What's your biggest issue with capitalism?

What's your biggest issue with capitalism?
I've been debating a natcap who keeps bring up MUH ECONOMICS, MUH HELICOPTERS.

My biggest issue with capitalism is it's ability to put a dollar sign on anything. Sex, love, emotions, etc can all be monetarized under a capitalist system.
Another issue I have the the sheer alienation it creates between a worker and their work.

Other urls found in this thread:

antiworld.se/project/references/texts/The_Society _Of _The _Spectacle.pdf

The same can occur with fascism
we are not your comrades, fuck off.

Under fascism yes but I'm curious as to how it would be under Asserism or National Bolshevism. The fascism of Mussolini and such come off to me as decaying capitalism trying to cling on to what little of capitalism it can.

Nazism would still have this problem dumbass.


Well your not wrong. Now apply that to everything that's also fascism.

I can't stay in my room and read Hegel all day

I'm only using the nazi flag because I don't fully know enough about national bolshevism or marxist leninism to use those flags. I'm really curious about the left wing but I don't know enough to where I would feel comfortable with using the flag. As of now I guess I'm a Asserist but that is subject to change. The closest flag is the nsdap flag.

theyre flags. They mean nothing.

Literally a meme ideology anywhere outside of Russia.

Why do you guess? You don't have to put yourself into little ideological categories user.

Ok lets talk. You seem to not know much about the left, or the right as your very wishy washy with ideology. Theirs a term for that, i call it new information fanaticism. Its a perfectly reasonable human reaction to new information.

If you are interested in Asserism, check out this video:

It's called commodification, and it's inherent to capitalism as a mode of production. This includes fascism.

It might sounds stupid, but I hate how capitalism has destroyed city life.

When I walk around my city center, all I see are the same boring retail chains and shops I can see in every other Western mid-sized city.
There are no musicians playing traditional music, no street theatre, free movie screenings or arcades, no space where people can collaborate on endeavors outside of economically profitable activities. It's all Subway, Zara, McDonalds, supermarkets, and boring apartments who are sometimes empty because it's not profitable to let homeless people live there.
Speaking of homeless people, there has been more and more of them in city centers next to tidy perfume shops and clothing stores over the years, and it's fucking depressing. Supermarkets prefer to put bleach on their food that will expire soon rather than giving them to the people in need, because, again, it's not profitable to do so.
Even partying is boring under our current system. Most bars and nightclubs sell overpriced drink to pay the bouncer that refuses to let you inside because you are too nerdy and didn't come with a girl or have a hole in your shoes, to give a false sense of prestige to the establishment. Not to mention, the music is trash to appeal to the lowest-common denominator brainwashed by mainstream media.
Also, people aren't taught to take drugs responsibly, so instead of having a brainy conversation with someone on speed, or a MDMA-induced heartwarming encounter, you only get drunk normies trying to show how alpha they are by hitting a woman because she kissed a guy they don't appreciate.
The only places where something interesting happened are well-organized squats, but sadly, municipal bureaucracies make their lives hard and precarious because they don't create any economic activity.

I don't starve, I have a roof over my head (for now), clean water and electricity, but there is hardly anything stimulating to do outside. It's sad that the best place to meet people with common interests is the internet.
Instead of using technology to make life away from the keyboard more exciting, we stay into our little bubbles with our smartphones and computers, because almost nothing interesting ever happens in our immediate environment.
We have everything we need to ensure our survival, but almost nothing to ensure a life beyond survival. No wonder why so many people think about committing suicide.

Don't take the Debord pill if you are prone to depression. Or maybe do, actually, you might understand why you need to take those SSRIs.

the degeneration of culture

That fat acceptance pic made me realise how much I want to whack a fatty in their naked belly with a baseball bat.

The way it stifles genuine progress and utility in favor of making a profit. Big pharma spends their time researching treatments for diseases instead of cures, big oil purposefully suppresses alternative energy research, and everyday appliances are designed to be easily broken and difficult to repair by anyone but the manufacturer, they have DRM on fucking farming equipment these days.
The blatant lack of concern for human life is another big and obvious one, the sheer number of innocents slaughtered in the name of making a profit is absolutely sicking. Even when the Porkies aren't outright killing people, the working conditions are absolutely awful for many of the people they exploit, even in developed nations like China and India.

