls found in this thread:


for one, you don't greentext outside imageboards, you fucking reddit faggot.

You can't beat them. You have to just mock them relentlessly. Call Musk daddy and ask him to shit on your face

It's easier to believe that the world is just and that you're just a fuckup or the the world is injust and you're just oppressed (not in the Marxist sense) than to grapple with the complex relationship between personal agency and systemic disadvantage.

I die a little inside every time I see it tbh

Ask why Paris Hilton is so rich.

so why don't you want to be like Elon Musk Holla Forums ? Is it a lack of ambition? A lack of skill and determination? Jealousy? A combination perhaps?

Not good enough. They'll only say something like she's a rare example or claim in some ridiculous way she worked for it. It'd be simpler to explain how the elite like Musk are really just parasites.

Jesus christ.

you can't refute anything he said, capitalism is responsible for all modern progress and innovation

I hate casuals so god damn much

This is where you need to pressure them for an explanation of what they think capitalism even is. 100% chance it's a vague concept of economic freedom and has 0 content relating to the system through which production happens. When talking to people like this you need to step back and realize they're just playing a language game. They're not even beginning to look at how a system functions, they're just repeating stock phrases that they've learned through classical conditioning to mean "I win, this argument is over." It's impossible to get anywhere by speaking to them on this level, you have to push them into a logical/analytical mode.

Musk's dick-sucking is beyond critical levels on leddit. There's always some positive article about him on the front page. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are also frequent recipients of le blowjobs.

Read both these posts until you see who the real retard is.



This video basically fucks every argument such as muh entrepreneurs and muh deserved wealth up very well

I actually have morals.

Leftypol rarely jokes about the excesses of capitalism

Nah, you have tendencies. You can't have something that doesn't exist.

This kills the capitalist apologist.

What happens when this guy spends his entire life as an embarrassed billionaire? Surely he is capable of being at least a millionaire since he emulates Musk and with the power of the free marketâ„¢, anything is possible.


God forbid you would use a good example like a jew,




what the fuck

these people are fucking brainwashed, holy shit

People are retarded idiots. What else is new?

you aint seen shit yet