Propaganda for casual rightists

Share some propaganda that we can show to the kind of rightist who votes as the news tells them and isn't really that into politics besides muh immigrants and terrorists.

Olly just made this fantastic video that I think could legitimately turn this kind of person. Its specific to the uk, but I'm sure casual conservatives in other countries could recognise its applicability to their own politics.

Apparently current year man's been hiding his power level all this time.

Of course he was.

I don't like that YouTube channel. He made a video about Žižek complaining about ableist slurs and told people to vote Brexit. He's barely talking about actual philosophy but gender politics and unironically calls Contrapoints "they".

He gives the left a bad rep because he tries to come over as a neutral channel just talking philosophy but gets SJW all the time. That just perpetuates the whole "Cultural Marxism has subverted academia" meme.

*told people to vote against Brexit

He did a series on Marx, he is at the very least recruiting.

So you've only seen a couple of his videos then?

Well yeah… he IS a leftist :^)

I kind of agree, but his sometimes neutral façade at least gets apoliticals to listen to some leftist rhetoric.

I think I've seen enough to form an opinion about him.

Not sure if shitposting

He probably means that the EU is leftister than what's going on in UK politics. You know, lesser evil meme.

I absolutely hate that fucking faggot's face

The EU is so leftist that in engages in economic terrorism against governments which are SocDem

The Brexit Referendum was a single issue vote, it has nothing to do with the torries or UKIP being in power. Stop conflating this like the liberal propaganda does it all the time. The EU is a fucking anti-leftist hydra and getting out was the sensible thing to do.


"You have nothing, so we'll keep you from rebelling by giving you social rights that we'll suspend if you ever dare to rebel"

Am I interpreting this correctly?

meant for

No, since article 153 gives collective bargaining rights to workers in order to further increase their relative negation power along with trade unions.

Nigga, is obviously a liberal so I'm just speculating in how they think.

that is ofcourse in the hands of the national parlaments, so EU can`t be blamed for it.

I still don't get how this is not, in the end, what I said. Power sits with the bourgeois, and they grant workers some rights, which can be broken whenever deemed necessary.

Well you could just kill yourself right now so why don`t you?

Doesn't it hurt your soft liberal feelings to use language like that?

Not really, since you´re not willing to fight for workers unless you get absolutely anything so I`m just thinking that they might be better off without idealists like you.

I think socdem is nice and comfier for workers and I'm glad I live in a socdem state where I do have more freedom to fight for workers, but let's not have any illusions: It's a tool for social control. Whereas the US has indoctrination and extensive police control, European bourgeoisie's strategy is cutting the workers enough slack that they won't storm their houses and eat their families. For our bourgeoisie socdem is the lesser evil.