10/10 post

I would say that at least where I am it's not as bad, yet. There's still some places you can go where you don't always have to pay, but even those there's like a planetarium, an indoor pool, and plays. I remember going to a couple some years ago and they were pretty great. Even the mall has some interesting activities in there. the problem now is I haven't been to any of those in years. Also can you cap that post? I tried but it didn't work out so well.

Which country you in fam?

a meme made on Twitter by fucking Lauren Southern LOL nice ideology bro

American culture = consumer culture
And it is infecting the whole world, replacing whatever there was with pure consumption.
The propaganda machine is too effective. People are classcucked to the fucking max. In the US it's worse, people live in literal fantasies, whatever the news is telling them doesn't reflect their day-to-day realities, yet they genuinely believe it to be true for them.
Honestly, the US feels like one big fantasy disney land where people live different narratives given to them by the news. Idpolers take it to the next level. Worst part is, it's incredibly hard to not participate yourself in this fantasy. You're constantly bombarded with roleplaying information and asked to give your opinions on the spectacle.
"What do you think about Trump?" a benign question, but what is really expected is a role playing answer "Well he's the worst of course! A womanizer! A racist! Worst of the worst!".
Americans are empty shells, just parroting whatever their role is. Very empty and alienating. This is not true of at least many Latin American countries. Of course people put on a façade, but not even near to the level americans do.


This is my biggest issue with capitalism.

made me vomit


My biggest peronal issue (not talking about social or economic one), is that it leads to nothing, in capitalism profit is always the endgoal.
Only little group of individuals can make society progress:The ones with capital, and the ones who "atract" someone with capital, and as such this progress is hindered.

If you are a scientist you might be discovering something, but only because someone can making profit over it, it will be used.
And for the common workman, in capitalism for example you work on a factory producing cars with no important goal, but to make someone rich, under socialism/communism you work to make sure anyone can have this car, and as such you contribute to society not to some person richness.

Can you recommend any book of him?

don't forget that nobody will ever see full automation until capitalism exists

We could've been there 20 years ago.

If you haven't done that already, read Lefebvre's 1968 Right to the City. You'll love it.


These images make me want to die. I abhor the day I graduate and end up having to do this.

If I were to say my personal gripes with capitalism, is that it doesn't fucking work. Everything is made to break so you co out and buy more. and wastes far more than it can actually produce. There's also the need to paywall things that would otherwise reach singularity, but due to everyone being cucked by the market lease no alternative for many.

Pretty much. Also seeing it consume things up north here is distressing. I sometimes have moments where I question if anything is real or genuine. It sucks.

Having to work meaningless jobs for most of our lives when it is well within our means to reduce toil to a minimum so that we can truly enjoy life to its fullest.

Communism is free time and nothing else!


there are people alive that still think it's your fault if you get raped. it's the same line of thinking.


don't you have boots to clean

don't you have welfare checks to collect

Keep sucking that bourgeois cock, faggot.

if you like work, you'll love the gulag

People on welfare are heros, user. I'd say they do more for society than an American Soldier.

CAPITALISM puts a dollar sign on everything. It's not people making a choice to buy and sell. IT'S CAPITALISM DOING THIS.


the society of the spectacle is what youre looking for. antiworld.se/project/references/texts/The_Society _Of _The _Spectacle.pdf
beware, this is the true redpill.


that's right, so be sure to not cheat on your taxes and work them boots.

Why does it trigger you so much that books may contain useful information (which by the way you're in desperate need of)?

Your like a little baby. Watch this.

vis-a-vis muh economics: read steve keen, tell him to read steve keen. ancaps don't understand capitalism.

my issue is it's capacity to ruin anything nice, in the simplest example that's just something like social democracy, but it extends everywhere - the tale of the assault from all angles is just one example of how the "good guys" will find themselves under attack from all angles, and how pure coincidences will nearly always benefit the bad. this also applies to businesses I suppose. The good and the novel die young while the boring becomes standardised. (Microsoft's domination of the computer industry for example.)

On a less politicised level living in a spectacular, consumerist society is pretty miserable too. There's nothing to talk to people about anymore. I have no interest in exchanging consumption choices and few things anyone says are intellectually stimulating. I'm not even smart, it's just that there's nothing there. (This slowly set in when I was like 15, but has been developing more and more over time. At first I thought it was just the wrong people, now I'm starting to think it really is just people. There's still the natural urge to talk and such, simply to be around people, make and receive noise, but there's no purpose to it but pure ritual.)

