Why the fuck should I want "real socialism"

Well I'm a 30 y/o white trash retail cuck, never been in a relationship, and I look like a balding Mr.bean with a lazy eye. What so I'll own the Macy's I work in? Big fucking difference that makes! Now tradies are the new bourg I guess since they produce the most value and I die a childless retail cuck. Wow! Nice!

Bernie socialism seems like a way better idea, and it's actually attainable probably

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your job will be gone soon, comrade

Wealth distribution under socialism isn't directly tied to the amount somebody produces, since with many jobs this can be impossible to quantify. Rather it is determined through democratic planning and rational discussion of the issue. So you would likely see your salary increase, your cost of living fall, and your decision making power at work increase.

I think you're thinking of capitalism, comrade.

I don't know what you expect socialism to be able to do about your relationship problems, but I'm for central planning so if you're better at doing something besides customer service you can go do that.

The Bernie "socialism" is gonna get you replaced by robots but there's no reason we can't work on both.
We had people phonebanking for him in this board anyway.

What will it be able to do? Nothing? Well fuck socialism then. That's caused me more suffering than wagecucking. Hell, I don't even mind wagecucking that much anymore.

I dunno user.
Before we can ask "why should I want socialism" we should ask "what do I want out of life".
So, what is it, OP?

So your only criteria for fighting is if someone guarantees you a warm hole at the end of it? What kind of man are you? Nobody can get a girl for you, you need to get yourself right.

Perhaps you should consider changing yourself to become more attractive to members of the opposite sex. However, I must warn you that you will never find the fulfillment you seek in the arms of a woman. That satisfaction you seek can only come from yourself.

Communism doesn't just mean worker self-management — it's also the determinate negation of the capitalist economy. Macy's has no reason to exist without the profit motive. You;ll do a few hours of work on something valuable to society, then spend the rest of the day improving yourself. Maybe you'll even have a gf one day.

Because capitalism is an absolute blight on sexuality and gender relations - I would say it has a big part in why you have no gf.

Honestly the true value of socialism is liberating ourselves from the perverse behaviour we're socialized into by capitalism. Both women and men have bizarre ideas about what's desirable and how to behave around the opposite sex that we're indoctrinated into by the capitalist system. When idpolers bang on about objectification they have a very valid point.

You also acknowledge that people who make more have an advantage in relationships compared to you. You can thank capitalism for that too, it makes affection into another commodity.

Personally I think in socialism cosmetic surgery (and eventually genetic engineering) should be made much more accessible but that's just me.

That's a meaningless question my man. If I got what I wanted out of life I'd have to be an entirely different person. I really just want people to love me and women to pay attention to me, even though I pretend I don't care at all

Why should anyone love or care about you, user?

Because he's a human being and even if you're not entitled to love you should be able to expect some compassion and understanding - what the kind of people who crave love have actually been lacking.

No one should. No one has any reason to. That's the problem

That's a terrible answer, user. Are you trying to make him feel worse? You don't know anything about him or his life, so cut it out with this "everyone deserves love and care" nonsense. No one deserves anything, we take it from the world around us.

Perhaps you should give them a reason to. Work on yourself and force people to see the value you have, because you do have some, even if you can't see it right now. You just need to find out what that is.

Good answer my man. Sounds like this self help book I recently read. Six months to six million I think it was called

That sounds like a gay book for faggots, user.

That's not what I said. I explicitly said people aren't entitled to love.

What I said is that they're entitled to understanding, which is true. If you're not getting it you shouldn't internalize that negativity by blaming yourself. You should cultivate the self-confidence to realize that this is something I deserve and I shouldn't tolerate people disrespecting me in this way.

But it's a two way street. For this to work and not to turn into a narcissist you need to be understanding of other people as well.

