Any good articles and evidence that debunk race realism?

Any good articles and evidence that debunk race realism?

Other urls found in this thread: capital and diversity_final.pdf size studies backed by condom companies&source=bl&ots=ZFWOpoe-0T&sig=rVxQW_dp5rUy4F1HfGHMsNqVA4I&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJsLnntsnTAhUISiYKHX1yATkQ6AEIOjAF#v=onepage&q=penis size studies backed by condom companies&f=false Cardyn, Sexualized Racism, Gendered Violence.pdf

is babby getting BTFO on the twitter?

Its about morals not "race science". Every human is equal no matter the race.

Do your homework redditor

there you go





not an argument

He was the dumbest of the fash lot and he still didn't believe in race. Amazing.

I'm black and have a small dick

Holla Forums makes Mussolini look like a genius
I do appreciate how Mussolini is atleast honest, he described fascism as a merge between corporate and government power. Meanwhile Hitler pretended to be a socialist.

He also killed all the left-leaning members in the Night of the Long Knives.

How small we talkin' here user?


Is that when it's erect?

Should all belong in a Holla Forums containment heard

this isnt actually small right


Medium starts at 9'' bro
read the citations too


Yes, it kinda is.


no, the average size of most black men is like 5.8" and the average size of most German and Dutch men is like 6.2". Blacks both do not have larger penises, but they also have smaller penises on average than most Dutch and German men do. The average human male's penis is around 5" long, the average white males is around 5.6-5.8" long and the average asians is like barely 5" (which is a vaguely true stereotype, though exaggerated). If anyone tells you otherwise they watch too much porn or are fucking with you.

Any good articles that have scientic consensus and determine the existing races?

How are you going to have worker solidarity if there is still such strong idpol going on? Then you're getting away from the root of the problem. They'll blame the lack of a successful revolution of the capabilities of one group.

First of all there isn't any penis size study that is worth a shit and second of all the statistics you are pulling out of your ass seems like some shit Holla Forums would say.

this is why we dont fuck our family, tends to make your offspring all oddly shaped.

horey shit you aren't really this retarded are you?

I mean the easiest thing is to debunk their sources. Most of the genomic studies "race realists" link are old and thus use out-dated statistical methods which produce an abundance of false-positive associations. Additionally, there are so few african genomes mapped relative to europeans, such that drawing conclusions from such unequal sets of data should be approached delicately.

That's because there's not been a ton of research, but the research that's been done confirms that Africans are not better endowed than their counterparts and Germans and Dutch have the biggest penises. This is just an empirical observation, it has nothing to do with Holla Forums. I got all these numbers off of blogs and wikipedia and articles i've read in pop-scie publications. They're all fairly accurate. Everything I said is as accurate as the research will allow. It varies of course. There are plenty of studies that say that Euros on average have 6.3" penises, others say 5.6". Some say Indians have 4.8" penises, others say Asians on average have 5.3" penises. But the RANGE is consistent. Its nothing to do with Holla Forums. Dutch and Germans are tall as fuck, healthy, well fed populations. Their being well-endowed is congruous with their socio-economic situation. Asia's experienced truly awful, deprived famine conditions cyclically for thousands of years. Their lack of endowment makes sense from an adaptive perspective, also have to factor in the climate.

Point being, Holla Forums's fear of BBC is unfounded and Western perception of BBC comes from carefully crafted image control/framing by culture industry porn and media luminaries. The exotic black male and female are a highly refined product that was sold to the viewer/consumer. They aren't real things.

race realism isn't necessarely idpol, we already know that there are physicall difference betwen different ethnicities,
for example some are more resilient to the sun and some are better at running etc, i don't see why this wouldn't apply to intelligence or other cognitive abilities.
am i too believe an aboriginal australian that has lived isolated forthoisands of years would be as intelligent as an asian or european that has lived in a civilized world for generations and thus selectively bred forth more intelligent offspring since thats what was needed in the european society but not in the abo or african ones.
i'm not saying i believe inrace realism but i have a hard time seeing it as such an impossibility.
It's a shame the nazis made it so taboo so that there can't be an honest debate about this issue.