What's the reason? When I took them all they did was make everything a bit greyer. (Sadly my depressive tendencies and my political ones hadn't yet synthesised, so I don't know what my outlook would be with them now. From the non-medicated perspective it would seem that for the most part I'm just being realistic and that taking drugs to function in a dysfunctional society is itself dysfunctional. Of course, that's partially because I've somehow eschewed suicidal tendencies so can say as much without risk.)

vis-a-vis muh economics: read steve keen, tell him to read steve keen. ancaps don't understand capitalism.

my issue is it's capacity to ruin anything nice, in the simplest example that's just something like social democracy, but it extends everywhere - the tale of the assault from all angles is just one example of how the "good guys" will find themselves under attack from all angles, and how pure coincidences will nearly always benefit the bad. this also applies to businesses I suppose. The good and the novel die young while the boring becomes standardised. (Microsoft's domination of the computer industry for example.)

On a less politicised level living in a spectacular, consumerist society is pretty miserable too. There's nothing to talk to people about anymore. I have no interest in exchanging consumption choices and few things anyone says are intellectually stimulating. I'm not even smart, it's just that there's nothing there. (This slowly set in when I was like 15, but has been developing more and more over time. At first I thought it was just the wrong people, now I'm starting to think it really is just people. There's still the natural urge to talk and such, simply to be around people, make and receive noise, but there's no purpose to it but pure ritual.)
Also I have little to say. (Ironic given the length of the post) It's not just that other people are empty, but also that I am empty. Everyone is sick. I use imageboards out of rote habit, and because occasionally they're amusing or give out a tiny piece of information, but there's nothing on the level of enjoyment that I'm sure existed in childhood.

What's the reason? When I took them all they did was make everything a bit greyer. (Sadly my depressive tendencies and my political ones hadn't yet synthesised, so I don't know what my outlook would be with them now. From the non-medicated perspective it would seem that for the most part I'm just being realistic and that taking drugs to function in a dysfunctional society is itself dysfunctional. Of course, that's partially because I've somehow eschewed suicidal tendencies so can say as much without risk.)

The job interview process is awful– it's bootlicking to the extreme– and then we're expected to be grateful for it (as you seem to imply.) I have no qualms with interacting with people. but these kinds of interactions are god awful. You know, once upon a time, it was argued that American slaves should be grateful for being slaves because it "brought them into civilization" and put a roof over their head. Do you agree with this?

Of course there are benefits to having a job but that doesn't mean that the arrangement isn't exploitative and alienating, which why the way, is why people get the impression, "why do we have to work?" I'd say most, if not all people have some desire to be productive and contribute to society, however the capitalist machine grinds on these feelings until many hate their job and their life, and when they express their discomfort, what happens? They get called lazy by cunts like you.

You are a capitalist.
Fuck off.

Degeneracy, globalism, open borders

maybe it's just me but the audio on that first video is fucked up half way through

Big Pharma researching is mostly capitalist memes, most research is actually done is state sponsored. What they actually do is buy for pennies the state sponsored research and then get all the revenue.
Just a small point, but your post is still right on on spot.

That cannot be real.

why not?

It's just too absurd.

Not even Holla Forums false-flagging would be that bold.

it is you can look it up

it is the true face of feminism

It looks like they deleted it off facebook but it must be true because it and the link to the fb post are still on their Twitter.

For fucks sake, French people. Why does France produce so many hyper-political weirdos?

As someone with a chronic illness, the number one thing I despise is medicine for profit. If revolution ever comes, I want to personally execute pharma executives, private practitioners, and pharmacists.

Kill the gas station attendant too while you're at it, jeez.

Really important issues m8, I'm sure you have read tons of leftist literature in order to come to this conclusion and that you totally aren't obsessed with your particular brand of idpol.

Right, the people who sell you necessary medicine for a profit are innocents. Get fucked.

You know, at least feudal lords didn't demand that their serfs participate in some horseshit charade about robot being some sort of "opportunity", or that the serfs beg to do the work. They also didn't demand that the serfs dress up and pretend to be noblemen themselves.

