If you had the choice, would you have rather lived in the Soviet Union instead of the West till 1991?

If you had the choice, would you have rather lived in the Soviet Union instead of the West till 1991?

Also please post videos depicting life in the USSR in a positive light. I'll start


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Anyone who says USSR is a lifestylist and an idiot

nostalgia is not consciousness

The west is too big to accurately choose, but I would 100% choose where I live now.

If I had the choice I'd rather be a dumb, generic centrist who doesn't worry about shit, does his dumb job and stays dumb

Any day of the week. USSR was awesome. Yes the USSR was ruled by corrupts after Stalin died, but compared to most rulers in capitalist countries they were church boys.
Soviet were nice people, there was little to no crime, god tier concerts, films and theater plays everywhere, no advertising, beautiful intelligent woman. USSR was the shit…
Even if i didn't born there, i would have defected there.

Behind the masks of total choice, different forms of the same alienation confront each other.

the one which would have given me a better chance to have a gf

No, now fuck off. You think I would pass up all that sweet sweet hippy, 70's druggie and 80's "me" generation college pussy? fuck no. Women were significantly healthier, more feminine and attractive in that period. And between the 60's and 90's they wanted to fuck, they wanted a bf and weren't interested in Tindr or IG. Fuck no. You're out of your mind. I would find a healthy, robust, eugenic OG qt, get easy and cheap college education. then get a job right out of college, work my way up to management, get a home, play the stock market and cash-out. I'd live on a house-boat or in the woods with my robust, eugenic, non-ZOG'd out qt and enjoy life. Fuck the USSR and they're dreary trash culture and lifestyle. I'm watching Star Wars when it comes out with an 8/10 (model by today's standards) who still has hair on her cooch and hasn't polluted her blood with birth control and hormones. Fuck no

That sounds disgusting.

This. When I watch old films I am always amazed by how easy they pick up girls differently from films of 00s and onward.

fucking anarchists, man


Apply yourself to the nearest Gulag

The thing I'd love the most would be fact that I could study what I want and where constitutionally guaranteed to get a job. No 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧job market🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧, not forced to be a STEM fag or a businessfag. True freedom.

Also, Star Wars is fucking horrible.

Russian SciFi > trashy Western Sci-Fi

This is your brain on tankie-ism
You're supposed to compare the USSR then to the clusterfuck that is the present day, idiot.

You have surely eaten up a lot of SocDem propaganda

Have another graph

Your mind is on pure ideology because "stagnant growth" is nothing bad. It means you won't have these up and downs like capitalist economies. Only a bourgeois economist would tell you that having a totally erratic and uncontrollable economy is actually a good thing lmao

Depends which part of the USSR, and which part of the West

I mean, are we talking Tajikistan or Lithuania? The USA or Portugal?

USSR was only good after stalin dies and till early 1980s

At that point there wasn't much of a difference.

whats it like being that wrong?

You realize the most comfy years under Krushtshev were pretty much a result of Stalin right? It's like how the economic upheaval under the Nazis was actually based on the late Weimar governments.

But those years ruined the USSR in the long term


As I am now, I wouldn't be able not to say "comrade Stalin is a faggot" and would be gulaged.

Well I'd say it's kinda unfair to compare the USSR to a country which has beaches, palm trees and booty. They can't change the climate can they

If you insult the head of state (which wasn't Stalin but you get the point) you get in trouble with the law in almost all western countries just as well

Recently a German comedian was sent to coat because he called Erdogan a goatfucker.



He got triggered by Jason Unruhe constantly saying DPRK

What about the East immediately after the fall of the Soviet Bloc?


Lawless, corrupt drugs'n'whores'n'techno'n'poverty Europe is best Europe.

Point is, in modern west you need to create an uproar to be gulaged.
In Stalin time you just had to tell the wrong joke to the wrong person.

Yes you would. You're not living in fucking 1984 Oceania here.

Did the west have more consumer goods? Yes. But for a society to have an actual sense of purpose and community is far more important than Cadillacs and flatscreen TVs