Every day the far right get stronger and stronger while the left continues to disintegrate and die...

Every day the far right get stronger and stronger while the left continues to disintegrate and die. We are living in an era of nationalism. Hitler's vision of Europe and the West will be fulfilled in our lifetime. What will you be doing? Will you be in the wrong side of history?


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Will you?


I'm a proud nationalist so yes I am in the right side of history. Literally.

Every day I wake up feeling happy because I know the nationalist revolution will occur in my lifetime whilst commies have to stick with their fantasies and pipe dreams that will never occur. Communism and the left in general have been eternally discredited. Get ready for the Thousand Year Reich, commie.

civic nationalism is weak shit, Le Pen, Trump, Ukip, Nordfront, Afd, all these new parties are civic nationalist who are very friendly with zionists, immigrants (who "assimilate") and big capitalists.

As they gain power they will attack the legit nationalists/racialists just as hard as they attack the "jihadis"

Sanders got cucked.

Cornyn is set to lose spectacularly.

Face it. The left is dead. It's gonna be at least a hundred years of far right politics before the left gets back on its feet.

Don't get me wrong though I really feel for you guys though as you're wasting your time on something which will never materialize.

the only thing keeping the right relevant is boomers who are dying by the day

Civic nationalism is always the first step. If these leaders went straight to white nationalism they'd get nowhere.

Its ironic you say that on May Day. The right died with Trump. At least elect an intelligent "nationalist"

This idiot thinks it's the left that's disintegrating, not the centrists. What a fucking rube.

Sanders is the most popular Politician alive in burgerland
Corbyn is gaining in the polls with virtually every other party trying to pull him down as low as possible

They may be Social Democrats but they have helped many Leftists Parties gain a lot of support

Ideology cannot beat material conditions. We will win. It is inevitable.

Much though I wish this to be true, I have concluded there is at least a 50% chance that this is just more spectacle to keep (neoliberal, globalist) capital happy, as opposed to a start for genuine change.

We're not just playing with loaded dice, the dice were laced with acid.

The moment the state disintegrates like the anarkiddies and communists want it to is the moment the police and the courts can no longer protect the mosques and the reconquista begins. Can't wait.

Don't worry, all religiontards will be put up against the wall in the event of a revolution.

they'll also no longer be able to defend you, your homes, your property. not to mention businesses

He actually thinks this will achieve anything at all

True. I will start with the 20k americans that live in my country.

under communism i guess that this guy and his autistic friends could just organize and go to the middle east to die and Muhammad lil goat boi

Keep LARPing. You retards think posting on the Internet is some revolutionary act, it's hilarious.

Trump really is a perfect representative for you morons. You thought you were getting your big strong nationalist, but in reality you got yet another weak, largely unpopular neocon.

This. All the spooks in the world will crumble because they have no material analysis.

Wait. Are we suppose to give a fuck about the mosque, synagogues, and whatever else gay ass places of worship?

Is see it as good and bad.

All Not Socialists will be purged by the civic nationalists.

The only nationalism that is gaining power is libertarian nationalism. Most right wingers are image based and don't want to look left wing.

The nationalism of today is the literal interpretation of what leftists think fascists are. The fascists of the past at least had SOME criticism of capitalism. The nationalism dominant is corporate cock sucking.

The Good

Nationalism of the socialist kind gave enough right wingers to question capitalism and see it in a negative light.

The end result

The libertarian nationalism will continue to grow while the Not Socialists will be purged by these libertarians. It would push many farther to the left. Like it has done to me.At least the Nazi groups wen to occupy wallstreet to protest wallstreet. Despite them being another brand of capitalism, in their eyes they are anti-capitalist and it is this belief that we need to influence.

Honestly, after all the shit that the liberal establishment has done to Sweden; I'm not surprised that Swedes are fighting back. In this case, the fascists are just a natural reaction to the establishments constant rabble about multiculturalism and tolerance of Islam etc. Really sad to see none the less

Like all modern day politics, NMRs may day demonstration is a charade. They're bringing in sympathizers from several countries and still only manage to be around 500. On top of that a large part of their core activist base is locked up in prison.

It is true however that we are entering an era of fascism, but this fascism is implemented by the regular centrist parties, not crackheads in fringe nazi sects.

sieg heil

the nationalists' "revolution," ladies and gentlemen

Nationalism is the West's savior

The parasitic invaders have to go back.

Social justice reactionaries will be purged with the rest.

The left was in control of center since WWII, like it or not.

The left =/= us.

reject multiculturalism and join the working class. there is still hope for you Holla Forums

I think this is something we can all agree with.

In 8 years it'll be cool to be a liberal "leftist" again.

