So this guy is most likely going to run for President in 2020.
What do you think about that?
I think from Trump onward all Presidents will be billionaires.
So this guy is most likely going to run for President in 2020.
What do you think about that?
I think from Trump onward all Presidents will be billionaires.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd vote Warren before Cuckerberg
He has literally zero charisma or appeal. Say what you want about Trump but he got the crowds going and appealed to muh feels. Something I highly doubt Zuckerberg will do or be able to do.
Rather have Kayne.
Which isn't saying much. Warren is still slightly less crap than 90% of other American politicians and it isn't even because she's particularly good.
I think it's awesome. After Trump, that pretentious cunt being US president would be the best thing that could happen
But i just see the average obese folks in Arkansas or Alabama voting for him.
Yeezy is for sure playing whatever dimension of chess Trump is playing +1
He's basically campaigning already.
in 2020 he will win by a landslide thanks to Facebook
He is the epitome of neoliberal technocratic globalism. This is the future we chose.
If Trump can make himself appealing to the average redneck than anyone can if they're not as retarded as Clinton about it.
He will win, I have no doubt at all.
he's a legit candidate for antichrist, and im not even religious or anything
Suit yourself. I called for my small town to be nuked at 18 and became addicted to drugs for a few years.
Zuckerberg is 10 times as wealthy as Trump. He will campaign everywhere and win.. in fact he's already campaigning as he plans to visit all of America.
He is already talking about policy proposals as well if you had listened to his Harvard Commencement Speech.
This guy is 33 years old and is already the 5th richest man in the world, he can achieve anything he puts his mind too.
I'm pretty sure the criteria for antichrist is so muddled and vague it's basically "is scary and popular" at this point.
What do we call the Zuck version of CtR?
Well looks like we've got our cyberpunk future except the aesthetics are shit and we don't have the internet transformed into a VR matrix yet. Fan-fucking-tastic.
Thought Police
extrapolating from current trends you don't see people flocking to the radical center. Zuckerberg represents a besieged and crumbling neoliberal order. There's a massive global leftist wave closing in. That's what Zuckerberg will be up against, he's gonna be running as the 'safe reasonable option' against the commies. We can already see a campaign that's like Macron's on steroids. Steroids meaning his mind control media empire. It's about time to get started on an anti Zucc propaganda campaign. Highlight the obvious totalitarian implications of what he's doing.
Pretty much, Trump was able to connect culturally with those big rough and tough midwestern rural voters with his "fuck you, fuck the media, I fucking love America, gonna make it great again" wild gunslinger persona. Zuckerberg just screams "millenial" from the way he talks to what his company is all about to his entire presentation. I don't see any way he connects with normie voters outside of California and Seattle.
Explain this then:
the way things are going, you can expect new names to pop up, specially on the fringes. there's no way we are going back to the 2 party liberal-conservative system.
If you thought the Hillary astroturfing was bad everywhere, wait till you see what this little shit has planned for the internet.
What's the point of having a big nose if you're going to sound congested all the time anyway?
Pretty much, people are either moving hard left or hard right. America is a very different animal from France. Everything Zuckerberg represents is being squeezed out from both sides, and they know it and are in full panic mode. It might end in blood, I don't know what will happen.
Why can't leftypol feel the Franken
it could look outright totalitarian in practice. Facebook is probably the greatest media monopoly the world has ever seen. it's important to start thinking about effective anti Zuckerberg strategies.
Brought to you by the people who unironically wanted a Stewart/Colbert ticket in 08
The only effective anti FB policy at this point is posadism or primitivism
Franken actually has political experience though.
Unless Kander is the nominee I'm never voting for another Democrat for president.
Is Kander even good? Am I getting memed on? What a random person to latch onto.
Can't cuck the Zuck.
someone could blow up their servers. The way things are going is just a matter of time before other countries start seeing Zuckerberg as a threat, he's the ultimate globalist boogeyman.
The primary debates between him and Kanye will top the 2016 ones.
the neo-reactionary glorious uprising at a tech CEO president doing things they don't like will be glorious.
I wish there was an organisation that was like Antifa but for luddites.
He was a Senate candidate who lost in 2016 who had views similar to Sanders.
I wish he'd primaried McCaskill.
There is, it's called the Khmer Rouge.
I know who he is but I thought he was a pretty standard left-liberal. Certainly not anyone particularly radical even by US standards.
But the magazines have already been printed.
