Why exactly does leftypol hate Not Socialism?

Why exactly does leftypol hate Not Socialism?

Why does it matter that we only whites around in white countries, blacks in black countries ect while having a socialized economy.

Afterall when you are surrounded by your own race people have more trust in their community.


In this thread i want to hear your problems with nazism and your own preferred ideology, i will try to answer all questions in the thread

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=9_pZCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA54&lpg=PA54&dq=25-point programme strasser&source=bl&ots=dRwO1vt-v0&sig=97c9g0I1oV9jnIq8AtgGO1qm1Lk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih68WtipXUAhWFwVQKHeM9D7gQ6AEIOTAE#v=onepage&q=25-point programme strasser&f=false
google.com.au/search?q=iceberg culture model&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiG3KOSz5XUAhXIybwKHVuyDLEQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=633#imgrc=y1e3GHUzSENAPM:

the nazis literally murdered their own left wing

I'm not sure. Maybe the part where marxists are killed by you people.

pick one, idiot

google straßer

Because you're not socialists

Nazi fags had elaborated a plan to occupy my country and kill us al. All nazi fags must be killed or deported to Germany/Austria wtvr retarded country will want them, i certainly don't want them here.

It wasn't socialism. It wasn't even social democracy. The term "privatization" was originally coined to describe the Nazi economic policy.

In addition, the international proletariat have no nation or race. Nationalism was a political fiction used to get former feudal peasants to be loyal to the new bourgeois government after the fall of feudalism. It's a slave ideology, one meant to keep the masses in thrall to the bourgeois state.

Hey man, nothing wrong as long as we're all cool with explicit imperialism of "white" countries over the rest, the genocide of people who want to stay, the emphasis of race over class which will leave you classcucked for all eternity, authoritarianism and oh also everyone in this thread has to be executed

With good reason, the brownshirts continued with their violence in the streets and wanted to continue the revolution when none was needed, germany had already solved the unemployment crisis and quality of life for all was raised at the expense of the rich


Or you could just say your argument

Prussia had been german before ww1

Then explain why germany's poor were doing far better than stalinist russia, or for that fact anywhere in the world for the entire time the Not Socialist party was in power

You say that like it's a fact you will be shot, i don't see why you would continue to push for more socialization when things have already improved dramatically

forest niggers are still niggers

burning of irminsul best day of my life

Because that isn't true in the slightest and you have no evidence to support that claim.

why should i support you stormfags when you want to kill me for not being white

you of course of evidence that you can show us

TIL all of Poland was Prussia. And even in the part that was part of Germany before ww1 most people living there were Poles. Not that Untermenschen matter to you fucktards.

Maybe its the part where you murdered all the left wingers and even the people you claim to be "part of your volk" because they lived in a different country.

Or maybe its the part where on one hand you said "people stay in their own countries" and on the other hand you invaded all of europe and tried to genocide all of the slavic people and claim their land for your own arbatrary quasi-ethnicgroup.

Except i do


Live in your own country then

I can tell just how misinformed you are from this post alone, but do you have any evidence for the claim that danzig and the preww1 borders were ethnically polish

fascism empowers the nation's bourgeoisie

if you're gonna be a nationalist at least try to be a left wing nationalist

Yes because they were no real threat at all.



And as for poland they denied a fair referendum

You have evidence for this i assume

Typical. Why even make a thread?

Say, tell me how communism has turned out wherever it is implemented

tell me your racial makeup, nigger


Must have missed that part where Czechia, ukraine, russia, baltic states, belarus, yugoslavia and several others, were part of poland

look at the picture I posted

Say, tell me how fascism has turned out wherever it is implemented

Post proof

white isnt a race, nigger

there was the mass privatization that happened under hitler


Part of russia.

No, you illiterate fucking beaner. Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were part of the USSR.

fake faggot nazis want to pretend their white skin entitles them to the vaterland. post proof you're germanic and not some subwhite nigger halfbreed

Worked perfectly well before the war, where as in the soviet union it collapsed on itself

your anglo blood condemns you to the same fate as slavs and jews, nigger

Obviously, that it what i said

I have read ((Marx)) and I agree with him on plenty of things, I hold concepts such as industrial alienation, class struggle, unity in a state, revolutionary mass-action, etc in high esteem, but reject the socialist solution to these problems with their implicit anti-nationalism, egalitarianism, and collectivist internationalism.