the studies are old, but there has been contemporary research on molecular psychiatry, molecular biology, population genetics that convincingly shows that neurological traits and behaviors are highly hereditary traits. This is why Schizophrenia and Autism are considered hereditary, all neurological behaviors are considered hereditary, due to modern Genetic research and new methods for correlating multi-gene traits. If you bothered spending time reading about these matters you'd know that pretty much everything is now considered Genetic, Epigenetic or genetics modified by environment. Biology and Physics are converging through molecular biology and there won't be any grey area in 100 years regarding how intelligence shows up in nervous systems. You don't have even the slightest idea how hereditary intelligence is, it has a .6-.8 correlation. Which is extremely high for a genetic correlation. Much higher than other traits like height and attractiveness. Its more related to multiple genes than those traits but it is also oddly more heritable.

you don't inherit famine fuccboi

You inherit the conditions that famine induces in the pre-natal environment and during development. Famine is one of the easiest things to pass on epigenetically. It has a startling array of effects on gene expression. Famine cultures have famine physiognomy. go look at Somaloids, Irish and Han Chinese.

It makes sense that a people who have dealt with severe malnutrition would have less developed features than people who have not had to deal with those conditions. But averages don't mean what people think they mean and outliers are often found in large numbers. And then on top of that epigenetics will swing the other way once Asians start eating proper diets and getting away from over populated cities and hamlets.

There's no reason to care what other people think about your biology, everyone has genetic defects and biological dysfunctions even good looking rich white people do (they have lots of them, alcoholism being a really common trait that whites pass on). Remember, genetics and science are not moral. They are a-moral, there is no value judgement being made here.

And another thing, large penises are often associated with species who have weak spermatozoa that can't swim far or survive long outside the body. MUH DICC is actually the logic or retards and weaker gene pools. So again, its not straight forward and taking offense to science is like taking offense to the placement of the moon or the fact that gravity exists.

race-realism at its very core is idpol. Ethnicity is something baked into your DNA. "Race" is a label placed upon you by your culture and society. Notice: A person can move between various cultures and be labeled as various races, but their ethnicity would never change.

We can see that some ethnicities are better at SPRINTING(not even just "running", because even something as distilled and alienated from actual real life as Olympic running is too vague to demarcate difference between ethnicities: i.e. you will never see a Somalian Usain Bolt or a Nigerian Mo Farrah even though they are both "black) because of the density of fast-twich muscle fibers.

We can see that some ethnicities are more protected against VISIBLE LIGHT(the vast majority of the light spectrum, like UV infrared etc affects all humans the same) because of concentrations of melanin in the skin.

"Intelligence" is such an incredibly abstract thing that it can not be distilled liked sprinting or light resistance can. There are an uncountable number of factors that goes into what makes a person "intelligent" Even with sprinting, the distinctions come when you compare among groups 300m+ in size, like the Olympics or the World Championships.

Your evo-psych theory is bunk, too. Why would a European woman need to be intelligent AT ALL in the middle ages. Just be well-groomed and giggle and you marry a rich prince and have 7 kids. Compared to an abbo woman living in the jungle where she has to think quick on her feet to avoid predators, use pattern recognition to determine what food is safe to etc, in order to survive and had children. By any argument, living in "civilized" society would make dull brains, since they do not have to work to eat and fuck.

