Marx Zuckerberg calls for universal basic income

I've got a bad feeling he's trying to run for president.

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Everything he's been doing these past months screams he's gonna run for president in 2020.

I already thought of the campaign slogan. Ready?


No I'm sure he found religion and decided he actually likes public speaking at the same time out of sheer coincidence.


he's a perfect candidate, libshits and sucdems and the centre right will love this shit. His only problem is that he looks kinda cuckish but I'm sure that in a primary between him and Sanders, Sanders will get BTFO much harder than with Clinton

That's what I'm worried about.
Normies will fall for the UBI shit without realizing the class conflicts it creates and only serves the interests of the rich in the end. Sanders is no better, but I think Zuc is much bigger snake in the grass.

Could do worse for a porky.

What the fuck? Rhetoric like that is mere lip-service that, at the most, results in symbolic measures. Are you an Obama supporter?

He looks like a fucking alien in this pic.

What the fuck is wrong with him.

see it's already happening. You say some Pavlovian buzzwords and the cucks begin to jump and do tricks on command

Who else ready to plugin to the zucc cube

As opposed to Dolan who will shit further on our already shit health care, tighten drug laws, and actively try to burn as much coal as possible to create jobs in West Virginia? I'll take my chances with the liberal porky in a general election for a lack of better actually existing options.


The point is neither of these are great options, and it's still just lesser evilism.


That's what I'm saying.

I wish he was suggesting communism

I've actually been having an argument about this with a friend lately. You see if you keep giving your vote to the dems because they're the "lesser evil" when in actuality you'd like an actually progressive candidate AT LEAST then you're bascially saying to the democrats "this is good enough for my vote" and they then have no reason to change their platform.

Hell the mere fact that they won the popular vote the last election is the entire reason that they think they can keep on like they did with Hillary.

Beware gift bearing Greeks (porkies). Bill Gates has said the same in the past. What do they both have in common? They're both on the top 10 list of billionaires. The reason they call for universal basic income's cuz automation's gonna cost the proletariat a lotta jobs in the next 30 years. In some countries up to 50% of jobs are gonna be done by robots so that leaves a lot of workers who feel used and abused by their bosses without no way to put food on the table. A lotta poor people without shit to lose are a powder keg just waiting to blow so universal basic income or "free money" is just a way for porky to avoid getting strung up by a street lamp by his former employees. Even Bill Gates has said this much in an interview bout why it'll be a necessity at some point.

I don't care about the Democrats being a liberal party. The Democrats are not going to be a socialist party. I don't get why people give a shit about pushing them to the left.

The thing is that he'll probably get elected since he's in the big business.

More liberal nonsense. I sincerely hope none of you actually think UBI is good.

Listen. It's very simple. By existing as they are they are blocking anything to the left of them. If they keep getting so few votes that they either have to 1. change or 2. dissolve and be replaced by (hopefully) something better.

Speaking of UBI, I just read this report that pretty much argues automation-caused mass unemployment is a spook:

They make a pretty compelling case, what do you guys think? Has automation really spooked everyone from succdems to porkies? Or are both sides bluffing, knowing that this mass unemployment will never really happen, merely using the scare to implement UBI for personal political goals?

He's Ashkenazi.


UBI will become a necessity until capitalism collapses.

Whether or not it's a good thing is completely irrelevant.

Is this like how Ted Cruz uses "portable healthcare" as a euphemism for bosses not having to provide health insurance to their employees?

I'm not sure you understand the concept of "no better"

Those things are going to happen anyway. Do you think FDR was totally going to lead to socialism? Under what conditions do you think there will be revolution? It certainly isn't under social democracy.

No, I don't think any Democratic politician is going to bring about socialism, so I don't care about them beyond lesser-evilism.

If anything I think it's a good thing that the 1% are taking out the middle man in politics and assuming control themselves, it takes away the illusion for the masses at least

I've this fucker really does run for president, I'll vote for the first time in my life. If you think about it, human civilization is going to shaped by intellectuals like Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk.

Those two men truelly are the greatest Marxist intellectuals of our time, I'll be donating to his campaign once he starts running.

8 years of accelerationism is dangerous.

You were never an anarchist. Why again does that flag exist? Why does that ideology even exist? It's like ancapism - you just slap anarchism onto a shitty ideology to make it sound cool. That's not how this works.

You are the reason that electoral politics will never work.

Take the other fuckers down with you, take all of humanity down with you if that's what it takes, but don't fucking vote for the lesser evil. Vote for good or let everyone die.

