General question thread

General question thread

Come here to ask questions, not deserving their own thread. Stupid (but not trolling), specific or practical questions are welcome. Looking for a source? Want someone to elaborate or explain something you read? Need recommendations in regards to sources and books to read? Don't make a new thread, ask here!

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These threads never work due to this.

I was looking through Capital Vol.1 recently and i could use a simplistic explanation for what socially necessary labor time is.

I have a question that I fear may be stupid, so I'll post it here instead of create a thread based around it, just to be safe…

… Are Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon legitimate leftists? Or are they just spooked liberals just like every other Hollywood celebrity?

I'll be the first idiot, and ask a question: I remember reading a Marxhead on Holla Forums elaborating on how the "Market (Central?) Planning" dichotomy was a false one? Does anyone have sources on this? Or did I just misinterpret/over time forget what he said?

Then people would just have to link to these kinds of threads. Maybe this thread could also be cycled, but that would depend on how successful it proves to be.

A vulgar way to explain it would be "The time an individual within a society on average needs, with average tools and average experience to produce a commodity". If you're new to it, Kapitalism101 gives a good first overview.

Depends on your definition of "legitimate" but they definitely seem leftist.

I'd support stickying over cyclical-ing, because then it isn't based on the chance a newfag sees the thread when it's on page one.
At least the BO is back now (although acting quietly) so we can start discussing accommodating the growth in users while still having the same amount of space to display threads.

right, so that would mean that the average amount of time and labor needed for an individual to make a commodity would decrease over time as technology advances right? What are the implications for this in the future?

AFAIK, the value of commodities would fall, but it couldn't ever reach "nothing", since it requires at least some time to be invested by a human, if I'm not mistaken. But I believe this goes into the direction of the tendency of the rate of profits to fall, and I haven't read too much on that yet, others will know better.

This of course only if the state doesn't intervene to secure super-profits.

At least both. The problem with just pinning it would be that it would eventually reach 450 replies.

Like, by "legitimate", I mean are they actually opposed to capitalism and not consumed by idpol? Are they doing anything to focus on the real issues at hand and not just trying to stroke their own celebrity egos by appealing to the left?

I keep hearing there is a difference between a government and a state. Can someone clear that up for me? Thanks.

me and the lads doing our bit

Isn't that a nation and a state? I can explain that one.
t. not very good at being a communist

How can you help Rojava if your not leaving you home country anytime soon because of school?

Ask them yourself and they will tell you.

epic raid Holla Forumsro

screencapped for reddit

What do we think of writer James Baldwin?

fuck off, Holla Forums

The state = The bureaucracy and the institutions that are there (This is very slow moving and basically never changes)
The government = The Prime Minister/The President and his ministers, advisors and so on.

That's what I've been taught and thought, but people seem to use them interchangeably. Which seems really dumb. Because just changing the government doesn't necessarily change the state at all.

He's a real nigga.

I laughed at the pic, is that bad?

i see you brought bordiga

great writer and I should really read more of his fiction.

Is automation progressing at the rate everyone thinks it is?

I have no issue with automation, just the impact it'll have on the working class (at least it has the potential to be beneficial from an accelerationist stance). But when should we really expect the shit to hit the fan? I heard rumblings about this since 2011, but it's been increasing since.

I think I read that a bulk of jobs will be done by AI within the decade or something

Why are there so many retards here?


If it's not anarchism it's not important.

fortunately the landwehr canal most certainly isn't anarchism, now get in my van i've got some praxis to show you.

(what the hell is praxis anyway?)

Your dick.
Go on.

Not the automation but Moors Law is divolging but not in the direction people originally anticipated. Most people thought that Moors law is going to fail in the direction of regression, and for some time it looked like it but now we can see that the law holds up if not outright going into the direction of even more processing power increase. Get shrekt luddites!

What is the difference between socialism and communism, if any? Is pic related correct?

Why is communism always supported by the most uneducated plebs or the academic elite, but the actual workers class and middle class rejects it?

Genuine question, how come lefties deny most media Read it again faggot I said MOST not all has a lot of left leaning bias?