The bible actually says the saved will hate the antichrist and will be wise to the Synagogue of Satan when the day comes. The normal people will eat it up.
If there's no serious Social-Democrat like Bernie running, I'm all for it.
If any member of the bourgeoisie is going to be stupid enough to pass reforms that will inadvertently benefit us, it will be a App/Social Media/Silicon Valley nerd who thinks he's brilliant because he made money. You don't want a traditional member of the bourgeoisie running things because these people understand class rule and class cohesion, but a nouveau riche geek will certainly attempt to be a reformer and a modernizer (or at least they will have to present themselves as such), and UBI is part of Zuckerberg's plan for that. Needless to say, relieving us from the fear of unemployment and the constant pressures on the labor market will be great for the new Socialist movements, which is why no Old Money would do it.
Personally, as far as tech guys go I'd rather have Elon Musk for president because he'd bankrupt the country creating new technology, but I take Zuck.
No Zucc shilling, we should be aiming higher, dude. Zucc is the enemy. US left in 2020 will probably be an anti Zuckerberg movement, or a movement against whatever neoliberal puppet ends up running. UBI is a sham, demand socialism.
Are you really this delusional? The right is the faction that's crumbling, once this alt-right retard shit dies off they're finished.
Severely under rated post. Cuckerburg will just be a stepping stone for us when it comes to Socialism.
why aren't people more scared of Zuckerberg, I would be fucking terrified
How are you going to demand Socialism from a system that is designed to manage, protect and perpetuate capitalism? All you can demand is a particular arrangement that facilitates the growth and takeover of proletarian groups, and needless to say the one that gives us more free time and more economic autonomy will give us more confidence in creating our own institutions. Conservative-minded managers and technocrats of the current order know this, Reform-minded yuppies don't.
We have to think strategically. No tool should be neglected for the sake of radical chest-thumping (or phrase-mongering, as old marxists would call it) because our goal is to remove all the obstacles to our growth. Whenever we're presented with a choice, as limited as that choice will be in effectively changing society, we must bend things a bit in our long-term favor. This is how class struggle happens, in day-to-day practice, not in revolutionary sentiments that collapse whenever confronted with reality.
Terrified of what? Trump is already here, we're already in the mad emperor phase of this shit, let's just ride it out.
UBI is probably not going to be implemented in the near future anyways. whatever Zucc does is gonna be a patch up job, a new way of exerting control over people, probably more terrible than anything we can imagine at this point. It's no time to look up to Zuckerberg, but to get out there and start making revolutionary demands. passivity=death.
Zuckerberg is the madder empereor, and also somewhat competent to booth.Facebook always had obvious totalitarian implications though
I think we should be terrified of this man, honestly. He is the greatest threat to humankind and world socialism that we could ever possibly face.
Sounds kind of like Wall-E.
t h i s
except wayyyy worse
verbs in greentext should be in imperative ("use" instead of "uses")
Can't people just stop using facebook? I'd imagine he'd have to make some big show of divesting himself from fb anyways considering everything in your post is what even the dumbest american will have in their mind if he starts really running.
This idea some of you have that Mark will be particularly harmful because he's one of the owners of Facebook, as if government intelligence agencies don't already have the means to use all that data (and other website's) at will is so fucking ridiculous.
Every single one of you talking about le totalitarian facebook sound retarded.
Kiss your privacy goodbye.
nigga what privacy?
Bow down, peasants!
You people crying about how this'll be 1984 are retarded. That shit is old now. At -least- some of us struggling might get some money to get on our feet, or be given free tuition.
Nah, it sounds more like how 21st Century Boys plays out.
Enjoy having your real name, location and photo signed to everything you say and do online.
Thatls what FB's "real name" policy does- strip away privacy. He claims it's to stop trolling? It doesn't stop trolling. Legit users hand over their driver's license and birth certificate to this website, while the trolls fucking with everyone laugh at FB and make a new account. Zuckerberg hates internet privacy and wants to know who you are.
I bet he makes internet anonymity illegal.
you only talk about 'UBI' being good possibly, even though that's not a fait accompli, it's just a vague campaign promise, do you see Trump's wall going up? There's something really unusual about the pro-Zucc sentiment that's been popping up lately, maybe I'm just paranoid though. Weren't leftists supposed to be critical of power? sillicon valley represents a new source of power as ruthless and inhuman as any before it. They have good PR but that doesn't mean we should trust them. Evgeny Morozov's columns are a good start.
