Da Jooz

Guys, what are you views on Israeli-Palestinian conflict? I admit i'm farily uneducated on the matter and have no real context. Am retard burger and am probably heavily inundated with lies on the matter. I know palestinians get fucked hard by the military in gaza but it'd be interesting to start a thread on this and hopefully have some decent discussion.

In general its tiring when people have diluted every discussion involving jews down to just blaming them for everything wrong in the world and not trying to even look at any facts.

(Decent, as in, not becoming Holla Forums, mind you)

Other urls found in this thread:


Holla Forums wias always a Zionist board.

Fuck off Holla Forums you're not fooling anyone.

You should read this

Given the choice between Islamists or Jews controlling the Levant.
I'm going to back the Jews.

I have to give it ya, you are consistently the worst tripfag on this board.

I couldn't disagree more. The war on brown people is most enthusiastically pushed by those rabid, right wing jews you say you'd side with. This is why I posted the thread… I don't know what you expect to change.

As an atheist, I find it even harder to talk about this conflict, since I don't care. I don't believe jews have a right to any land, nor do muslims, christians, or anyone. People should generally be able to live wherever they want. It seems this discussion always gets reduced down to "Jews deserve this land bc religion… " or something.

Either retard or shill status

thank u

Go jack off to a computer faggot

Luckily that's not the choice you're being given you disingenuous fuck.

t. Sam Harris

I rejected idpol because I got so frustrated hearing so many different things from both sides which happened to be true that I simply concluded that they were both shit, fuck idpol, fuck nations, fuck capitalism, fuck states.

Just nuke them both. I'll be honest, I'm slightly more sympathetic to the Israelis because they're not socially-backwards savages (I have this perspective because half of my family is Russian-Jewish and moved to the USA via Israel from the USSR), but they're still awful reactionaries and thoroughly drunk on idpol.

Yeah, you sure dropped idpol.

You and can fuck right off.

Here's how the story goes: Jews settle more and more of the West bank until the demographic situation is irreversible, the Palis get some form of autonomy, status quo preserved. That's the long run in a nutshell. It keeps happening because of bydlo who keep voting for Nethanyahu or other right wing parties (not that we have proper leftist ones except succdems) and are obsessed over with fucking clay for one reason or another, mostly due to sort of religious manifest destiny. The official stance of the party in power right now is that they're interested in a peace process, but every action they do points out in the other direction of weeding out Palis as a demographic. It should be noted that Hamas aren't helping the situation and that terrorism keeps hindering any chance for peace talks.

This will ultimately culminate in a civil war or intifada(s) in the next 20-50 years, probably.

I personally back Hoochie for that honour.

I only care about what is going to be best for the region and internationally.
An Arab Levant would be just another base for Islam to strike from.
As such it would be much better for the Jews to control the area, at-least until this Islam problem can be dealt with.

Hamas is literally an Islamist organization affiliated with the Islamic Brotherhood.
My only concern is curtailing the influence of Islam.

Now that is just crass.

But in the event that it ever is, the Islamic problem in the Levant is going to be fixed very quickly.


I haven't done much research into the matter but I listened to Abby Martin talking about it on a podcast recently and if half the things she says are true then Israel is run by a bunch of fascists, even the corporate media has reported on some of their most egregious shit like when they were sterilizing their own people because they weren't the "right" kind of Jew. I guess that would explain why the aut-right loves the place so much.

Then you don't belong on the left. Do us all a favor and go join your neocon "comrades" and let up with the charade

Link to her talking about this?

Please do point me to a single instance of me claiming to be on the left.

I do love how you are all shilling for a terroristic ideology.
It is sad to see how the left has gone from burning down churches and killing the clergymen to rushing to the defense of the most disgusting and harmful religion to ever blight our planet.

