American Prosperity Depends on a Nonwhite Future

Are articles like these supporting "white replacement" theory? I mean, from what I understood, this seems to imply that only way to make a country prosperus is to bring more new people to work on behalf of corporations and big business.

Other urls found in this thread:

What happens when birthrates even in the immigrants' native countries flatline?

Why the fuck would these retards want overpopulation ? (I'm personally for open borders but these arguments are retarded)

No idea, but it seems that future for USA is Hispanic & Asian they don't plan on bringing more blacks imo.

Worst thing about this is that it gives an illusion to people that they're outright telling them we're disposable cogs in a machine whose sole purpose is to feed "muh economic growth".

They just openly say their plan is to replace us with foreigners and Holla Forums will still accuse white people who are against this of being motivated by the pure hatred for the color of skin.

Yes, what this country needs is more desperate poor people to keep wages and expectations low! Hear, hear!

Is all I see when I see these articles

This author Noah Smith has literally written for the Jewish Daily Forward.

Just seems to me to be "more workers" for more cheap labour.

We're not liberals, m8.


The Daily Forward publishes interesting pieces; Noah Smith is a hack properly reviled by left twitter.

Try again you cultureless american fag.

The real problem is that institutions have made it clear that they're fine with sticking to the "you can't be racist against whites :^)" dogma until whites are eating shit and/or totally eliminated.

Unless the government gets heavily involved, this is not true. Immigrants stick to larger cities.
Unless you have extremely tight immigration criteria, this is not true either
This is true. The latter part unfortunately because of exploitation more often than not.

demographics changes are an inevitability of globalisation and inequality. the only way to stop it is to go full nazi and refuse immigrants on their "race" or origin, or forcibly expatriate those already settled, which is just not going to happen

the future is multiethnic countries. white supremacy is over and it's not coming back

It's a complex of interests. On the one hand, you have the Jews who genuinely hate White people and White culture and who do wish to see us replaced, but on the other, you also have corporations that just want to reduce everyone to poverty and wage slavery. Bloomberg represents both camps.

Spoken like a true liberal. It's too bad the Muslims refuse to be your good little brown pets and keep facilitating resentment against them by aloha snackbaring a concert or a shopping mall or an airport every month or so.

you are delusional

I didn't say it. It'll be more along the lines of

what a spook

never going to happen

who the fuck cares outside of your autistc hellhole, Holla Forums
eat more porky dick


Basically, capitalism doesn't support declining populations

other than the retarded headline

the article brings a few good points
nothing wrong with asians and hispanics

Remind me again why I should be upset if the people of the future look different from me?

i thought this was about islam

It's called a pyramid scheme.

Remind me again why I should base an ideology on the fact that there is no logical evidence for any principle, reason or want?

That's what everyone always believes, and it's the one thing that has been consistently shown to be wrong throughout history.

The current order was created 70 years ago and it enjoys razor-thin margins of support among the population. Distrust in the government is fostered by terrorism, and sinking standards of living, and immigration… but never mind that, everything's going to stay the same as it is now for all time, because the neoliberal, multicultural system has been received from Almighty God himself.

Islam is foreign.

Just a few things:
- The writer completely forgot about automation and how most if not all unskilled jobs are going to disappear in the next few decades.
- One of the reasons why capitalism sucks it's because it requires never ending growth, so it's kinda impossible to have a stable economy without a growing population even if it means you have to import immigrants and "overpopulate"
- The immigration "problem" would be easily solved by getting rid of capitalism. Without the huge economic inequality and the need for the "never ending growth", people wouldn't need to emigrate


are indian foreigners muslim

Yeah, you just easily get rid of inequality by pressing the abolish capitalism button.

And that's why ban on human cloning should be lifted.

A portion of them are.

so is it foreigners or islam

It's Islam. Since Islam is almost entirely foreign, I was using "foreigner" as a synonym for it, with the understanding that people would take it to mean "foreigners who are also Muslim".

user, it's not rocket science.

They understand it perfectly, which is why the left loves islam.

what % of the immigrants in the uk are muslim

I do not know, but based on census data showing around 15% of the British population being foreign-born and Muslims making up around 5% of the British population, 1/3 is a solid guess.