Not only are you being exploited, but nowadays you also have to do a little song and dance about how your exploitation is the greatest thing that ever happened to you: smile at the job interview, lie about how this shit job is all you've ever dreamed about, pretend you're self-actualizing yourself, conform to hoity-toity bourgeois dress code, and, above all, keep telling yourself that you're not a wage-cuck.

The workers who are basically pill cashiers and have very little choice in the matter of working or not?


Pharmacy aides are not pharmacists.

You people really can't meme. It's sad. A good meme is like a bunch to the gut: short, hard, and captures the attention.

Cut out the meandering, recycled bullshit from Holla Forums and just leave the the quote at the bottom.

We don't give a shit about your "meme majik" or your retarded advice.

Vancouver has the same issue with its housing market. Goods are priced differently and vary based on factors that, while you tacitly make note of, dare not affirm their existence. Ironic.

then explain the last 2 years

Part of these images are tips for interviews. It's telling you what to expect. Do you want the interviewers to abide by rules the potential employee sets forth? "Ask me questions that I like." Better yet, just hire me and don't make me showcase my merits.

hey is the guy to the left the kid from stranger things

The second video only propounds the concept of supply having a tangible impact on goods/services.

Aren't capitalists just egoists? They pursue their own interests

They pursue capital's interests.

What I said explains the last 2 years perfectly. That's why we have a president who communicates with the public through Twitter, after all.

Which is rooted in their own. The point still stands: egoism is capitalism on steroids.

r8 me

Capitalism requires that the proles serve the interest of the bourgs which means the proles aren't egoists. Capitalism cannot exist if everyone is an egoist.

The point of contention is not concerned with the "proles". It is the assertion that the capitalist engages in egoism. The proles can be egoists when they are capitalists because then, the definition is concrete (as they will cease to be "proles" and will be acting in their own egoistic desires).
Capitalist IS when everyone is an egoist.

The capitalist doesn't serve his own best interest, though.

Capital accumulation is not an end that leads to maximum pleasure in and of itself, it enables excessive consumption but one never escapes the cycle of throwing in more effort to obtain more money just in case they might want to consume more later.

Dedicating your life to M > C > M is not egoism, nor is it in your long term self interest. The abolishment of M > C > M is.

-1000000000000 / 10

🅱ite me.

You'd be surprised.
I lost that pic with Zizek talking about Capitalist altruism.

My interests are to be as egoist as possible. Therefore I am a capitalist.
But that wasn't a substantive point, you just put in an emotional tidbit about what you think capitalism is. The "excessiveness" is the egoism. You're only making my point. I'm glad we agree, though.
Egoism is not a sustainable mindset? Sounds spooky to me.

By what

Ok fine, you get 1 point back for "SocDem gang". I laughed at that.

-999999999999 / 10

No it isn't,
1. Egoism isn't pure hedonism
2. The consumption never fills the void that capitalism creates. It's always the next purchase that will make you happy.

Stirner was not a capitalist.

Yes it is. The spooked who arbitrarily limit egoism to what satisfies their emotions claim otherwise. My exploitation is my egoism. Deal with it.
Maybe for you.
To some people, that's what makes their clock tick. They will engage in their own egotistical desires.
Not all egoists are capitalists, but are capitalists are egoists.

meanwhile: spooked by property rights

Egoism exists outside of your own personal emotions. My self-interests are contained within the same property I wish to seize. I'm an egoist, therefore a capitalist. Like I said, not all egoists are capitalists, but are capitalists are egoists.


Capitalists sacrifice themselves for the pursuit of profit, they value money over their own lives. Also they're moralists
So no they can't be egoists. Egoism is more than material gain, it's self-control. Stirner succinctly refuted the le personal wealth being a measure of self-interest meme in his book Stirner's Critics. I suggest you read it. pdf related.

Except capitalism doesn't serve the interest of the proles, they are spooked into thinking it does. You ran into the same problem Ayn Rand had when trying to defend self-interest versus capitalism, that the worker's self-interest is to destroy capitalism for their own liberation.

Egoism is not about following self-interest, it's about ownness. By sacrificing yourself to an external standard to be followed such as self-interest you have spooked yourself by giving yourself over to your base desires, you have destroyed yourself. Actually fucking Read Stirner you fucking faggot.