With this alone he probably just got a good chunk of Leddit on his side

I'm so confused.
Isn't Sucerberg proposing everything socdems ever wanted?

at least if the political and capitalist classes fully fuse, it'll start to wake the burgers up.

Sounds good to me tbh

He won't meet my demands to a sufficient degree, he probably wouldn't deliver on them if elected, and while you're supposed to hate systems instead of people I'd seriously consider neoliberalism with any face over social democracy with his. (And it's worth remembering what I just implied: eliminating humanity is preferable to keeping neoliberalism.)

He is a person I am intensely suspicious of because he is a data miner, which filters down in all sorts of undesirable little ways. (Why provide services universally if you can optimise more efficiently with mined data? The answer, I would say, is the base principle that service access should be universal. i.e. if we could use data to determine the optimum people to give scholarships to, I would prefer the less efficient option of centrally funded free education for all who wish to apply.)

On those lines in particular - "Flexible" healthcare? That's not "a British style national health service", indeed that's not even the magic words "Single Payer", "Affordable childcare" skirts around "free", and so on.

Then on a personal level I don't see "Keynesian clearing union imposed on the world at the barrel of a gun to ensure Porky can't flip things like he did with Breton Woods.", so…


We need to start the memes to get our candidate in NOW!

The sheer exposure zuckerfuck can get is unimaginable.

Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp will literally be his personal army, and the rest of the 🍀🍀🍀social media🍀🍀🍀 sites like twitter will be behind him too.

He's making a super obvious mistake, and one that Clinton made too. Cementing himself as a leading Dem this early gives the oppo years to construct effective attacks. Whatever candidate we support - if any at all - should come out no earlier than Bernie did this cycle.


He looks like a computer rendering of himself.


It just gives an excuse for lumpenproles to be lazy, so no thanks.

Look at that tophat wearing motherfucker. God damn.


more like succdem


"Singularity" is a secular version of "Heaven". When asked, people can seldom even describe the particulars of that place, much less justify them, but they consistently wave away complaints with "trust me, it'll be good".

Strong AI has gone pretty much nowhere in the last 50 years, mineral resources are running out, the speed of light imposes hard limitations on our ability to travel, many of the doo-dads imagined by singularists (10-mile high arcologies, geosynchronous space elevators) require materials that don't and can't exist, and technological innovation can't circumvent the laws of thermodynamics either… oh, but don't you worry, technological progress has been speeding up and that means that a little elbow grease can solve anything! All of our problems will be magically solved once we invent enough shit, and the constraints of the physical universe as well as the human psyche will disappear overnight.

Replace "lumpenproles" with "scroungers" or "niggers" and that could have come straight from the mouth of any republican or Holla Forumsyp.

If you want to minimize suffering you'll vote for a UBI. If you want to pursue your ideology at the expense of people's lives, then you won't. It's that simple.

Fortunately, unlike religion, strong AI doesn't require your faith. The proof will come when it is developed. I'm not sure whether that will be 50 years or 500 years from now, but it will happen.

This nazi faggot is right; technology doesn't accelerates for all eternity, it eventually hits a plateau. The fetischization of transhumanism and AI has to do with how medicine and computer tech are the only fields whose technology has been accelerating for the past years. People see this progress and think it will continue forever, while it in many aspect have probably already hit a plateau. This is similar to how people in the 60s watched the space race happen and naturally thought we'd be colonizing Venus by the turn of the century. Obviously that didn't happen, nor will the singularity happen

The internet already hates Zuckerberg, you just know this will cement internet culture as far right for decades. When will this nightmare end. Holy fuck.
I will vote for him if he seriously might do something for UBI and/or universal healthcare though. It depends on how leftist he is when he runs. I'm still sort of hoping sanders runs again, though, because I really think he could win.

You see, when I started looking into anarcho-transhumanism, it sounded like liberal bullshit and you're really not helping.

As much as I hate roses, you're right. I prefer social democracy to the sociopathy of neoliberalism, but Zuckerberg is one of the premier examples of a capitalist leech. His data mining should be used for the good of society, instead it goes into his pockets. I wouldn't trust him for a second and you stupid fucks who vote for him will learn that.

not sure if Holla Forums or retarded


He will turn the country into ancapistan. UBI (1) will never be realized and (2) is just a bone for the dogs.

Pic related: Ancapistan.

What about that statement is wrong

USA having this fucktard as president after Trump would be the final nail in coffin.
Him or Kanye West. We want more president celebreties! Circsu country deserves clowns as presidents.

But i really can't see the average obese that craps his pants at wal mart in Alabama or fucking Arkansas voting for this pretentious fucktard

I'm not too worried, honestly. Much like the Dolan, he'll find out politics isn't like business, and he won't get anything done. Until the next economic collapse of mass casualty disaster happens, politics will remain stuck.

