Communism and drugs; also, BWH

First off: yes, it's not a priority, now fuck off.

How do you think drugs should be dealt with? Since nobody is in favour of outlawing tobacco and alcohol, then most everything else should reasonably also not be illegal. Where's the cut off? Should it be there? If we can trust people to be responsible citizens, then surely we can trust them to not become drooling junkies the first time they get into the physical proximity of heroin?

Post leftist works dealing with issue.

Other urls found in this thread:孤爪研磨

No none of it should be illegal. It's a public health issue not a crime issue. Issues with drug abuse stem from other societal problems not the drug itself

So recreational use of heroin within bounds of reason is totally ok?


It makes sense to legalize such things within the understanding that the structures that hold up many of the most disgusting will dissolve under a socialist system. Cocaine will not be brought up north by a post-imperialist drug trade, heroin and meth will not be sold due to being the most lucrative choices for a small-level producer. If you break the system that allows these atrocities down and replace it with something that is beneficial for all of society, the odds of abuse are inherently much lower.

I knew a guy in his 20's who was working on Wall street, and over the weekends had a friend in the medical field administer morphine to him intravenously through an IV drip in his apartment Friday-Sunday. He didn't even smoke, or drink alcohol, and you would of never guessed he was doing the shit, he completely had his life in check.

Absolutely this.

While your question is rhetorical and leading, the answer to it is still yes, except "bounds of reason" implies some hard limit that shouldn't be passed or any limit at all, when there's really only recreational use and self-medicinal use. Using drugs self-medicinally is a societal problem, not one of the drug, and limiting the drug is effectively taking away someone's medicine and saying it's the medicine making them sick.

its an anti-social and maladaptive behavior

Point being?

By bounds of reason I meant not shooting up every day until you're a complete wreck. But yes, it is a buzzword.

its not criminal but its not a "public health problem" that can be solved by hooking people up to methadone-fentanyl-heroin-opium circuits of relapsing and rehabbing and weaning and then relapsing. It not only doesn't work but literally every new opiate replacement drug (like methadone or fentanyl or bueprenorphine) just ends up getting people hooked on that and they never get off it until a new drug comes out that they get addicted to. So obviously """medicine""" doesn't do anything and so either we need to genetically engineer these people (try explaining that to them, they don't like rehab or methadone as opposed to heroin already so) OR they are actually a problem and are an example of a sub-population that is maladaptive and may not fit with the direction the species and environment are headed and thus either need to be reformed (again genetic or social engineering is necessary not just medicine) OR liquidated/removed (ostracized, exiled, euthanized etc). That's my point, I have as little faith in addiction treatment and drug replacements and rehab as I do in the war on drugs (which is obviously a hilarious wild goose chase that shouldn't be pursued).


But there are many maladaptive people in society, drugs is just one issue. Unless you're proposing to be gulaging up to a few percent of the population at all times, you've got to figure out a different solution. Though I'm all up for genegeneering the fuck out of everyone.

Literally a rightist.

few as destructive or harmful as addicts
lol there are other things you can do than genetic engineering (one of them is euthanasia, the other is exile and possibly forced conscription if necessary).
of course you are. you want to give people to heroin and want to open the gulags (and i presume the prisons) but want to subdue and control the formerly incarcerated, this is how people who think its a "medical issue" usually want to handle everything. Open the penitentiaries, but drug the prisoners and slap tags on them and condition them. Or of course you could just genetically engineer them but then why not just euthanize them and make new people? If they are just genes then there's no point in not just eliminating troublesome people and creating productive ones, yes? This is the logic. Tiresome.

