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Damn, can't believe the DNC killed him.

The smear campaign returns.
Porky only embraced him while he was useful to them, now they attack the most popular politician in America because he's a threat to their fucking donors.

To the Democrats, success is not measured in the win rate of their electoral efforts, but in their control over the terms of the discussion that we lesser people are allowed to have.

How much are establishment neoliberals paying for all these shill pieces and dumb asses on twitter to go this hard against a weak socdem?

Pretty sure they do it for free.

These neoliberal shills are basically IRL Patrick Batemans.


By caring about the key economic conditions that force people into lifestyles where they are unable to express themselves or live with dignity?

This is your brain on liberalism.

IT'S 2017

In some sort of retardation Salon complains about the hitpieces on Bernie while shitting on Bernie.


4/10 for effort.


Fuck off with that shit.

It was a take on the establishment liberals who were against Bernie. I shit you not, people were espousing what I posted, evident by the posts receiving dozens of likes popping up in the forums that I visit. Then again, with a forum that relies on a like system, you're bound to end up with a circlejerk, especially in a high density thread like an election thread.


Hmm. Really makes me think.

Ahhhh well in that case




This is why it is important to support right wing reactionaries instead of center-left/centrist fucktards (provided that those are the only two choices in bourgeois elections.) The DNC is desperate for relevance and Sanders is now the only person who can provide that.

This is the biggest case of projecting I've ever seen. It's always been these DNC shits that have used divisive strategies to gain votes, attempting to equate a focus on economics to a dismissal of social issues. "Economic reductionism" rings out the moment economics are so much as mentioned, and by people who are themselves cultural reductionists.

The center has failed the people and is completely collapsing, pushing people to the far left and right.

In circumstances like the French election, since Melenchon is out and he didn't put his support with Macron (because he has principles) it's between Macron and Lepen. Now you can argue whether or not putting Macron in would continue the centrist trainwreck and lead to more time to organize far left movements, but I would actually argue to put Lepen in for accelerationism purposes would lead to FASTER organization of said movements.

Gotta try and get clicks on both sides

Why do these shills keep going on abou abortion rights? Sanders has been stronger in favor of abortion than their Clinton messiahs.

The DNC is parading Sanders around the country in order to gain support for their shitty candidates. The problem here is that many of them are basically republicans. It's strange how the author of this article blames Sanders for this when it is entirely the DNC's fault.

These people don't give a shit about Sanders, they're trying to shift the frame of discourse even slightly to the left of center.

Wow it's in writing so it must be true

I don't understand how much more he could give. He caved and supported Hillary, he supports some rando democrat who was pro-life a few years back and still they crucify him. Please, Bernie, just open up the gulag.

Shit it's late
I meant they're trying to stop the discourse from even moving slightly to the left of center. Sanders may not be our guy, but trying to discredit him is an attack on the left, he is just the avatar in their minds

As if the accelerationism platform worked out in the US. Trump isn't following through on any of the accelerationist shit. He just pulled off his nationalist porky mask to reveal a neocon porky face.

Accelerationism is for those who have nothing at risk and are too lazy to get engaged in left building now. Hobbyists.

But it did though.

Sanders is corrupt !!111

Meanwhile these radical centrists are begging to suck the cocks of people like CIA ghoul McMullin, who are social conservatives. It's clear it's an attack populist economics, not social issues when it comes to Sanders.

These freaks don't even realize that not being a Democrat is part of why Sanders is so popular lmao

Yeah it's actually quite funny how they think that being "a good democrat" is a positive trait.

You should know shit is up when it has "Dangerous" in the title or subtitle

It might as well say "edgy" or "heretical."

Jesus christ they think this needs defending?

I also like how CPRF and A Just Russia politicians have been called Right Wing by our media for their stances on social issues.

Life is a lot more fun when it's a battle between 51% of the population and 49% of the population. Undialectical but great for people's feelings

Jesus fucking Christ how many layers of delusion are the Democrats on right now?

How convenient that the most third party voting whites went for the libertarian party. Sounds like they want to go even farther right on economic issues.

the democratic party is going to be dead in a decade

This, basically. Let them shit on Sanders and run Chelsea fucking Clinton in 2020, see how well that works for them.

They couldn't make it any more blatant.

I'd enjoy propaganda a whole lot more if they called any deviation from the party line "heretical".

we can play the idpol game too

Literally Newspeak


bye bernie you are a white male

fucking salon, fucking dead left

As far as i understand, the democratic party has finally closed lines and having a real leftist party in the US is as posible now as it was in the 50's


noose neoliberals


Mind blown, why didn't I think of that? I think you've just coined the next "radical liberal".

