How exactly would NEETs be treated under your branch of leftism?

How exactly would NEETs be treated under your branch of leftism?

I'm 29 and have been happily living with my mom. If your revolution happens, would I then have to get a job or go to school? If so then why would I support you disrupting my lifestyle?

NEETs are one of the biggest influencers in the culture war. If you want our help you need to assure us we won't be inconvenienced in your utopia.

Other urls found in this thread:

You would be allowed to continue living as a NEET, for as long as you'd like, without having to worry about Rent, or housing.

If your mom is happy to support you I wouldn't really have a problem with it.

fuck off Holla Forums

The only realistic branch of "leftism" that could happen in America in your lifetime, short of a total collapse and disintegration, is reformist, social democratic and Keynesian economic policies.

you would starve to death if you didn't work at least 4 hours/day
You could be a waifu doll maker if you wanted hough

no, he wouldn't. Kropotkin talk about social necessary labour, if he didn't do it he wouldn't be able to get food and other goods that he needs

When there's full automation with workers owning the means of production, no one will have to work hard labor. Also, there's a recent Chapo episode you might be interested in:


SNLT is still required. Maybe not for those who are extremely mentally/physically deranged.

I think we would see less NEETs due to labor losing it's alienating quality. But for those that don't want to engage in it they will be provided housing, food, healthcare, and things deemed necessities by society.

I suppose if you want to have an meager existence socialism will support you but if you start taking more than your share of resources people will get angry and cut you off.

Market Socialism with a Universal Basic Income, you would be just fine.

all leftypol neets will work in the ministry of propaganda making agitprop memes for the revolution

You're confusing Anarcho-Communism with Anarcho-Collectivism. In an AnCom society, he will work only if he wishes, in an AnCol society he would have to contribute first, and then can do whatever he wishes with his labour vouchers,

You can be a NEET as long as your like arctic holiday camps

This. Current societal phenomena closely related to the economic base and alienation like NEETism will go through a monumental change post-revolution no matter what so it's very hard to predict what the result will be.

wow amazing

24 hours a week my boy, and you wouldn't even need to do much since everyone will be working as well. You'll get breaks whenever and we'll even bring you food to eat and take home.

In communism you own your produce and since you're doing jack shit you will most likely starve to death

These threads should be anchored on sight

You'd be able to be one with little to no consequence.

How does an Anarcho-Nihilist economy even works?

Workers: 1.0x wages
NEETS: 0.5x wages (liveable)

So if you want to subsist on less that's your choice.

No if you dont fucking work you will get forced to work you lazy piece of fucking human waste, to the gulag with you

With the advances of technology, it's not efficient to force people to work, because it cripples demand that could be met.


This is Holla Forums's actual logic

the USSR had a lot of NEETs. They were all in the gulag. Have fun fam.

How might you encourage people to work when a large majority of people aren't?

How might you encourage people to work in communism?

Simple unless the person can't actually work for some reason

that sounds a lot like the current system

How do you know which person works and which persons does not work with abundants distributions centers?
What if you can't find a job because the machines are better than you?




If there's FALC, we can all be NEET. If not, I hope you enjoy gulag, you fucking leech.

Like I said unless the person can't work. If someone isn't working his fellow workers would notice and tell him to leave or contribute.

It doesn't have wag slavery though

This is a prole board not neet board

How it is not slavery if you are forced to work to avoid being threatened of an exile when you will probably starved to death?

Are you telling me you wouldn't want to work a couple hours a day for 2-3 days a week for a myriad of social benifits? I find that extremely difficult to believe

That's not what wage slavery is pick up a book

You don't get to steal from the commune.

You're right, it's communist slavery.

How are you gonna make it to survive if your are exiled of a society where everything is collectivized?

By hoping another commune saves your lazy ass. I hate NEETS like you who can work but don't out of laziness.
lol what?

Now I got it, it's not even about economy and automation, it's only about your feelings and your worker "identity", stop fetishize work for a second and lurk more.

I don't give a shit if you leech off of the capitalist system. In fact, I encourage it. However, until there's FALC you will have to contribute or leave.

Capitalism is defined by the relationship between classes and the nature of ownership/production - not by the means of resource distribution. Markets are *not* incompatible with socialism.

You're still not explaining why.

MUH WORK idpolers getting BTFO hard ITT

I suppose my fellow Holla Forums brainlets would have workers switch shifts every 30 minutes just so everyone can have a go and fullfill their epicroflmao quota. Great, you've increased the amount of potential workers by 14x. After cutting it by a hundred times. And if one of the 7 billion people cannot find a job for the tiny amount of actual jobs, I guess he'll just have to starve.

