Impotent capitalism

lads, I'm seriously disappointed in capitalism

as this is a leftcom board, I will characterize myself as a state capitalist apologist to avoid pointless semantics arguing
I'm a state capitalist in a sense that I believe state should take the organizational role of individual capitalists and take it to its logical conclusion

but the fact is
bourgeois state doesn't want to take this role
and more so, it prohibits individual corporations to take this role
yes, I'm talking about antitrust laws in general and about pathological fear of vertical integration in particular
there cannot be any doubt from where does this fear stems from
vertical integration is a death of a market

antitrust law enforcers can look past horizontally integrated monopoly, but they will never ignore vertically integrated monopoly, except for a few special cases like oil industry

The Fall of the Bell System was apotheosis of this retardation
its aftermath is a disaster
costs hiked and after almost two decades of dancing around AT&T inc. managed to collect almost all the Baby Bells
only now it is a horizontally integrated monopoly

because of all this I have my doubts that concentration of capital will lead to the world where transnational corporations take the role of the state
modern investors often have their shares in competing companies
in this bizarre situation common ownership does not lead to integration

it is like SU khozraschyot reform all over again
formally commonly owned enterprises still trade and compete for profits as if they were owned by different entities

so accelerationism in this sense will lead to nothing
only viable accelerationism is to go full mr Robot
financial markets is the weakest link
system is chronically unstable, all it needs is a little push


bump for our friend

This is not a leftcom board and never will be. I'll make sure of that.

And how do you intend to do that?

oh my god eat shit, more capitalism will not solve anything you complete fucking idiot, more capitalism just means more capitalism if there's nothing to replace it

we need to lay the basis for a new economy, one that transcends markets, money, wage labour. we need to provide a concrete alternative for people to adopt. trying to use the state to bludgeon capitalism into shape doesn't fucking work. capitalism precedes the state, and is much stronger than the state. capitalism won't be destroyed solely by its own contradictions, there also needs to be a new system in utero, ready for people to start using. if that alternative isn't ready, people will just keep returning to capitalism no matter how many times it collapses. there will never be a 'final collapse' while the alternative remains confined to the inarticulate ramblings of philosophers and worse

also, why is your post spaced like song lyrics

By doing nothing whatsoever of course.

Now I'm confused, do I need to get out of my armchair to stop his dastardly plan or can I continue to relax in my armchair and wallow in my smug sense of superiority?

that's my whole fucking point
but accelerationism in a sense of crashing capitalism with no survivors is a viable strategy
vanguard should try to set off a chain reaction of defaults by disrupting financial markets
also it can be a source of income for the vanguard

vertically integrated corporation is the basis of a new planned economy

Lenin said it better than anyone
socialism is nothing other than a state-capitalist monopoly which is transformed to the benefit of all the people


capitalism can only be destroyed by its own contradictions

there are some prototypes of such system already in place
Enterprise Resource Planning systems will be the basis

for better reading comprehension

The right answer is always whatever allows you to stay in your armchair. This is the key to unlocking all leftcom theory.

This is not a leftcoms board. Both leftcoms and OP are similarly retarded tho

and what sort of special snowflake are you?

jesus, i'm starting to understand why we get accused of being dogmatic. you're like a fucking parrot

except for the part where it's never actually worked, and a crashed capitalism is just a capitalism that's destroyed enough of itself that it can restart the accumulation process by rebuilding what's been destroyed. or do all of your history books stop before ww2 ended?

spare me you fuckhead

no, as we saw from the USSR, the vertically integrated corporation is the basis of a capitalist state. they fucking strangled all serious attempts at a planned economy the minute those attempts interfered with their little industrial fiefdoms

the capitalist mode of production necessarily precedes the capitalist state you fucking idiot. or has your blind obedience to diamat led you to reject actual fucking materialism?

polly wanna cracker, you idiot fucking parrot? capitalism has had contradictions. lots of them. it has broken down and reformed. you're not killing it until you can organise the global economy entirely without production for exchange

literally the only remotely correct thing you've said so far. the task needs to be expanding and generalising these systems. integrating them together to allow us to switch off the market entirely. if you're so wedded to your precious fucking vanguard, get them on that so they can do something actually useful. start with the cybernetics thread if you want to get something actually useful done for once in your worthless tankie life

combined with your retarded opinions it makes me think you might legitimately have an intellectual disability

it fucking should be. beats trying to talk tankies and bookchinites out of their retardation and into something actually useful

Just a socialist without adjectives.