The war with the ((bolsheviks)) was inevitable.

real Nazi aka Asserism is fine, but hitlerism natcap, shitty as fuck

hitler was a fucking traitor

You are wrong, all we have to do is change our government

Bullshit. The Nazis had racked up so much debt there was nothing for them to do but start the war.
You are a complete political illiterate.

lol. gas this piece of shit

Filthy lying kike

Danzig was important for both nation, hence why it was an international territory. The rest was solidly polish, look at voting maps from the 2nd Reich, the polish minority party regularly won there.

hitler was an idealist. you are getting the bullet

i bet you have no proof for that claim.

Typical ignorant nazifag.

i'm not retarded. you wanna keep betraying the white race? you're going to be killed

So how do you justify the deaths of millions of Poles, Russians, Belorussians, Ukrainians, Serbs, Czechs, Greeks and other eastern and southern Europeans? (Especially the whole Hunger Plan) As well has hundreds of thousands of French, British, Dutch and Belgian civilians?

How do you justify the destruction of Warsaw? The terror bombing of British cities? The planned razing of Paris?
You can claim the holocaust was exaggerated, you can claim no one died. Or that if they did they deserved it.
But what mental gymnastics are you going to play to justify the slaughter of white Europeans and the destruction of their cultural heritage?

That matters to no-one, it was german before the same as any random forest area

I am not scared of some gaslighting jew on the internet

You are a fake nationalist scum like every non german/austrian nazi.
You pander to a retarded junkie who had no problem into bombing your country day and night.
Nazis must bekilled for the fake nationalists they are. No exceptions.

Spoils. Of. War.

lmfao. gaslighting. ive been rolling out kikes like you before you even had hitlers name on your tongue. fucking alt right retards ruined our movement and now you anglos are trying to get in on it too. fuck off

1. Because you're Nazis were not socialist, much like the Democratic Peoples Republic of north Korea isn't a democratic people's republic.



2. Your economy is based off warmongering. Without the loans the Nazis would be nothing and your economy would have collapsed, which is one of the reason people like you plundered and invaded . The above links provide such an argument.

3. You talk about racial tensions, and yet people like Tito's Yugoslavia (which was Socialist) and the people of Mauritius and Seychelles (African countries, the latter being a former socialist country) were able to unite under a culture which has united them. The reason why Tito's yugoslavia fell was due to Reagan funding nationalists, who were quelled and silenced under Tito.

4. Conditions for workers were shite, it was a capitalist system which encouraged "class collaboration" and kept people in fear of "DA JOOS" not to mention, if you spoke out of turn or had any negative opinion of the Nazi party you would be taken away. See pic related.



On top of that, most of us don't condone genocide of different people, nor do we on leftypol blame ethnicities for being more muh privileged than us. Your whole ideology is filled with not only idpol, but falsehoods and conspiracy.

And the final nail in the coffin, for all your talk on wanting to """save the aryan white race""" you seemed to have killed a shitload under your rule.

And because I feel generous, here's a song I made, just for you.


As for the rest of the people posting ITT who aren't OP, get your shit together.

European chimps everyone.

I have read ((Marx)) and I agree with him on plenty of things, I hold concepts such as industrial alienation, class struggle, unity in a state, revolutionary mass-action, etc in high esteem, but reject the socialist solution to these problems with their implicit anti-nationalism, egalitarianism, and collectivist internationalism. :)

Forgot a pic.
Also, forgive me for the additional bit of recording, I had another project and vocaroo thing i did for another user on this board.

Reguarding the hunger plan


I don't, but if poland did not want war why did they stand tall

The british and americans targeted civilian populations in germany well before the germans bombed us, i live in an area that was bombed heavily but i understand why

Never heard of it, please enlighten me

I don't deny the holocaust, but i do deny they were gassed, and the number of dead i also deny

That is not the fault of the german reich, i cannot see how you could spin it in such a way either

Really activates the almonds.

post a timestamp you dumb whore

Can't find the infographic to make you feel at home so you'll have to settle on reading wikipedia.

Nazi imperialism was a problem.
Also systematic targeting of one ethnicity isn't cool either.

FYI there is another poster posting with nazi flag, ill use a trip from nowon

For all your info graphics and well worded post, song and everything you just get a generic reply. We need your post, but we also need to just meme at the retard.