You don't get to enjoy the benefits of living in the commune, if you do not contribute to the commune (or have a legitimate reason not to, not "I want to stay home with mommy :(")


We live in an age where 'work' includes things like 'play and record a video have for the internet.' 'work' under communism isn't just going to your capitalist mcjob in a red costume.

Why don't you just say "yes you can be a NEET" then?

A punishment is not a reason.

The reasoning is fucking obvious. You don't get to leech off of the labor of others. You're no different from the bourgeoisie in that regard.

Thank you for confirming that your fetishization of work is purely dogmatic.

Because capitalism can turn everything into "work" as long as at has fucking ads playing for commercial products.

Wow, that sure makes perfect sense to keep that up in a communist system. Yeah dude PewDiePie is TOTALLY contributing to the commune by shitting out videos for entertainment!

And what if the person only has 10 viewers? Is he still """contributing""" then?

Guess you don't have an answer. That's because you're a retarded brainlet.

it's still "work or starve" though. which is what we have now

I never said you couldn't. Also what makes you think people will be operating heavy machinery directly in the future instead of via drones etc.

And furthermore, yeah, manning youtube videos is still work, and chances are whoever is working this heavy machinery of yours is an idiot millennial that likes to watch that kind of thing anyway.

So after his grueling four hour shift pushing buttons at least he can take solace in his favorite letsplayer.

Just because you don't find value in something doesn't mean that it's neither valuable or work. Feel free to try an argument some time.

No, you're glorifying laziness. Under capitalism, go ahead and never work and drain the welfare state. I don't care then. Under pre-FALC communism, everyone who can should work. Wanting to stay home with mommy and refusing to work a mere handful of hours in a week, all while everyone else works to better the community and ultimately reach FALC, is pathetic.


capitalistic societies generally don't allow you to 'never work' and 'drain the welfare state.' they don't just give money without conditions, and it's very difficult to survive on welfare alone
even if the work serves no societal purpose, like most work today?

Look at all these choices!!

How do you decide what's the right amount of work anyway?

Not every place is Burgerland.

here in australia, to receive payments you have to prove that you're actively looking for work, otherwise they cut you off and leave you to starve

Even if it was "pathetic" to not work, why should I work? What if I want to be "pathetic"?

By what needs to be done.

How do you decide what needs to be done?

You can go find a different commune to live in, but they'll probably reject you too. So you can go live in the wilderness and see how far not working gets you.

Fucking Christ, it's not as though from each according to his ability to each according to his need isn't one of the most commonly understood ideas under the left.

You're still talking about punishment, not reason.

Are you legitimately autistic? Maybe you won't have to work after all.

You can't answer my question, so you won't have to work too.

Let's say you live in cyber-syndicalist-utopia, inspired by soviet cybernetics thread. You live alone in your flat, and find out that in order to live this "worthless shitposting gamer" lifestyle, you need to get food, tobacco and so on worth 4 hours a week. So you connect to your local work redistribution centre, and find out that you need to ride a bus, program a delivery drones or some other kind of work once a week. So you can live your lifestyle by very little work. If you want more scarce stuff, you need to work more, and of course, If there is someone who want to support you, like your mom, you don't need to work at all.

There should be either some kind of pseudo-money or some register of work.
There will always be work. People should not compete with machines, machines simply increase production of workers.

No you idiot, you everything is provided to you without any profit, so you can get anything abundant free, and need to work for anything somewhat scarce. Until we will have technology which can sow a fields, harvest them, bake a bread and deliver it to you running on some kind of self-maintenance tech powered by solar energy, bread won't be free, but extremely cheap.

This is how equality looks like.

So we can buy our pseudo-commodities in our pseudo-capitalist communism.

Good luck with your eternal quest to exterminate da joos, Holla Forums

Are you saying that jobs are unlimited?


yes. The problem with jobs is that not every job can generate capital, even if it's useful.

I wrote pseudo-money or some register of work. See second part, OR SOME REGISTER OF WORK you illiterate redditor. It doesn't necessary need to be money, just some way to measure that you did some work and should acquire these scarce products.

How can you have unlimited jobs with limited ressources? And how do you reward useful jobs that don't generate capital?

under a post-capitalist leftwing system there are two goals concerning labor

1) less of it
2) eliminating alienation so that you actually enjoy it

This galaxy is quite big, I don't think we can manage to deplete all resources before end of cycle.
Either by taxation or some kind of crowdfunding. There might be more options, but I have never found them yet.

Do you really think you will be able to explore the galaxy before you waste the few ressources remaining on Earth for the only sake of full-employment?

I personally won't have such luck, but yes, It's either this or self-extinction.
It's absolutely doable. Even soviet union was able to send lot's of people with master degrees into research because they didn't fit anywhere else into current 5 year plan. IMO one of the goals of all socialists should be creating society where everyone is as educated as possible.