Strong AI is dead because people choose quick but ultimately weak results and simple formalisms over the hard work of reverse-engineering the mind. This has been the state of since the days of Turing. The only big-name people who cared about the structure of real human minds were Minsky, who's dead, Dennett, who's not an engineer, and Sloman. In any case, that school of thought will never gain traction because people are more interested in self-driving that'll drive right into the fucking wall if one paints a mural of a street onto it.

He's like the least likely liberal billionaire to become president. Elon Musk or Oprah probably has a bigger chance than he does.

zucc is gonna make us bend over to insurance companies harder than obama did

Too much makeup, no texture left.
Probably was selfconscious about his pimpleface or some shit.

UBI temporarily postpones the problems of capitalism. Yes, on the short term it will decrease suffering, but on the longer term, socialism is a better idea that is more sustainable than "Let's pump more money in the economy until we can't pay our debts anymore"

Oh, for fucks sake. Can we just nuke the world already?

any reading on why UBI is not good from a leftist perspective?

Competent liberal billionaires would never bother trying, so this isn't true

The thing is that the tendency is always to the right. When the dems lost to Regan, they shifted right, not left.

how do we provoke Kim to nuke santa clara county?

This is going off historical data. This time it's completely different. We're getting general purpose machines now, that can be put to work in most industries and be put there fast. Drivers will be out of work for sure, same with pilots, and other people working in the service sector. Where do these people go? I don't need an entire institute to tell me that there really is nowhere for them to go and no time left in their lives for re-training. All you have to look at is the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. This is the one indicator you need to look at. Automation will be the thing that gets us to communism, so really this is a good thing in the long run. Only capitalism has a problem.

holy shit this.

It's a mechanism to buy time while they slowly eliminate the poors. Look up a short story called Mana, but ignore the last chapter where everything is saved. That is the future as we see it now.

national debt doesn't matter and UBI would ameliorate private debt issues.
the only concern is that they national living wage it. (i.e. call it basic income when it's conditional, or give you a pittance and lie that it's livable.)

Literally feelz vs. feelz 2020, giant meteor don’t fail me now!

And once the increased cost efficiency of transportation causes demand to explode? I’m sure there will be an enormous market for drone operators, traffic controllers, repairmen, inspectors, programmers and the like. This market will continue to grow, transporting cheaper and cheaper things in greater and greater numbers, until demand for human labor necessary to make it work once more exhausts the supply of sufficiently cheap qualified labor.

Face it, the Industrial Revolution could’ve brought eternal NEETdom for the overwhelming majority of the population clear back in the 1800s if we’d been content to halt the development of standards of living. Post-scarcity isn’t a technological issue, nor a political one.

Post-scarcity is a purely philosophical issue.

Tell that to the countries that are forced to do neoliberal reforms by the IMF after defaulting on them.
Our "duties" (read: debts) are more important than anything else according to the IMF.

good, let porkies lay the foundation for their own demise

ITT edgy trust fund kids mad that proles are gonna have economic security because of muh future revolution

Once president, he will kill any pretense of net neutrality and privacy. Enjoy having your real name, photograph and city you live in, if not your full street address, signed to everything you say and do online.

At most the singularity is a 'sleeping revolution', in which the revolutionary subject of history turns out to be capital rather than the proletariat. In the meaningless drive towards rationalised accumulation replaces humanity entirely. It's not even the triumph of evil, but the triumph of absolute and hollow banality. It's like one of those tedtalks in which a representative of the liberal class keeps going on about a gleaming gee whiz future full of AI technoprogress, a future in which humans seem eerily absent. It's basically new age spirituality for people who want to be cucked by capitalism

All of those countries are either third world or in the eurozone.

Given most people here are British or American it's easier to just throw it out, since both of those countries have full control over their own currencies. (Even Britain's IMF loan wasn't due to national debt, but due to fear [based on lies] that the value of the pound would slide. It was a balance-of-payments loan.)

That said I do support launching the IMF into the sun using a giant catapult. Clearing union or bust.

When people like Milton Friedman, Charles Murray and now Zuckerberg support UBI, you know it's simply a last gap measure by the elite to stop workers revolting and losing everything.

Absolutely this.

it's common sense with looming technological unemployment

Nixon was seriously considering implementing it decades ago. He skipped out and revolution still didn't come.
Throwing it away isn't an option without risk.

Lord have mercy.


If he supports single payer and none of this "flexible healthcare" bullshit then he would be worth voting for against Trump. Otherwise he's just a Jewish Obama.