Also read this, sillicon valley's endgame is as further from leftism as you could get
wow 'mark' awfully familiar isn't it? don't humanise the reptoid. Facebook is a centralised media leviathan that controls how billions of people access their news. They have even bragged that they could be able to sway elections if they wanted to.
Because he turned into a dicksucking establishment piece of shit.
The chans will be our only last stronghold, I guess.
But he'll probably ban those too.
He's not. He's going to toss his hat in the ring and then withdraw in the primaries after establishing himself as a political entity in a professional capacity and then probably assume a limited role at Facebook to run for something else at a state level a bit later, maybe governor of California in '22 if they lose or Feinstein's senate seat if she ever dies or retires.
Pic related
tbh I know it's unethical and sucks but I'm a pretty good guy so I don't have a lot to be afraid of. I'm a huge queer too so I'll get sympathy from the gubment.
I don't you all are forgetting a very important detail here. We are overdue for another recession and it could very well be worse than the 2008 one (which only the top 5% of earners ever recovered from). They happen ever 5-8 years and we're due for another one. Last October, all the big banks issued warnings to expect another one to happen within the next year. Whether they're right or not, the next recession is coming and it's going to be big. The major banks are even bigger and pose an even greater systemic risk to the economy than in 2008 and many countries including the United States already took on a ton of debt to bail them out instead of deciding to tax the rich.
The political landscape of 2020 could well be the beginnings of another Progressive Era, and I have my doubts that more rich scumbags will be able to do so well politically in it.
*think you all are forgetting
Zuckerberg wrecked the internet so badly I want to say "I'd seriously vote for Trump if I had to in order to stop him." Then again, if it came down to a general election and only one candidate backed UBI, I could really use the money.
don't want to sound mean dude, but you are probably too dumb to live
Trump will give us accerlerationism and maybe lead to a revolt. ZUCC and UBI will only pacify the masses and crush any revolutionary potential.
I'm quite aware. That's why I need UBI. I'm pretty hopeless.
you're on Holla Forums user, if you're not a turbo-normie you're a target. Faggots especially (like me) because we don't have kids to prevent us from being subversive.
If Trump is still president in 2020 and he's facing Zuckerberg in a general election, I think it'll be safe to say the accelerationists have failed.
I used to be pretty fucked but I've been going turbo-normie for about 2 years now. And I intend to keep going. I guess I'm sort of a nihilist now. just want to live a good life.
Is everyone on this fucking board a homo? No offense lol
He's said that he isn't running for president earlier, but I wouldn't be too sure that he's not going to suddenly change his mind when primary season comes around.
I'd say this board is about 99.999999999999999999999999% faggot.
doubtful but it's definitely higher than average for chans.
I'm sure now that the taboo of a non-career politician/military member has been broken, most celebs will entertain the idea as well as most businessmen.
lul everyone is not running for president until they are. does anyone even believe this bullshit anymore?
I wonder, for massively rich porkies, could being president for a while become like the new space tourism? Like, instead of paying a billion dollars to go to the International Space Station for a fun vacation, you spend a billion dollars to run a campaign and get to have fun running the country for 4 years?
Only someone with holes in his brain and a disproportionate ego will believe this. Which is why the savvy billionaires will never bother.
This is 100% bullshit. It is obvious that he is running. You think the choice to visit and meet people every state is a coincedence? You think him specifically wanting to talk with Democrats who voted for Trump is a coincedence? You think him making policy proposals in commencement speeches is a coincedence? You think him changing the structure of Facebook allowing him to retain control if he were to enter politics is a coincedence?
He is 100% running.
I thought all of them were.
so, only people like Trump?
All a coincidence. Also he accidentally stumbled into a church and found religion too
Pretty much. The Kochs and Rothchilds and Buffets and Soros of the world have more influence with an easier job right now. Only someone who stumbled into being rich would think otherwise.
We're fucked, aren't we?
If UBI goes through, all of our revolutionary potential will be crushed. We might as well suck it up and bow down to our imperial overlords now. There's no point in resisting the mighty ZUCC.
"Leftists are just that bad!"
"So I will be voting for the conservatives."
"Now let me tell you why nationalism is the RIGHT path."
