User finds something interesting on sister's laptop

user found this on his sister's laptop. To protect her, he'll only say it's at a University in California.

The coursework is to raid Holla Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is trivial to fake. Chances are it's some fag stirring up shit and saying "l-look at what I saw my sister have haha".



This is original thread on 4chan

I am providing information. In no way I am claiming it is true or not. We will find out if it is true or not in some time. half chan and 8 ch /pol is trying to find out more info

Why should we care?

either go back to reddit or learn how imageboards work namefag moron

This is full chan /pol thread. original half chan thread got pruned rather quickly.

You do not have to care…it is just an information provided to people who will find it interesting.

u mad tho

It means that you are not part of the counter-culture, leftyfaggots.
It means you are part of the establishment
It also means that you do not belong in the chan world.

Now go back to reddit


This is 100% believable and it is the documented way that SJWs took over Wikipedia.
Universities are commanding this shit and it works.

they didn;t.



Except they did

lol we don't give a fuck about "counter-culture" we want to dismantle the state

t. faggot dragging out chan memes to facebook and real world

Protip: Imageboards haven't been counter culture since pre 2006. Not that I expect a newfag to know that. Why do you think imageboard memes are mimicked and spread almost immediately from their boards to places like Reddit? It's not because of ledditors stealing them, it's because most of the faggots nowadays immediately go and post their bazingas on the other websites they visit. Case and point, 4chan's Holla Forums has a gigantic overlap with Reddit boards, and Holla Forums's Holla Forums had half of its members flee to be replaced by refugees from /r/coontown and later "colonists" from /r/the_donald.

Lol Holla Forums really thinks anyone gives a shit about their shitty torture chamber

wow it's almost like different movements have different connotations because of their history, who knew?

Be interesting if it were real, but this shit is incredibly easy to fake.

I'm just curious how you square this notion with the fact that the American Right has their guy in office and he isn't going anywhere, despite the complaining of liberals. Face it, you got cucked by the right-wing of the Deep State (like the CIA, FBI etc.) who was more than happy to oblige those who had bought into crypto-fascist rhetoric with a suitable reactionary candidate.

they did (pic related)


it is easy to fake. We will find out in time.

American right does not have their guy in office
"I'm a nationalist and a globalist" - President Trump

BTW, you will get banned for posting this thread on /pol

Well, seeing how universities now encourage the formation of marxist apologist teams as part the curriculum, I'd say the state is not that far from being dismantled.

Eldridge Cleaver (black panther leader) considered raping white women a weapon of war.
But I guess that backround isn't enough to disqualify black power, or black panthers for the matter, from being positively framed by Wikipedia.

Agreed. I'm not even a burger nor a Trump supporter.


Great minds think alike

Universities are mostly liberal not Marxist.


Depending on definition of marxist. What is defined as marxits on US university is not the same thing that was defined marxist in communist (socialist) country's

except you didn't think anything, you just remembered the image from your ((cultural marxism)) folder with you lizard brain and posted it.

Identity politics is incompatible with Marxism unless your talking about the le karlturual margism meme.

Oh man, great joke–wait, you're serious?

The hivemind thinks alike

Most people here are anarchists.

Fuck off google docs man.


Yes, anarchists want to do while nuking capitalism at the same time, marxists after nuking capitalism.

Actually I did think of it. I even gogled it. I do not have ((cultural marxism)) folder at the moment…hard drives were purged

yes, that is one of the things i was referring.

leftists are THIS stupid

boo-fucking-hoo, its almost like business-as-usual for bourgeois democracy only its the right-wing face of capital betraying his supporters. When I said the "American Right" I meant its mass base and not small groups of Nazi LARPers.

Nothing unusual here, its almost like pic related was right when he described imperialist capitalism as being both national and international at the same time.

Well in that case Cultural Marxism isn't real.

>considered raping white women a weapon of war
but it is? It was widely used in most wars of the last 50 years.

I personally define Marxist as everyone who thinks niggers are people, because of Trostky and all.

Its called anarcho-communism. Its the biggest ideology on Holla Forums next to Marxism.

nigga you can't just say that without providing an explanation.

That's called an oxymoron.


All strawpolls wielded that same result.

Yes, after all you've read Marx and his critique of state, haven't you?

There are different groups that (at the time) are called leftist. Communist are not against state. For communism there is need for state. It is planned economy with central planning. Anarchy is more of self organizing structure

Damn, can't believe I didn't think of that. Pack up the bread ancoms of Holla Forums, it's time to go home.


Incorrect. They trailed off into that after some autist posted a poll every single week.

Lol what.
Communism = Stateless classless society.