I don't understand this shit. When has Sanders ever said anything even mildly socially regressive? He has a 100% rating with the NAACP for fuck's sake. His message has always been focused on class, including the Black and Hispanic working class, these retards are literally claiming that because he doesn't shill for one race or another constantly he must be racist. These fucking morons have truly buried the spirit of universalism.

He's a fucking white male. Literally the only argument they have.

Also, his supporters sometimes say stupid things. Something a Hillbot would certainly never do.

Capitalism has won. The elites have made the actual left-wing socially regressive in the minds of the people. The same exact thing happened with MĂ©lenchon in France, and will happen to Corbyn.

ahahahahah oh my god

is trump Ozymandias?

Hello, porkie.

He wants to shake things up, so the Democrats don't like him. All the bullshit they use to smear him are just distractions.

Are you kidding?

Just look at the comments, that article is getting flamed to hell with only obvious DNC shills defending it. They haven't captured anything, this is just a particularly pathetic attempt to regain the narrative.

It's almost Orwellian it's so ridiculous.

Hi Holla Forums

Liberal bitch is salty because people are supporting Commissar Sanders instead of their impotent she-litch and her upper crust cronies.

He is my man
In most polls

I bet this same person has a thinkpiece out about how it's ok for Barack Obama to take 400 grand for Wall Street speeches.



They deny that the working class voted against them

Can't wait for the 2020 election tbqh.

vague idpol obfuscation is literally the only weapon neoliberals have by this point, you can expect them to drive it into the fucking ground. Which, imo, might be a good thing, it may speed up the progress of the dialectic, turn people from idealistic idpol on to materialist class politics.

He campaigned for a pro-life candidate in Nebraska instead of letting the Republican win


Sanders is the most popular elected official at the federal level by a staggering 20% margin and they still think it's a good idea to smear him? They're just flushing their own credibility down the toilet at this point. Please continue, I don't ever want to see a Salon writer invited to Ralph Nader's show again.

Whew. You know they actually did a study on the kind of language candidates used during the primary and among all the Republican and Democratic candidates it was actually Bernie who used the highest educational language.

Liberals are only capable of talking about Hillary in terms of grovelling OTT adulation, like she was some sort of totalitarian Stalinist leader with demigod status, which is really fucking bizarre. Much like the archetypical fascist leader functions as an ego proxy for frustrated petty bourgeoisie men, Hillary is a proxy for professional class bourgeoisie people, specially white women. See for example, this video with Samantha Bee. liberal bingo, 'YAASS QUEEN', 'harry potter', uptalk, hillary raised to demi god status, it's all there.

she literally lost to the least popular candidate in history. how can you regurgitate this much ideology all at once

I wish I could say that her jokes were unfunny but I honestly didn't get enough of them to make any kind of judgement



Even fucking Ben Garrison draws Bernie in a positive light



Which is surprising given his heritage…

I don't think Garrison is anti-semitic, he's just right-wing.


samantha bee's show is less about 'jokes' and more about liberal ingroup shibbolets. it's supposed to make the Viewers feel they are part of a select hollywood liberal clique, the paragon of rationality and crypto calvinist 'intersectional' 'decency'. Bee's viewers want to be told they are 'not racist', that republicans 'hate america', and that liberals are 'the real patriots'. American liberalism is an infantilising ideology that thrives on unhealthy childhood nostalgia . Liberal utopia is one huge daycare where everyone plays by the rules, watched over by a benevolent nanny class of celebrities and media hacks. Liberals are basically overgrown children, hence their obsession with harry potter, sexual anatomy(muh vaginas), Barney-the-Dinosaur-tier manipulative reality tv spectacle. A good definition for liberalism in the 21st century: the subset of people who believe celebrities are actually their friends. The institution of the celebrity has always been intimately linked with commodity fetishism and the marketing of consumer products. It is no surprise they are using celebrities to sell Ideology as well.

He labeled the fucking car. Jesus christ.

What the hell was that?