Carl From Swindon lives like an hour and a half away from where I live. His town's barely got 100,000 people too so you could basically just walk round Swindon till you bump into him doing his shopping. Can't believe a chapter of ANTIFA ain't pulled up on him yet…
Fuck Zuckerberg. Dwayne Johnson said he might run in 2020. Somebody come up with a campaign slogan…
He's definetly /ourguy/, i bet he'll sure go full communism when in charge.
lmao this guy is retarded, he wants to be Obama 2.0. vaguely 'populist' 'progressive' charismatic young politician with a 'winning smile', harbinger of 'hope', 'change' and bland technocratic muh market solutions that are probably going to be indescribably shit in practice. He's trying to appeal to the sensibilities of the liberal classes. But liberalism is pretty much dead. seen the daily show or Samantha Bee's lately? , you can tell the writers and presenters feel a tremendous contempt for their audience .The liberal establishment embraced tumblr's 'Social Justice' buzzword theology in the most blatantly insincere way possible, reducing it to a single commandment: 'do not think about capital'. elite liberals are actually a tiny, insular demographic, but dominate the media and use it to convince the people the elite's interests are their own. It feels so insincere, I just don't think they can keep it up. Capitalism drives people insane, millions of paranoids aren't going to go back to sleep.
I would literally masturbate to whatever video he would put up blubbering about it afterwards.
say it with me now,
4 more years!
LOL No, he won't, but it'll be funny as Hell to see the novelty of a WWE star president wear off and burgers lose their shit when their country starts to crash and burn.
a lot of people gave micheal moore shit when he said oprah or tom hanks should run for office
but honestly if they ran a succdem bernie campaign that didnt mention guns at all they would win by a fucking huge landslide
people cant underestimate how much america loves a celebrity in america especially a celebritybusinessperson.
arnold as the governator, jesse ventura, Al Franken, fucking reagan, etc
the rock, kanye or zucc is probably going to win
"by the way I am totally a leftists but it's just that the left is acting so irrational these days that I have to vote conservative and constantly make thinly-veiled propaganda for them"
Afroplasm is pretty cool do not bully.
That's what I'm saying. The le big brain skeptic community™, the alt-retards and anti-suhjuhwuhs bitch bout violence being used instead of reasonable discussion, but they ain't interested in sitting down with leftists they can't make out to look like crazy purple haired, megaphone wielding, fat, screaming feminist caricatures and talking bout politics and economics. Shit, when was the last time Sargon did a stream with somebody who he didn't agree on literally everything with?
Get him, boys.
if he's pretty cool he can ditch the tripfaggorty and the "just got here from tumblr" flag
Namefagging and whatever flag you pick makes no actual difference to the content of your posts.
Celebs ain't exactly men of the people though. The Rock's net worth's what like $200 million? He ain't a leftist in an economic sense. He's got too much to lose if capitalism goes tits up. Nah, he and other "cool" celebrities would prolly just push a buncha idpol shit if they were in office instead of giving Americans something tangible that would piss of the 1%.
I've been joking that I want kayne for the next president but honestly I want it to happen more and more. Hell I'll take trump again over these fucks, at least hes not competent enough to do anything with long term lasting damage, unless he nukes some place to show off military might. Its also extremely saddening that it's getting so bad in america that the next presidential race might be a literal popularity contest between celebrities.
so trump?
He's not using a trip. How new are you?
This. Bear in mind I only started posting on Holla Forums like 2 weeks ago. I had no idea how offensive usernames were till comrades started calling me a tripfag.
LOL I forgot he beat up McMahon.
I wouldn't worry. I've been kicking around the chans for a decade now. Most of the people btiching about it are newfags who are still into the whole "anunymus is legun xD" shtick.
LOL It don't bother me that much. Only reason I still call myself Afroplasm's cuz it pisses anons like that guy that keeps spamming tripfag memes whenever I'm online off so much. If they learn to ease up on the cult-like behavior and autistic screeching I'll merge with the sea of Holla Forums's sea of anonymity and truly become one with Holla Forums.
the ONLY reason you do it is to piss of some user
that is the ONLY reason
no other.
are you retarded?
you stupid cunt, that's not the reason people bitch about it.
how terrifying. I thought a president had to be at least 40 but apparently it's 35 thats the requirement. Zuck is 33 right now so he'll be old enough by 2020.
I don't get why people give a shit about trips/names on a board with self selected flags
Billionaire worship is fucking disgusting.
Especially "liberal" billionaires like Elon Musk, this fucking alien and Billy Gates.
I know people who work at Facebook, it is absolutely disgusting the cult mentality for the company and the god-like admiration for Zucc.
Hey! That's not me. I don't write that well. In fact, I use ebonics and incomprehensible spelling on purpose because I like being interesting.