Uneducated retard, Rome did the exact same thing. "In warfare in ancient times, the spoils of war included the defeated populations, which were often enslaved, and the women and children, who were often absorbed into the victorious country's population."

we call them perfidious anglos for a reason

just another traitor race beholden to jews

Then I guess you're not much of a socialist then. Considering that your focus is on race as opposed to class.

Well then you haven't read Marx have you? Within his works he writes that people are not born equal, and that under socialism people should have their own individual needs met, and that some would be better equipped at certain tasks.

If he has mentioned equality, it is likely he was mentioning equal opportunity.


missing a few parens there, paint chip licker.

Also nazboldetected.jpg

Now we're getting somewhere!


my posts:

Are you a child?

I was saying that ironically to insult the poster


Again you can't prove what you say, where as i can prove the soviets starved the ukrainians


So let me get this right. You accuse the Jews of being a perfidious parasitic menace hell bent on killing and enslaving whites, as well as destroying European civilization.
But when the Nazis do the same thing it's "justified"?

Truly you are the "saviors" of the white race…

The race struggle is the primal one, and the class struggle secondary. Egalitarianism doesn't mean all people should be given the same shit.

I didn't say it was okay because Rome did it, I was just proving him wrong.

Top NEP.

Got bad news for you, buddy.

Did you submit your post before you typed this part out?

You really are retarded.

Nazis always have and always will be corporate cocksuckers who despise the workers. You are the shocktroopers of the banks and industrialists.

I'm not a moralist. Jews are bad because they're doing it to us, they're our enemy.

English isn't my first language so yeah just complain about my English skills and don't address the point. Good job.

Please point those out for me

Maybe say your arguments instead of relying on infographics, i can do the same

what IS your first language then, nigger


Here you go

What point? Your argument is "Rome did it too" while getting mad that the big ebil sobiets did evil things - which you then copied. Pretty amusing double standard hunger plan and pillaging man.

You didn't make a point moron. You justified nazi destruction of Europe and the theft of and destruction of white culture with "Rome did it too" and then said you proved kurdposter wrong.

This isn't a mistranslation you are just stupid.

Animal torture is nigger tier.

Hunger Plan =/= Generalplan Ost

Banning machinery to increase employment is dumb and no amount of hammered mice will ever change this.


Are you ?

Right-wing """theory""" at work.

Sick. Here everyone, have some brain bleach.

I was just addressing the point of "Nazis slaughter millions of Europeans, ravage their cities and cause untold destruction not seen since the thirty years war and and the fall of the Roman Empire". I wasn't arguing about the morality of it.


There are problems in a class society but I disagree with the Marxist solution to these problems. Have you read Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes?

You can't agree with class struggle if you agree with Hobbes you illiterate fuck, I doubt you've read Marx, neither Hobbes for that matter

and here I thought animal sympathy was the only quality you nazi scum had going for you

It's about to get messy in here.

I said that I hold these concepts in high esteem not that I agree 100% with them. Not Socialists don't want to abolish class.

that's pretty funny

For anyone reading more about the Hunger Plan:

Also read up about Speer and the Nero Decree. So much for wanting to "save" Germany and European civilization.

I want to be friends with that dog.

Then advocate for class struggle at all? You're pretty much clarifying what the word filters say. Rather you're literally choosing feels> reals and prioritising identity over class like an SJW.

You don't want worker to own and manage the means of production. (Instead of a parasitic class of bureaucrats, industrialists and financial proprietors) So it seems fitting.
Or are you going to claim the Nazis actually wanted to abolish class?

Damn, I was just about to say how I greatly respected you for your honest amoral tribalism "I'm not a moralist. Jews are bad because they're doing it to us, they're our enemy." and then you immediately contradict yourself by criticizing animal torture, not too mention how you're fundamentally wrong in saying it's "nigger-tier", considering that "whites"/westerners were the ones that invented circuses, animal experimentation and industrial livestock.


Oh ok, so you're spooked AF. Has it ever occured to you that maybe not all white people think alike to you? Or maybe a lot of your ( ( ( ideas ) ) ) came from a certain ( ( ( people ) ) )?

Furthermore, on the subject of infographs, you do realise that my infographs do debunk yours, yes?

How is he in anyway related to Nazism? Considering he also talks about equality under the state so no one reverts to a state of nature; it kind of flies in the face of your anti-egalitarianism stance. :^)

Why do people still follow fixed formed ideologies?
Whatever happened to pragmatism and flexibility? Adapting to circumstances?