TLDR: your ideology a shit

Wrong they are already identifying intelligence genes. Its measurable with 'g' factor.
Epigenetic changes are passed on by the patrilineage not by the matrilineage. And, they were smarter because they manipulated more complex machinery and systems of agriculture than their counterparts in Africa did. Women worked the fields with the men.
The aristocracy was less than 10% of the population and the peasantry worked for a living, everyone worked. Women worked too. The domestic female is an enlightenment and distinctly Victorian invention. The dissemination of Aristocratic gender roles is something your'e sloppily applying to an older era. You don't know even a little bit about genetics or history and you're posturing as if you do.
couple of things, the only large predators in Straya and NZ are all extinct now, they were never bigger than Dingoes, Crocodiles live in the water. There are no large cats, bears or birds in Straya that can kill a person. There are in Africa however, consequently Africans are much larger than Abbos and much stronger.
These are a different set of skills than the ones used to till fields, operate machinery, care for children and sick people suffering from exotic illnesses like plague and of course reading, writing and tool making. There is a reason why they have a higher average 'g' factor. Being surrounded by technology and advanced systems of social organization, language, warfare and religion all increase 'g' factor.
What an impotent thing to say. I don't think anyone agrees with that. Anyways no, working with computers and machinery increases intelligence. And learning to organize complex information technologies, scientific codices, mathematical equations all require high 'g' factor. Modern humans are worse hunters than their ancestors given the same conditions, but they're far better abstract thinkers, manipulators of symbols, engineers, orators, weapons smiths, sports scientists, biologists, doctors etc. These are all undeniable things, your weird informal logic doesn't change these things' truth value.
bad meme, and bad logic. There are no biological races but intelligence is hereditary and there is no question that we are finding intelligence related genes. Its a lot of genes, but they are are all heritable. You just don't bother reading any molecular biology, psychiatry or other genetics related studies.

Malnutrition during pregnancy and development is not the same thing as heritability of famine lmfao. Go starve a mother and they baby will be born with a host of developmental problems. Give a baby quality prenatal and neonatal care and they will be born healthy. "Famine genes" won't suddenly express themselves in an otherwise healthy baby cause their great-great-grandmother was a rice farmer that ate 800kcal a day.

Muh-dicking was started by Euros and Semites with a cuck fear about barbarians. People with big dicks were considered brutal and uncivilized, later on culture changed and big dicks are attractive now and you are still playing dick-measuring contests for the glory of the huwhite race, this time in the opposite direction lmfao

Famine is a thing that happens to people, famine epigenetic adaptations can happen to adults but they are also possible in the womb and during development and the sperm can mutate which will pass on epigenetic adaptations. If your'e literally trying to trap me into saying FAMINE like WARFARE is heritable, then you're probably the least effective rhetorician i've come across in a long time.
Yeah, starve a lot of mothers and fathers and children and suddenly a whole civilization has epigenetic adaptions to famine and a host of developmental problems that are accidentally passed on through sexual selection.
yes they will, Irish and Han Chinese have famine faces which store fat in disadvantageous areas in preparation for food shortages. Somaloids literally have gaunt famine faces even when they live in modern nations and their skulls are differently shaped than other East Africans and Blacks. They're severely effected by Famine and it shows up in their physiognomy.
NO. All tribal cultures have male fertility rites and a giant phallus is the basis for them.
The Romans didn't think this way at all
to some people, a lot of people outside of porn and black-out nights at the club don't prefer them at all. its a novelty fetish and a product of media indoctrination it has nothing to do with what people actually want or need sexually.

This whole post was disappointing user

You know it's going to happen.

epigenetic inheritance takes time, needs to occur to enough members of the male population and is not an effective method for passing on intelligence. Sexual selection and mutation are how most traits are passed on. It helps certainly. And its certain that blacks exposed to education and good nutrition are significantly more intelligent than their counterparts who do not have these things, its also certain that this has some effect on the epigenome. But no one knows if its even enough to survive past 2 generations. Most epigenetic adaptations disappear after a few generations. Its modulation of gene expression not the genome. Its all very complex. But basically the phenotypes that modulate neurological activity are heavily heritable and the one's associated with high 'g' factor are clustered among certain gene pools. Race isn't real, no one is saying that it is. There are no distinct phylogenetic sub-species of homo sapiens. We are all the same species. but, there are distinct haplo-groups which correlate strongly with certain ethnic groups, then among these groups there are certain alleles which show up in a much higher frequency than in other groups. Its all very loose, correlative and based on inference. So of course it doesn't sound like a Holla Forumsyp trying to dilenate 19th century racial science. But, even skull shape tells us something about the structure of the brain and vice-versa and intelligence is correlated with certain brain structures and thus skull shapes. All these things are there, but what exactly they entail for large scale gene expression is not certain. I don't want to stress too little that I do not think that we need to be hateful about any of this or angry. Its purely science and we should try to remove emotion from it as much as we can.

is this true

hapo-groups determined from wildly different sample sizes. Africa alone represets an extraordinary amount of genetic diversity which isn't accounted for by the pitiful amount of african genome sequences. This is why there are projects underway to develop sequencing centers in Africa and to provide training to their local scientists.