[citation needed]
I'd say domestic violence ranks a few steps higher than fucking junkies on the list of problems not instantly solved by abolition of the ruling class.
So you're literally proposing gulags. Great.
Could you try speaking English?
Oh, wait, you're actually this stupid. Never mind.

respect lost
then the people who are probably most at risk are black and latino children and then the children of single parents or children under state supervision (probably most at risk tbh). But, i'm sure that's not even who you're referring to you're probably referring to LGBTQ and Women specifically which is hilarious and typical myth-crafting victim mentality shit that women and gays create for themselves.
except the overwhelming number of violent offenders are in for minor to medium level offenses they committed while high. Most people commit robberies while high, most theft is for drugs. You're just not seeing the whole picture
no i'm saying that the only solutions are either genetic engineering which is inefficient and mamkes no sense since the only society which would force this upon people already doesn't value human life, so why spend billions "fixing" defective units? Or alternatively you could euthanize, exile or i guess "condition" (mind control, but the USSR called it reeducation and psychiatrists called it conditioning at first).
See above its a logical thing to reason out. I say that if you think forced genetic engineering (as obviously it will not be voluntary or it won't work properly) is the solution since there are no others you can palate, then you are already deranged and willing to dehumanize people to a degree that would then render the whole exercise trivial. If people are literally just defective robots you can change on the fly and they have no agency (not only can they not overcome "biological" addiction but they also aren't capable of overcoming genetics) then why the fuck are you fixing the stupidest and least productive robots? Why not just fucking annihilate them and literally grow new better ones? It makes no sense. If they're just hardware and they're generally defective and ineffective, outdated and whatnot then they need to be recycled or scrapped. Of course if you don't think this about people then it can't be a medical issue. You see? its a gambit. There you go that's the last time someone explains something like that to you

It's a bit of a tired opinion, but just treat it as a public health issue on the user side, and nationalize it on the production/sale side. In fact, the two will go hand-in-hand nicely.

My utopian vision is huge state owned apothecaries where you check in with your state issued identity card. All drugs are sold/given (depending on how far we have progressed towards socialism etc.) legally, but depending on the type, you have to show a degree of being informed about the risks, effects, etc. Depending on the research available, certain drugs are restricted to certain age ranges - if it can negatively impact a developing brain, it is not sold to someone with such a brain, and so on. Same for certain professions; you are not sold/given certain drugs if you do certain types of jobs. A record is kept of all your past purchases, and you are directed to medical professionals if your use is considered medically out of bounds. Interested members of the public will also be able to start procedures against other people whose use of drugs they consider harmful to either the user or the public - concerned parents, plant managers, lovers, etc. People will be free to enjoy drugs as they please, but not to destroy either themselves or those around them.

Same goes for all currently "legal" drugs of course. Anything that is too psychotropic, you get it from the state, at a state store.

Just have the nanny state deal with it, it can't be worse than leaving it in the hands of the private sector, aka criminals and corporations (but I repeat myself).

And of course everyone trying to go around this system goes to the gulag.

you'd be surprised how much worse the public sector bureaucracy can make things

Christ, I didn't even mean to trigger you. Go smoke some weed, you need it.
Wow, you are this stupid. At this point I can only advice euthanasing yourself.

Including outside of performing said jobs? You can't do most jobs on alcohol, and alcohol can be sold to any adult, yet people don't get drunk on a job… mostly. Don't you think it'd be more productive to foster personal responsibility instead?
Don't you think that the latter alone is sufficient? Surveillance is a blade that is all edge. Besides, how much pot, or hell, tobacco, is "medically out of bounds"? Is a pack a day within said bounds? What about two a day? Am I engaging in destructive behaviour if I smoke a lot? Drug dosages aren't a simple issue, you know.
Wait, so some drugs you could buy from non-state stores? Which one is it?
No warnings and fines?

I'm against decriminalisation but Lenin was right - no alcohol, no drugs. They are only distractions.

So you spend all of your time being a productive member of society? I somehow don't think so. Fuckwit.

God forbid the state creates a heroin-shortage :^)

Yes they do. Here's a documentary about an actual workplace - hours and hours of footage. Most of these guys are plastered. It is the same in construction yards, at the docks, etc.