Technically speaking their problem with him was, is, and has always been that he wants Democrats to listen to white men again and focus more on the economy. They're scared that they can't both do those things and listen to minorities and care about social issues because they don't understand nuance. They have a legitimate fear that Democrats will throw minorities under the bus and go back to 50s era politics against civil rights and for a populist economy, even if it's a misplaced one. To the stable middle class (lumpenproles) and the bourgeoisie, saying "we need to focus less on abortion and more on the economy" sounds a lot like "who the fuck cares about abortion". What they don't realize is that Bernie is arguing only on image, advertising, and outreach concerns and is saying that building your entire party around contentious issues like abortion like both parties have been doing is a bad way to do politics. Abortion is popular in California but not in Arizona. What's the solution? Stay true to your principles of rationality and listening to women and minorities on issues that predominantly affect them, but change your marketing. In Arizona they want economic populism and don't want abortion, so advertise appropriately. In California the rich make sure economic populism isn't popular, so de-emphasize that and focus on abortion instead. Basically, re-adjust the argument so that people realize abortion isn't the issue they care the most about. Which they are sure to when there is enough contrast between the Pubs and the Crats
/tangent. Other than that he's just following the (new) platform.

good post


What even were her goals besides "become president" and "preserve the status quo"?

what the fuck is this? What kind of person makes this?

Maintain Trans Bathroom access and push forward and anti-dialectical form of progress


Debunk this shit wherever you find it. Demoralize them.Oh shit I recognize that senior classcuck never mind.

My city's mayoral election has a fringe candidate promising city-wide wifi, a united school district, a sugary beverage and plastic tax, savings accounts for all youth, bike lanes on major highways, a light rail metro system and a train from Austin to here. THAT'S promising too much and it's easy to detect. You promise ANYTHING in this climate and people shit on you no matter how much economics you use to back it up.
Also lol @ ignoring the voter roll purges in the closed primaries and the general demotivation the DNC was broadcasting and the Brazile fiasco and the leaked speech transcripts.
BTW I'm not kidding about that.
Also Codemonkey needs to fix the post filter, it still shows up in the replies column above your post.

Yeah even this take is bad because, as much as she likes to use idpol as a battering ram against real leftist discourse, HRC couldn't give less of a fuck about minorities or trans rights or any of the other shit idpolers screech about.



Sanders is the first race fluid politician. The liberals can't make up their mind if they hate him because he's a white male or because he's a jew.

Which doesn't even seem like it matters. If the electorate cares about bourgeois wokeness points, Trump wouldn't have been elected.


One of the big arguments the Liberals have been using (especially in the post-Soviet age) is that the world is far too complex for there to be one dominant issue.

The world has actually become much less complex (politically speaking) though. Only a fucking liberal would think otherwise.

Salon is porky dick suckers extraordinare so I can't agree with this article on principle.
Bernie is trash though

Quite right. Also (and given your use of the term I don't think this is news to you), the existence of celebrities, especially as they are now, does not merely sell you Ideology, it IS Ideology. Our interactions with these images, even negatively, reinforces the dominant mode by forcing us to confront it on its own terms.

When we get (justifiably!) angry at these retards on TV saying liberal nonsense and spreading propaganda, what we are doing in a sense is talking to images as if they could hear us. Or at least, letting images talk to us as if they were in the room. I think your great point about liberals treating celebrities as if they were friends is deeply related to this.

Further, we then go on to confuse our relations with others by mediating them through the images themselves. It only makes sense, if we confuse our relation to the images as social relations (talking to them, listening to them, etc.) then it's not surprising that we see our social relations with others through the filter of those images.

On a related but tangential note, I think it bears being keen to the effects of ideology and our relation to it. When people say certain knowledge is dangerous knowledge I think they're absolutely right because the most precarious position to be in with regards to ideology is to believe that we have (or can) transcend it. There's a temptation, when we become aware of the functioning of ideology to think that we can recognize it and thus avoid it when we notice it. But not only does that make whatever we didn't notice that much more engrained, but it ignores that ideology functions not just as something we unknowingly passively consume but as something we actively (though at times unknowingly) participate in. It's good to be aware of ideology, but we should be very careful is all I'm saying.

The also called his social democracy "third way centrism" so we're on our way to the mainstream left

but wasn't sanders in favor of all those things…?
American liberals sure are retarded.

They are projecting all of the DNC's faults onto Sanders. It's actually quite ingenious but I doubt that it will work.

Meant for


Honestly I'm pretty sure ol benny boi wants to fuck The politicians he draws the most
Trump looks like captain America
Hillary is always THICC👌🏻
And rand Paul has these huge eyes to the viewer

For someone who hates Hillary he draws her ass all the time

Oh shit a fellow San Antonian
Thoughts on the mayoral race big three ?
Personally I think Nirenberg and Taylor runoff will happen but Medina seems to have the party machine behind him so he might squeak in


I'm confused about Salon. They actually have an anti-capitalist bordering on pro-communist article back in 2014.

That was 2014 when socialism was just another fringe thing some "allies" supported, not a threat

Bernie should run as a Republican in 2020.

Prior to Trump being pro-socialist was seen as a way to promote Obama's policies since the tea party was constantly accusing him of being a socialist. Once the slay kween got the nomination however they went full neoliberal.


