/trap/ general

trap thread, 4chan is now pass only and someone told me to post this here. i'll start


Uh, I'm super into traps but this is what has my attention atm. Please explain.

4chan captcha is broken, it won't let anyone post unless they remove captcha by buying a pass

please post trap dick

Booby trap thread? Booby trap thread.



no the people over at v told me you guys like traps

Man, that would probably hurt and cause severe damage even without the cartridge.


No it goes here

I think everyone knows the answer.

then why did that other guy say he likes traps?

4chan works fine, what are you talking about.

its broken it wont let me post can you help me fix it










this Holla Forums raid is fucking lame

I hope that doesn't divert too much traffic hereā€¦ Most of us are busy at uni. It'll dilute the board even more.

We have a board for this.


no i don't browse pol because i dont support zionists

yeah but u said u like trap threads so this is good traffic

reminder to post trap dick


if u guys are the oppisite of pol and pol supports donald trump and donald trump supports israel, does that mean you guys support assad and hate israel?



wow u guys dont have many users, my trap threads are normally poppin



Fucking repulsive

this is an any trap thread, post what u like

