Why is the nuclear family bad? I love my wife. Will I have to divorce her after the revolution?

Why is the nuclear family bad? I love my wife. Will I have to divorce her after the revolution?

Were gonna nationalize all uteruses and toothbrushes motherfucker.

You will unless you become a female (male).

Only trannies and liberal radfems want to abolish that. Fortunately they won't be a part of the vanguard.

Wouldn't your wife like it if the extended family, aunts, cousins, and the rest of the community all helped to look after the kid. Wouldn't you like it if your brothers and grandfather, your colleagues, the people that live around you, could broach subjects with your growing son that you may not be able to?

Well, why settle for a pathetic nuclear alienation unit? Why not have an extended community family?

Yes. All wives will be collectivized for the commune.

We value our privacy and autonomy. Nobody wants to be bossed around by their aunts and uncles and grandparent their whole lives as adults. We're not native americans or central asian nomads lmao

If you weren't a pussy who doesn't know how to handle being bossed around by inlaws this wouldn't be a problem.

Having multiple strong role models that fill a different purpose in the childs life and caretakers is healthy for a childs development, many studies prove this

You're just romanticizing something you have no experience with whatsoever. Literally noble savage-tier thinking.

I can do without my knuckle dragging cousins and drunkard uncles interfering with the rearing of my child thank you very much, extended families came as a result of radically different material conditions to today and there is no reason to go back to them at all.

no it isn't. Do most kids want to approach their parents about the fact they have a problem with drugs/depression a babby? No, but they might talk to their cool uncle.

Similarly, if the child falls out with you, or you with it, or you with your spouse, having a family around creates a buffer to soften this blow.

Family can help with practical childcare in the day to day.

I'm not saying your community must be made up of family members, simply that in the community based society this positions will once again become important.

We may find that defacto "familes" without blood ties pop up, based purely around community and neighbourhoods.

Who the fuck said the nuclear family was bad? You can arrange your social life however the hell you want, user. It's your concern and yours alone.

Yes, she will be claimed by the state and distributed equally.

It is also an extremely well documented fact that capitalist alienation destroyed the extended family. A removal of the alienating mode of production will surely reverse or synthesise this process into a new set of relations

No, stop asking idiotic questions.

didn't marx say it?

You have to understand that Holla Forums is full of Chad Thundercocks who are used to fucking 20 women a day, they can't even comprehend the idea of privacy or not sharing your personal life with 5 trillion other people every waking second.

They are the kind of people who literally believe striking conversations with total strangers in the subway for no fucking reason is "normal".

Short answer: The nuclear family is a spook. Nobody's gonna force you to not have one under communism; nobody gives a shit.

Long answer: Yes, it's a spook, but it's a spook created specifically for relations to private property. Our natural property relations are communal, as if you haven't realized yet by being here, private property is the biggest spook of them all. By constructing the modern family unit, property capital could be concentrated to a single proprietor and stay within his family forever.

These are the foundations on which the nuclear family was socially constructed. That doesn't mean that everyone who is married with children got married for the express purpose of hording wealth, in fact, most people do not consciously do that. But capitalism has reigned supreme for so long that we've just been conditioned to think this way and subconsciously do things for the purpose of capitalist success in this current mode of production. In other words, we're spooked as all fuck and we don't even realize it, as is usually the case when one is spooked. Who knows, maybe under communism, since the motives that lead to the creation of the nuclear family will be irrelevant people will not be driven to the structured nuclear family, or maybe we'll all be too spooked to think there are other options or we won't even make the connection of how intrinsically connected the family is to capitalism during the transition from capitalism to socialism.

Pic related is Holla Forumss ideal

That was just Howard Scott when he had one too many doses of opium.

this nigga knows what's up

you don't need to share your personal life with everybody to have a more community orientated childcare system though?

and I thought we were all skinny betas wtf?

There is literally nothing wrong with the nuclear family. The way people want to live their lives is no business of the state or the rest of society as long as they aren't causing harm.


No, that sounds awful.

pretty much this, if you say you want a nuclear family in their circles you will be labeled something negative.

tranny reporting in
i don't seek to abolish someone else's family structure
although i personally feel a multi generational household is more functional than a traditional family structure but that's just my opinion

Marriage isn't the same thing as the nuclear family.

You value Capitalistic ideals designed to make you weaker, more dependent on the system, and more isolated.
That was not implied anywhere.

Having such a shitty opinion (or shitty family) is the problem. You're literally alienated from the individuals people have be closest to. Thinking the extended family isn't important is on the same level is thinking that having a father isn't important.
Interfering implies that what you're doing is good to begin with, which it likely isn't, since you're deliberately isolating your child from the rest of his family. It's literally single mom thinking that the kid will be perfectly fine without a father.

It's literally causing harm to the child. If they want to live a lonely, isolated life, that's their problem, but they shouldn't be allowed to force that upon a kid.

but what if your extended family isn't a bunch of spooked fucking morons, and instead people you actually enjoy being around?

Nuclear family isn't necessarily bad. No you won't have to get divorced. No, we don't want people to be controlled by their extended families. No, we don't want to destroy parents' connection with their children.

Is correct. As long as it isn't causing anyone harm we don't really care how your family works.

There's nothing wrong with nuclear family. I personally prefer to be by myself, but that's because i'm an introvert autistic fuck who has an hard time trusting people. I always think they want to use meā€¦but if it's your dream, please follow that road.