SocDem, under Capitalist Crisis, becomes Fascism

Is Sweden going FullFascist?
Is this just BuzzFeed BS?

Is SocDem leading to Fascism, after all?


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Fascism is what happens when socdems and other leftists align with neoliberal/liberals in order to prevent the far right from participating in government. Eventually the right becomes so powerful (due to the collapse of capitalism) and the left so weak that it can sweep into power with ease.

Nothing to do with capitalism, more to do with the reputed behaviour of immigrants there.

I think this has to do more with Muh Immigrants than economics.

Considering they're sacrificing their country to be not-fascist, I don't think so.

Immigrants are an insanely small proportion of Sweden's population. Material conditions are indeed pushing swedes towards fascism but immigration is not the only issue here.


The swedes are too cucked. Fascism will make a comeback right where it started.

Gladio couldn't raise fascism from the dead.
Berlusconi is politically dead.

Do better Historical Materialism, faggot.

No they aren't.

Swedes aren't been pushed toward fascism. If they had any inclination for fascism they would have never let it come this far.

20% is not insanely small.

Your Holla Forums levels of research bamboozled me!

20% of the people in sweden are immigrands that arrived this decade?

If it's anti-religious fascism-that-isn't-really-fascism, it's alright with me in 2017. So far the markets haven't crumbled and capitalism hasn't collapsed yet. Islam needs to be taken down a peg on the world stage, so let's do it already. Terrorism paranoia is the biggest threat to our security in 2017, so let's be harder on immigration.

Shifting the goalpost so soon? Wow.

That is not shifting the goalpost. This only magically became an issue in the last decade.

I prefer the British approach of just getting over it instead of being a paranoid retard.

Look Holla Forums we all know that by "immigrants" you mean "somalian and other arabs" which is fine. However their numbers pale in comparison to the number of non-Swedish europeans that currently reside in Sweden. So stop conflating the two things.

You want since 2000? Since 2000.

Cause I don't think many sand niggers were going north before…

Ye, sure. If you account all the neighbours, slavs and south europeans… But I don't think that's what the fascist propaganda is about…

leave and take your shitty genes with you

Just a few no-go zones, just a few rapes, just a few riots, just a few crime sprees, just a few gang wars, just a few islams..

The carrying power of the swedish state hasn't been reached yet, so what's the issue?

You better realize that changes involving demographic shifts and its consequences can have a starting point that goes back further than just ten years.


I get the impression Sweden is run by an even smugger than usual brand of neoliberals

Americans are not capable of doing this. They suffer from low world culture consciousness. America is a nation of alienation, just like Scandinavian countries. It's a sad truth that this is what must be done to manipulate them toward a better future.

Read this.

Also this:

Swedes are a medieval people in their subjective experience.


And don't you dare talk to me or my fashfu like that again

Yeah, Soc Dems are just fascists who don't have the stomach for fascism/are merely inverted white supremacist liberals and not openly white supremacist reactionaries.

Yeah, meme magic is real.

She's shit user, she's shit. Your waifu a shit.

Oh wow an interview were she called out a nigger for being an abusive welfare leech and flaunting it, it's anudda shoah. She should have washed his feet like the Pope instead.

She should've also put a paper bag on her head.
How do you not look at her and see Bruno Vespa's face? Unless you're into that, in which case no shaming intended.

Masculine women = masculine sons

Stop this.
Fascism ain't rising in the south any time soon, cause we know what fascism looks like. Thank Gladio for that.

All that's rising in the south is right wing, Trump levels, Populism, and a left that cannot stand up to our neoliberals overlords.

No FullFascism. Only the North that had too much security and is about to lose it is going FullFascism.

You want to fuck Bruno Vespa, ok.

Like 4 years ago this was a little YouTube channel/website that no one outside of Jeff Rense listeners were aware of. There's no way it has gotten to the size it has without some serious astroturfing. Would love to know who or what is funding it.

am not saying CIA…

Yeah dude Sweden is practically Nazi Germany right now


many kek

What was the weimar republic?
How could this POSSIBLY lead to the rise of nationalism, as a reaction?
I wonder…

I don't know how to archive and don't want to give clicks to buzzfeed. I shall procede to commit sudoku



not seeing how strong his facial features are and how they almost certainly correlated with his success with women and in politics


Because the paranoiac won't believe a mountain of evidence while being enamored with the flimsiest rumor.

Would love to know the answer since it has been extremely beneficial for the ruling class.