Have their been mice studies on epigenetic inheritance of intelligence with mice models?


Pls goo

Saying g is a measure of intelligence is like saying temperature is a measure of brightness.
Objectively false. That's it. Literally a falsehood.
So does this matter or not? Did you realize between last sentence and this one that your previous statement was fucking retarded?
Women were domestic since the creation of civilization kiddo. The Victorian Era had nothing to do with it. There weren't any titties in the Revolutionary War. "Aristocratic" gender roles were a culmination of sexual-dimorphic dictated gender roles that were in place since the beginning of civilization.
Can you name an era in history where female reproductive success was based upon intelligence and not female attractiveness? Cause that's fucking genetics and history.
You're exposing yourself here.
Neither pack animals nor venomous animals nor pathogen-carrying animals have ever existed in the Australian bush and have they never killed a human. Being intelligent enough to survive and avoid encounters with them would ever increase your lifespan. That is seriously your argument. And you ignore the foraging argument entirely because you realize pretending that being intelligent has no correlation to survival in the bush is fucking indefensible.
Did not those different set of skills require intelligence?
Pattern Recognition?
Spatial Manipulation?
Oral Communication?
Tell me which human society in the 1800s did not have hierarchal systems, language, warfare or religion.
That's not what impotent means. Level up your written language skill points so your children can do better.
That's literally your argument, that hard living creates a more intelligent populace through natural selection.
Objectively false
""""we"""". I'm sure someone will photocopy some bar charts out of a new publication and you will declare it your new Rosetta Stone.
Considering your grasp of g, I shudder to think about how you think formal logic and truth values work.
Who provides your JSTOR access?, and no, a "I Fucking Love Science" page doesn't count.

shit logic that relies on the assumption that Autism Level could be the only factor which determines success.

tell us more about your phrenology studies, Holla Forums-sama

tell me about the hundreds of generations of female merchants that have caused divergent evolution in human sub-species, user.

Describe the social dynamics of the intellectually inferior indigenous societies.

You use reducto-ad-barbarism because you are drowning in ideology. You must.

Do our measurements of g factor correlate well with performance in activities dependent on cognitive ability? The answer is yes.

Race realism is an obvious truth. Stop trying to beat it to death and try to think for yourself.

you're fucking retarded
"The g factor (also known as general intelligence, general mental ability or general intelligence factor) is a construct developed in psychometric investigations of cognitive abilities and human intelligence. It is a variable that summarizes positive correlations among different cognitive tasks, reflecting the fact that an individual's performance on one type of cognitive task tends to be comparable to that person's performance on other kinds of cognitive tasks. The g factor typically accounts for 40 to 50 percent of the between-individual performance differences on a given cognitive test, and composite scores ("IQ scores") based on many tests are frequently regarded as estimates of individuals' standing on the g factor.[1] The terms Autism Level, general intelligence, general cognitive ability, general mental ability, or simply intelligence are often used interchangeably to refer to this common core shared by cognitive tests.[2] The g factor targets a particular measure of general intelligence." (Wikipedia, just to piss you off)
You're beyond helping, honestly I'm just amused that you think that arguing like a Nazi, using shifting premises and unexamined presuppositions is somehow equivalent to debunking the study of genetics and heritability.
lol this is why I come back to this board, to laugh at people that think they're materialists but don't understand molecular biology.

