Propaganda Packaged as Entertainment

Why do people willingly watch this shit? My family watches this sometimes and it seems solely designed to try and rehabilitate porky's image.

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I've heard defense of this show that claim because some hard workers get recognized by the porky it is good. That sounds like the best field slave getting invited to become a house negro.

Why does anyone willingly watch TV in current year? Because they're filthy normies who are suceptable to propaganda. The good thing is that the blade cuts both ways.

I bet the Porkys in the show make good money from staring in the episode too.

Getting ripped off. After all, if he weren't, why would they bother to film and air the episode in the first place?

Some reality TV is actually the opposite, like you watch Kitchen Nightmares (USA) and most of the time the restaurants would actually be doing well if the workers were the ones running it.

What about the show that's literally about muh small business petty bourgs groveling before a council of porkies?

Shark tank is trash

You get to live out the capitalist fantasy of telling the big boss (who presumably cares) about the middle manager who's working against the ethos of the company

It's some pretty high grade liberalism tbh

Don't be such a stick in the mud. It's any interesting show about venture capitalism, novel ideas, and negotiation. The show is deliberately designed to not seem humiliating or unfair and besides the one stereotypical porky to make things fun all the sharks are respectable muh self-made men.

Most of the stuff presented on there belongs in, and likely will end up in, a landfill.

Most of the shit that appears on that show is infomercial-tier bullshit that solves non-existent problems. At best, it appeals to this "better mousetrap" petty bourgeois American Dream sentiments.

I didn't say they were good. Most are shit, but some are kinda interesting.



We should do a skit.

like shit*

damn typeaids.

Also, bonus points for hilariously bad slave disguise, because the bosses in undercover boss always wear the most hilariously bad disguises.

this is actually a good idea tbh.

This needs to be done.

Someone needs to make this happen

Someone has to have the talent to get this done.

Sounds like a good idea, but I could immediately see Liberals and Co. saying "SO YOU'RE SAYING CAPITALISM IS AS BAD AS SLAVERY?"

Reminder that Kevin O'Leary is probably /ourguy/ since he makes capitalism look bad everytime he opens his mouth.

hayao miyazaki films
"Spirited Away" is a good one it's 1st internationalist propaganda and will turn ur kids communist
"Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind" and "Princess Mononoke" will turn ur kid Bookchinite or Anprim
"Howl's moving castle" will turn ur kid anarcho-pacifist

u have to be careful though if you show your kid too many japanimations they will turn into a reactionary aynarcho-capitalist NAMBLA-joining weaboo

Jonathan Brown is a regular here so…

Jonathan, if you have time left over between filming your movie and starring in porn, maybe do this?

O'leary's platform exists to make porkies like Mark Cuban seem reasonable.

Can confirm. Watched "Princess Mononoke", read Bookchin shortly after.

True. I've noticed Cuban seems like a really nice guy on the show.

Reminds me of that quote about how the exploitation in the workplace is subtle, and goes unnoticed

Also burgers stole the idea from leafland.

Grave of the Fireflies is apologism for Japanese imperialism. Start shit get hit.

Ackshully, DD Canada copied DD UK, which both take from a Japanese show.

Because they think they are porkies themselves.

Very few animes actually criticize the past of Japanese imperialism much less insinuate that it might continue today via neocolonialist imperialist

This must be done. OC fags, I beg you.

Was it? I watched the film before I was communist in the slightest, but to me it seemed that it just focused on the plight of two kids who couldn't survive in the shitty conditions. I mean, fuck Imperial Japan, and imperialism in general, but kids suffering during wartime is basically universal. It'd be different if it was about a whole family, because then the adults would most likely be imperialist apologists themselves.

this is pretty funny. i havent put my dick on the internet in 10 years tho