Why do both the left and right fall for this d & c bullshit?

Because you're all lemmings, that's why.

We advocate for racial struggle, not class struggle.

I called it nigger tier because it takes someone with a brain defect to do it not because it's immoral. Nice try.

A philosopher influenced you≠You agree with him on everything.

to elaborate on the ( ( ( people ) ) ) and debunking Holocaust denial while I'm at it

If race is a spook, then class is also a spook.
Our definition of individuality is also a spook if you consider the concept of determinism.

lurk more

and the last one

Why is that?

You don't understand ideology my friend. You are eating up the shit of pigs by following ANY ideology.



We know that and seeing as you know so much about nati onal socialist history you should also know that. What happened to "whites" who disagreed with us? ;) I don't see how that debunks racial struggle theory anyway.

Where did I say he was related to Nazism? also a philosopher influenced you≠you agree with him on everything.

Well if you consider that, shouldn't you (if you are white) consider taking the side that is pro white?
Because you're fucking deluded if you think that this mixing of races won't lead to bloodshed.

If they were, then wouldn't it make sense to bust them then? Perhaps overthrow the illusion of conceived power that has lead to violence and oppression and the individual not being fully realised?

How about you actually read some Stirner before posting about him, buddy?

I'm mixed race and my parent's only problem is that they don't know how to eat right.

As soon as you have specified a direction and given it a catchy name to spread it - you've just created more shit.

Any direction you take is intrinsically tethered a form of philosophy. A directed practice of philosophy appears to be religion in my definition.
That's why I kinda laugh when people think they escape religion and take on another "atheist ideology". The bitter irony is that it is formed on a basis of philosophical understanding. It pretends to not be a religion.

what the fuck is racial struggle theory

Fucking Nazi's man fuck out of here, go back to better times, fucking ruining all this shit. God dammit now I'm all mad. Fuck! Its all such bullshit bro.

Well good, you understand that there is no such thing as escaping ideology, now how about you realize how much of an ideologue in denial you are

Let's see how well that racial struggle theory was put into practice shall we?


If race struggle was real, then again, as I stated, the people of Seychelles and Mauritius would be killing eachother in droves, but surprisingly, they're not, mostly due to the fact that they're united by culture.

On top of that, considering that Europe, Australia and America had histories of white supremacist eras, where was this percieved """race war"""? Where was the mass extinction of the black race and it's euthanisation?

It's almost as if white people aided in the fight of civil rights and abolished slavery.

You had literal
to go about going on mass genocide, even prior to the fucking Nazis, but people decided not too, despite you having the home field advantage on IDPOL over class struggle (which countries like America, were all so quick to silence).

And to top it off, what happened to all those former British colonies? Oh what's that? They were given independence?

Huh, really makes you think.

I guess Poland was a nation of mongrels then?

Consider this. If I'd been alive in Warsaw during the summer of 1944 your "saviors of the white race" would have likely put me against the wall.
Not for being a mongrel, a Jew or or even wanting to do any harm to Germany or the German people.
No, just for the crime of not wanting to see me and the people around me (who would have been likely friends and family, i.e. "my people") liquidated and my city razed to the ground.
Kys Nazi.

It's like the Class of Civilizations, but with more emphasize on 19th century pseudoscience.

A little. And the whole thing just becomes a systematic doubt game.

It's like how the egyptians considered the god "seth". How there can never be a fully formed ideological perfection. An ideology is forever chasing an impossible goal.
That is why our universe exists in the manner that it does.


Strasserist here. You're faggot foreign-born junkie traitor openly defended the bourgeois and never bothered to attack them. What kind of supposed workers party that is for the people does such a thing? Oh that's right, a fucking bourgeois one. Get fucked you traitorous piece of shit.

books.google.com/books?id=9_pZCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA54&lpg=PA54&dq=25-point programme strasser&source=bl&ots=dRwO1vt-v0&sig=97c9g0I1oV9jnIq8AtgGO1qm1Lk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih68WtipXUAhWFwVQKHeM9D7gQ6AEIOTAE#v=onepage&q=25-point programme strasser&f=false

Hitler believed in Aryanism not White supremacy.

I think neither the right or the left will get their cake. In the end it will be us mixed raced people that will be the only thing mediating between races in the future.

People don't seem to understand how grim our future is. We're becoming a caste society, clearly.

