Why has every attempt at socialist revolution failed?

Why has every attempt at socialist revolution failed?

The USSR got the closest, but its leaders reverted it back to capitalism. I think those days were the only chance for revolutionary socialism to work. How on earth could it possibly happen today? To take on a super power like the USA today? It's not feasible. We missed the bus.

I think the only thing we have to look forward to is waiting for the technology to advance to the point where there's full automation and post-scarcity and capitalism is forced to become more and more SocDem. Just trying to be realistic.

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Yeah, cause socdem hasn't failed ever.

and so on

Just look at the fucking state of the major socdem parties in Europe for the last 50 years (well probably further back than that).

Scandinavian countries seem pretty comfy. And I'm saying socdem is the only realistic option we can hope for. I don't see how revolutionary socialism is possible in this day and age.

Worse than waiting for the revolution tbh.

Social Democracy literally does whatever it can to keep Capitalism around. It's better than neoliberal Capitalism, but it's outwardly hostile to Socialist goals.

Why should we hope for socdem?
Porky doesn't want (and have no reason) to give us concessions anymore.

In a full automation scenario, it's more likely for porky to gas all of us instead.

I'm from Sweden. The only reason the Social Democratic party was as "left" as it used to be was due to the massive labour union pushing them. And even the labour unions hated radicals and were pretty shitty at times. Maybe not at shitty as the Social Democrats.

In the early 1990s they seriously tried to ban striking. In the late 1960s when miners decided to strike because of awful conditions then the labour unions and the state took the side of bourgs (the mining company was even state owned but had a bunch of old bourgs in the leadership). This is just two examples. Since the 1980s they're straight up neoliberals.

They were crushed by Tankies or the CIA

This. Also by global capitalism.

There's no hope is there? It would be harder to do today right?

Join Action Front

Isn't that a Nazi organization?

We lose because our leadership betrays us, and because we fail at holding them to account. Our leadership betrays us because being a leader in a capitalist society is a lot better for them than being first among equals in a socialist society. (Socdems have the same problem, mind you, look at Greece.)

It's the kind of thing that makes me think the anarchists have a point about organization, but organizing a worker's movement that's both non-hierarchical enough to protect itself from elite subversion and effective enough to bring about revolution is not an easy task.

Daily reminder that SocDem politicians are just capitalists leeching a part of left leaning voters and do more harm than good.

Creating capitalist institutions was one of the main goals of the revolution and the russian marxists.

Parvus said something similar in like, the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. Every generation feels that uprising is now impossible because of the gap between popular and military strength, but they neglect the fact that no serious insurgency happens without support from at least some of the army.

Relations of production don't change automatically once productive forces evolve. You can have all the technology necessary for transforming society (we probably already have) but as long as the classes that got rich out of wage labor, market relations and private property remain power, that's what we'll have.


okay? so what do we do?

Rojava is a U.S. puppet that will be wiped out once they are of no use

By whom? Nobody is in a position to do anything.

Assad and Syria

I think the issue of the State potentially becoming so entrenched as to be impossible to abolish is, at least, worthy of consideration. What happens when armed humans are no longer needed to defend property rights?

you mean yeltsin staged a coup

But Yeltsin was fairly elected?

Papa Doc was fairly elected.

Now I KNOW you're just trolling

I'm not trolling and I could be ignorant. Could you explain?

America hacked their election.


Source? Did they hack the vote tallys? What happened

Tired of hearing all the "full automation" bs.


Medvedev admitted to the opposition behind closed doors that the '96 election was rigged in Yeltsin's favor. I'm actually not sure if he authentically won his first election.

SocDems are liberals with a red tie.


Because power has a nasty tendency towards self-preservation and people have a nasty tendency to want and maintain their own power. Revolutions lead to power vacuums, which is why they never produce anything but replace one group of rulers with another.

So instead let's just keep the old rulers and hope they piss a little wealth down to us proles.

This. Under capitalism there will always be a fight between workers interest and porky's interest. There's no rest, if you look the other way they screw you and take away all the "rights" they gave you. It's constant risk and struggle.

Fucking socdems man