The entire sum total of material society and the means of production is the reified product of labor, user. Nobody's suggesting you be locked out of that because the work you do doesn't involve manufacturing things.
It's not just social ownership, but production for use instead of exchange - meaning for social need and not private profit. An economy dominated by competing co-ops is technically "worker-owned" but the workers still exploit themselves according to market forces and the existing contradictions of the system.
Besides, if you have an unnecessary job you're only employed at owing to the system's need to keep consumption at a max, your need for money, and the business' slight competitive edge in employing you, you can probably just fuck off or at least work a lot less. Similarly, social ownership and planning for social need can maximize the rate of automation of a huge number of remaining jobs (esp. in the service sector) and automation would actually be a good thing for the people, unlike today.

Self-help books are the popsci of theory. Most of them have very little, if any, real actionable advice. People come away from them feeling better but largely without any real changes. What they are sold is the representation of change and self-improvement, not the things themselves.


"I can't get laid" is a totally reasonable complaint to have. Sex is something that humans are hard-wired to not just want but need and if you're not getting it you have every right to be upset - though a lot of people don't manifest that dissatisfaction very well.

Understatement of the year. We're talking about a bunch of people complaining that there's not a chapter on how to get laid under socialism in Das Kapital.

It's a valid complaint that you don't get laid, but it's not much more than that. It's not anyone's right to get laid, because it involves other people.

But even scratching all that, look up that documentary about sex in the DDR. Women put out more in the DDR, they achieved sex liberation before it was even acceptable to talk about it in West Germany.

If this is your only worry you're a piece of shit, but fret not, you're gonna get laid under communism, provided you're not a retard.

And it is my experience that most of these people who "can't get laid" have huge double standards: they complain that they can't do it because they're ugly, but then they want to fuck out of their league, as if fucking with attractive people and rejecting everyone else is their right and is oppression when anyone else does it.


Yeah, "deserve" vs. "don't deserve" here aren't well-defined here. I don't think anybody believes in imposing an obligation to fuck on others, because if they're unwilling "their heart's not in it" and the object of desire is enthusiastic, willing sex, and not sex in the first place. It is impossible to coerce a mental state, it is impossible to force others to respond to or regard you a prescribed way. What they're after cannot be obligated by any conceivable law or moral philosophy.
But the material state of things does influence development and behavior, and we probably can modify the material state of things to where people are more likely to voluntarily adopt states of mind more helpful to today's "sexually unfortunate."
But honestly the broader question is one of relationships in general. The "sex" in the public eye is spectacle and a representational stand-in for what constitutes personal fulfillment in (our idea of) relationships. That hole isn't filled just by fucking. It's a complex psychological thing, and it's broadly the fault of capitalism.
You haven't been on /r9k/ much, I take it?

t. gay so I have no real horse in gender politics

shit i hope nobody from Holla Forums has

But it is?

Being horny is just as much of a natural human instinct as feeling hungry.

You aren't some kind of animal that will die from not getting laid.

But I agree with this.

Nope, as I said this is my experience with this kind of people. Yes I know that they have the "even uglies don't want us" narrative and I don't believe it for a second.

btw I'm not even saying you shouldn't wanna fuck out of your league or anything. I don't even believe the "league" thing is warranted, nor that retarded 0-10 rating system. Just pointing out the hypocrisy.

You won't die if you only eat once a day either, that's a bad argument.

I didn't know not having sex was comparable to near starvation. Thanks for the heads up.

No but you might go nuts from the loneliness and sexual frustration.

From an evolutionary perspective there's barely any distinction between the importance of survival and the importance of reproduction. We're the product of billions of years of natural selection constantly reinforcing this drive to have sex and living in a system where you're unable to satisfy that is extremely upsetting.

Of course rationally we can understand that blue balls are preferable to starvation. But for many people it doesn't feel that much better either.

getting someone fed also doesnt involve a second party the way having sex does

Everything is comparable to everything else. That's what comparing is. You take two things that are different and you point out one characteristic that makes them similar. There are reasons having sex is not a right despite it being a human need. Glad to be of assistance.

What if an individual has no desire to do anything though? No desire to help society or even be part of society, no desire to improve, nothing, just pure acedic sloth? What if they just want to lie around the place, subsisting off a diet of leftover food and garbage?