Tankies make some good shitposts and bookchinites are infinetely more useful than leftcoms in the real world.

there isn't a single thing tankies do well, even shitpost
the left has put up with those idiots for far too long
and bookchinites? what the fuck do they do in real life? if you credit the kurdish nationalist uprising to them you're fucking retarded

rich coming from a leftcom who will lose his shit if you dare to base your policies on the Gotha Program for example

crashed capitalism creates a window of opportunity for the vanguard to capture the state

I'll take organized action over vague spontaneity any time of the day

whatever floats your boat
nevertheless it has a potential at establishing an economic system based on the production for use

thought you were talking about the state in an anarchist sense as a thing in itself

I believe there's a limit
at some point capitalism will reach a dead end
one idea is that it will happen when the population growth will hit its ceiling

all ERP systems do pretty much the same work
there's no point in integrating them

switch off the market is a long way ahead
until division of labor is dealt with, end consumer market will be a necessity

calm your tits

simply letting you speak works wonders

Kill urself my man

you don't have to be a leftcom to see how retarded your bullshit is

fuck off

and a window's no use if you've got no legs. face it, without an economic program beyond 'do capitalism but with us as sole porky' you're doomed to turn your country into yet another third world dictatorship

do you even read the shit you spout

now who's the armchair dwelling millenarian

really fuckwit? not even to develop and perfect systems for managing a planned economy long before muh final crisis of capitalism? i'm starting to think you just want to seize power and have absolute control over a capitalist state. it's the only explanation i can think of for why you'd consistently turn down revolutionary activity that can be conducted right now without waiting for muh crisis to come along

and i don't like retards but here we fucking are

lol, get off your high horse
left was bitching about tankies even before the term was invented

that just implies you've been plaguing us for a very long time - not that you don't need to fuck off

I guess you're just sympathetic to their theory

more like economic program to integrate all industry because modern capitalism is too impotent to do the job

kek, gotta give it to you leftcoms
nobody can beat you in smugness

never said this
I said there's no point in integrating two software packages that do the same fucking job

I'm all for this
but to think you can create some decentralized planning infrastructure that will just take over if capitalism crashes is a pure delusion

why are you so rude? :^)

more sympathetic than i am to the tankie faggots that make the left more retarded with their presence, sure

under party control yeah save it fuckhead, we know the tune and we know how the song ends - you cunts have played it long and loud enough over the past century

ok that's my bad, imprecise language, i meant integrating in the sense of networking together - should have just said networking

and i think waiting until after a crash/revolution/civil war to do it is pure delusion, and also has never ever once even fucking remotely worked despite being tried a fuckton of times. we have to entertain the possibility that winging it will continue to fail

it's like a drop in the ocean

vanguard will commit suicide and hand all power to the soviets after integration is complete :^)

I hope that we just have a love-hate relationship and you don't really want us to disappear
every Rome needs its Carthage

that might be, but every drop counts when you're looking to drain the ocean

you only get to make jokes after we've conclusively established a maximum level of retardation - otherwise it's impossible to tell whether the retarded shit you spout is a joke or not

nope, i really want you guys to stop fucking existing. you are cancer

incorrect - rome trundled along for more than 6 centuries after it destroyed carthage and salted the earth on which it stood

as if fellating counter-revolutionaries wasn't bad enough

I was half-joking :^)

more cancer than bookchinites and anarchists?

but don't you know that it went all downhill from the moment Carthage was no more?
read Appian :^)
I'm joking btw

what are you, gay?