By what stretched-out definition do they sacrifice themselves? Maybe their original investment to create a business. None of this has anything to do with the point: capitalism is egoism and only the spooked say otherwise (who draw arbitrary distinctions when it hurts their feelings).
Also irrelevant. I'll make it easy for you. Capitalism is egoism because the capitalist serves in his own egotistical interests.
Yes, they start their businesses in the name of their egotistical desires. What occurs after is irrelevant if the purpose for their actions was egotistical; therefore, it can be defined as such.
Who controls the private industry of the capitalists, again? If I start a business with the aim of exploiting 'x', I run my own business. I am egotistical because I am a capitalist. I control my own assets.
Except capitalism is not concerned with the interests of the proles: they are the egoists precisely because they are capitalists. The subjugation of the proles is the evidence of the egoism of the capitalist. Your argument is self-refuting.
An egoist worker would do well to act in his own desires, which is to become a capitalist and exploit for his own gain and to assert his own control versus submit.
Your self-interest, perhaps. Oh, are you one of those who complains when his own self-interest isn't universal? Another spooked bitchboi.
There is no sacrifice if the egoist is in complete control. When they cease to own their business and submit to authority, then they are no longer egoists. But a capitalist who has his own business and acts in his own self-interest, capable of exercising control over his assets, is an egoist.
When the interest in question deviates from what the Supreme Authority of Opinion determines is worthy of definitions, it is discarded, huh? Sounds pretty spooked if you ask me.


i don't like parasites and i don't like people who inherit massive wealth and landholdings. It pisses me off fundamentally.

They dedicate their lives to a fixed external standard alien to themselves
No you're fucking retarded, see pic related
Moralism is a spook you idiot. Maybe if you actually read Stirner you would see why. But you're probably just a Holla Forumsshitter stirring up shit
Wrong, they feel pressure to by capitalism's constraints. If the profit motive was removed they wouldn't feel the need to. Material conditions also come into play.
Why don't you just read the fucking book? Honestly…
Again, that's an external standard which is a spook
Nowhere does Stirner say someone should act in their own self-interest, that is an external standard which is a spook, you make the individual into a slave to themselves, he goes over this in The Ego and It's Own. READ. THE. FUCKING. BOOK.
Except he's not because he's sacrificing his ownness to an external standard, in this case it's money
You're retarded. I'm done with you. Read the fucking book and get back to me, I'll leave a copy right here for you. But you're some Holla Forumsshit so I'm probably wasting my time anyway.

Read this: theconjurehouse.com/2016/11/18/the-stirner-wasnt-a-capitalist-you-fucking-idiot-cheat-sheet/ and stop being retarded

You're arguing against a troll. Do not waste your time, he will draw the discussion with traps and misinterpretation to piss you off. Trolls deserve no attention. If you decide to continue, he will keep using your terms without any knowledge of what they mean, and will pull mental gymnastics to justify his shitposting.

That money is more important than human life and your perceived social value is based on your paycheck size than your character. How this creates gold diggers. How you're seen as a failure for not getting a job when your ability to be hired is based on someone else's judgement and choices of how many they want to hire not your actual ability to do the job.

The point I used is taken straight from your textbook. Seizing property to free myself from wageslavery. Improve your reading comprehension.

That isn't what sacrifice is. That is called vocation. That is their business venture. Not defined as sacrifice.
Stirner arbitrarily defined egoism when it defied his preconceptions, too? Fancy that.
Lol, you worked backwards. You made the assertion (without proof) that capitalists are somehow moral, then berated me for calling them moral? You made the point, not me. The topic is concerned with capitalists operating in their own self-interest.
Again, dismissing the faculties of the individual isn't actually a substantive point. Pressure is not equivalent to force. They have the freedom to 'x', just as they have the freedom from 'x'. It is their choice, and they pursue it because of their self-interests.
Hence the self-interest. You just refuted yourself.
Stirner does not have a monopoly on the phrase "egoism". I can just as easily use a synonym, then your argument falls apart because all you can do is allude to Stirner and the limitations of his definition.
Does nothing to refute the fact that he is egotistical. A hare seeking out as many carrots as he desires makes him egotistical (if he uses those carrots for himself and only himself).
I don't care what Stirner may or may not claimed. I am concerned with the actual definition of self-interest and egoism. For somebody who dismisses ideology so easily, you sure as easy to act in alignment with the ideological. Try to not be as emotionally charged, too. Emotions are spooky as hell.
Irrelevant as his actions are still within the parameters of an egoist.
By not typing anything or presenting your point outside of "you dummy" and deliberate misrepresentation of definitions to fit your "ideology but trust me we aren't ideological lmao", you cede any position you might have presented earlier, thus rendering it untenable. Willingly withdrawing your involvement, ceding the stance in my favour.

