How do we fix the voice of communism?

how do we fix the voice of communism?

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I don't really know tbh. It's very frustrating really. I used to know a tankie sjw guy who was a member of the World Workers Party (visit their website and you'll see what I mean). He was really into idpol and pc culture yet he had the nerve to call anyone who disagreed with him a "liberal." One false step and he would immediately call you racist, ablest, homophobic, you name it. It's sad because people like him only cause people to stray further from the left. Reformist Bernie Sanders has literally done more for socialism in the US than these fags.

marxist memes is brocialist now

Marxist Memes went full brocialism.

When did marxism become "radical liberalism"? Where do these fuckers come from?

be the voice

forgot to turn off my shitposting flag

Easy OP. State that is an economic movement first and foremost and if you deviate from that you are banned. Social causes are allowed if they have an economic component that can be considered significant to that social movement. Simple.


I wanna know where the image you posted originally comes from. Looks like some typa anti-Bernie Sanders protest/publicity stunt to me. Got this conspiracy theory that black $$$feminists$$$ were used to shill for Hillary Clinton during the primaries to make sure she got the black vote and make Bernie look like a racist.

Like I said, it's just a conspiracy theory so I wanna know the story behind that image so I can look into it a little deeper.

People really believe this shit?

I think for a lot of idpolers they react so negatively to class reductionism because they think (whether accurately or not) that it's saying "the specific problems you have faced because of your race/gender/sexual orientation doesn't matter, only class oppression matters because I am oppressed because of my class and nothing else". In that sense I think the best way to speak to them is to accept they might have been specifically discriminated because of their race/gender/sexual orientation, but that's ultimately because of their class, and the only way to fix all forms of oppression is to eliminate class. Of course this will mean nothing to those who are attached to their identity and don't actually care about fixing oppression, but I think it will resonate for many of them who do feel persecuted because of their identity and go to idpol because they think it will fix that.

Member when ther were Xirxist Memes?

I guess we are winning..

Better yet make it about the idea of hierarchy. You can't be discriminated against if relations of power are gone and it's an umbrella term that includes everybody in one way or another.


That's true, class might seem too abstract. Exclusively talking about hierarchy doesn't have a bad name like "class reductionism".

how did this happen?

[email protected]/* */ photo. what a disaster

this one photo is why Bernie lost

hay Holla Forums

Had a discussion with a new green party member. I asked them to describe me what they think socialism is. They said "free healthcare, free housing, and free college". I asked them what of the workers owning the means of production. They said "I really don't care you owns what as long as healthcare and shot is paid for"

Ever since that encounter I have only known fear

lmao there are more white men on there then leftypol
They even blocked a women who won the "elections" from becoming a mod because they weren't in their trot group

But most of them aren't actually persecuted tho. Liberal cis white males will also defend idpol til the end even though they don't face any form of discrimination themselves. Most minority idpol activists are petite bourgeois liberal arts college students anyways. I'm not against identity-based movements as long as they address actual racial disparities (e.g. blacks being disproportionately imprisoned for minor drug offenses etc.) But the fact is that about 90% of it nowadays is just feels>reals pc culture and speech sanitation bs which poor economically oppressed minorities couldn't give two shits about. Not to mention the idpol groups that find pride in exclusion, choosing to remain separate from the rest of society to stay away from their "evil" white oppressors instead of actually seeking equality. Yeah, I think modern idpol is pretty much shit and this is coming from a latino non-citizen living in the US. Also, it's always the american-born minorities that engage in this shit as actual immigrants weren't raised in a culture of bourgeois individualism that leads to idpol.

This is basically a product of illiterate burgers spreading the idea that nazis are just hardcore conservatives and communists are hardcore liberals.

I'm not sure what you expected

Europa has free health and college. We still go on strikes and demand more.
Never forget 2 steps forward, one step back.

They might not be persecuted based upon their identity, but they still face the same alienation and oppression from Capitalism as everyone else. It'd be a lot harder to convince them their problems come from something entirely different than it would be to accept their reasoning but say that Capitalism is the ultimate cause.

Find attractive person from a local community and teach them talking points. Make sure they always have a average looking person beside them who is more knowledgeable to fill in the knowledge gaps. Have this person lead charity for the poor with no strings attached. Repeat same steps in each community and gather a following.

And this is why your countries are being flooded with economic migrants.

Socialism is a pyramid scheme.


and nothing of value was lost.

Every other day I ask myself how can the left be so divisive, how can it keep splitting, infighting and purging itself so often. Then I look at shit like this and I know that feel anew.