Rinoceros, Ionesco.

Nice colaction of propaganda, burger.
How about you do some actual research on how Swedish society thinks.

thanks for sharing


Fascism is thinking in stereotypes, conspiracy theorists often bite off more than can chew which leads to extrapolating vast amounts of information from very little evidence and mass conjecture; therefore conspiracy theorists are highly susceptible to fascist propaganda tactics. Yeah, this makes sense. Not all of what I was getting at, but makes sense.

it's paranoia. It gets to a point where the paranoid feels the all powerful outside threats, real or perceived, are about to strike and need to be stopped by any means necessary, even fascism. The western left collapsed in the second half of the 20th century, after which it resigned itself to a purely reformist, if not defensive role, loosing its revolutionary ethos. 'The left', by and large, and until recently, was unable to give people answers or even a positive vision of the future. . That's when fascism steps in to fill the void. a considerable revolutionary potential has always existed among conspiracy theorists and imageboard adolescents of all ages, waiting for the right narratives to come along. it's not too late.

i'm afraid you're mistaken

"Instead of the voice of conscience, [the paranoiac] hears voices; instead of inwardly examining itself in order to draw up a protocol of its own lust for power, it attributes to others the Protocol of the Elders of Zion. It overflows at the same time as it dries up. It invests the outside world boundlessly with what is within itself; but what it invests is something utterly insignificant, an inflated accumulation of mere means, relationships, machinations, a grim praxis unilluminated by thought. Domination itself which, even as absolute power, is inherently only a means, becomes in untrammeled projection the purpose both of oneself and of others, purpose as such. In the sickness of the individual, humanity's sharpened intellectual apparatus is turned once more against humanity, regressing to the blind instrument of hostility it was in animal prehistory, and as which, for the species, it has never ceased to operate in relation to the rest of nature. Just as, since its rise, the human species has manifested itself toward others as developmentally the highest, capable of the most terrible destruction; and just as, within humanity, the more advanced races have confronted the more primitive, the technically superior nations the more backward, so the sick individual confronts the other individual, in megalomania as in persecution mania. In both cases the subject is at the center, the world a mere occasion for its delusion; it becomes the impotent or omnipotent quintessence of what is projected on to it. The opposition of which the paranoiac complains indiscriminately at every step is the result of the lack of resistance, of the emptiness which the encapsulated subject generates around itself. The paranoiac cannot stop. The idea, having no firm hold on reality, insists all the more and becomes the fixation.

Because paranoiacs perceive the outside world only in so far as it corresponds to their blind purposes, they can only endlessly repeat their own self, which has been alienated from them as an abstract mania. This naked schema of power as such, equally overwhelming toward others and toward a self at odds with itself, seizes whatever comes its way and, wholly disregarding its peculiarity, incorporates it in its mythic web. The closed circle of perpetual sameness becomes a surrogate for omnipotence. It is as if the serpent which told the first humans 'Ye shall be as gods' had kept his promise in the paranoiac." (Horkheimer and Adorno 1997, 189–90)


The black man is a rapper who trolled the far right wing bitch. He isn't even an immigrant.

She's a dumb whore who crave black cock just like you do.

I was just about to say

this is interesting coming from the Culture Industry guys, I agree with his assessment that its a weird form of surrogate omnipotence and that its definitely self-sameness, the all encompassing self created vision of reality which explains and subsumes everything. That's quite convincing to me, having spent a lot of time talking with Truthers and Flat Earthers and UFO believers. I think he is low key, attacking individualism and veiling it in the language of pathology and psychology. I also think that the inclusion of the serpent allegory from the bible has something to do with these two men being jewish and their anxiety about genesis and man's relationship with power and god.

Further still, I think there is something beautiful about the way that Holla Forumsyps and cultists like Flat Earthers, perfectly replace all of their beliefs and explanations for reality with seemingly self-supporting informal logic systems which as a patchwork construct work to stabilize and explain reality. I think that Holla Forums does this better than Scientologists or Nu-Atheists (lol religion is the reason) or Flat Earthers. Its fascinating, horrifying but not necessarily worth writing off as useless. I've tried giving them hints, correcting them, asking them questions that would lead them out of their thought-castles but they never take the bait, or if they do the hive-mind crushes me and I get a ban.