American politics has become a reality tv show with celebrities. Absolutely disgusting.
this man is your king, america
Based off the fact that you just cloned me you're one of the butthurt anons who don't get enough daylight I meant. Carry on…
Are you ready, Holla Forums ?
This makes me happy to be french.
He'll lose. Do you want to know why? Because it was never about electing a white male with money and status. It's about policy'.
What the fuck do these delusional progressives not understand about that?
Why do you keep calling them progressives? What part of the actual progressive community thinks this is a good idea? These are dumb fucking liberals, not progressives, there is a difference.
didn't realize Sarah Schneider was that welathy
I hope not, because without right, left is doomed and people like zuckerburg will be in charge. We, left, need to divide populations and vote for right to achieve absolute disgust.
Whats he all about?
Seems kinda bourgy
to the gulag
Feels bad man
All hail glorious eurasia
Bullshit liberal who is reaping the anti-Trump sentiment by trying to appear as a "progressive and passionate" kind of person.
American politics is a lost cause.
I hope so, it'd break the illusion of elections for many.
cucks for zuc!
cucks for zuc
He's a manlet with no charisma and all his opponents will destroy him over his history and shit like "they trust me, the dumbfucks". Plus anyone can very easily accuse him of selling America to China, which is most likely literally will do given his history if it makes him a couple more shekels. Add that to the fact there has never been in president in history shorter than and Trump is like a fucking 6'5 monster. Americans will never accept a manlet as president.
Wasn't it supposed to be Emperor Nero? So basically the more you're like him (or the popular perception of him) the better you fit the criteria.
Lizard People 2020!
Found the liberal.
But for real, progressives are essentially id-pol social democrats.
Imagine being this much of a faggot.
Didn't Facebook already have partisan bias in 2016? Wasn't there some shit where they were suppressing content from Trump supporters? Not that I like Trump supporters, but he could definitely do that shit with his opponent(s) in 2020.
I would honestly prefer Dwayne Johnson
I don't think he will run in 2020 because it will be very hard to take out a sitting president, but in 2024, hell will be unleashed.
This is about the level of a 10 year old's brain. "He owns a company that burns through money on technology (with support of the state), therefore, this is the only thing he'll ever do in any position of power ever". I'm not even a Musk fan, but this is such a dumb statement.
Fully Automated Dwayne Accelerationism for 2020
presidents are meaningless distractions
I like how people seem to think Trump will last out his presidency without being removed from office. He's not getting re-elected.
How fucking muh privileged and comfy do you have to be to say this when there's people in America right now working themselves to death trying to make ends meet.
He'll be the next FDR if he wins and we desperately need that. No, maybe YOU don't and don't want your already small chance of revolution maybe getting slightly smaller, but most of us need a SocDem desperately.
understandable have a great day
how fucking muh privileged and comfy do you have to be to think a bandaid is ever going to fix your problems. i'm reliant on welfare and SSI and food stamps, but they don't solve the core problem which is that I have a felony and no education which means i basically don't get to live
you are a sick dog that needs to get put down
Welfare has killed off revolutionary potential. This has been true since the days of Bismarck, the New Deal, the Great Society and all other major western welfare initiatives.
While people shouldn't starve in the streets, he's right. UBI does not translate to political power for the workers. Its a bribe to make sure we don't revolt.
At the end of the days its still porky who holds the reins. Welfare doesn't lead to socialism.
lol sorry i had to deal when i was a kid to make ends meet. i guess i should have kept going to abusive foster homes
there is none, don't you people fucking understand? America has none.
I forgot how Somalia and Nigeria were on the verge of FALC
I…I want to buy one of these and frame it so I have something to laugh at every once and a while.
Very different circumstances.
Both those countries are comparatively poor (per capita) because they're not at the top of the capitalist pyramid.
They couldn't even afford a Western European welfare state if they wanted to.
Nor would it help ferment revolution.
I wonder why that is?
Oh wait I already mentioned the reason
Oh god just imagine how triggered /pol will be if he wins
Maybe it will finally motivate them to launch their Day of the Rope™.
It won't
just so you know, they do this every presidential election. They make 2 covers for each candidate and then each has their own "journey to the white house" bit. They do it so no matter who wins they can just sell them asap. I don't know if they do it for 3rd party candidates though.
the next Obama, more like it
Yes, because of FDR. We need to abolish all forms of welfare if we want a revolution. People should not interact with the state outside of tax day.