If that were the case, Australia and America would have had an all out Nazi masturbation fantasy by now. Along with African countries like Seychelles and Mauritius.

Why should I take any side which doesn't act within my own interest and is focused soley on a fixed idea on "what it means to be white"

I can associate, breed, fuck, and befriend anyone I want, and i'm not going to let some retard who shitposts on a sudanese car-jacking forum tell me other wise.

I want to learn more about Straserism


Are you perchance, retarded?

If there is no escaping ideology, and no perfect ideology, why move from what worked in the past? It's the most naturally selected memetic rock.

To cut down a tree is to destroy a society and start a new tree. That produces less fruit and cannot sustain the population that was there at the time the tree was cut down.
Weeding is required, not cutting down the tree.


Why do you say that when he never though of Slavs as Aryans? I don't know much about the Aryan stuff and most modern day nat ional socialists are "white supremacists".

Poland actually proves my point. Because what better way to highlight ethnic tension than to highlight the ethnic tension between Germans and Poles… who look the same.

Mark my words, we are going to see worse than that in the future because of the damage created by multiculturalism.

Who'd have figured?

It was funded by the Jews :)

I'll side with the anti-racist socialists. I have no reason to align with people on a racial basis — be it only because I have non-white relatives, friends and comrades or because I don't share common interests with bourgeois or reactionary whites.

Violent conflicts between native Frenchmen and Belgians or Italians were much worse than contemporary ethnic tensions between white Europeans and Arabs or black Africans. People got killed during violent ethnic riots on a regular basis in 19th-century France.

Must be really nice to have such an easy world view

I know you're aware of it.. it's just part of the post that tries to make a full fledged argument.

You can cover ground you've walked before to get to places you know.

The part where he actively tried to remove/enslave all czechs/poles/russians kinda gave off that vibe.

This is satire right?




The Slavs (along with Gypsies and Jews) were defined as being racially inferior and non-Aryan Untermenschen, and were thus considered to be a danger to the "Aryan" or Germanic Übermenschen master race.

According to the Nazi secret Hunger Plan and Generalplan Ost, the Slavic population was to be removed from Central Europe through expulsion, enslavement, starvation, and extermination



You sound really pretentious my dude, how do you know the current tree is not rotten, what makes you think a new one wouldn't be better? what makes you think you can weed out the contradictions existing in capitalism

Isn't that the point? Go to the forest, live out your days with somebody. None of these people know what the fuck they're going on about, they just say words like banishing rhymes.

What's your point? I didn't claim he dindunuffin.

He was funded by Paul Silverberg, this is a fact.

It's called "fight or flight"
You don't seem to understand the predicament you're in. It's never been a matter of choice in the past, it is the same now.
You do it or you will perish.

I don't like admitting that. I'm mixed race. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do in this situation other than swim carefully.
The time of harmony is clearly at an end.

Holy shit, the fucking ideology of this post

Answer my question . How does someone torturing animals for whatever reason means that person has a brain defect? And why is that a bad?

What the fuck even is centrism?
Who the fuck just stays in the middle?

"I'll paint a wall two colours because I can't decide which colour to go with"
It's more than that. It's more differential.

I put a link in the post.

Hitler was also funded by Jews :)

Call me surprised.

I live right next to an African community, I have a girl friend whose home country is in Bethlehem, and I haven't been threatened by either the Africans or her family.

You're full of shit. If what you said was true, Seychelles, Australia and Mauritius would be in flames.

Again, even in former white supremacist societies people had ample opportunity to go out and start Nazi masturbation fantasys. Years later, this still isn't the case, and race relations (though bad in some areas) aren't as horrible as they were back then.

Ah so you're another self hating Holla Forumsyp. Work the community fields, stormnigger.

People will always find a group to ostracize and hate. It is the nature of human society. We can't avoid it. Lemmings hate other lemmings for being different. It's just the way things are.

I disagree with Holla Forums and Holla Forums stop projecting me.


explains why you sound like a fucking pseud.

lol, lighten the fuck up, read Zizek, Stirner or kys.

For (you)


Why do you dumbfucks think this is an argument, so instead of analyzing the power structure of society and how it influences the relations between individuals we're just going to shut our brains and say it's "nature", seriously, stop posting and go read a fucking book

True. Now some one get this hothead outta here.

You mean, unrestrained by ideological bases.

No person will ever be red pilled. As long as you live within the fabric of our universe, you are blue pilled.

