Another message of wisdom form this man

Another message of wisdom form this man.

He will vote. And guess who he will not vote for? LE PEN.

Not voting is pointless, it won't stop the actual candidates to be elected, so why not voting AGAINST the most malignant cancer?

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Liberals >conservatives any day. When fascist kill and torture communists its too late to react. Just read what they did to our comrades in nazi germany.

Trump is proving, to swing voters, that his idiocy won't save them
Same will happen with The Pen

Macron is not a liberal in the american sense. He is called "libéral" in the french sense. He's as free market, anti-regulation, anti-labor as it gets. He is not better in any meaningful sense. Both are worse.

Fuck off Holla Forumsyp with your "le aclerationism". Traitor leftists are the worst scum on earth.

Well no shit we are using the normal liberal meaning here. American "liberals" are practically socdems.

I think the french meaning (I'm not sure how widespread it is in Europe) is more connotated right-wing and pro-business, the term that leftists use is more general and aims to include up to classical liberalism, to really differentiate all of it from socialism.

Macron is more of the accelerationist choice really, genuine Left Accelerationism is perhaps one of the most anti Holla Forumsyp positions one could take.

Nigga are you telling me you support people like Obama because better than Bush?
Go fuck yourself

American liberals don't give a rat's shit about economics.



Clinton is nazbol

Because I don't want to endorse a neoliberal banker.
I hope there will be a bigger abstention rate than the first round (~20%) just to show to the next bourgeois lackey who is going to govern this country that they aren't /ourguys/, whenever it's Macron or Macron

What I'm afraid of if Le Pen miraculously wins is that turboliberals like BHL will come back in 2022, appear all over the media and convince everyone to vote utile for the Republicans or the PS.
Besides, Macron is the true accelerationist candidate. Snort some speed and read more Nick Land

He is an liberal in the American sense too though, since he doesn't seem to be conservative on social issues while being also extremely pro-free-market, etc.
Our media have been trying to ingratiate in us the notion that this kind of politician are leftists for decades, just like with Democrats in the US.

I agree, he should vote for Le Pen.

lol, no. He will vote for the former Rothschild banker* like the cuck he is.


try using the democrap flag instead, you're embarassing us

Worry not famrades, the legislatives are on the 5 of june and shall lead the Left Front to glory. If the Melenchon vote turns out, LFG [or FI, depends how they brand] will be the second largest group of candidates to get through to the second round.

I won't ever vote for the unmasked liberal oligarch champion aka macron

strategically, fn without a majority at parliament is objectively better than macron with it.

Le Pen is a retarded accelerationist candidate, Macron's whole platform is GOTTA GO FAST!
