Improved Ideological Survey

Hey, Holla Forums, I'm the OP from the ideological survey posted on Sunday, and since everybody was clamoring for a do-over, I created a new and improved poll:

"I'm a faggot that thinks random polls have a point"

rip in pepperoni keynes

Although I guess I am demsoc depending on the time of the day and my current mood.

mutualist with posadist tendencies

One day you will get things right.

It's very sad to hear that you have a tendency to become retarded at certain points in the day, or during certain emotional states. Look on the bright side though: At least you're not always retarded, like

why are people voting leninist and not marxism-leninism?

Cults of personality are kinda gay, also I'm anti-sectarian and don't want my anarchist friends Kronstadted.
Not to mention all kinds of revisionist shits called themselves ML after Stalin's death.
I just want a succesful revolution, everything else should start fresh.

de leonism is state syndicalism duder

How the fuck can someone be a Marxist-Leninist



Cause we like our ideology pure. No "yes, but we need add more beurocrats and establish our power" shit.

Why do people put Juche in these polls, there is always some retard who thinks its super funny to choose the joke ideologies if they are included.

Leninism is a higher stage of marxism

nice to see a reasonable tankie


Literally fascism.

Leftcoms look at this thread


your position is garbage


nice, we tankie board now

Are you retarded? Also, Leninism isn't a thing. It's just Marxism.

did you forget how to imageboard?

Wow, you got every DeLeonist on earth to respond to your poll.


Still a shitty poll, don't try to make one of these if you're new to leftism.

Not at all.
While I do agree that there are some elements of similarity between State Syndicalism and Orthodox Fascism (as is true for any form of syndicalism).

A nation under State Syndicalism would still be a workers state, unlike the class collaborationist society favored by Fascism.
As the workers would still be in control, I consider it still de-jure Socialist.

What this poll shows is that, the prevailing ideology is we want distributed democracy rather than democratic centralism.

Council Communism( a lot of left communism) /Communalism/Anarcommunism/ Syndicalism are various shades of an extremely similar proposed structure, the vary only in how to get there.


You do know that the UoB in Kaiserreich are basically anarcho.syndicalists, right?

Bloody meme flag

Syndicalism is truly the future of socialism and left unity.

Goddamnit strawpoll

Not if you back based Mosley.
They go very much towards State Syndicalism.

State Syndicalism is really the only form of leftism I can really get behind these days.
I see lots of potential in it.

I'm Social Democrat and Communist

Who was a nazi IRL, and Totalism in Kaiserreich is basically a bunch of different strains of fascism and stalin-tier socialism bundled together. Mosley was a nazi, Mussolini literally invented Fascism and Sorel was a monarchist before he embraced a weird version of Marxism

Oh yeah, and Valois was also a fascist

Quite obviously I'm not talking about what Mosley believed in IRL (however he did have a number of good ideas pre-Hitler).

There are many different routes that one can take the UoB down.
While I give you that one possible route is basically M-Lism, another is centralized Syndicalism - State Syndicalism.
That is what I'm supporting.

So does State Syndicalism have any theorists or is it just based on a video game?

DeLeonism, which is deader than mutualism.

there is only one deleoninist left

What the fuck kind of poll is this?

Voted market socialism anyway.

you keep re-makeing a poll that keeps getting worse with every iteration

Orientation-queer, Marxist-presenting Maoboi butchevik
My pronouns are "Len", "Ju" and "Spoo"
Don't gulag me sinner

>>>Holla Forums


well that's not a lot now is it


I'm a republican socialist !


He's rolling in his mausoleum

I always heard that anarcho-communism was the most popular ideology around here. Was it a lie ? Or did you all change your mind ?

childhood is being ancom, adulthood is googling Murray Bookchin.

lack of reading comprehension methinks.

This is what ancoms say repeatedly due to a poll only naive utopians would click on (a google poll).

Well, I also heard that Communalism was something like the second most popular ideology around here. Guess they lied.

As previously stated.
DeLeon is really the only Theorist that is primarily in line with State Syndicalism.

But one can find certain compatible ideas among the works of other heterodox Syndicalists.


Marxist-Leninism is the most dominant ideology here ?
Fuck, I thought you guys had brains.

genuinely, more leftcoms then I expected.