Then fuck off, Pablo no one gives a fuck what a pseud like you thinks.

Well you seem to attack many people of many ideologies. Does that not prove my point.?
It's in your nature to attack an ideology you disagree with.
It is in our nature to disagree and not get along.

To fight is to be human.

*she comes from Bethlehem

Imagine being this deep in the trashcan

Once you get rid of race, you'll find another group to ostracise, then another, then another.

It won't end. You will ALWAYS hate somebody.

Ideologies fight because they have different goals and represent different interests. Absolutely nothing to do with being human. You probably think you're really smart you pseud wanker

Critiquing an idea is different from hating a person. Case in point: The Nazis in this thread.
I may think their ideas are ridiculous, inconsistent and logically incoherent. But I don't hate them. I just think they're spooked and get off the undiluted ideology.

*And need to

Read a bit of history.
No society has survived more than a few centuries.
That suggests that it is in fact impossible to create the perfect structure, the perfect garden.

Castles made of sand that perish in the rain.


To also co-exist and mutually aid eachother is also human.

There is no fixed form of human nature, as socities, norms and culture evolved. We no longer live under feudalism.

You mean like the bourgeoisie, the corrupt governers?

And if they're taken out of the equation I can just simply hate one of my co-workers for being a slacker.

If you thought Anarchism/ Communism is utopian you're a fucking retard.

How does this even follow?

Oh don't get me wrong, I know if a homogenous society emerges - it will find new groups within that society to attack and ostracise.
Same if it became a fully mixed society.

How about you read a bit of history and understand what kind of struggle has shaped humanity from the creation of civilization.

And stop using cheesy analogies, you sound like a fucking pseud

Go neck yourself you fucking pseud.

So like the bourgeoisie or enemies who try to disrupt the peace?

Huh, really makes you think.

Because unless you let go, you will not learn the true nature of life.


Critique is hate of a different standard, of a different threshold or quality(or quantity?) of hate.
The basic force is there. It's what drives us to differ.

It is in the nature of our universe that this occurs.

too late
unless you want everybody to return to their ancestral continent and restore the races as they were before the colonization period
well then mandate irrelevant shiting, instead of 'removing' people if you really really really want a racially homogeneous society

But before that, let's conquer half of Europe and either enslave or kill the native population.

Also, you're understanding or races is retarded, just like your fetishistic approach to work, not as a tool but as a goal in itself.

And let's never forget, that nazi ideology wouldn't make any sense if it were not for the mystic jew, as the arch enemy. Without it, they'd fail, and with they can always shift blame on someone else.

You mean the same futile struggle that continues to fail to produce what we want, get what we want?

Indeed it is like the individual man that may seek to obtain a goal but it will never fulfill and satisfy. There will always be longing and futility.

The jew to nazies is the bourgeous to communists and is the nationalist to the shitlib and the nazi to the jew.
Us and them. Always.

The ideas people hold or support are not the same as the persons themselves.
I understand why you believe this, but it's possible to realize that ideas and people are two different (if interconnected) things.
That said, it's love and passion that drives people (and sometimes greed, though perhaps that's just a form of passion).

Let the hate go and maybe you'll see.

All I am pointing out is how stupid all of humanity is. We will never get to anywhere we want to. There will always be a rabbit to chase down a hole.
I just wanted people to remember that here.

Hate is love user. Love to your conception of the world and your own personal egotistic motivations.

Love will always create hate as the two are forever a part of the same coin.

Sure thing, Dante from DmC: Devil May Cry

Except that our enemy is the capitalist system as such, and not the bourgeois. They have their own interest, we have ours, and while they might conflict, our goal isn't any more to get rid of the bourgeois as a class can the proletariat.

Love and hate is pain and pleasure, forces pushing and pulling us.
That is why it is in our nature in the constructs of this world to fight.

Stop projecting, I said we're all stupid.
To understand your flaws is to understand yourself.

That's impossible. To hate the capitalist system is to hate the differences in class and, intrinsically, the bourgeois that exploit the class system to their excess. In fact you seem to be attacking the system, but it is a mere proxy for people to simply attack the wealthy.

To attack that system is to attack the interests of the bourgeois in such a way that it is impossible to separate the attack on the system from the attack on the bourgeois.

lmao fucking idiot nigger

What is your point? Yes, there are things that bind people, and things that keep them separate them. We're individuals, but also part of one interconnected world.
Your conclusion that this - not specific conflicts of interests - is the prerequisite for brutal violence and mutual extermination, neither follows or corresponds with history itself.