People like you are the reason any non mainstream opinion is viewed as crazy nutjob tinfoil hat screeching.

He did change his rhetorics and his goals after he was elected. He lied…it is not something that is unexpected but it was surprise for some people who did not have enough experience in political systems.


Somebody lied to you.

Literally google the word communism faggot. The USSR called themselves socialist not communist. A stateless classless moneyless society (Communism) was the end goal.

This is fucking golden

I'd like to hear your critique of Kropotkin and other anarcho-communist writers, instead of just calling it an oxymoron

your standards for comedy are very low.

are you from reddit?

What about revolution Catalonia?

Go on, tell me where did you get your definition of communism. I want to see those quality sources.

Why do aut-right retards think they understand Marxism better than actual Marxists?
Have you ever looked at a dictionary? Or at least Wikipedia:

meant humour, not a burger.

I dunno user, retards running around screeching about things they have no concept of is pretty fucking funny

But you're an only person ITT doing that


You mean, literally being a traditionalist/conservative (which is by definition NOT counter cultural) makes you anti-establishment?

Wanting all the same cultural values as all the worlds major religions, practiced by billions of people, which are all basically the same, is counter cultural? You are a fucking mug.

University liberals are the establishment, after that YOU are the next most establishment.

You believe in all of the following parts of the establishment:

The State
The Police

All of these things have been the established order for about 400 years, and you support all of them.

I wish to dismantle every single one of these structures, the core structures of capitalist society. That is counter culture my friend, you are a hipster imitation.

REALIZE your kike presidential candidate is in office.

There has never been an Anarchist Communist even on a ballot in the United states, but yes, I'm sure your particular brand of state regulated capitalism is gonna be sooooooooooo different from what we've had for the last 100 years.

The Frankfurt school talked about how capitalism ruined real culture and in order to preserve it capitalism needs to be destroyed.

Yeah user, no central power would regulate that. None at all.


It is real in a way that exists.

Niggers are monkeys…the same as any other form of humanoid monkey.

No, it is not. You take planing and let people to plan for them self and you have anarcho-communism. You remove central control from communism which is chocking point and you take cooperation in human endeavor. Most of the things are not practical to do without planning in advance.

It worked in Catalonia.

Pure delusion.

"Regulate" it how?

Oh and also its HILARIOUS that you tell us to go back to Reddit.

Its like you don't even post on The_Donald or something, when we all know you do


Look at communist states in the past, that's how. Or would you rather ignore the fact that communism has never worked? I bet you would.

I always wondered why lefty people post on chans when their opinions are welcomed and encouraged on facebook.

shouldn't have expected more from a low-energy retard like you


You got to have state for planned economy.

classless society is correct. Not stateless.

Not stateless economy

Facebook is a closed source botnet. I can use tor with Holla Forums.

Even lefties wouldn't use facebook for that, they aren't that autistic.

not all socialists are in favor of a planned economy you dolt

Except we don't want to just replicate "communist" states of the past. We want to overcome their mistakes.

The is no planned economy in higher-stage communism you are thinking of socialism.

There has been problems with this. Up until now there was always a need for central power. If you take a look at all examples in history. Either there was a central power or this systems disinterested.

Ten bucks he thinks high taxes and free shit is socialism

For some time….

Communism was never fully implemented. Socialism worked for some time and it did produce good results.


The narrative of a cultural Marxist conspiracy to destroy the West is not real, however, that does not mean 🍀🍀🍀Cultural Marxism🍀🍀🍀 is not a real phenomenon. I think it can accurately be said that the Frankfurt school was composed of many people who wanted to save the West and capitalism from itself, and these intellectuals by and large rejected violent proletarian revolution either implicitly, explicitly or dismissed the whole thing as an impossibility. So, "cultural critique" was something that leftists would be stuck with in the meantime, in their view leftists had paid too much attention to economics and to politics (building support for revolution etc) and not enough culture and other forms of abstract power.

Zizek explains the problems with the Frankfurt school rather well:
linked to Rootube bc I don't have the webm downloaded

There have been other pseudo-Marxists who have taken important positions in Western society (allegedly Marxist social democrats, Trotskyist intellectuals who later formed the neocon movement etc.) what they typically have in common is the rejection of Marxist-Leninist approach to theory and politics combined with a conservative outlook that fetishizes bourgeois democracy. Similar to the revisionist interpretations of ML that grew up in the East bloc in many respects, they try to reform the unsolvable contradictions of capitalism through what had previously been considered "radical" methods in another time.

Others in the bourgeoisie realize that Marxism can be a valuable tool for understanding the contradictions of capitalism and for waging their battle in the class war successfully.