I think Adorno tried really hard to take the Illuminati idea and turn it into a system or force of nature or element of capitalism, so he didn't have to deal with the nature of human socializing and power relations. Its ironic that you use him to explain this relationship between tin-foils and fascism. I want to agree with you, because this is an easy and well formulate answer, but I think you're both trying to find answers that meet your perception of reality.

so it's like marxism?


I like how American white nationalists point to Sweden as an example of how immigration can destroy a country when the Swedish STILL have a much higher standard of living than burgers by any objective metric.

Hurr why try discussing things objectively when you can just post fake news that confirm your bias. Kill yourself.

I should add that Fria Tider is literally a nazi website

No matter where I go people are complaining about my country…



Their behavior wouldn't be a problem if they weren't there to begin with.

pretty sure the immigrants sweden takes are a drain, they're not exactly selective


swede here, i have tried to be internationalist but i really can't stand all these "refugees" and migrants.
especially not Afghanis and Somalians, the gypsies piss me off too.
I don't really have that much off a problem with syrians tho.
anyways i'm more and more starting to see the appeal of fascism.

Yeah but the people who run the businesses that benefit from the migrants do so for profit. They also happen to be politicians half the time.

t. COINTEL/pol/

I'll never be a dyed in the wool fascist, but I'd take fascism over neoliberalism in a heartbeat.
(I'd take mandatory scaphism over neoliberalism)

have you ever lived in an immigrant area?
even other immigrants hate the somalians and afghanis. they just show zero respect for their fellow man, most off them are pure lumpen scum

This. I think a lot of americans have a skewed perception of immigrants in Europe.

First off, many European countries have a big welfare state that can make it very easy to not work and still live comfortably.

Secondly, due to the costs of being an employer, a lot of basic/low skill labor jobs that are commonplace in the US simply do not exist in Europe, having been automated and reduced.

Thirdly, immigrants who come here:
A) Are refugees, which means they are entitled to a number of benefits, which most take because of point 1 and because,
B) They are not Mexicans or Filipinos looking to work, but people who heard how easy life in europe is, because of point 1, thus their work ethic is frankly shit and over 60% of somalian immigrants in Sweden have never held a job there
C) They come from muslim countries with retarded beliefs that make them think raping women is ok and justified.

This is simply not true. You'd know this if you worked a single day in your life.

afghans are perfectly salvageable, they are basically iranians

Actually, as a Britbong this just comes across like another part of the American view of Europe.
Sweden is the only country with a real, persistent refugee situation (i.e. predating the current crisis) as far as I understand it. Britain has had some memetics about in past, but it's never seemed particularly major. Granted, I mean, Bradford is a bit iffy…

I forget exactly where I was going with this because I'm antipathetic to immigration but at least here like half of our immigrants are white poles and the problem isn't that they're workshy (although memetically they are), but that we're a nation with 1.5 million unemployed importing people to do low skilled jobs.
Like the one job I can think of that exists in the USA but doesn't here is being a petrol-station attendant who pumps petrol for the customer, since protectionist state laws prevent customers doing it themselves.

thats a shitty far right propaganda lie.
islam is shit but rape is in no way accepted.
another one of those "alternative facts" trumptards like to say in order to spread hate.

those illegal immigrants are the bottom of the barrel back in their home countries, many of em are actually criminals on the run.
you shouldn't be surprised when criminals act as criminals.

and finally, why are you guys so fucking autistic?
why does it have to be all black or all white with you?
why should one person be judged by the actions of another?


not all of them. some of them are more like pakistanis

i wasn't talking to you. keep your delusions for your friends

judge categories and systems, not individuals.

unless it's someone like thatcher, if you see thatcher throw stones at her. do not allow zombies to preach zombie economics.

Because shitskin muslims are invaders and fifth columnists that will eventually crack the whip over the indigenous peoples of europe and there are no two ways about this.

it's skin deep with them, google albino pakistanis to make sure

their problem is islam, that's why indians do well and paki don't do as well

Jeez man, we all know that Sweden is tumblr the country. They already consider the democrats in America to be fascists.

Pretty reasonable explanation, though the failure of such a capitalistic system needs to be felt by the citizens. The government within a capitalist government, namely large coorporations and banks, is easy to hold accountable.

The modern left however has fully alligned itself with the interest of banks and large coorporations and forsaken the worker. In Europe and in US typical far right rhetoric is gaining among the working class more and more. Why is that? The far right is the only one that is trying to appeal to them instead of telling them by default that they're going to be fucked.

stop being a hyperbolic cunt

They are not