Yeaaah… I think you need to go outside more. Get a relationship and find a hobby.
No. Love and hate are not two sides of the same coin. When I love someone I don't need to hate anyone else. When I love my work or the things I'm able to create, I don't hate others. When I see reason in certain statements, I don't hate other ideas, including the people sharing them.
Remember. What you say and believe about others and the world often says more about you than them.

Holla Forums exposed


Indeed, people sometimes never had proper motives for murder, they just murdered.

The point is to look at what you're promoting and ask why you are promoting it. What made you do it.
Take into account the deterministic fashion it came about.

Then rethink why you do this.

Indeed user. Indeed.
I think you need to reread what you just wrote previously and throughout the thread, then reread that first quoted sentence.

That's the thing, our position isn't based on the hate for something.

I recommend looking into crime beyond clickbait or actually talk to people that have committed crimes and done time.
There are a lot of reasons that can drive people to murder. Everything from desperation to feeling slighted. "Criminals" are people to and have their reasons. They're not driven by some supernatural force driving them to arbitrary acts of violence.

Because I genuinely love this world and don't like to see it perish in some kind of apocalyptic disaster? Because many people don't deserve their fates? Because we need a world without cruelty?
My motivation is love not hate. I don't even hate those that oppose what I stand for. Often I even understand it. (Be it material conditions, conflicts of interests, misunderstanding, different values, etc.)
Originally yeah, I shared considerable hate for certain groups. But it's not a productive attitude to have, nor is it necessary.

I don't think anything I wrote in this thread strictly contradicts my message. "Us" and "Them" is a metaphysical distinction, it's fundamentally neutral and demands no further action. There are Jews and there are non-Jews, there are workers and non-workers. Neither distinction demands action or justifies it on itself.

Fuck off scum

Pretty sure one of the tenants of nazism is conquering nations for living space, so, you know, the whole "we just want our peaceful ethnostate maaaaan" is not a very convincing argument

I doubt you've read anything from before 1820.

NatSocs advocate for class cooperation, not class revolution. Race and Nation are not feels, they are very real.

Lebensraum was to rectify the economic debt through large real capital gain. There are many Western countries that can acheive this sort of gain by simply altering policies to self-affirm the nation. Of course those who are living under such a system would have to change their life style. No room for degenerate liberalism.

Imagine being this spooked. Read Stirner.

they murdered the outdated version of themselves
you are never going to achieve anything if you think you can achieve equal standards of living for all of humanity
there are cultures that exist that wont stand for it and cannot be destroyed
attempts have been made for centuries that went nowhere and in some cases just resulted in more extreme versions of the same abrasive cultural traditions

live the same life he did and contemplate on it
if you stopped being edgy for 5 seconds you'd understand stirner is another dead end road to nowhere

Isn't death a spook?


its probably an american
they like to forget jerry started it


I have read stirner. He's work is not the refutation that you think it is. His thoughts still fall under the school of nomanalism, thus making it based upon faulty premise. His thoughts on the unique being and so forth are still fairly interesting however.

His conception of spooks however does not irrefutably lay waste claim to notions such as nationalism and other "-isms"; for how is it spooked to live among like-minded, self-affirming people that conform to fundamental human organizational principles spooked by any means?

because you will never do that

also racism dum

Then why are you praising Hitler. Hitler betrayed the German people and sold off German industry to the same financial special interests and bourgeoise he claimed to be fighting against.

Then he started a war against the USSR at the behest of the elite dooming Germany. If you want to be a Nazi and claim to be anti-capitalist then you should read $trasser and recognize Hitler as a puppet of big business.

Gregor and Otto not Adolph and Herman OK?

The problem with you materialists exactly that, you ascribe no room for agency. Criminals do not commit crime merely because they are poor or due to sociology-economic condition nor class-distinction nor is it even down to racial/genetic distinction.

It is because they chose to, they have decided on what course of moral action they see fit. Whether you could consider specific populations capable of moral behavior is another question.

If you wish to examine criminal behavior through the lens of determinism race is a far better heuristic than class or condition. In the countries around the World that you are able to compare them, poor white communities are proportionally much less inclined to commit crime than poor black communities. Of course you could argue that blacks feel much greater social alienation due to the nature of their existence in the ghettos, but if you then consider the conditions of various white populations through out history they have gone through much worse North-American blacks ever have (I wont speak of the conditions of Latin American blacks, truly horrific stuff).