How is this any of this a bad thing

You mean like Vlad Lenin?

what wrong with lenin, he did a revolution and didn't afraid on anything

I never said anything bad about Lenin.

Like the Guardian with Corbyn running like 10:1 hitpieces, positive pieces, Salon does the same with Bernie.

It's so they can claim they are not bias when it's fucking obvious as fuck what the editorial line is.

Honestly, sites like The Guardian and Salon are the fucking worst, when it comes to Corbyn and Sanders, they literally show their true colours.

I love how this ignores that actually, most PoC didn't even fucking vote and there was historically low turnout. Bernie today is now most popular among PoC people.

They didn't also vote Clinton because she was better for PoC, but because Clinton has a brand built from the 1990s that had a lot of outreach with black church leaders and black celebrities that basically smeared the fuck out of Sanders saying he was basically stealing valor and was never part of the black rights movement while Clinton was a black rights champion, when in reality, the exact opposite was true, Bernie was out there getting arrested while Clinton was fucking supporting Goldwater.

Daily reminder that Sanders rise to prominence is the direct result of the election of Donald Trump, thus proving that accelerationism works.


he was incredibly popular before Trump's election, and now he is even more popular


Bernie Sanders is a deeply flawed politican


look it up

And of course the super predators line didn't do well with young black people

I don't know enough about Nirenberg or Medina to have a strong preference, but I DO know that Medina knows we can't drop $8fuckin50 million dollars, a fifth of that going to PARKS, on infrastructure without raising municipal taxes. We have too many goddamn parks, my poor mom's got the crunch with her bills and they keep building parks nobody has time to use. So I lean towards him but maybe Nirenberg's the better candidate over-all.
I just hope that stupid bitch Taylor gets cucked. $1.8 billion in bonds for infrastructure I swear to God. And the fascist police force is 60% of our budget. Ech.

GOD this is such a shitty take. This is the most punchable faggot I've seen in a long time.
WHY DON'T YOU GO ASK KOSOVANS IF THEY THINK THE UN SHOULD'VE INTERVENED? It was a fucking bloodbath genocide out there and the UN invading was all we could do. We saved lives, we did the best we could. The "financed the war" bullshit pisses me off too. He just wants to support the men we are sending to die on the ground once they're already on the ground, of course he'll vote against the war itself. Libertarians get out.
Nuke this faggot and his shitty hairdo

Can't say bye bye, if you didn't hello'd him in the first place.
Was there ever a positive Bernie article on Salon?

That was a Holla Forums-meme.
Kinda funny how they accuse Jews of ruining lifes, while they themselves nearly ruined his.
As much as I dislike Ben, he handled this one like a boss.

Is that original or a leftypol edit?

what kind of awful forums are you browsing, my dude?

Brocialist shitbird Bernie slut shaming Hillary with his male gaze

They're trying to do it to Perriello in Virginia, and he's not even a lefty - just an opportunity who is rejecting money from the electric utilities to pick up leftist voters.
And all I hear from NoVA Democrats is "B-b-but he voted once on an abortion issue that wasn't going to change anyway."

Meanwhile their chosen candidate (Northam) is an actual fucking Republican - voted for GW Bush twice, almost switched parties after getting elected to hand control of the Virginia Senate to the Republicans, and was the deciding vote in stripping workers compensation eligibility from shipyard workers.

Fuck liberals, man. Really.

This isn't true, and you even said as much in your reply. He's popular with young people, but it's older voters that are in favor of Clinton. Also, Sanders has almost no legislation to show for his 30 years in office. He's a joke, and as this year has shown, a sellout.

Accerlationism is good before shit really hits the fan. We know theres a coming economic crash soon and if there was a neoliberal in office then, there would be a huge fascist backlash similar to Nazi Germany. The fact that fascists are already in power allows the pendulum ti swing to the left, the next coming crash

Because Congress doesn't want legislation that isn't culture war pandering or surrogate Wall Street trading.

He may be a succdem but still.

This was the case during the election, but now, Bernie is the most popular popular politican among all PoC.

Also, Clinton obviously wasn't popular enough for PoC to have them turn out and vote for her, thus, it's literally a non-argument. PoC did not fucking vote for Clinton. She is not a PoC champion.

Bernie sat on the veterans affairs committee and was instrumental to shaping the Post-9/11 GI Bill which is currently putting a roof over my head, so you can fuck yourself with a cactus, liberal shill.

I love how this is one of the main lines of attack liberals use against Sanders. Is this supposed to make people dislike him. It genuinely baffles me how out of touch these people are. How do you even become this inept at managing/understanding public opinion?