What a pretentious phony piece of shit. He sounds like a menopausal woman.
I've never heard this before but it sounds interesting. Any elaboration?
fuck him and everything he does
This, you can't trust Zuckerberg.
I'm positive that Leftist Academics and Far left polemicists at Jacobinmag will deploy the kind of radical language and biting twitter hashtags that will inspire coffee shop communists, and edgy nonconformists to do their radical duty of going out and voting for Zuckerberg
If I had any drawing skills I'd remake the SWEAT pledge into the SERF pledge.
It's high time for them to take off the mask and reveal themselves like they've been getting the Proletariat to do for years now thanks to harmful software and hardware.
I will be voting for him purely for accelerationist purposes.
What do you expect from someone who idolizes Proto-Fascist Mesopotamian boyfuckers?
This guy gets it
I couldn't listen to it was boring af.
Dwayne Johnson 2020
well shit
we need an alliance with frog twitter to crush the zuck
the Zuck cannot be cucked
I hope he dies in a hole.
Because the Zuck cucks everyone, but the Zuck.
Well in social media anyways they use algorithms to get you specific content that they predict you'll like. This includes political groups and discussions at time. So basically the whole last election the algorithms were practicing default censorship by herding people towards certain political camps and keeping them there, save for a few "neutral" articles from major media-outlets that can have a foot in both camps; so morons brainwashed into the dogma of either camp and only that camp would turn into a shit fest and fast.
I'll concede that because of this, I don't like the idea of Zuckin power. I don't like the idea of a Facebook post-him either; who knows what someone can do with those petabytes of data the company has on literally everyone.
Mark Zuckerberg/ Nick Land 2020
Nothing Human Makes it out of the Near Future
You need to be born in America to be on the ticket, m8. Plus Land wouldn't like Zuckerberg since he's not the right kind of tech billionaire.
NRx basically just amounts to "A corporate state with no political freedom run for profit by a tech CEO will keep out Muslims and blacks because of Reasons", everything else is just window dressing on this idea.
they're even bigger autists than the alt right
You all realize if we don't get him right now it's not gonna be any easier in a year or two, right?
man, I want to play this game
In 2025 I can run because of my age. I will run under the communist platform.
I was going to run for mayor here by challenging all other entries to a duel with swords and then when those lame losers declined or didn't take me seriously I would call them cowardly knaves everywhere I could.
I still kind of want to do this, honestly. It'd be pretty fun.
is that cow ok?
If Zuckenburg becomes president the antifa riot has to be 20 times larger than the Trump one.
wouldnt they be happy with universal basic income and the continuance off the guilt games?
You know I've never really considered myself a democrat, but there are quite a few ancient astronaut theorists predict that by 2029 Mark Zuckerburg with be ready to enact the final prophecy that returns man kind back to our pledian origins in the 46-D07 quadrant of the Virgo super cluster.
No, they'll finally embrace accelerationism because they'll need to oppose the Zuck and UBI.
So you mean they're just "media personalities" like literally everyone else, regardless of which ideology they identify themselves as, who does that shit? I'm shocked.
makes me wanna puke
also, i can't wait to see the claims of 'anti semitism' when he's criticized for being a rich fuck and they associate that with being jewish
why don't the norks just make good on their threats and nuke san fran already? they can wipe out fuckerberg + the entirety of silicon valley, thus killing more capitalists + me and everything would be made easier
why hasnt he had some mongrel jew-chink kids yet. That's not going to look good in a campaign. Makes him look like a faggot tbqh
Nero was known as "the Beast" during his lifetime and the gematria of his name apparently adds up to 666.
Would he run as a dem? Or third party?
Either way, he will lose against Trump worse than Hillary did. I can see the dems going with him.
Nah but basement dwelling Nazi NEETs would be
They smeared his name post death because he was a supporter of slaves and the poor. Nero was truly /ourguy/
Zuckerberg has absolutely no chance of winning anything. He can offer free ubi free college free crack cocaine etc he will still get btfo by the electoral map.
Dems need minorities to turn out, they need, urbanites to turn out and they need strategic fly over states. They need a brown Bernie sanders who's 20 years younger who can get both minorities cucks and regular people out to vote.
They will run Joe Biden or something like that as a favourite who will then get btfo in the primary by either Kamala Harris or Julian Castro Zuckercuck won't make it to the primaries
"Trust me proles, UBI will fix all your problems!"
all presidents from now on will be celebrities of some kind or business magnates
bump of salvation
pick one