As for the us vs. them dilemma, that is something that is natural to the state of humanity due to our natural organizing principles interacting with the totality of man in the current era. It's not something you can resolve without changing the material conditions significantly (transhumanism)

$trasser was a Nazbol, not a Nazi. It's a misleading denomination; Nazi is a third-positionist ideology i.e. Fascism.

As for the historical fact of the matter Hitler did nothing wrong, especially in purging the Asserites, they were getting in the way of building the Nazi state, which was truely the first true challenge to the World Capital and Financial order. Asserites were too far short-sighted to see the bigger picture and would have never been allowed to keep their gains.

i'm personally pretty sure blacks will always have higher crime rate
but currently blacks in america have a 2x higher homicide rate than blacks in botswana, which is especially alarming since botswana's population is much younger than the black population in america (more people in the provably most criminal age of 16-35)
obviously it's not just race and blacks have room for improvement

by the way, whether you have 3 or 6 people / 100k that are murderers it's really not that big of a deal - looking at it globally

besides there's more than 2 races, america's second largest group(and growing) isn't black people

though racially realistically speaking hispanics and white people are the same race

It is not just race, before the civil rights movement and the atomization of the black community after the 60's the blacks were much better. That along with the "insignificance" of black crime does not mean that it needs to be tolerated (nor is murder exclusively where Congoids over represented universally around the World). It seems to me a great cruelty to presume that they are capable of integrating into white high trust societies (without being shitheads and being exploited by whitey and other racial groups).

As for Hispanic, that can never be a racial category because it is comprised of multiple racial categories. They are mixed race and there is no indication of which ethnicity they belong to let alone which clade.

crime shouldn't be tolerated you mong, but the guy who "looks" like a criminal to you should be tolerated if he isn't a criminal

idk, the most criminal groups(by large margins) almost universally in europe are north africans who are whiter than mexicans

yes, very scientific indeed
i believe hispanids are
homo sapiens chicanos euromesoamericus

nice non-argument


I mean something other than the wikipedia article, like the fucking book.
Yes it does; since nations don't exist, neither can nationalism. Their conceptions exist only in an ideological collective of a fixed idea, spooks, just like religion.

It's not even the issues caused by crime, it's that they are incapable of integrating properly for a number of reasons. Namely that they cannot integrate genetically integrate without making matters worse; irrelevant shiting produces of primary and secondary issues. If you consider the nature of culture in more depth than passing you begin to realize how incompatible different Caucasoid races are let alone further afield populations - pic related.

as for your claims of hispanics forming a race, are you refering to the med population?

I'll admit that the most I've read on Stirner is the German ideology.

like all Western philosophy, continental philosophy is based upon nomanialism, which is a false conception of the World. Like all before him Max divided the World around him into discrete categories. Unlike many of his spiritual successors though Max was an essentialist ironically enough.

Yes it does; since nations don't exist, neither can nationalism. Their conceptions exist only in an ideological collective of a fixed idea, spooks, just like religion.

It seems like you are spooked about concepts such as nationalism. Fundamental organizational principles are not spooks, it is a material reality for the most part.

fuck me that pic is small

google.com.au/search?q=iceberg culture model&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiG3KOSz5XUAhXIybwKHVuyDLEQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=633#imgrc=y1e3GHUzSENAPM:

hurr rayce-mixing iz badd
homogeneous societies are good dontchaknow, but rayce mixing - bad!!
enforcing raycemixing is better than enforcing segregation

aah yes, meds, brits and poles are so incompatible or are those the same 'race'
arabs are perfectly compatible, especially syrians, tunisians etc.
the problem is entirely cultural with those 'caucasoids'
also indians, asians seem to be doing perfectly fine

basically make up your mind on
what is white
what are the races
are homogeneous societies actually something you like
is islam a race

When did Not Socialism advocate this?

I was listening to what you had to say until that second infograph on that specific post, where you resort to name calling and baseless accusations. You're just as bigoted, biased, self-righteous, and stupid as the Neo-Nazis are.

The only people who deserve to be gassed by Nazis or starved by USSR, are hypocrites like you.

It dosen't matter what form of government a country has… as long as there are self-righteous, biased assholes involved in it, it will cause nothing but pain and suffering.