Porkies are really proud of the percent of people living in abject poverty (>$1.90 a day) declining...

Porkies are really proud of the percent of people living in abject poverty (>$1.90 a day) declining. Why is this happening?

I understand that the best we can hope for under this framework is like, $5 a day in the poorest parts of the world, but why is life improving at all? Why has poverty decreased?

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because poverty leads to revolution

I'm pretty sure they redefined the poverty line a few years ago so they could say things were improving.

But it's inevitable that the poor of the third world will eventually benefit from technology and they will make some gains from their role as the world's manufacturers, but it doesn't take much to go from nothing to a little.

Hillary Clinton shouldn't have worn makeup.

Last time I checked the poverty line for an individual in the US is around $12k. That is absurd.


It's not. They've re-defined what "extreme" poverty means, along with counting farmers that are now wage slaves in cities as having "gone up in the world." IMF is evil shit.

Because it's fucking not happening. The amount of people living below $5 has skyrocketed since the '70s. The cumulative wealth of the bottom of humanity is lower now than before.

Poverty declining while wealth inequality is reaching historic heights?

I'll take a load of bullshit for $500, Alex.

Poverty isn't decreasing. It's a fiction invented by the IMF and World Bank. They kept redefining poverty to make it seem like it's decreasing when it's actually increasing and spreading.

A large part of it comes from things that used to be done informally are now part of the market, e.g. small scale construction, clothes repair, home repairs…
So there's no more work being done, but since money is changing hands it counts as an improvement in the eyes of banks.

The iron law of wages - the cost of labor will eventually equalize at a subsistence level in any capitalist system.

The extremely impoverished come up a little bit, and those who previously did well under capitalism get fucked into the ground with an augur.

This. They're using statistics to lie through their teeth.

Because of the glorious policies of the Communist Party of China.

Take out China and poverty has remained static.

Each generation inherits the tools and knowledge of all generations before them.

Its more nuanced than that but its worth a mention.

Pic related

Dont fall for the porky tricks.


But on the other hand there is actual industralisation happening that makes some people less poor, which is not surprising given the quasi feudal situation they where in before.

1 absolute poverty hasn't decreases
2 the appearance of an increase in poverty is the massive transfer of wealth from the West to the East in the form of outsourcing etc, so while Asians (Chinese in particular) are making relatively more workers in the West are making less

Just goes to show that the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries.

Marx debunked the iron law of wages, idiot. But I wouldn't expect a market socialist to understand Marx.

Because the definition of "poverty" is being shifted to fuel the narrative. It's the logic od "sweatshops are good" in that now instead of farming third world workers have to work to eat.

Only because it had been applied by LaSalle to all economic modes, not just capitalism.

Marx was a hack who's been BTFO repeatedly over the past 150 years

Face it, you're the hack.