If Palestinians were in power, they'd butcher every single Jew. Islam is a horrid political ideology and if curtailing its influence means few hundred dead brown people once in a while, that's fine

Holla Forums do kill yourself

No one is except for you, zionist scum

wtf I love apartheid and ethnic cleansing now

WTF I love Islam now

Typical shill wants to reframe the conversation to be about Hamas and then Islam as a whole because you can't accept the fact that you zionists are shills for the fucking scum of the earth

I can't wait to see all your totally honest and relevant references as you desperately try to reframe the narrative.

I think it is rather disingenuous to call me a Zionist.

My support for Israel is primarily due to my hostility to Islam.
If there were some sort of German Christian or Indian Hindu colony in the Levant, it would have my full support for the same reason.

I'm not trying to 'reframe the conversation' at all.
The OP asked a question; I provided my answer.
Israel has my support simply because their existence harms Islam.
I really do not care what they do to Muslims.
In fact I think they should just end the whole problem now.

Don't attempt to push your moralistic world view on me, lad.
I have no time for it.

Getting rid of spooks which you were brought up with is hard. And yes, Islam is disgusting and backwards. I should have said that instead. Better?

the jews and the muslims should just fight it out among themselves. we should abandon both groups and focus on social equality on the homefront before we try to stop a war that's been going on for thousands of years.

Then you shouldn't have said anything since it's irrelevant

Neocons are myopic idiots at best

hi Holla Forums

If your only political concern is Islam and you live in the west then you're an idiot and your ideology is garbage

the subtle Holla Forums poster is actually right

I'm telling you now, if you listen carefully to what both sides say, what are true are almost always the attacks on the other side and never the defenses. And both sides are just awful. Nuke them both. Wipe them off the face of the planet. It would stop so much.

This tbh. Israel will probably win because it isn't backwards and primitive, but at least it'll get scratches. I don't even know anymore. Fuck both sides.



by this point Israel is good friends with Saudi, the gulf monarchies and their jihadi proxies in Syria and Yemen. Funny how enlightened secular Israel chooses to side with the most repressive and fundamentalist forces in the region. The crusader LARP framework of muh infidels vs muslim hordes you are trying to impose on the middle east falls apart upon closer inspection. It's not even consistent islamophobia, just a shoddy narrative designed to shill for pointless wars.

It was on the Joe Rogan show recently
youtube.com/watch?v=0yp7a7f3VGw at about 2:15:00

I'm not too fond of religion in general and I'll be the first to say that the far-right Islamist terrorists are some of the worst scum on the planet, but its important to remember that they're reactionaries, the problem didn't just pop up on its own. A good portion of the middle east was secularizing along with the rest of the world and slowly shifting to the left until outside forces intervened like in the Iranian revolution back in the 70s and the Syrian civil war that's going on right now.

Israel-Palestine is a racist apartheid state and it makes enemies when we support the Israelis in their subjugation of Palestinians.

Thinking the Palestine-Israel conflict is about islam or that all geopolitical conflicts in the region can be understood through islam is exactly the sort of lazy posturing that idpol leads to. No, ISIS and Hamas do not exist for the same reason. Real life isn't a video game with simple answers and backstories.

The fact that you have to resort to a straw-man of my arguments is rather sad.
Just don't respond or better yet, concede.
It is much less embarrassing.

I never said that my only concern was Islam.
I said that regarding the topic of the thread, my only concern is curtailing the influence of Islam.
As Israel does this, it has my support.

Oh yes.
Islam is just utterly harmless in the west.
Terror attacks, Sharia Courts, Genital Mutilation and Systemic Pedophilia certainly are not found among Muslims in the west.
They certainly are not a 5th column.

I really do not care what nations Israel associates with.
I think you will find that most western nations associate with the Saudis.
My concern is denying Islam another stronghold.

I have never advocated for some 'crusader LARP'ing, nor have I advocated for 'pointless wars' in the region.
I simply recognize that Islam is a harmful ideology and support its destruction.

Then you are badly mistaken. Israel depends on and propagates the conflict. They're not in an earnest crusade against Islam you child.