You are right though, I suppose. Maybe it suffices to prohibit workplace intoxication. It would be nice if certain critical, dangerous professions (surgeons? pilots? drivers?) are subject to preventive testing. Screen out people on their way to being a workplace danger. You can over-use on drugs all you like, as long as you only kill yourself, and not others.

Re medically out of bounds, that's pretty easy: we can formulate various average statistical thresholds: if you use this much, you are 95% certain physically addicted, if you use this much, you are a casual, a binge user, etc. Create risk profiles and everything. What is out of bounds would be crossing over into a state where you are starting to harm others. Especially family members. Getting them to use before the medically approved age, things like that.

Are you kidding? They are creating a private market, only the most severe punishment is fit for them.

Not really the point I intended to make.
Of course I am. :^)
Every time before work? You can't really do it only once a week, as a pilot or a surgeon can fly off into outer space and come back before the next workday starts, hands steady as a rail.
Doesn't work with either pot or tobacco, though; was asking mostly about them.
Lost you there. So no gulags for people who simply take more than they need?

Depending on the job, the testing regime could be different. That's something we have to figure out through politics, collective bargaining, scientific inquiry, etc. But I do propose it as an a priori good thing to do.
They are objective criminals of course; If you take more than a private individual can consume without death or fast deteriorating health, you are assumed to be reselling. Assumed guilty. This is my answer re marijuana an cigarettes: you get as many as you want, with the max being the amount you could reasonable smoke without dying fast (x packets or grams a day), or an equal share as anyone else that doesn't have a bigger need (marijuana for medical patients, etc.) if the supply is limited.

Dosages can vary a whole lot, matey, what's a bad trip for one is a good start for another.
But that's a money problem. A true gommie society won't have money :——DDDDDDDDDD
Not that makes much more sense.

Every drug should be freely available on demand along with exhaustive information that's organized with the most important stuff first and as accessible as possible. Hallucinogenic trips should be part of life, particularly as something akin to coming of age rituals. There is all kinds of shit we could be doing with enhancement from drugs

Heroin wouldn't exist in the form it does now. Neither would crack. You'd still have opiates and cocaine, but they wouldn't be polluted with toxic shit. Any danger would be from the drug itself, not contaminants.

That's why I think that some drugs should not be merely accessible, but mandatory.
Pure heroin is much, much safer than what gets sold by most pushers, sure, but it's still not flowers and rainbows, you know.

Something has to be knowable to be good, because of that which we know not we have to be silent. You don't know if it is knowable until you test. Therefore testing is a priori good. Checkmate, philosopher.


That's even further from what the word actually means, you stupid cunt.

That's a triggering flag, fampire.

You're right tbh, I should have used another word. Point still stands. Drug testing people who preform critical jobs for drugs that can impact the job negatively is always a good thing to do.

Portugal legalized all drugs and manages fine with their free healthcare. IDK why communism would be any different from that.
Anfems: "no fun allowed!"


You haven't tried, you know, trusting people? Just a bit? I heard it helps greatly with certain problems.

LSD was/is used by bourgs for creativity, how can they avoid selfconsciousness about their social position with it?

Also, I'm thinking about producing LSD (saying what scale is meaningless, any scale is fucking massive with that stuff because of tiny dosages) for illegalist purposes.
Any ideas for it? I'm thinking about getting a bit of brand-tier recognition because I hear what's sold as LSD is often RC's or 2-CB or whatever on blotter paper.

1. They use LSD less than some in the middle class.
2. Doublethink?????????????…….
Are you stupid? Serious question.
Good luck in jail.
Why do you think pure LSD is so rare on the street despite being easy to produce?

People doing dangerous or highly skilled jobs should be tested frequently to ensure aptitude. Drug testing can be part of that.

You have no idea how drug screening works, do you?

Trust is good but control is better.