So a super shitty synonym then


This isn't /liberalpol/, nobody here thinks the neoliberal system can sustain itself in the long run since it objectively makes people's lifes worse and it relies on people buying into the ideology behind it.
Different races living together and mixing doesn't require any ideology, it just happens naturally. You need people buying into racist ideology in order for them to segregate themselfes, which they don't have any reason to do that if they aren't being exploited and played against each other anymore.

>what % of the immigrants in the uk are muslim

Pure ideology.

Man I'm so glad the jews have become so brazen with this bullshit. It's like winning the lottery.

They aren't making you leave. They just want more immigration. If you have a room with 3 white people in it and then 2 black guys walk in, have those 3 white people been replaced? No.

I disagree with their assertion that population growth is desirable, but I don't care about people's skin color. Come back and cry when you're getting deported for being too white.

His unspoken assertions were that the policies of the elite also contributes to below-replacement-level birthrates among native Whites, and that the newly arrived immigrants have high birthrates. Hence "replacement".


Yes, so your math is wrong and missing several pieces of information. If you assume the spread of immigrants to non-immigrants is the same in muslims as non-muslims (unlikely but you haven't really provided any other data), then the answer is still 5%.

This is true, but the whole backlash against whites was that there was exploitation that wasn't being addressed. But we've seen that the meat grinder has finally started to affect whites & class consciousness is on the rise because whites are now part of the same economic class as the people they used to exploit. I don't mind working with white people. I think putting them up front makes class consciousness even more pronounced, because it strips away the racial elements which have fueled the discourse on exploitation since the 60s.

The only area i see of future balkanization is California and some parts of the Deep South.

Instead of supporting immigration why don’t we try to increase the birthrate. Also fuck the economy. Automation will come soon enough.

No we at /leftypol know that the only way to stop increased immigration is to destroy capitalism, because Porky will keep pushing for immigration.

automation is a meme. one that recurs periodically throughout history. Back in the 60s and 70s people where talking about automation like it was just around the corner. It wasn't. Our whole power structure depends on debt and wage labor, the people in power will never let the power structure wither away on its own accord. They are always going to go for the option that gives them more power. And it isn't post scarcity communist utopia, that's for sure.

It's like they're trying to turn people into Nazis
Are the borgs so afraid of capital being overthrown they're pretending to be exactly what Nazis believe in to promote Nazism and prevent future anti capital revolts? (Nazis would do succdem shit, not actually do production for profit)
1488d chess

I'm against nationalism but I'll admit you could shut down borders and still have capitalism if you are willing to have a continually declining standard of living to keep the rate of profit high

You could close the borders, implement socialism, but never move to communism. That’s my ideology.

so just proles dictating forever?

Why not?

Depends how you define socialism and communism. If by socialism you mean post profit post market but their is still an enduring distinction between "work" and leisure, than yeah that's the most likely scenario imo as well

I define socialism as in workers control of the means of production. In socalismit’s possible to have a very nationalist, and anti-immigration state. It could be market socialism, or worker councils, however there will probably be a distinction between work and leisure. Simply because most people don’t get there dream job.

So what you're saying is, white people are inferior in that respect?

Have you ever read any theory in your life?

Romania did: Ban abortion and provide huge incentives for having kids.

Also probably become nightmarishly authoritarian towards backroom coathanger men and refuse medical treatment to women who maim themselves, but y'know, it's an option

(lmao just let population decline and automate out the difference.)


Yes I have

It should be called "American Prosperity Depends on a Latino Future". Who do you think picks the crops for the food you eat, it sure as fuck isn't whites, or blacks.

Most farmers in America are white. The only part of the US where this isn’t true is California. Whites are more likely to be framers than any other farmers in the US.

Most farmers in America are white. The only place this isn’t true is California, and Hawii. And those states aren’t white majority. Whites are more likely to be farmers than any other race in America.

I suggest you keep doing so, you clearly have never read Marx.

I prefer the pre-Marxist Socialist Theory.

uh-huh but do they actually pick the damn crops or are just the land owners?

That hardly tells us "we need the mexicans!". Those mexicans getting paid to pick the crops could be americans getting paid to pick the crops.

Because only mexicans are desperate enough to do it. Why would an american go pick crops in the hot sun for shit wages when he can go stand at a jewish piano serving customers in an air conditioned building for the same wage.

Do you know what a small farm is?

The problem is farm workers in California are underpaid. If that wasn’t the case and they owned there own land (like what happens in the North) you would see much more white farmers in California.

Yes, I am.