The Palestinians should gain an at least semi-autonomous state, which may be subject to Israeli law and it's own, the Israeli government has limited jurisdiction and most crime and punishment is dealt with by the Palestinian semi-autonomous government.

As for religion, I am strictly against religion, be it Islam, Buddhism or etc. Religion has been a horribly destructive force. Not even mentioning faux morality.

No need to watch a radio show. Just check out her Empire Files series on Israel.


The latest one on racism is really good:


Given that you clearly do not understand the meaning of the word 'curtail', it is rather funny that you call me a child.

There are many groups on the right of Israeli politics that only support a single state solution.

Even if Israel was content to maintain the status-quo, they would still be denying Islam a stronghold in the region.

Stop it with this disingenuous fucking Islam vs. Judaism bullshit. This isn't merely an issue of religion. The oppression of Palestinians is not limited to just Muslims. Christian Palestinians are persecuted as well.

Why you post with YPG flag den?

Yeah, they do the opposite of curtail. I spoke precisely and knowing full well the meaning of words. If you are opposed to Islamism then Israel is the biggest contributor to the existence of militant Islamism as an ideological force, perhaps second only to KSA.

And I called you a child exactly because of this childish good vs evil pablum you base your worldview on.

da fuq


The current status-quo harms the regional influence of Islam.
That alone is reason enough to support Israel.

Please show me exactly where I called Judaism good and Islam evil.
I honestly do not give a shit about Judaism, the Jews are simply a means to an end for me.

What I do care about is how harmful Islam is.
If you do not consider Islam to be the most dangerous mass ideology currently extant around the world, then you are hopelessly lost in your own self-harming, juvenile, contrarian, id-pol ideology.

You know you can blather all the idiotic shit you want without a tripcode and people won't be able to filter you out.

Nah, you just think that we're all in some video game where muslims are the horde baddies we have to defeat by any means necessary. Islam is threatening the west at all because of things like Israel but you're so stubborn and short-sighted you'd rather a continued source of aggravation than to let up that maybe conflict for the sake of conflict is a shit ideological basis.

sounds familiar

I'm far to narcissistic to do that.
Besides, I would still be recognizable without it.

People that want to filter me are simply concerned with maintaining their own safe space.
I really don't know why they go here rather then tumblr.

I never referred to them as a 'horde'.

Islam is simply a harmful ideology that needs to be destroyed.
It is something that needs to be tackled by any means necessary however.

Its definitely not you, I don't think you're better than Hoochie tho and if its not you and you're no better than her, then it can't be her either

"This water must be stopped from filling this boat by any means necessary!" says the man desperately drilling holes into the floor so the water can go out.

If I were intent on half measures, that analogy may have some value.

Given that my position on Islam is that it should be subject to damnatio memoriae, it is rendered irrelevant.

It really speaks volumes that you think my analogy is a half-measure

It speaks volumes that you lack basic English comprehension skills.

I speak english just fine, though I question the logic of someone who thinks the problem with drilling holes in a boat is that it's only a half measure to draining it.


My only concern is curtailing the influence of Islam.


I can save you some time, OP. 90% of the comments on these threads are conspiracy theories about 🍀🍀🍀the chosen people🍀🍀🍀 and the other 10% are anti-deutsch shills posting tl;drs that nobody actually reads.

jews are not even real
their ethnicity was artificially manufactured
everyone is a jew if their surname sounds funny

🍀🍀🍀as an atheist🍀🍀🍀

🍀🍀🍀as an atheist🍀🍀🍀

We should gas the kikes youtu.be/5UNwjB-k6aI

Islam was on it's way to irrelevance just like catholicism, until faggots like yourself supported imperialistic policies, like putting a bunch of european faggots with the collective schizoid claim to be originated from there in palestinian territory.
And the ones actually opposing the most regresive islam were secular leaders that were overthrown when Israel funded the fucking extremist, you ignorant fuck.

