How can you seize the means of production if they're across the Pacific ocean?

How can you seize the means of production if they're across the Pacific ocean?

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You don't, you cease the ones where you live and rebuild the ones that were moved overseas using them, and stop buying products from capitalist countries. If youre big enough, you might even be able to buy the ones from capitalists societies because your entire market fell away, making them useless.

really big communist missiles

but its ok if it's for seizing, as long as it's a revolution and not a war

Maoist Third Worldism

The means of production in China are already seized, as in being a dictatorship of the proletariat.

china significantly produces goods for corporations based in the u.s. and europe. apple for example: china is the producer; the owners and policy makers are in the u.s.

bad bait

Even worse response

Nigger are you serious? Employees in China literally live in factories where they make 10 cents an hour, their entire country reeks of runaway crony capitalism.

Read Deng Xiaoping

Also read the CCPs contribution to the IMCWP

Basically, get rekt utopian socialist faggot

do you have an english translation?
Here's something you won't need a translation for. The workers in china do not own the means of production. They are more alienated from their work than people in the hyper-capitalist west. Workers live in factories with built-in suicide prevention nets and spend their entire lives selling their labor and peanuts while the rich profit off of their work. If that's your definition of socialism, then I'm not your definition of a socialist.

Wanting countries to actually be socialist is not utopianism.

Mao did more than Deng ever did.

The way to do it is to get out of your room, you out of touch sheltered tit.


Why did you crop out what the y axis means you fucking faggot
How the fuck am I supposed to know what this graph means

I swear chinafags are consistently the worst posters. I'm actually shocked by your stupidity.

I think this is life expextancy. IIRC Mao doubled it.


By pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, getting on your bike and going to China obviously. Fucking lazy bastard.


Seize the fighter jets and send any unapproved container ships to the bottom of the ocean.


you mean capitalism?

forecasting infinite replies

Nah mate, it's just extreme accelerationism. China is playing 4d chess.

why are there liberals here? no one wants to hear your orientalist 2 cents on china

You don't, most developed countries already have what they need to survive and more.
Just seize them.


Did you seriously not fucking see the original comment?

idk if you've ever heard liberals critiquing china, but its literally full of tropes like "they don't value life!" "they work like ants!" "its completely inhumane!" etc. just trying to cut it at its stem

yeah okay but that's not what the guy you replied to was doing.
Also, I have. They've literally never said any of that. Pull your head out of your overly-offended asshole.

ok faggot im glad you're interested in hearing critiques of china coming from liberals so retarded that they unironically use the term crony capitalism

just make sure your mom doesn't hear you use that kind of language, you might get grounded

several imperial artifacts from the qin dynasty that were interred with the first emperor do infact alter the collective consciousness of the chinese people and enslave them to zhengs eternal plan