Under communism, families will disintegrate and children will be raised communally...

The cultural left is garbage.

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cry some more retard


Yeah tbh I don't really think those are realistic goals to set either.

Communal family system is actually the most conservative option possible since it was around before homo sapiens were even a thing.

Something something Commissar Jamal and Commissar Cletus.

under communism, communism will disintegrate

Sounds great tbh, see ritualmag.com/kinderkommunismus/ for more.

All happy families are alike, all unhappy families are unhappy in their own way.

I think marxists see families as micro-fascisms because they are people like Reich, coming from fucked up jewish families and projecting that hard.


t. One Dollar Man

Unlike you I love my mom.

Marx talked about it. To be fair, his stance on the family made more sense because of his opposition to child labor, but there are still plenty of anarkiddies who see the nuclear family as reactionary and want it to go away. They want poly communes but will get serial monogamists, enmity between genders, and a nation of single mothers.

Humans are not naturally monogamous, but monogamy spread for good reason. It focuses male economic and social attention on childrearing. It also and reduces crime, as there are fewer aimless, dissatisfied single men milling about than there are with polygamy.

How about you read Origin of the Family and discover what the actual communist position on the family is rather than spouting right-wing memes.

Lifestylism was a mistake
Economics not culture, praise Marx.

clans are the true way

I'm not even sure what your position is or who you're calling the cultural left. Communism will liberate people from responsibilities, but humans still need each other and they're still be social integration. Families don't disappear, if anything they'll become more meaningful and full; the idealistic family won't be thought of as an absent father with the entire family's financial burden to worry about, an isolated housewife, and children who are raised by the schools and an overworked mother and don't even like their siblings, and the realistic family won't be two overworked parents who never see or raise their children, who are instead raised by overcrowded daycares and then by indoctrinating schools.

It can't be even called reactionary, since it's a 20th century fabrication. Humans haven't lived like the for the majority of their history and only do now because of Capitalism.

This has nothing to do with communal child-rearing and besides New Left lifestylist hippies aren't exactly held in high regard here.

Couldn't be further from it, he's a cultural marxist if you think about it.

That's it's all capitalism and that it's final perfect form will be there when communism happens.

Like the communist position on everything really.

No, you are garbage.

No not exactly.

It's the practical implementation of your ideology, remember, not fondling a toddler is bourgeois morality.

Isolation is already becoming more common.

Monogamy is significantly older.

Making people as free as possible does not make them as happy as possible. Stripping them away from every measure by which to consider themselves and leaving them as manipulators in an arena of manipulators does not promote the highest human wellbeing, it promotes aversion and narcissism.

bud whad if gommunists go crazy from lack of muny and eat each other??? u never kno what will happen, its so scary,…

Fondling toddlers is the epitome of bourgeois morality. The bourgeoisie are the most degenerate, dangerous and unaccountable, due to their power, and always have been. The rich have always been child rapists.

Because of Capitalism.
The nuclear family is not the same thing as monogamy. The nuclear family is mom and dad living alone with their 2 kids and the grandparents and aunts and uncles visiting them every other weekend and on holidays. It's an artificial fabrication that goes against thousands of years of familial tradition and inevitably leads to isolation.
You're conflating freedom with not doing anything. When you're free you're capable of doing anything you like, and people tend to like spending time with others.

That's not what artificial and fabrication mean.

Besides that, I wouldn't want my whole family living in the same street and walk in every hour of the day.

personal preference. i would absolutely want that as thats how i was raised

1: Man-made; of artifice.
1: (uncountable) The act of fabricating, framing, or constructing; construction; manufacture
Probably because you don't like your family, which is an unfortunate commonality in modern times.



Because of transportation and communication technology.

The people who can make friends in a crowd of strangers are pretty exceptional. Most people make friends through extended, forced social contact. The cultural left wrongly assumes that freedom will result in more civil society or smaller scale social integration. It will probably do neither.

I consider it better if people live with their grandparents. The left is not heading in that direction.

what the fuck are you retard talking about?

Now how does that apply to people living by themselves instead of with their own family, what is "artificial" about it, what is the real thing then, and how is it a "fabrication"?

Not at all. I just like being by myself instead of being surrounded by other people all day.


You're a sharp one

I don't understand your point. If I had an extra 30 hours in my week, I'd use some of it to interact with other people. It's hard not to unless you're full hikki.

it's time to stop

I literally, unironically don't give a single fuck about any of that.



Under gommunism I'm going to fuck all of your waifus.

take the sade pill


I don't get this thread. I undeniably come from a dysfunctional family. Factually speaking I know I probably would have been better off if I was raised communally or in a similar fashion.

So…historically how families worked?

There's a difference between monogamy, polygamy and clan based structures user.

why not a functional family?

That is a functional family.

Well if you want to form a family then I don't care.

That's even more reactionary fuckwit.

Well as any decently cliched leftist will tell you. Capitalism. All I'm saying here is in a leftist nation my odds of being born into the complete wackos I was born into would have been quite reduced.

This made me about as upset as anything I've ever read.

Making society into a summer camp for gender exploration is horrific. Child rearing is a profession, people grow old cut off from everybody younger than them, dyadic relationships are actively discouraged because of fear of monogamy, and all individuals totally disappear into a crowd of acquaintances.

It's been a long time since I've felt so hateful.

No you're thinking of capitalism.
Under communism, families will remain intact as there's no need to move away to chase work, your company won't be able to force you to relocate

Obviously families don't have to be erased under communism, and capitalism puts them under threat. But look at the people in this thread. A lot of communists look forward to the destruction of family and kinship, and they're cancer.

Actually communal child raising does fairly well in small communities of a few hundred and it functions as one big family. It's just different.

But I support the nuclear family as a positive institution.

Stop equating the 20th century invention of the nuclear family with family in general. A lot of people here look forward to the destruction of the first, because it is alienating and destructive.


It's tl;dr for me, so can you clarify what the article is suggestiong?

Don't even know what that means.


I wonder which system is destroying families and forcing parents to give their children into kindergarten…

Forced communal child raising carried out by skilled professionals.

Kids are brought up learning history and anthropology to undermine cultural identity and cultural modes of delineation. Dyadic relations are discouraged (to prevent monogamy, or maybe to increase group identification by eliminating close friendships) and puberty is delayed until kids choose what gender they want to be.

The authors understand that there will probably be reactionary backlash and the system will be initially unpopular, but consider it necessary to stop gradual stratification in wealth and social capital. They also want to overcome gender norms and minimize abuse.

It really disgusted me.

Sounds pretty retarded and not Communistic at all. It's like they took the system of Brave New World and added a lot of idpol into it.

An apt comparison.

This could work if it was heavily refined. It's utter shit as its stands.

Wonder no more: Judaism.

What kind of piece of shit WANTS his child to be raised communally? Not even primitive ooga boogas in Apefrica do that.

It could work, but it obliterates meaningful parts of human life. Growing middle aged in a society like that would be hell.

People without children who hated their own childhoods.

it's very popular in most parts of the world, i believe sometime since industrialization.

People naturally socialize you fucking retard, and removing all the artificial impediments created by capitalism will only enable that

Kill yourself you dumb straw manning retard


Why must we have this thread every week?

So you want somebody else's kids?

It's pretty dependent on sharing a context and having consistent interaction.