Seems like intellectual honesty is not your forte. Attack the man instead of the matter.
I'll make it simple. Stirner does not have a monopoly on definitions he might have used. Egoism is defined as the theory that one’s self is, or should be, the motivation and the goal of one’s own action.
(from iep.utm.edu/egoism/). What the motivation is is irrelevant and any position attacking the motivation in and of itself is untenable as it disregards the purpose for the action, in principle; that is, that the agent is acting in his own self-interests, regardless of what those may be.

So you're a socialist.

Please man, come on. Don't embarrass yourself.

I'm with the nazi on this one . I'll work hard and eat shit if I have to, but don't ask me to put a smiley face on it. You're already getting my surplus value, now you want my dignity too?

We have nothing to lose but our chains amiright?

Well that is the definition of fascism.

Asserism and natbolism isnt fascism, just wacky.

The end-game of capitalism is something that is deeply interesting and frightening to me.

What does the world look like if only one or two groups 'own' all of the property? Monopolization is the dream of every true capitalist - complete control over a captive market with no force that could possibly threaten your market.

I guess one of the things that highlighted the absurdity of unfettered capitalism to me at a young age were the Megacorporations in the Shadowrun universe.


In Shadowrun the biggest megacorps are essentially the world powers. Nations are not dissolved but their boarders are essentially meaningless - nearly everything is owned by the megacorps. In this world there are vast slums, yet there are individuals who control so much wealth that they are essentially nation-states unto themselves, able to function above any law - essentially this is a new take on the kings and the peasants of old, but at such a degree that the supremacy of the ruling factions can not be realistically challenged in a meaningful way (both because they are so vastly large and incredibly able and willing to kill people who would steal pocket change from them). The role of the protagonist or players in most Shadowrun settings is to skim some surplus value out of these megacorps and live to tell the tale.

I think that Shadowrun poses an interesting and quite on-point example of late-stage capitalism that persists by the sheer momentum of its own mass. To some degree this is, what I think, the 'biggest issue with capitalism' is. The end-game is destructive and terrible for 98%+ of humanity while the rulers enjoy opulence beyond comprehension living forever in untouchable titanium towers guarded by the most advanced and ruthless bodyguards and technology.

To me, this is Orwell's vision of the future come to life. "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."

I live in a medium-sized city in Eastern Europe that has all those things and more + good alternative bars.

It's not capitalism (voluntary exchange), but a combination of corporatism and bureaucracy that sucks all the color out of a city.


capitalism has no end-game

let me shit post here
i have a huge shit post idea here
let me take the funni "hurf durf socialism super market have no food"
so picture this;
capitalism is full of shit memes
socialism has almost no memes at all, you look into them its like, nothing.

where do you think you are

What's your point?

alienating yourself from the rest
on purpose
if you didn't have a problem with alienation, you'd stay in 4chan/pol/

… What?

I don't think you know what "alienation" means.

bad meme must end

this, although we can make some basic predictions of near-future (e.g. moving from societies of discipline to societies of control)

pic related

a good post concerning the Situationists ty

is english your first language?
explain to me what is it that you don't get from

Who the fuck wrote this? I seriously cannot imagine a situation in which a woman would wear stockings to an interview for a job that makes less than 500k and not make a horrible impression by doing so. Prostitute maybe?

Please don't tell me it's the same on leftypol. Am I fucking old?

It doesn't. 2 years is a long time for a punch in the gut. You dip.

Are you autistic or just stupid?

who'd have thought in wasting 2 years i wasted the practical equivalent of 20?

Top kek.

Is it a cultural thing? Seriously nobody in my country wears stockings for anything but dates.

I'm 24 years old. Feel like a fucking old man at times. Still as much of a loser as at 20.