I oppose Israel, because the creation of Israel was an imperialistic policy based on the fact that nobody wanted the jews. It should be noted, that the idea of a jew nation was the initial nazi proposal to get rid of them, but other countries didn't want to part of their colonies. Then, after the war, they conceded on a racist solution framing it as humanitarian labor, effectively taking other nation's territory and putting a bunch of native european on there, that sounds like invasion to me.
And then, you have the historical role that israel took on deterring socialist movements on the arab nations, thus spreading reactionary ideologies that we can see on the middle east right now.

Which nation, dumbass? The entire middle east was carved up after the first world war, all the states there were taken from another nation. Is it wrong that middle eastern peoples gained self-determination by taking over lands administered by European powers? Or should the Ottoman Empire still exist, with middle east governed by Constantinople? Or is self-determination okay, except when The Joos are involved?

Have you read this piece by Bookchin? While he doesn't blame "Islam" as the problem, he basically argues that Israel is not anywhere near as bad as the various Arab landowners and imperialists who have hegemony in the region, who are the real issue when it comes to Middle Eastern stability.

No, islamists cause islamists. Trying to blame someone else (especially The Joos) because some cunt decides he wants to adopt a theocratic, imperialist ideology basically removes all the agency from the people who make those choices. Sure, not everything Israel does is "good" (especially in the West Bank) and this may help more people become alienated from society, leading them to adopting stupid ideas… but the idea that most islamists exist only because Israel exists is a fucking retarded idea.

There are a significant number Arab-Israeli politicians, military leaders, judges, and porkys. A few years ago the acting leader of Israel was Druze, aka not Jewish. There's certainly racism in Israeli society (as there is in most societies) but to call it an apartheid state is just buying into the imperialist propaganda of Arab porkys.

fuck zionists

Israel, the Vatican and ISIS are the only states based on religion.

And only Isreal has any actual power.

Also, Jew, SOMEHOW, is both an ethnicity, a religion and a nationality.

Also, they are oppressing Palestain and exist only so that the US can have a base in middle east.

Which nation, dumbass? The entire middle east was carved up after the first world war, all the states there were taken from another nation. Is it wrong that middle eastern peoples gained self-determination by taking over lands administered by European powers? Or should the Ottoman Empire still exist, with middle east governed by Constantinople? Or is self-determination okay, except when The Joos are involved?

Have you read this piece by Bookchin? While he doesn't blame "Islam" as the problem, he basically argues that Israel is not anywhere near as bad as the various Arab landowners and imperialists who have hegemony in the region, who are the real issue when it comes to Middle Eastern stability.

No, islamists cause islamists. Trying to blame someone else (especially The Joos) because some cunt decides he wants to adopt a theocratic, imperialist ideology basically removes all the agency from the people who make those choices. Sure, not everything Israel does is "good" (especially in the West Bank) and this may help more people become alienated from society, leading them to adopting stupid ideas… but the idea that most islamists exist only because Israel exists is a fucking retarded idea.

There are a significant number Arab-Israeli politicians, military leaders, judges, and porkys. A few years ago the acting leader of Israel was Druze, aka not Jewish. There's certainly racism in Israeli society (as there is in most societies) but to call it an apartheid state is just buying into the imperialist propaganda of Arab porkys.

Bullshit, half of the Middle East defines themselves as Islamic Republics.

Let's see…
Most of the western middle east is secular…
Nationalism is translated to religious fanatisism, because nations were made up on the map and Israel only raises this nationalism with its actions.
Saudi Arabia and so on are not even republics, just feudalism + oil.
Afganistan and Iran were secular, but then the US had to arm fanatics to get rid of "socialism".

I actually wonder if Israel isn't an elaborate plot to turn the middle east into relegious fanatics, only so that it has an excuse for the US to take completely over, somehow. I mean… Israel and the US ARE what destabilizes the area…

good Christian, good