Usually AnCom dominates the polls, don't know what happened here

Which one is closest to libertarian socialism (which really should be on there)?

50% of these voters are against the party, the state, the DotP, and the other 50% are for them. The latter have read Lenin and/or Bordiga, the former are basically confused purists who want "muh special kind of revolution" that will never come. Leftcoms of the latter type should critique them former more often and more openly.
People still too much into nostalgia. Read a fucking (non-lib) history book of the 20st century. Read a fucking theory book from the 21st century. "ML" is Stalin using Lenin's corpse to rape us all.
Literal idiots. I bet this number has been propped up. Their forced "memes" would indicate this mentality at least.
The only proper anarchist category. Everything else is a fucking joke and literally ancap- and/or snowflake/teenage-tier.
These people need to read criticisms of unions from Lenin, ancoms, and leftcoms. Your unions are basically vehicles of class-collaborationism. FACTS HURT.
Gee, thanks, comrade! Your neutrality has been appreciated. How about picking a tendency that showcases your actual organizational/theoretical positions? Or don't you have such? Read some books, maybe?
These people understand that the disaster of the USSR has been a natural outcome of the Leninist model but understand that much of Lenin's work is still unavoidable, preferable to alternatives. They still prefer to call themselves Leninists (as opposed to "ML"s) because Lenin thought us a lesson that can be applied to the 21st century.
"The invisible hand can jerk me off better than my gf's planned hand-motions."
Literally doesn't exist. Read fucking Lenin. Read later Rosa. Read Rosa's self criticism on the Bolsheviks. They. Are. The. Fucking. Same. (Would have picked Leninist if actually read books.)
5 snowflakes. Let me guess: 1 transhumanist, 1 "I'm twelve and I'm more special than ya's all" 1 monarchist and 2 Holla Forumslers
"Hi, I'm new to this site!"
See section: "communist."
Probably 2 of these are Unruhe types, and 1 actual comrade who understands that Mao did in fact have theoretical and organizational contributions to the communist movement (as opposed to Stalin). Cheers for the latter.
Your proper name is "anarcho-individualists." Thanks for letting us know that you've read Stirner. Good job. Now grow the fuck up.
See section: "syndicalism." No actual IRL movements behind this "tendency."
1 person from Holla Forums who sees the truth in our critique of capitalism yet is unable to move on from his nationalist spooks, 1 Russian faggot who thinks that someone like Stalin could "MAKE RUSSIA GREAT AGAIN" & according to him "Putin is one of us" somehow, no matter his austerity & neolib programs.
aka. the shopwindow of anarchism.
Literal right wingers. Only separate from ancaps by their cultural beliefs. See section: "market socialist."
"Everything failed because the lack of councils, and even when councils were present they failed because non-councilsts." These people are the most pretentious of them all. Ever met an anarkiddy that blames everyhing on the tankies? Multiply it by two and you have a councilist. These people have 0 organizations globally, in fact, they, by definition, can not create one.
At least you tried,
Surprising, tbh. Expected at least half-a-dozen.
Doesn't exist outside of >>>/Marx/
Doesn't exist outside of the history books of the >>>/USA/
Thank fucking god.
Redundant. See section: ancom. If you feel the need to diff. yourself from ancom as a collectivist, you are not a proper anarchist or collectivist.


Separate options for syns and communalists, which is just ancom called something else. And probably because only 138 people could be bothered to vote.

Republican Socialists also is the term for many of the french socialists like Jean-Jaurès or Mélenchon. I would have voted that, but I didn't saw it was here, and I can't change my vote.

And Anarcho-collectivists are different from ancoms, because they believe in the collectivization of means of production AND a wage system (through labor notes) while ancoms believe in collectivization of means of production and a gift economy. But you don't know that, because you don't know anything about what you're talking about and you're just trying to look "smart" by spreading you misunderstanding of anarchist philisophy.


I resent this. I always vote Nazbol because I'm not putting information into third party applications without it being useless meme info.

>Doesn't exist outside of >>>/Marx/

I voted ML but I have Hoxhaist sympathies

Much prefer Hoxhaism to Maoism, if we're talking ML since 1953

meh I guess anarcho-egoist is close enough.

these are good takes

you mean autistic? yes, I agree

i thought everyone on this board being autistic was a given

read Losurdo