I think this is part of the reasoning. The idea that voting toothless far-right candidates into power will tarnish their """anti"""-establishment veneer. I think Le Pen is a lot more dangerous then trump though so idk if its worth the risk.

This. The democrats are doing two things by trying to frame the left as socially regressive.
1. Rallying their professional class base who want to lie to themselves/others and pretend they are against Bernie for any reason besides their class interests.
2. Making the left increasingly anti-idpol.

The more they do this shit the better. It is really starting to infuriate leftists and showing how easily abused, intellectually bankrupt, and shallow things like standpoint epistemology and muh privilege theory are.

Jesus fucking christ. How many layers of self-delusion are these people on?

She didn't actually even defraud a college. She just made some shitty management decisions and received a severance package.

You give them way too much credit. They aren't against Bernie because they genuinely worry he is going to throw women and minorities under the bus. They are against him because of their class interests but they veil this under layers of empty moralizing

He's a Senator, he's free to propose as much legislation as he wants, but one of his issues was not having a track record like Clinton did

This is false, you can look at the stats yourself

My father gave me his for education, but I looked up the bill you were referring to, and I don't believe that Sanders was even on the committee, so I'm a little confused as to how he was instrumental in shaping the bill

1) Hillary married a dude who became President, named some post offices, then fucked up Libya. Hell of a record.
2) Lol how do committees work

People still support this pushover sellout? lmao

When she held office, she passed legislation to improve education, not to mention things were economically the best for African Americans under Clinton. Sanders has activism, but he didn't have the recognition or pull that Clinton did in the Black community.

If you can link me to where Sanders influenced the GI bill, I'll agree, I just haven't found much for Sanders regarding the original bill.

You seem to have no fucking idea of what you're talking about.
Polling data proves that PoC largely support Clinton–even though he fucked them over big-time. Also your beloved Bernie voted for literally every single military appropriations bill, voted FOR the war in Afghanistan, FOR the NATO bombing in Yugoslavia and forces in Kosovo, FOR a $1 Billion dollar package to a coup government in Ukraine, and supported Israel's support in Gaza.

Sure, Sanders has done a lot of good, but get his dick out of your ass. He has fucked over a lot of vets.

Having a track record like Clinton is called crime.

I'm against the wars and actions he voted for, except the military appropriations bill. We would be able to reduce military spending in the US, if we put more pressure on NATO countries to meet their budgets.

There is no need at all to force NATO countries to increase their budgets unless the US is preparing for WW3, which it currently is. There is no need at all for having such a huge military budget at all. As a vet you should know that the US massively overspends in its military in the expense of domestic programs.

BTW, we had made a promise with Russia to not expand NATO forces but look where that has led us.

Right now it's "Trump may have acted in the exact opposite way that Russia would have wanted him in his first action of military strength in his presidency, but Putin still did everything he could to get him elected because he had many business interests in Russia."

He's done more to help the Left than anyone else in the US for generations, just by getting people past the taboo around the S-word.

He's not perfect, and I don't pretend he is. But I think we can all agree that the hillbot in this thread can get fucked.

Hillbots are worse, thats a given. But the moment people say "he's not perfect", then to me the candidate is worthless. His actions have led to the deaths of countless innocents. He may not be as bad as Clinton, but Sanders still has blood on his hands.

Sure he has helped the left–for now. But sucking his dick will get the left nowhere. He has already bent the knee to the establishment, and rather than fighting the war machine which is about to start WW3, he has gone on a "unity tour" with the Democrats. Absolutely pathetic.

Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity.

The US needs to have a high budget so that their military can respond to international actions, and have appropriate force to do so. But I agree that they could just budget more efficiently and save money with domestic programs, but cutting military domestic programs as a Politician is career suicide. I agree that Russia is backed into a corner, however.

Choose one

Why do I have to live on a planet where this is not parody

Honestly, she and her entire family will probably be hanged if they live to see the revolution.

What? They don't say anything. The fact, is, there was record low turnout among PoC, they didn't turn out for Hillary, it's just a fact, most of them didn't vote for her like they did say Obama.

So the PoC argument is bunk, they didn't support Hillary at all. The vast majority sat on their ass and risked a Trump victory than go out and vote. Hillary did not pull a large PoC vote.

He was never on our side. He was a means of getting retarded redditors to give him their money and support so he could hand as much of it as possible off to Clinton in hopes of drowning out her toxicity.

As much as white lefties like to pretend he's some idpol immune perfect leader, he buys into all the tumblr - tier shit and hinted at being neoconnish during the debates.