What is Holla Forums's opinion on Keynes?

What is Holla Forums's opinion on Keynes?
A lot of leftists in my country increasingly praise him, and he managed to piss off some libtards, so he must've done something right, right?

He helped to save capitalism, and was himself an unabashed advocate of capitalism.

Friedman, Keynes, Hayek, von Mises, Sowell, Stiglitz are all the same garbage and there's literally no difference between them.

Does a better job of explaining how capitalism actually works than austrianfags, but his advice keeps capitalism on life support to prolong it's existence.

Better than Friedman. If we are going to have fake money we might as well use it, but inevitably doomed to collapse just like all capitalism.

The smartest porky economist, his economic theory is almost a tacit admittance that capitalism can't sustain itself w/o increased help and oversight

I'd like to read the book that Verso just put out about him, as well as read his economic theory. There's certainly something to be learned from him.

At least Friedman came with the idea of the negative income tax, which is kinda leftist if you look at it.

Keynes' economic analyses are important, and even marxists should know them, but the proposals of Keynes are dumb.

Socdems have been enamored with Keynes since the end of WWII. It's not a new thing.

He pissed off libertarians but not other flavors of capitalists. In fact, capitalism's survival in the course of the 20th century relied heavily on the Keynesian consensus.

Keynes is a better macroeconomic advisor then any fucking lolbert or supply sider
However his reformation of capital in a progressive income tax with an empathise on the consumer class and lower income wage earners only prolongs capitalism and wage exploitation
Overall Keynes ideas of capitalism are important, I'd recommend reading 'the general theory of employment, interest and money' But his proposals to fix capitalism work however still largely maintain capitalism which is dichotomically opposed to our goals.

all it does is reduce losses you make, idiot
it's not a form of welfare or UBI

mostly nostalgia and born-in-the-wrong-generationism



Literally the most retarded economist to emerge in recent history, bar none.

even anti-keynes propaganda makes austrians look retarded. For example ron paul says the inflation tax hurts the middle class. Inflation hurts banks. If i can pay off my orgage with a gallon of milk, i'm a happy camper

So does Keynesian economics basically accept all of Marxist analysis of capitalism except the part where it inevitably gets sicker and sicker and finally dies?

Markets simply can`t be explained by supply and demand since they are far more complex systems than that.

nigga markets ain't complex

economists just make them complex with spooky math and stats because otherwise they'd have to accept that capitalism is fundamentally an unsustainable system of exploitation

But they are, just like most things. They can`t be simplified into just supply and demand mostly due to human psychology that is vastly more complex than that.

He helped pave the path for based Post-Keynesianism so that's a positive