Much better

Much better.

Other urls found in this thread:


A little on the nose but it gets the job done

I'm all for goon politoon memes in the goon politoon thread but nobody outside of it is going to get what the fuck is up with "I looooove death."

Thanks for labelling everything again you fucking cunt


If you're not gonna have everything labeled still what's even the fucking point of a Garrison edit?

lol yeah ok you silly little antifags.

I was talking to Ben

Being a reactionary piece of shit is a violent act.

Like the antifags who sperged out over some dumb bitch giving a presentation?

Explain the joke pls

Some dipshit cartoonist (branco possibly?) had a comic where kids were getting conveyor belted through the "public school machine" and one of the ones on the out end was saying "I looooove death"

Goons thought this was hilarious because it was really fucking dumb and like to edit it into other dumb politoons.

Another favorite is "open the BUD gates" but that one is incredible in its own right.


You didn't even label the shading, you hack

is this an edit of a strip of his where he labels antifa as the real nazis?

pretty good


Yes. Pretty recent too adding in the fun that he's decided to go to bat for Noted Pedophilia Apologist Milo Yanawhatever.


I found the original one.

Love it.




I don't have editing software, but put the green hill theme on this, it's really good.


That was an edit. This is the original one.



Now add Running in the 90s.

Right. I think I got confused by someone else explaining it and making the same fuckup until THEY got corrected.



Wrong version

Ask and you shall receive.

Holla Forums being delusional

Holla Forums being autistic as usual

not an argument

just bored





Holy shit that pic is autistic af.

hahaha holy shit

needs more jpeg tbh

You imply antifa aren't real fascists, yet you are incapable of offering any proof or arguments, and wonder how you lost this election (or you think it's because America is the real worst terrorist).

Enjoy 8 years of Trump.

It is.

Nazbols supported Trump (against Hillary only) you moron. He was supposed to destroy the American empire but it turns out that he has decided to attempt to sustain it instead. What a cuck.


This is correct.

You guys have the dumbest definition of fascism of all time. Trump isn't a fascist but neither is street fighting you fucking autist

Post of the week


If you keep your hate speech to yourselves idc, but if you called my friend a nigger in front of me i'd probably kill you. If that makes me a fascist I'm okay with it

Seriously, whatever you believe about anything, it is probably distorted, fucked up, ignorant and wrong.

I thought Garrison was obliged to include Soros in every cartoon, what a hack



I feel that I'm going to be using this a lot

The aut-right is a post-modern fascist movement. They don't care about logical consistency they just want to "win" (or at least feel like they are.)


What did he mean by this?

Paul Joseph Watson IS NOT stopping the Trump train.

But still I could see him losing.
Millenials will be hearing about him all day until 2020 and actually turn out this time.

Why is this like this? Generational differences? Or is the adage about getting more conservative as they age true? In which case societies are condemned to grow more rightwing as medicine advances and people's life expectancy increases.

Boomers are the generational bourgeoisie. They have a completely different outlook on politics. Their death is already eroding the "Washington consensus" that they have been brainwashed from birth to support.

No. That's retarded, if you look at actual voting statistics throughout history no such thing is indicated.
People generally hold the same political beliefs as their parents and for their whole lives, because most people don't talk with nazis on imageboards.

Generational differences. People 65+ years of age are literally convinced that the Democratic party is run by communists. Younger people are just disillusioned with capitalism and thought Donald Trump would do something about it. Don't ask me why, I'm not mentally challenged. I voted for Bernie.