One leading American Marxist economist Michael Hudson admitted when asked how he got into Marxism in an interview that he had a good friend who worked as an economist for Union Carbide. He also said that during the 60s the bank managers of the leading American banks were Marxists because "you had to understand how to read a balance sheet and you had to understand that the system is fundamentally about exploitation"

I find these examples of bourgeois deformations of Marxism fascinating if only because they go against received wisdom and commonplace assumptions but in the final analysis they do not change the scientific character of Marxism, or the fact that the primary problem of global society is capitalism or the proletariat's mission in solving that problem.

I know. but it does have good results. Problem is it is planned form central place. It does not takes in account individuality.

For example there was a problem with stockings

>As an example Izvestia of 4th June criticised the nylon stockings produced in Russia. They were baggy and drab, came in odd sizes, were sold in unmatched pairs and a peculiar colour. Shoddy goods are piling up in the shops which are practically unsaleable to the tune of hundreds of millions of

You people are pathetically delusional

We'll kill 100 million more

Meant to reply to but that's obvious as shit.

Sage goes in all fields.

Actually taxes are much lower in socialism. Health care is free…there is housing for people that is provided by state… but also there is less opportunity to make a profit. Socialism tends to nationalize all production for efficiency. There is no need for high taxes when everything is state owned.

Do you lie about this on purpose or are you just ignorant of how taxes work?

I have an uneasy feeling that this post will start a shitstorm about USSR

t. Stalin


I forgot to add the phenomenon of what has been variously "CIA socialism" "cultural leftism" "the compatible left" etc.

Which is where the CIA, in addition to its blatant right-wing propaganda and generous underhanded support for the global right-wing, decided that the best way to undermine the Left was actually to infiltrate it and destroy and weaken it ideologically from within in.

Many intellectuals were enlisted in this project and the common denominator of all of them is that they were anti-Stalinist. A secondary characteristic is that they weren't too hostile to bourgeois democracy generally and considered CIA-mouthpieces like the NYT to be "intellectual" or "respectable" papers rather then the province of the class enemy. Douglas Valentine's book The CIA as Organized Crime has some good insights into this.

Even the scenarios when the CIA worked together with the post-Stalin USSR or, the PRC (they leaned more towards China post 1976 or so) was typically almost completely secret and in concert against genuine Leninism and other types of leftism with a revolutionary, rather then reformist thrust.

You use the surplus of nationalized industries to fund your expenses instead of taxes…

You can even do this in a capitalist state through a sovereign wealth fund.

FYI we have many ships far larger than the Titanic in service today. They're vital to the global economy.


You use the surplus of nationalized industries to fund your expenses instead of taxes…

Even capitalist countries can do this with a sovereign wealth fund

Not only were the nazis not capitalist, the number of dead was no where near 12 million.

You fucking commies never cease to make me laugh, thanks

What 100 million dead ? is that like 6 million dead that is working this time ?

It is different way to solve the same problem. Of course that money for health care must come from somewhere. You can look at it like a tax. But, problem is that health care is expensive. You are you can not pay for full medical clinic with doctors on stand buy all the time. Just one CT device is between 1 and 3 million $. This is not counting stuff and other expenses.

Either is all pay for health care or there is no health care. In capitalism hospitals are also subsidized

Not only were the soviets not communist, the number of dead was no where near 100 million.

You fucking nazis never cease to make me laugh, thanks

So do you think it was possible to completely abolish the law of value in the USSR circa 1952 given the material conditions, or are you just gonna talk shit, engage in historical idealism and refuse to specify what you would have done or recommended had you been in the same position?

Some people can't be saved.


Could've sworn the hall of costs was 6 million, not 12 million?

as i have explained. In socalisam everything (most of it) is state owned. There is little private businesses (or none). This is the reason for small taxes.

Ah, yes, circlejerking with capitalist magnates like Krupp and Thyssen, Hitler's policies that coined the term the term reprivatiezierung, killing off the left-wing of NSDAP in 1934, truly anti-capistlist acts
Saying "holocaust" in that context was incorrect, but you know Schlomos were not the only ones sent into camps?

seriously though, without taking into account the nazi death squads, millions of slave labourers were worked to death for private profit for IG Farben and other large companies. The nazi regime literally hired out concentration camp inmates.

According to the right >100 gorillion people died because of communism. A number none of them are able to provide concrete evidence for.