I'm not talking about jobs where it doesn't matter or not letting someone work because they smoked weed in the last few weeks.

You have no idea whatsoever how drug testing works. Quite shameful for a black liberation mate. :^)


Do you have something to contribute or are you just going to shitpost.

There you go fam :

But seriously, LSD is quite hard to manufacture because you need to manipulate ergot fungi, which is pretty dangerous. It also have properties that make it pretty sensible to temperature and shit, so you would to handle that shit with care and have expensive equipment.
People who do it are very skilled and organized or are part of a serious network that allows them to buy precursors more or less easily, which mean they don't make small amounts because that would be a waste of time.
Just buy a box to grow shrooms if you want to trip DIY-style, or make some amphetamines from OTC pseudoephedrine pills if you really want to try drug synthesis, it's easier.

Dude, you don't even know the difference between 2C-x-NBOMe and 2C-B and you want to make LSD ? You should stay a consumer tbqh familiam

don't. unless you have access to ergotamine and a bunch of controlled reagents, chem lab etc its not even worth it. also, rc's are becoming much less common since the market has been flooded with real lsd. better just to buy in bulk for cheap on darknet and sell enough to make your money back(will take 1-5 sales maybe) and give out the rest for free and or unwittingly dose bougies

Seconding the DIY shrooms thing. Much simpler, and it's legal to buy the spores at least in the US. You just better not do anything with those spores except look at them under a microscope for research purposes :^)

pure lsd is not rare on the streets you retard

A screening once a year or two would do absolutely nothing. Not a thing. Nothing. You could only consider suggesting it because you have no idea how anything in the world works. kys

Are you stupid? Serious question.

Depends on where you live, I guess.

why? whats wrong with having fun?

Maybe you should learn to read because what I said was
>People doing dangerous or highly skilled jobs should be tested frequently to ensure aptitude. Drug testing can be part of that.

So surgeons should get exams every month? Just how clueless are you, famiglia?

Depends on the job. Do you have a counterpoint or are you just here to shitpost?

Of course you have anything but the TV propaganda to back it up?

Since 2010, a lot of unscrupulous dealers buy some 25x-NBOMe or LSD-derivatives like AL-LAD and sell it as the real stuff.
Before that, it was easy to know if you were getting scammed or not because psychedelic amphetamines like DOB and DOM are on way bigger blotters than LSD.
But now, the only way to know what you got, if you don't have access to material for testing your drugs, is to take the blotter and see if it tastes bitter. And if it does, you shouldn't attempt to take any heroic dose because NBOMe have a way lower safety profile than LSD and its derivatives, and can kill you more easily.

Yes, that was pretty big around that period and has died out now that are huge supplies of cheap LSD being sold everywhere. Also test kits do exist. LSD is everywhere right now

I'm not interested in psychedelics anymore but that's a good thing

No, it doesn't. Besides, anything but testing every time before a job would be completely pointless.


If a person is really serious about being a surgeon/doctor/whatever they would probably be less likely to start doing drugs on the job. Just allowing people the option to do drugs doesn't automatically turn everyone into an addict, and i think encouraging experimentation would ultimately lead to less drug use overall as people would learn from their own experiences what they can and can't handle.

For fuck's sake.

Drugs may only be relevant to the job about once a month. Especially with extremely skilled jobs like surgery, what is required of a laborer is variable. Given the recent advancements in robotics, a surgeon in communism may only rarely have to get hands-on with a patient when some unusual factor makes a robot unsuited to the task.

And maybe we'll have flying cars. If you're speaking about such hypotheticals, then don't pretend as if you have any clue as to how it'll actually work, you stupid cunt.

Where is this anger coming from? I don't have any clue as to the detail. Nobody does. There are too many variables. That's why I'm speaking so generally.

that is literally what happens to me when I think about it

Then why the fuck did you start elaborating on how tests would work? Don't start fucking backtracking on your own bloody words, you cowardly cunt. Fuck off.

