Are we about to witness the most unequal societies in history?









This is wrong. HG societies was all about might makes right and subjugation.

That's fantastic.

The problem with such models is that there is no good way to measure inequality in a historical perspective.

If have a billion and you have a million dollars, does that mean that we are more unequal than that between one stone age man who has acces to herds of deer and another who has to scavenge for meagre roots?

Yes. The Cyberpunk Dystopia of Neoliberalism.

He thinks HG was post agricultural revolution. Point at him an laugh!


Despite everything, inequality has gone down.
Yes some people have absurd amounts of money.
But it doesn't count for as much as it used to.

christ that video man, I've seen it like 4 times but it always manages to make me so enraged

Isn't it possible we're already living in that age?


You're all going to be living in shity boxes stack into of each other like cattle, while the ruling class get immortality, bodies that stay forever, and get to party all day long in giant luxury compounds.

Assuming that they deign to let us live, inferior beings that we are for failing to rise to the top of the meritocracy(tm). Most of humanity will be eliminated at the dint of the bourgeoisie without need and the bourgeoisie will live on in FALC without even realizing that they've achieved it at long last. That or Musk will continue to be a masochist and insist that everyone modify their brains to become the perfect market actors.

Well that sounds like shit

Simple solution: Prevent those rendered useless from breeding. No need for UBI, revolutions, socialism, communism, fascism, or any of that shit. Just a society of the elites.

While Holla Forums is circlejerking about muh FALC this is what's really happening, but go ahead, keep believing in progress, this is the future you chose.

FALC is definitely happening, but the useless humans won't be needed in it.


fuck, if that's the case i'll be seasteading

see ya suckas


Top kek

Otherwise pretty accurate

Only now normalfag media is starting to entertain the notion of societies being stratified by genes?

Sweeties no, genetic stratification of societies predates the very first proto civilizations!

ebin simply ebin


Are they implying this isn't the case already or that the reason South Korea is richer than Brazil isn't because East asian people are smarter than negro mongrels?

For the record I was referring to intra civilizational stratification. The patricians always owed their power to intelligence and cunning which is rooted to genes. Physiognomy is something you want to pay attention to when you look at the aristocratic classes. It all becomes very apparent.

This is why any socialist endeavor must be coupled with radical transhumanism.
Not because we explicitly need it. But because the Moldburgs and Holla Forumsyps of this world will inevitably try to wipe us out, or otherwise turn Earth into a giant Battle Royale.

Societies that refuse to embrace engineered evolution will either fall into obscurity - if they're lucky - or be exterminated.

I would just reverse the image with a picture of a very unfortunate looking white woman and very beautiful black woman, but frankly you're just not worth the effort it would take to do so.

yes, those powerful patricians, deformed products of incestuous relations

ok bud

The means of production have become wholly irrelevant. You need to seize the means of genetic engineering to accomplish your egalitarian utopia.

I can't count how many times Holla Forums has done this, yet you aren't really convincing anyone of your claims, we just debunk it, and we move on. Didn't Einstein say the definition of insanity is repeating the same action, and expecting a different result? The same man that apparently deceive the world with "Jewish physics" according to Holla Forums.

You're sort of missing the point though. Regardless of whether it makes an implicit value judgement.
Different populations exist, and traits inherited between generations can give birth to unique populations. Even if variety within the group is greater than the average variety compared to other groups. (As it typical for complex life forms)
Pinpointing the exact of distinct populations might be difficult (Due to the almost seamless geographical spread of humanity compared to other animals), but that doesn't mean we're all the same. Nor does it mean that material conditions do not heavily influence physical characteristics, intelligence, personality, etc. Those same material conditions in fact can also influence genetics over time due to specific (or lack of) environmental pressures. (outside threats, malnutrition, environments emphasizing certain traits over others, etc.)

I don't get why when the point of (population) genetics comes up people go full retard, deny heritability, and then attack strawmen based on 19th century pseudoscience. It's pure ideology and doesn't help anyone.

One follows from the other. If anything, controlling capital/assets is more important than ever. Because outside of that there aren't many options for upward social mobility for most people.

No one denies genetic variability of populations, you fucking goon.

We deny that you can neatly fit these different populations into three or four "races" and then make judgments about political or socioeconomic matters by attributing certain behaviors or qualities to these vague, barely defined "races".

I guess we're on the same line then.

yeah it's called dynastic regimes and the hobglobins they produce aren't exactly the top specimens of humanity

this is why scaphism exists


Send them to white countries.

We've been there a while, it's just not that noticeable because living conditions have improved in the first world. The gap is bigger than it's ever been but hey the working class today lives better than medieval kings so don't you dare criticize capitalism.

There won't be immigration in this dystopian future because porky won't need cheap labour anymore.
And sadly for you Holla Forumsyp retards porkies also won't need your useful idiot classcuked asses anymore too.

I recall reading that, for every human male in history who managed to pass their genes on, two women did. However, about the time of the dawn of agriculture and the hoarding of food, that number temporarily skyrocketed to 17 women for each man.

It's a good bet for being the most unequal period.

it varied strongly from locale to locale and from race to race. Steppe raiders would have been hierarchical as fuck, Neolithic WHG's were probably a mix of egalitarian and authoritarian chiefdoms. I think that either line of thought is idealistic and mythmaking.

you mean people that are still useful to the owners and rulers who own and control the new military and technology systems that no longer need the "non-eliters' right? that's what you meant right?

The bug people who know how to maintenance the giant ai god aren't "elites" they're just useful servants who don't need to be culled. I hope that's crossed your mind buddy

I think the actual biggest fear is how in the future, technology will make us completely unequal as we become able to control how or what we feel as some user alluded to in the Georgist Thread

To add to this, the technology of the future may very well doom us to an existence of self-created apathy where if people become accustomed to "deleting" negative or "harmful" feelings and adding new ones. Why feel bad when someone dies when you can be made to feel good? Why feel oppressed by the system when being oppressed by it makes you feel elated, even orgasmic? Why feel? It might be a difficult hurdle for people to clear at first, but all it takes is the first person to go on ahead and delete there sense of worry or fear over a situation they find desperate.

In such a society, does capitalism or communism even exist? When we delete concepts critical to either what is left?