Read Marx. "Need" isn't just bare physical subsistence. Man is a socially and historically consituted, and as such his needs are a result of his circumstances. Social and sexual intercourse are unquestionable needs, and a society that systematically fails to fulfill those needs for a large segment of its population is deserving of criticism.

By this do you mean "gee, I hope none of my comrades have suffered like that," or do you mean "gee, I hope they don't rationalize their experiences in a way that offends my own sense of the world and its people"?

This. The "hoomin naycher" fallacy is "human nature is fixed, immutable, transcendental, and context-independent, and it directly contravenes X form of social organization." Not "human activity can be understood in part through its biological basis" because the latter is really at the root of historical materialism.

Good. So we both see that you have to read between the lines, and that when they talk about "sex," they're not really talking about sex.
I guess we'll disagree on this point, though. The problem isn't they want the world to conform to some perfect, optimal ideal, although they may also. It's that they pine after an "average" life which they cannot have. I don't see hypocrisy here.

They're both uncomfortable stimuli lmao

Food is the product of labor, and we're alienated from the product of our labor under capitalism. Unless you're literally a subsistence farmer, which you're not in the first world, getting someone fed involves at least a second party.
The lolberts even have this whole thing they do to argue the supremacy of property rights over human rights and survival, by pointing exactly that fact out.

i don't know what kind of answer you expect.

/r9k/ was a fascinating place before the self-hating robot became the average user. There were some really interesting people there, I remember there was a conscious effort at first for most people there to try and have a higher level of discourse - hence why they addressed themselves as gentlemen.
Obviously this fell apart very quickly, but at least there were still weirdos and freaks there like that one necrophiliac chick who worked at a morgue.
Honestly, I believe anyone who comes to an imageboard not looking for extreme shit shouldn't even bother lurking.

sage for off topic

What, like 6 months after it was created?

This line of thought is what causes this to happen in first place.

Yeah but that's the thing: they still do. And that's exactly the problem. They think having sex will fix their issues and so they build all their frustration around the fact that they don't have sex. Then the occasional robot has sex and sees that nothing is fixed. What then? How much time did he waste thinking that his life was shit because cum wasn't traveling inside a vagina?

I'm expecting any answer. How would a purgomentophage who is totally fine with living in squalor, who refuses to work or interact with people be treated under socialism?


and, as sex becomes less of a comodity the false expectations rise.

Thus, yes, under socialism you get to fuck.

probably would be carried to the nearest hospital or something? i dunno, maybe if you can convince the doctors that you don't have some issue nobody will give you a second thought. i can't predict the future.

I don't think your assessment is correct tbh. Most of them see it as a symptom and not an underlying cause. If it was the "uncaused cause" they wouldn't have trouble having sex in the first place.
People read "I had sex and it fixed nothing" stories all the time there, too.

Wtf is a purgomentophage

But I don't have an issue in the first place, I'm fine with eating crumbs and trash, I want to live in garbage and dress in filthy clothing. I'm only half joking when I say this.

Crude Latin for one who eats garbage.

Go to a hippie commune.


ok user and i'm not judging but there's people who would have you committed for this kind of behavior in most capitalist countries with public healthcare, i'm just saying. maybe the trick under capitalism is pretending to be a bum but under communism they would just try to give you housing.

I don't want to talk to people either, or even interact with them. I'm not keen on drugs aside from alcohol and coffee, and I don't care for or want sex. Most importantly, I don't want to risk being put in some cult and end up shot dead as Father Starchild drives us into an army base and gets us into a firefight.

Step up, faggots. The longer you go without sex, the more pissed off you'll be, and the more pissed off you are the more you wanna get shit done out of primal fury at the world and everyone in it.

t. volcel

Sounds like you should kill yourself and forget about politics completely

That never happened. If it happens they get bored and do shit for the lulz, which is entertaining in it's own way.

Let them. If humanity cannot live without the stick then let it die out.

There will be no business ownership in a communist society, the means of production will held in common and administered publicly.

Yes and yes. I'm glad we agree.