
Hi from normal, not retarded Holla Forums

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How goes the shitposting?

Banned from 4chan so I came here

alright, back to reddit you go

there are numerous ancap/libertardian subreddits you can use to discuss trading cp on the dark web for bitcoins

Alt-right libertarianism: "Real capitalism will happen when we gas the kikes"

Socialism saved capitalism in 2008 when the taxes money in various western countries was used to bail out the banks. Otherwise bye bye capitalism :)

This place has flags! You can see who is retarded before you even read his post. Far superior to noideology flags. I remember 2ch/po/ had countryflags AND ideologyflags back in the day, shit was so cash.


Don't you have some children to voluntarily molest?

Capitalism will never work, and has killed more than any other system.


National Socialism > Socialism > Capitalism > Bolshevism

Hi from normal, not cuckchan Holla Forums.

Please stop posting.

Really made me think



You are just an edgy teenager. Come back when you have gone from basic economics to advanced economics.

Capitalism but it's okay because we killed the Jews > Communism > Capitalism > Group of people who want to create communism through capitalism
really made me think


That's a nice meme image but the reference to that retarded black book of communism and the fake numbers in there should not be on it.

ancaps actually fail at basic economics the most.

I'm not even an ancap

Nice implication faggot. I never wrote that. The point is that once you understand advanced economics, you can see that the only way to get rid of the contradictions is by destroying capitalism.

And what economic system will we implement after the destruction of capitalism

pretty advanced shitposting tbh

I just picked the thing furthest away from communism as possible

Are you retarded?

picked the wrong flag then. ancapistan would either collapse into communism or degenerate into feudalism. authoritarian capitalism (fascism) is farthest from communism.

I thought Nazi, but thats economically left

>I thought Nazi, but thats economically left
This is your brain on ideology

But it isn't. Nazis privatised a ton of stuff. Shit, the term 'privatisation' was first invented to describe nazi economic policy.


Either this is low quality bait or you are genuinely retarded.