All drugs can be used recreation, which isn't a problem. The problem start with doing it over and over and over again.

So, like with tobacco and alcohol?

What are you so pissed off at? I gave an example to illustrate the point. I'm not backtracking.

Legalized as a matter of policy, not to mention common sense and morality inb4 spooky. "Whatever isn't clearly forbidden is allowed", and there's no good reason to forbid them. Ditto for the vast majority of chemical substances, for that matter.

what [autistic screeching] did I miss, lads?

Newfag anfem mad at the lack of inclusion of idpol on the board. Of course, they claim to be using the flag purely to make every really really mad.

It should all be legal.
Don't like it? Fuck you stop me.

haha what?

was also ban evading. now she's permabanned for "massive shitposting/banevasion" lol. she'll probably be back though

Oh look, a retarded black flag. How old fashioned.

Hi Anfem!!!

That is fucking amazing

Drugs should be unconditionally legal.

I don't necessarily trust people to be responsible about it. But if someone OD's on heroin and dies as I see it the genepool is better off without them. It's a win-win situation.

Guess why aren't there more women than is usual for image boards here, despite women naturally leaning left?
Oh no, I am a feminist, just not an anfem (what the fuck does that even mean, anyway?).

But that's literally Holla Forums.

Really, what's the point?


We actually do pretty well for chan standards.
It's a mystery.

Only if compared to the rest of cripplechan, otherwise Holla Forums is at best average.

(A clarification for complete idiots just in case: I do not mean that women have to be invited here, only that there would naturally be a larger number of them were the board female-friendly, and by female-friendly I mean not female-unfriendly.)
(By the way, I love using such "what is this even about" stats and facts to judge persons and groups, and that's precisely because they seem irrelevant to people and thus are rarely deliberately influenced to fuck with analysis.)

Women are just slow to take up things that men do for mysterious reasons. Probably oppressive male appendages or something.

You say that, but there's two dozen tankies and MLs (as if they behave any differently) along with "ironic" nazbols here who'd unironically agree with this statement.

Old-skewl gommunism is kaput.There's only SJWs and LARPERs left.

This board has turned into MEMES, MLs and gayDUDE LMAO threads.

The time has come for full-throttle reformism and UBI.

Here's ZUCC giving a speech.

Daily reminder that he's gearing up to be a presidential candidate.

Now this is truly exceptional shitposting.

I want to bully Zucc in public until he breaks down and cries, and then sit down at my home with a camera waiting to stream some untalkative thugs with shaved heads coming to to beat me up.

How do you do, fellow Earthlings?


It reads funny.

Native English speakers are too used to "stream of consciousness" style of expression.

Are you kidding me ?
The only boards I know on 4chan who are welcoming to women are /adv/ and /cgl/, probably /lgbt/ and /soc/ to a degree, and maybe /mu/ and /lit/ too if you ask recommendations for feminist media, even though a lot of Holla Forumsyps will jump on the occasion to bully you and the thread will quickly devolve into a sterile political discussion.
On every other boards, you will be met with "Tits or GTFO fucking attention whore kys" at best, and /r9k/-tier rants about Chad, Jahmal and Stacy at worst.

Women aren't drugs though, open another thread if you wanna talk about idpol unless you want to share your experiences detailing how getting/putting the dick in the vagina is awesome on psychedelics, MDMA or opiates.

Facebook isn't a drug too faggot.

What boards have you been browsing? /k/? (Though /k/retins for some reason like to think that they're the blessed offspring of /lit/ and /his/ and just might attempt to treat you graciously as they understand it.) Can't even remember the last time "tits or GTFO" was the primary response I got or saw someone else get, it's at most just a couple shitposters and people asking for Skype/Discord contacts. Women on 4chingachong is old news, famiglia, and people have long ago matured to that outside of /r9k/ and Holla Forums, and women-bashing in other boards likewise is a result of leakage from the virgin echo chambers.
Sex or at least masturbation on drugs is fucking great, but I always feel like it's a waste of time while you're still high. Queer.