You sound like a college campus

shifted goalpost/10

What do you nationalize when there is nothing ? Just take an example of soviet union. There was almost nothing to nationalize in a way of industry

Check this, it has numbers and shit.

ignoring 6 million dead

you sound like a cuck

Once again you display total ignorance. The USSR was socialist, but not communist. Socialists worship their flag because it's part of socialist history, not because they have the same ideology. You think every person who has an American flag agrees with 100% of everything the USA did?


Hitler did back up on some of its promises. There are really small amount of politicians that did not do this.

same as US government is doing in prisons. Same as did soviet government in gulags (prisons)

Really gets those neurons firing.

Thank you for that data. intresting

You know what is interesting…there is no russian version of this article. What do you think why is that ?

Death toll by hitler and co has the same credibility as 100 million in communism. Also, 🍀🍀🍀coincidence🍀🍀🍀 in sources cited

The fact that he had no intent towards the elimination of capitalism aside from empty words during the elections was visible long before getting into power, as seen by the fact he formed a Harzburg Front with DNVP, a party full of aristocrats and capitalists with nationalist leanings. Believing otherwise was a sign of naivety as the left-wing of NSDAP learned that during the Night of the Long Knives.

So why would a socialist government allow a private, for profit company to exploit slave labour?

Nazis did all they could to serve Porky.

The "100 million" figure is usually directed at the USSR alone. Besides that these "communist death tolls" rely on biased sources
and often feature countries that were not remotely communist. See pic for how many people die easily preventable deaths under capitalism every year. This isn't counting all the wars, mostly the result of capitalist imperialism over the past few centuries.

Simply put, there's more evidence for the Holocaust then le 100 million the claim for which comes from a batshit group of French academics who made numerous errors throughout their work:

Even Timothy Snyder's conservative attempt to save the commonplace anti-com narrative about the USSR , which stated that Stalin killed 7 million instead of 14, 20, 25, 30 million as previously easily debunked anti-communist works had claimed got completely BTFO:

And Snyder had a team of grad students, access to government files across the former East bloc and support from major anti-communist orgs across the world like Memorial etc.

So is this a university course consisting of a single person?

Conspiracies get harder and harder to hide as the number of people involved increases. Geographic spread also makes harder. Suppose that they have one contact each in Japan, Belgium, South Africa, and these are stating in the secret chat group of this horrible thing that is totally happening that they are having doubts and want to quit. Are they getting stabbed over the internet?

And then there is this.

So, whenever you say a sentence, you are never claiming what you say is actually true, unless you explicitly make a disclaimer that for this particular sentence, you are not talking bullshit?

I'm glad you indirectly admit that either muh 100 trillions victims of communism are bullshit or stats about Nazi death tolls are right, we're making progress.

Since someone asked

Anybody has noticed that by now

NSDAP did implement some forms of socialism. It would be mistake to watch it as pure capitalist society.

No. they did not. They did serve porky in lot of ways but not in most of them.

It is the same as you take a look at any other communist (socialist) country. There are good intentions but then comes reality and countries has to survive. Then politicians tend to make compromises. Mostly to stay in power. Let me be clear, I do think that hitler could have done more but i also tend to be realist taking into account position of 3 reich at the time.

If we get out of europe..look at the africa. Sankara could also do more. he did the best he could.

Yeah, the millions of soviets who died fighting the nazis and the poor bastards who were starved in occupied territory are all fiction.

The nazis weren't planning to exterminate most of the slavs, enslave the rest and colonize the ukraine with germans or vaguely germanic west europeans.

Face it, nazi germany achieved the greatest PR feat in history; they made stalin look like the good guy.

Well, this is Internet…

it is all bullshit.


5-6 million jews, 6-8 million slavs, gypsies, yugoslavs, gays, furries and communists.

Hitler never claimed to want to abolish capitalism m8, that's why most of his rhetoric was idpol.

The last famine the USSR had was in 1946 after the war.

Hitler's economic program massively benefited big business at the expense of the middle class, despite nazi ideology appealing to the petite bourgeois 'mittelstand'.

Trade unions were broken up; a big aid to business. There was full employment which I will admit can be counted a socialist objective, but wage controls and union suppression ensured that the capitalists always maintained their flow of profits.

The nazis were also incredibly corrupt. Businesses tripped over themselves to employ party members to grease the wheels and gain access to contracts. Goring, the economic minister, became a porky in his own right, along with several others.

yes they did. It is good idea. Only problem was somebody else was living there at the time
You should know that russians (considerable amount of them) think that stalin is good guy.

It wasn't exactly liberal capitalism, but the mode of production and relations of production hardly changed under him.

those 5-6 million jews were from slavic countries. They are double counted. You are aware that most of the concentration camps were in east ? hitler was not killing jews in west europe in amounts that he did in east europe

Who could have guessed that a thread about Holla Forums butthrt would fill up with Holla Forumsyps. And all because they couldn't tell a lib from a lefty.

