How can we possibly compete with porky fucks, Holla Forums?

How can we possibly compete with porky fucks, Holla Forums?

The people that communists killed most certainly deserved it.


Easy. We produce better, more interesting arguments.

The real world will do that for us. The right only has ideology. We have reality.

Why are we getting salty about this? Tankies and Nazi's are both awful.


You cant. Porkies are more strong and influental than any jewish conspiracy. They take the best individuals of society and throw money at them until they are on their side.


Matt Breunig is starting a left think tank to counter this and he's on patreon.

Also we have opposition to this…. like Jacobin. But it gets shit on by the Left b/c its popular.

That's more because in trying to court a liberal audience, it's not certain which audience they're actually trying to cater to anymore.

is PragerU even popular outside of the far right? All they ever do is circlejerk about how great America and how bad leftists and liberals are.

They get over a million views each video

we stand outside their homes with guns, knives, bombs, wooden clubs and we kill them one by one, untill they're too terrified to come out of their homes. Then we burn them to the ground and kill anyone who tries to escape.


That's because porkies = jewish elite + goyim elite. Of course they have more power than the jews alone.
That's one tactic, but not the only tactic in their arsenal. Propaganda for instance is used to bring people to their side without the puppets even noticing why they're moving the way they do. They also often finance and infiltrate both sides of conflicts (commies and non-anti-semitic "nazis" for example), so if the tide changes it stays the same for them.



You don't.

Now get back to work, wagecuck.

good job, you are a great entrepreneur, son

Is anyone legitimately afraid if this? Porky has refined and refined propaganda, right now it's limited to defending liberial capitalism but imagine how bad it will be once porky decides they can't rule the country through liberial democracy.

T h i s

Fascism hardly seems any worse than liberalism does now. What else is there to be afraid of? Mass internment? Already here. A surveilance state with no oversight and cameras inside your TV? Got that too. Police, both secret and in plain sight, that can arrest, torture, and murder citizens without any functioning system of checks? Old news. One ruling party that holds sham elections in which everything is directly controlled throughout the entire process? They don't even pretend that it is not rigged anymore.

There is nothing left to fear from fascism. Liberalism has become the greater monster.

This comment is laughably naive. We can openly organize, and disseminate our views, this alone makes liberalism far better than fascism.


Very concise and sensible video. Now I have a larger interpretation on why communism is cancer.

Actually we cannot really disseminate our views in the traditional sense since all mass media is privately owned and usually ignores all left wing opinion unless it conforms to their class interests at any given moment. Read Chomsky.

just watched it and wow prager u is more trash than I remember

Liberalism is a bigger gravedigger of socialism than fascism ever was or could ever hope to be.

Calm down Nicola Bombacci, the RSI is a puppet state anyways.

This. Fascism doesn't have a very good record when it comes to fighting socialism.

Friend on facebook shared this with the following quote:

"This hits me hard! I know firsthand that most Chinese youth are not even taught about the atrocities of Mao Zedong. In fact, my daughter's British school in China decided not to offer history at all because so much of the text had to be redacted with black Sharpie in order to comply with Chinese law, that it was useless to teach it at all. In the headmaster's office I saw the book they'd wanted to use, black marker on nearly every page. My daughter was the only non-Chinese in her school, and was shocked when she'd casually mention something she considered common knowledge, only to be met with blank stares. Communism requires ignorance."

Fascism relies on violence.

Capitalism replies on peace (in the first world). As long as capitalism is comfortable, any talk of revolution (taking away bourg culture) will sound like oppression. Both types of liberals do this. The liberal left and even the alt-lite hate the alt right because the alt right to an extent wants to culturally change society away from "degeneracy". The Alt-lite and the right liberals hate the far left because the far left want to get rid of the bourg culture.

Either way, the reaction comes from the threat of peace and pleasure being taken away.

Compliance and "freedom" is what makes capitalism more dangerous than fascism. Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera; though a fascist, said that capitalism is worse because it is a ambiguous dictatorship unlike monarchy where you know your oppressor.