Guy looks like an alien



I have to say, I do verily think in concurrence.

This is literally everyone, though.

Mainly /mu/, /trv/, /adv/ when I feel, and /g/ before I briefly studied programming at uni for a year.
I also browse my national /int/ thread once in a blue moon, and like to explore the archives of /ck/ and /lit/ on warosu from times to times
Now that I think about it, /trv/ and /ck/ are also welcoming if you mention that you are a woman, but that's definitely not the case on /g/ and /int/.

The thing is that most people on Holla Forums consider that the idpol craze of the last few years was unwarranted, but we don't have a uniform stance about it.
I personally feminism and anti-racism are valuable, but not every form of them. I mean, Valerie Solanas and her SCUM manifesto can go fuck themselves.
As long as you can be critical of them on an internet space, I'm okay. The problem is that socialist communities on reddit, but also IRL, consider themselves safe-spaces, and it's impossible to utter any objection to any kind of turbo-liberal feminist opinion without being ostracized as a result.
Class issues are directly relevant for 95% of the population, while (purely female-oriented) feminism is for 50% of it, and anti-racism between 5% and 30% at most in Western societies. And I'm glad we are mostly discussing class issues here because I'm mostly afraid of becoming homeless in the next few months as the result of decades of neoliberal policies, a fear I immediately share with a load of women, LGBTs and people with a darker skin than me, unlike their personal idpol struggle.


Alexander and Ann Shulgin would have told you otherwise.
I've personally only mixed sex with codeine tho tbh, but it definitely didn't feel like a waste of time.

Mainly /mu/, /trv/, /adv/ when I feel, and /g/ before I briefly studied programming at uni for a year.
I also browse my national /int/ thread once in a blue moon, and like to explore the archives of /ck/ and /lit/ on warosu from times to times
Now that I think about it, /trv/ and /ck/ are also welcoming if you mention that you are a woman, but that's definitely not the case on /g/ and /int/.

The thing is that most people on Holla Forums consider that the idpol craze of the last few years was unwarranted, but we don't have a uniform stance about it.
I personally think feminism and anti-racism are valuable, but not every form of them. I mean, Valerie Solanas and her SCUM manifesto can go fuck themselves.
As long as you can be critical of idpol on an internet space, I'm okay with it. The problem is that a lot of anarchist/socialist communities on reddit, but also IRL, consider themselves safe-spaces, and it's impossible to utter any objection to any kind of turbo-liberal feminist opinion without being ostracized as a result.
Class issues are directly relevant for 95% of the population, while (purely female-oriented) feminism is for 50% of it, and anti-racism between 5% and 30% at most in Western societies. And I'm glad we are mostly discussing class issues here because I'm mostly afraid of becoming homeless in the next few months as the result of decades of neoliberal policies, which is a fear I immediately share with a load of women, LGBTs and people with a darker skin than me unlike their personal struggle tied to their identity.


Wait, did you seriously expect a warm welcome on /virgin4lyfe/ and Holla Forums with flags? I'm not sure whether you should be pitied or ridiculed.
See, that's what the locals say, too, but if you poke at them, they find nothing short of complete detachment from the self for the cause of the movement sufficient. Solidarity is a two-way street: you can't brush others' problems off and pretend to care only when it's beneficial for you and then act offended when you're told to fuck off. That's the thing with Holla Forums and non-class-related struggles: the locals openly acknowledge that they're getting the better part of the deal their way and absolutely refuse to admit the obvious hypocrisy. It'd be fine for rightists, for whom that's the whole point, but supposed leftists demanding cooperation like that?
It's not one or the other, it has never been such, and the very suggestion that it could be is utterly ridiculous. Holla Forums takes an essentialist position on these issues, making them merely a third side of this whole idpol debacle instead of avoiding (rather impossible round this corner of the internet, granted) or transcending it entirely. Nobody proposes putting class on the back seat, and if they do, fuck them, but it's bloody ridiculous seeing Holla Forumsyps trying to concoct a reason to shut everyone reminding them that they're not the only persons on the planet up every time the subject gets talked about. "Idpol" is simply what Holla Forums has for "cuck" and whatever buzzword tumblrinas use nowadays, and that's regrettable, as there could be thorough deconstructive analysis done on the subject instead of simple repetition after Holla Forums.
Never visit such places on the internet nor have similar problems IRL, so can't relate.