The working class has no race.

once again fascists show their hate for western civilisation
this time they will completely destroy europe if we don't act

in 8 years it will be cool and necessary to be a "nazi"

i agree. but races should be separated in their own continents.

Whites work. Non whites cash welfare cheques and spit on us with contempt in our own countries.

That's how it is now. Sometimes it's good that Americans are feckless pussies.



america in 2017 would be empty if it was not colonized

How do you even argue with someone so deluded? There isn't even a welfare state in America and they don't issue checks anymore. At best old people get a few pennies.


No, it still would have millions of natives.

Maybe he's thinking about Europe?

Non whites don't work? Maybe if you never leave moms basement and literally never see the outside world you would think this.

no it wouldn't. diseases would reach to them and without white intervention they would all die off.

The way that post was constructed sounds like American ideological trashcan speech.

non-whites would not needed in white countries if it wasn't for jew greed

I'm british. What do you even fucking mean by that. That's how people speak surely?

don't even get to europe. there is literally no reason to bring in non-whites in europe.

we do

If you're talking about ﴾﴾﴾The Republican Party﴿﴿﴿ then good.

really makes ya think…

top heh

You know how it ended the last time this was tried. Hitler's Reich only lasted 12 years.

This is actually a really strong case in my view. Almost enough to legitimise the racial-segregation idea.
Sending white people to America ranks among the biggest mistakes of the European powers.

Huge improvement on status quo, then.

Sanders is literally a Nationalistic Socialistic Democrat.

last time I checked they stole our jobs
which one is it, retard?

Civic nationalism weakens the probability for legit racial nationalism with every passing day, though.

lol no

I believe welfare is of capitalist creation to get workers to be idle and not have any connection to production whatsoever.

I am a genuine nationalist and a socialist. I want all nations to be self governing. The problem is that as long as you support private property and are not planning on taking out the internationalist system of capitalism then you will fail like in WW2.

A real nationalist revolution must be internationalist because out enemy is internationalist. A real nationalist revolution is ironically a internationalist worker movement. This is why the 'strasserites supported the USSR.

Autarky may cut off the capitalist from your nation but it does not defeat the capitalist. If any, it will just use civic nationalism as a way to suppress you. This is what is happening in the right as of now. The libertarian nationalists aka civic nationalists are your enemy and you must cut all ties with them. They hate you and will shot you once they have their way.

The only way for genuine nationalism to take place is to ally and support communism and socialism.

Nobody on the internet in 2017 is a nationalist

Doing a countries I like paint thread is not nationalism

I'm more socialist than I am nationalist tbh.

I'm slowly moving away from nationalism after seeing the great flaws with the nationalist tactics.

That's why I am on leftypol.

Trump was your peak. It's only downhill from now on


It's an abstract kind of feel, because I have a much stronger appreciation of the fact the primary vehicle for independence for Scotland - the SNP - have only really gotten ahead because capital (as an abstract force) doesn't really care what Scotland does, or sees opportunity in our case. (Hence why it's "nationalist and socialist", as the two are functionally relatively separate although I like to show socdems the right direction.)

None of this is going to last anyway on either side. Its just going to be a repeat of the 70s and 80s all over again with the skinheads and punks, with either people moving on to the newest "edgy" or non-"mainstream" group or there being a suddenly being "miraculous upturn" in the economy that leads people away from either side. Facism is capitalism in crisis and communist reaction comes a response to that crisis, but when the crisis "disappears" or the solutions seem old and antiquated, people will just leave and Holla Forums and Holla Forums will have to wait another 10-20 years before anyhting similar comes up again or it becomes "cool"

A "miraculous" recovery is only posible with a global catastrophy like a world war. That is what the bosses will try. It falls to us to turn it into a class war.


I'll enjoy seeing the red flag wave over the ruins of whatever fascist country springs up.

Go to Rojava, then


Please get out of the filtering bubble.

I'm tired of these psyops.


Oi, mate.

At least I'll be true to myself.

Also, SocDem in nordic coutries, turns into fascism as capitalistic crisis depens.

MEANWHILE, in the south, the lack of proper socdem makes clash inevtable.

I guess imma gonna be clashing, while the north becomes autistic fash.

What do we define as nationalism? Buying a shirt made in china with the flag of the state that rules your homeland? Participating in elections so your homeland can be divided into pieces for wealthy global corporations to gobble up? Listening to music, watching television or just consuming media made in your occupied homeland? Most people on Holla Forums wouldn't say Canada is a nationalist country, despite having so-called content requirements which force Canadian broadcasters of popular music to broadcast 35% Canadian content.

*the rich get richer while the poorer get poorer*