Your hero is a 100kg Italian fatass who's greatest accomplishment was to get arrested by fascists - even Anarkiddies have a better track record than leftcoms, yet you have the audacity to brush off every revolutionary attempt based on 19th entity a priori reasoning, and when they ask you about how to do it better you are basically saying "let them eat cake" in your sheer ignorance of historical review

If I had any power I'd brutally strangle every single leftcom in his sleep and display the bodies in the marketplace, burn their armchairs

how old are you? note for the retarded: i don't care to know your age, i'm saying this makes you look 12

yes, bookchinites and anarkiddies at least have the decency to do nothing visible. tankie faggots turn up to everything irl, make everybody look worse by association, and advocate for shit that is actively harmful out of reverence for the mistakes of the past. tankies are the worst, most metastasised of the left's many cancers

of all the faggot shit that i put up with in order to participate in what is, sadly, the best left-wing discussion forum on the internet - anime is by far the worst thing. it is utter trash and so is everyone who likes it. it is totally irredeemable

yes yes, you jerk off over the idea that one day you'll finally get to leverage the power of the state to brutally murder everyone you don't like

we've heard it all before and we're still right and your shit has still never worked. cry more you tankie faggot

i mean honestly if your shit had worked and made an earnest attempt to build communism even once - even once, in a sea of failures - i'd be right there with you, and so would a lot of other people

but you faggots have never gotten the job done. all you've ever done is make blunder after failure after blunder. i'm no bordigist, but i'm pro-anyone who calls you faggots out on your shit

anarchists are pure cringe irl
far more so than any unwashed tankie

you're biased
anime can make wonders if it's done with attention to detail
it's like enhanced live action movies

assembly line cheap anime is shit, but don't allow it to cloud your judgement of the medium

You realize that real existing communism is like Star Trek, you humongous cancerous buffoon?

Let's see here

Let's have a look at the leftcom folder

Will you shut up now. You are like an obese fuck in a sports bar who claims he'd have executed that penalty better

Pic related

but it worked while Stalin was around
SU economic growth was second only to japs in the 50s
and japs cosplayed soviet model, keiretsu and all that
also SU was more diversified and didn't have american backing

what you lack in pure cringe you make up for in numbers

how about you stop giving anime a chance. because it is t r a s h. trash.

you and all your cancerous motherfucking forebears have refused to bother figuring out how to implement communism. you have strangled even your own attempts to develop its lower stage in order to preserve bureaucratic control over the economy. and you have the audacity to declare it impossible? you worthless fucking cunt.

yes, that is a list of things that had not been achieved by any of the states claiming to be socialist during the 20th century. at least the other tankie faggot had the integrity not to claim this bullshit

if by wide scale you mean 'limited to individual industrial sectors in order to keep bureaucratic fiefdoms intact' then sure. idiot

gold star buddy, you certainly made a very good social democratic state

pretend i bothered to post molymeme talking about what kind of argument those are

which puts them (i don't say us because as i have said i'm not a leftcom, just someone who agrees with them about you cocksuckers) on a par with you on the 'sincere attempts to build communism' front

And you're like the repeatedly and disastrously failed method of implementing the communist mode of production desperately begging for one more country to turn into a paranoid corrupt social democratic dictatorship

yes, well played

do i seem like the kind of person who would be impressed by the ussr's ability to extract as much from the hides of its workers as the other imperialists? we get it, social democracy with gulags is capable of strong, unsustained economic growth. if that were the subject of the argument that would be it.

unfortunately for you thick cunts it isn't. my contention is that you weren't building communism, and nothing you've said has disabused me of that notion, especially not your pissweak and baseless claims to have removed key planks of capitalism from your economies

anime is the future

but gulag system was already dissolving in the 50s