Also, AI doesnt have to be that good to displace human workers. In the USA, with many groups agititating for a $15 minimum wage (the Democratic Party recently added it to their platform, even), the bourgies have all the more incentive to switch to automation. Robots can work 24/7 and don't require healthcare or any other basic rights. Musk, Zuck and others are shilling for UBI because they know its the only thing that will keep the hordes coming for their heads in the coming decades.

Hillary Clinton isn't a leftist.

Yeah and Trump is not the Fuhrer, but I am not talking about H-Dawg in particular. I am not even American

liberals are right wing.

What about places like the UK where, even by modern western standards, the press is explicitly and overwhelmingly right-leaning

Because it's not. In fact it's right wing af. It's very politically correct in the media to trash talk Cuba, DPRK and venezuela, but nothing is ever said about that bastion of democracy that is Saudi Arabia.

Interesting read I would like to see a more modern version but still intredasting, made me realize where I fucked up in asking my question Sorry language barrier See below gonna ask it differently.

Why do lefties deny social left leaning bias in the media, like LBGT rights etc? Come to think of it is social topics as hard as they are to get people emotional and argumentative and not talking about the fiscal side of politics?

I am replying to you directly. Fuck you man I asked a question then you give me some vague contrarian sentence and literally tell me to go read a book.

You could give me short summary of the book, give me something insightful from the book, you could even give me something that made you understand the question I was asking.

Fucking westerner.

because media only cares about those social issues in order to co-opt them for porky. Being socially left is meaningless if you're still a capitalist.

So social issues are used to play both sides of the game maximizing markets for potential profit?

This is actually genius in theory, selling lefty social issues to right wingers to make the media seem left leaning, selling capitalistic ideas to lefties to make the media seem right wing, if I am understanding you correctly?

Socialism is where a state controls all the capital. Ultimate communism (anarcho communism) is where there is no state, money nor classes. in fact all the power is with the proletariat without higher rulers.

that's how the media has functioned for years. Present the illusion of debate between two issues while both sides silently agree to support the dominant economic system no matter what.
That's also part of the thesis of the book I posted

Thanks I take back what I said earlier.

'Lgbt rights' have nothing to do with leftism is why. The concern with 'rights' is purely liberal nonsense.

Holla Forums here, and I fucking agree. Trump trashed Iran for being an authoritarian state(never mind America overthrew their democratically elected leader and replaced him with a puppet), yet did so right next to the Saudi King, who denies basic human rights to his people and is currently bombing the shit out of civilians in Yemen with illegal weapons.

But you won't hear about that over Assad's alleged crimes. Gotta support those freedom-fighting rebels, which are totally not al-qaeda!

Do people actually still believe this ML nonsense?

For anyone who actually reads Marx, they are the same.

Lenin read and understood Marx

And this brings us to the question of the scientific distinction between socialism and communism which Engels touched on in his above-quoted argument about the incorrectness of the name "Social-Democrat". Politically, the distinction between the first, or lower, and the higher phase of communism will in time, probably, be tremendous. But it would be ridiculous to recognize this distinction now, under capitalism, and only individual anarchists, perhaps, could invest it with primary importance (if there still are people among the anarchists who have learned nothing from the “Plekhanov” conversion of the Kropotkins, of Grave, Corneliseen, and other “stars” of anarchism into social- chauvinists or "anarcho-trenchists", as Ghe, one of the few anarchists who have still preserved a sense of humor and a conscience, has put it).

But the scientific distinction between socialism and communism is clear. What is usually called socialism was termed by Marx the “first”, or lower, phase of communist society. Insofar as the means of production becomes common property, the word “communism” is also applicable here, providing we do not forget that this is not complete communism. The great significance of Marx's explanations is that here, too, he consistently applies materialist dialectics, the theory of development, and regards communism as something which develops out of capitalism. Instead of scholastically invented, “concocted” definitions and fruitless disputes over words (What is socialism? What is communism?), Marx gives an analysis of what might be called the stages of the economic maturity of communism.

(just read the whole thing and also check out the referenced and quoted works by Marx)

Only infantile radicals believe that communism will be born like Athena in full armor as a pure and full grown being out of Zeus head.

It reads like a joke to see these delusional illiterate children pretend it'd be them that have a grasp of Marx, while failing in such an absurd manner and embarrass themself when it's abundantly clear that they've never touched a book in their life and got their "education" from memes or comics at best.