I'm aware capitalism isn't too great, but in my opinion neither is communism. While capitalism does kill people I'm worried that communism might kill equal or less.
tl;dr I'm a faggot and don't understand communism or capitalism that well. Lurking here hasn't helped much either.

This is not true. Just look at employment states before and after hitler took power. Please note they were not counting jews and women in statistics.

he did what he thought he could get away with. But middle class got employed

>The nazis were also incredibly corrupt. Businesses tripped over themselves to employ party members to grease the wheels and gain access to contracts. Goring, the economic minister, became a porky in his own right, along with several others.
In all socialist country nomenklatura is corrupt.

No, the middle class got squeezed out by competition from big business. Ownership of capital was concentrated at the top.

but they were jews, not slavs.
There's different labeling

System is a problem

Having no system would inevitably fall into chaos though, which would most likely end in more dead bodies.

Ownership of capital is always concentrated on top. But…top is not owners of factories. Top is bankers who are lending capital to owners of factories (and state)

You might not be able to get a good grasp on these concepts without doing some research have you checked out the reading list? Watched any Lefty youtube channels? Googled Murray Bookchin? We can make recommendations based on your knowledge level and interests.

To give the simplest definition possible I would say that Capitalism refers to a system where the means of production (things that power the economy like factories) are privately owned and operated for profit. The government (the state) is typically complicit in this process. Socialism is kind of the opposite. In socialism these means of production are made into collective property and operated for the common good. This can occur by using the state as an intermediary or directly in libertarian forms of socialism. Communism is the theoretical society, after we've passed through socialism, where classes and the state (government) itself are abolished and the fruits of production are freely available to everyone. Anarchism is a related ideology that opposes capitalism and the state.

Maybe that was too simple for you, but I don't know what your knowledge level is.

This is (presumably) jews in auswitz that are about to be killed.

jews are semites…..hence anti-semitic label if you question holocaust. Do they look semitic to you ?
now go and look at some other pictures from trains with jews in death camps. Do people on other pictures look semitic ?

Of course you faggots are obsessed with "counter-culture." You built an entire political ideology around what you thought would be edgy and shock people. Your dumb asses are just like Milo, you don actually have any beliefs, you just want to say whatever will get you attention. Now that the guy you all wanted to win won you are still desperate to maintain your victim complex, so you make shit like the OP up.

This isn't healthy behavior. Seek help.

maybe, maybe not…anarchist here would tend to disagree.

I struggle with complex things, and well I didn't understand much. Do you have any links to anything useful? I am right wing but I'd at least like to understand you lot better than the usual pol going

I am just assuming here, anarchy sounds like chaos and a lack of order. Which doesn't sound suitable for life in my opinion.

But do note that communism and capitalism are at the moment untested IRL. Every system up until now is mixed to some point. We are talking theory here.
Also, nice explaining.

Before Hitler the middle class was struggling to survive. They could afford bread but that's it. With the reforms the middle class could afford to take a vacation anywhere in the continent they wanted to.
So what you're saying is those with more money had more money. Very insightful.

No. actually it is self organizing system. Something like chans, for example. Or internet if you wish. There is no central authority but there is always organization. Every living thing tends to organize in a way. Anarchist are against central control.

If we killed 100 million people, wouldn't it be a bad idea to fuck with us?

We have admins on the internet, well most websites do. Plus there's less risk on the internet seeing as you can't kill people over the internet. Unless you mean something like a city or town decides the laws?

That's not a definition of really a proper definition maybe aside from what would happen under ancapism, which isn't treated by other anarchists as anarchism anyways
Thus most anarchists often talk about some kind of fully federal/confederate political organization of society, with no central force(like the state) being above the others.

Anarchism (as a political ideology) doesn't mean chaos. It refers to a form of organizing society so that no one individual or class has authority over the others. Think of ancient tribal societies that didn't have any formal government. Anarchism is an attempt to create a modern society with that level of equality, without reverting to primitiveness.

Here is a basic introduction to socialism:

You can download a comic version of Marx's "Capital" here:

And this is the "Anarchist FAQ" aimed at beginners:

who decide what are they going to do. There is no central authority to tell them how to configure servers.
There are means to kill people with internet. And yes, every server can decide it laws and rules.

this is fake as fuck

but of course pol believes it, like when they raided

phenotypes are a bad indicator of origins and ethnicity but you race worshippers could nevet admit that i guess

This is fake as fuck.