And anyway, could someone explain to me what being an ethnic minority or a woman or gay has to do with identity? Never followed this thing closely, feel like I lost a major clue somewhere.

Eh, "a waste of time" is bad wording, I just feel like more introverted activities are more meaningful for when high.

Yeah, I know, I'm a naive person 🖕

Maybe I had too much to drink but I honestly don't understand what you mean by this.
Do you mean that locals here acknowledge that women and people with more melanin in their skin than the average Westerner get it worse, but that they are also hypocrite because they don't fight for feminist and anti-racist causes, and get offended when they are told to "fuck off" by members of these movements ?
If so, that's true, and I'm very probably guilty of this.

It's true, but like I told you before, I'm thankful we focus mostly class-issues and memes here, because from at least #GamerGate till the Trump election, the majority of anarchist/socialist spaces, whenever it's on the internet or IRL, have effectively focused way more on other issues than class.
It's like my leftist friends who tell me they also don't put class on the back seat, but always talk more about feminism and Islamophobia than the almost universal oppressions generated by capitalism.
And my main gripe with this, is that currently, the left has not any fucking semblance of a solid consensus on how to establish socialism, while we are witnessing the collapse of neoliberal capitalism.
If you want to talk more about left-wing ideas and idpol, they are plenty of places for you, like reddit.

You are right, but in that case, create interesting threads about the subject.
I won't do it for you, because I'm not interested by this right now, and the former gamergaters and reformed Holla Forumsacks certainly won't do it too.

Just an anecdote, but a feminist friend told me a few days ago that she has been excluded from a feminist safe space during a relatively recent Occupy-like movement that occurred where I live, because she held slightly controversial opinions. The people there also behaved like assholes to her on cyberspace after that event.
She also told me there was a heated debate between those women, because some wanted to exclude trans people, and some didn't.
Personally I don't care, I think the failure of what Srnicek & Williams call folk politics we witnessed during that time was way more important than this shit.

I meant *idpol-flavored leftist stuff*

Specifically, I mean that the locals expect minorities to contribute to issues that are important to both, but absolutely refuse to contribute to issues that don't concern them, the locals, personally. Basically, Holla Forums wants to put in less effort while yielding the same benefits, practically like porky :^). "An injury to one is a Cointelpro false flag."
You think that this has anything to do with idpol rather than lack of organisation in general? Whether do leftists talk about class or gender, as long as they don't rise from their armchairs, the result is the same. I fail to see idpol as a threat to leftists movements rather than yet another attempt at muddling the waters for the general population, and until the left figures out what it wants to do, rather than on what it wants to endlessly deliberate, the general population couldn't possibly be expected to give a single tiny flying fuck. A burning ML or the winner of oppression olympics, they're both useless.
Now, we could talk about how due to a number of objective reasons idpol is always useless, but that's neither here nor there.
Eh. I see them as a seagull sees a dump: some stuff to pick out, but actually trying to make something of it is pointless.

That's some compression.

Who is this semen demon?孤爪研磨

It's all gobbledygook!

Explain yourselves, Japan.

Kodume Kenma from Haikyu!!

As much as I like boys in girls clothing this does not seem to be conducive to volleyball. Am I missing something here?

No, it's just the series' fandom-designated bitch boy.