So things are about to radically change in my life and I am about to actually have enough money to make it to Syria to...

So things are about to radically change in my life and I am about to actually have enough money to make it to Syria to fight with the YPG. I just need a way to get into touch with them. I have tried to reach out via Facebook and some official emails that they have set up with no responses. How can I guarantee that someone will actually respond to me where I can actually get the ball rolling on this?

Other urls found in this thread:

No idea fam but probably if you aren't contacting them through secure means they won't respond I would imagine.

Last I remember, they had stopped it, cause it wasn't safe to take international brigades and so on.

But I think it's been a year since then..

Wonder how may got tricked over by Isis shills pretending to be the YPG only to end up at the end of a knife?

Please don't. If you don't know how to fight or have never been in combat, please do not do this. There are things you need to do at home. This is just war tourism. This isn't a judgment on your character, but I do not want you to get beheaded or shot. The YPG is doing fine without you. Your war will come. It is not this one, not yet.


if you aren't a vet or some sort of combat expert, you will shit your pants and cry and be relegated to puppy duty and just drain resources

Don't do it. I have emailed them a couple days before the referendum and they said it's too risky.

Also the more I read about it the more I learn that you won't actually see combat. Pisspig spent most of his time in an armored car. Unless you have military experience don't bother.

People can train before going into combat.

Don't piss away your life fighting for fucking Arabs unless you already want to commit suicide! Fucking hell.

Yes, CPT Obvious, we know that. The problem is that OP hasn't trained and was potentially going over there with no training. You can barely train a private in 4 months of non-stop training. What makes you think this guy is going to be combat ready by the time he gets over there with potentially much less instruction.

please do it op

rojava is probably one of the few chances we have to make the Middle East socialist.

If your American just train by joining your state guard for a bit.

Good luck OP. You're making us all proud.

Dude, no. Those guys go to the same basic training, but they're complete shit. Again, just doing basic does not mean you are trained. Real training happens at the unit level and nasty girls are nasty as fuck.

Who gives a shit? I'm so tired of the Middle East. Every Arab can fuck off and die for all I care at this point.

Get some military training first, you dont want to go and feel like you're weighing them down.

shit tier bait

It’s good enough where when you go to Rojava and they give you the month long training (which they give to all volunteers) you’ll be set.

trips of truth
im not going there because im not ready, but im preparing myself to go

so, i cant go?

i want to go too, but i think im not usefull in war now, so i am preparying myself
i want to learn, and defend the revolution, and fight isis

tbh OP I wouldn't listen to people here. give this guy a message maybe, he responded to me, he probably can give you pointers.
Also this whole thing about wait in your country… fuck that, go learn and help I mean life's pretty shitty for a lot of us here anyways. You can learn about fighting and organizing a new society while you're there and bring it back to the west.
Good luck Heval

Before you go make sure to spend a lot of time learning how to shoot at moving targets.

im gonna train that before go, i promise

Where do you live?


Oh wow, I just read a summery of the gun control in your country, and… it’s a lot.

Debes estar seguro de lo que vas a hacer. En cualquier guerra siempre es posible no volver.

Te recomiendo que estés formado en la ideología que se plantea en Rojava y que sepas algo de el lenguage como también de su cultura.

it's shit

estoy seguro, la curiosidad mato al gato, pero almenos el gato murio sabiendo, yo quiero ir a la guerra a aprender, a defender la revolucion y a pelear contra el isis
me come la consiencia saber que hay una revolucion que apoyo ahora mismo y no la estoy apoyando con mi cuerpo siendo parte de sus milicias
me come la consiencia saber que estan peleando contra estados fascistas y no estoy haciendo nada por defender la revolucion
me come la consiencia saber que esta pasando todo eso y no estoy haciendo nada
pero se que ahora solo seria un estorbo en la guerra, estoy mas cerca de shinji al principio que de un soldado echo y derecho
pense en hacer el servicio militar de mi pais, pero negrean a los cabos. hace unos años aparecio uno muerto en una situacion misteriosa. ademas de que esta llena de propaganda nacionalista, al punto de que si estas en el ejercito defendes a Peron o a Videla.
espero poder estar listo para ir a kurdistan antes de que sea tarde….
de donde sos cumpa?

this is needed in this thread

Are you American? Instead of fighting for an US proxy you can just join the US military directly. Gives you better benefits anyway.

Aún si no vas a luchar allá, creo que también necesitan de personas para tareas civiles. Yo he pensado en ir allá a enseñar lenguages y quizás usar algo mi habilidad con computadoras, pero todo esto sería luego de graduarme.

Soy de Venezuela. Aquí el servicio militar, hasta donde sé, es igual que como lo describes, quizás hasta peor, excepto que en vez de Perón, probablemente te meten a Bolívar hasta por los oídos.

Just like the finely tuned clockwork of a T-55 crushing some Hungarian workers, the tankies show up to spout their nonsense.

de que provincia sos? sos porteño?
hay muchas cosas para hacer en la Argentina, y si estás motivado podés hacer mucho más acá que allá

no creo que peron sea peor que bolivar

yo quiero ser musico, artista mas que musico porque quiero hacer peliculas y series. pero mi "plan b" en la vida es ser profesor, me gusta la idea de enseñar y aprender

fosforo, sos vos?

Hay muchas cosas que he querido ser, pero inevitablemente los objetivos siempre cambian. Por ahora yo considero mi objetivo como comunista la formación en diversas áreas como filosofía, política, economía, historia, y sobre todo ideología. Es probable que termine como profesor.

Soy otro

Que podes enseñar en kurdistan? ademas de ciencias sociales
Yo estoy leyendo mucho sobre nutricion y ed fisica, probablemente trate de sacar la licenciatura
Ademas estoy tratando de aprender varios idiomas
como crees que sea el trabajo de educador en kurdistan?
el echo de que digas "soy otro" en lugar de "no" me hace pensar que conoces a fosforo

Sé hablar inglés aunque no lo pongo mucho en práctica, alguna que otra palabra en francés, y actualmente aprendo ruso. Es probable que hagan falta ingenieros por allá para ayudar la construcción de infraestructura, y yo estudio ingeniería. Es posible que sea difícil al principio por la barrera de lenguage, pero al estar immerso en el lenguage se hace mucho más fácil.

Sé quien es, pero por razones que no conozco me borró

Just contact YPG international. It's normal for them to not respond for awhile. Also their ability to get volunteers in is pretty erratic so expect long periods where they can't.

The proletariat is international, Rojava's struggles are our struggles, and they're a lot more likely to succeed at achieving Socialism than in movement in our countries. Besides, you go over there to learn precisely so you can do the things needed at home.

Stop with the negativity and pessimism. The only difference between a foreign and native volunteer is one speaks the language, but that can be fixed. If the YPG didn't want foreign volunteers they wouldn't accept them.

They meant it's too risky to bring volunteers in then, not in general or that you shouldn't volunteer. You see as much combat as you want, if you're stubborn about it they'll put you on the frontlines.

OP will be trained as much as any other volunteer. It might not be good for his lifespan but he's not going to be an odd man out.

Don't bother with FaceBook; try YPG-International instead.

Read the thread he Said he’s not from the US.