Race realism is shit because 'race' is a fucking stupid term. Maybe "population realism" is true, but that's a world of fucking difference from "race realism"

5" is average? I thought it was 7"
I feel bad for mandkind now

hahahahahahahahaha whatever frat faggot told you that is a narcissist. Hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahaha

how could it be? The average white man's penis is barely over 6" and this is among European Whites. Its shorter for American whites. Its like 5.8"


Adaptive mutations​ can occur is a single generation. Were not different species. You don't deny the existence of blue eyes yet when we have a decent metric that consistently points to how powerful someone's overall cognitive abilities are and we see differences between groups, people like you freakout. The explanation, just like why birds Darwin observed beak's were different, is environment.

call me when you get a causal association, not a correlation.

so why do we care if blacks or arabs are genetically predisposed to low intelligence again


You people are fucking insane, those arguments that poster sperged out at me. OMG you people are fucking insane. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm so happy that this board exists

IQ is a more robust measurement than you want to think
hahahahahahahaha just fucking lol. I could never imagine being this anti-science if I was an atheist, and I'm not an atheist or a materialist. I'm literally none of the things that should compel me to believe any of this and I still believe it


Are you me?

It relates to life outcomes, and decision making and impulse control and belief systems. It also relates to development, technical proficiency, productive capacities etc. It has huge implications for social organizing.

do i really have to listen to Kermit tell me what is trivially obvious - that we have a vast oversupply of unintelligent people relative to the amount of hours that need to be invested in "low-IQ jobs" to meet global demand?

What number am I thinking of?

Is there anything objectively wrong with eugenics, Holla Forums?
The idea gets associated with fascism, but what if we could use eugenics for good
eliminate birth defects and give every man a 7" penis and increase the black Autism Level so that people stop being racist?????????


Only the highly intelligent can manifest the innovation necessary to bring us closer to luxury fully automated gay space communism


It's really easy to fuck up. My go to example is always
Which sure is a tad unrealistic but it goes to show that sometimes "bad" genes exist for a reason.

Nope, I was looking for "69, DUDE!"

Guess it was just a coincidence

Malaria could be eliminated via DDT. Russia is bringing back the fucking wooly mammoth, I think we can bring back sickle cell if needed. I think stupid is going the way of the appendix

race isn't real but you can't donate organs between races
race isn't real but different races can have unique blood types
race isn't real but because the original homo sapiens who left africa interbred with neanderthals so there will forever be a difference in genetics
race isn't real but there are diseases that only effect certain races
race isn't real but you can tell what race a skeleton is of by just looking
race isn't real but if africans and aboriginals were any other member of the animal kingdom they would be classified as different subspecies

All you faggots not using metric disgust me.

whoa.. so these are the contradictions of capitalism

Even a 14 year old nazbol can differentiate between race and ethnicity. Pls do better, these threads can only be fun if everyone has some sort of base level of intelligene


To expand

It opens the way for dystopia but that's pretty much innevitable at this point so why not?


I studied anthropology. Ethnic groups have nothing to do with race or genetics. It is solely a cultural standing. A white male can be part off an African ethnic group if they are raised in that culture.

It's not about race.
the % is not important. Also, interbreeding is going on constantly.
Ethnicities. And it's because people live in a place for long enough. That doesn't create a "race". Stop using a term that you don't know what it means, just because a faggot decided to cut his mustache and use a symbol to crush commies.
Ok. Can you tell an arab skeleton from a scandianvian skeleton? Oooooh… you mean of people that have been living in different climates! OOOH!
You know dog races are man made and you're basicly parroting BS, right?

Again, no scientificly determined races, that are not part of an attempt to prove an ideology correct.



This but unironically

The real problem is that all humans are visual-categorical-tribal creatures by nature, and nature can't be stamped out by ideology even you go full wild-eyed kookoo cultist.

Race issues need to be approached pragmatically in a way that best achieves the desired aim of equality before the law but also acknowledges our collective human weaknesses and desires as dumb monkeys who very recently left the trees.

Transhumanism is incredibly tight indeed. FALC is real but without the C.

Surprisingly, I'd have to (to a certain degree) agree with the libertarian.

To each their own, according to their need and ability etc.

That being said, I would disagree with the visual-categorical-tribal creatures. capital and diversity_final.pdf


What don't have baked in social hierarchies among hanging/attached earlobes or widows peaks even though those are heritable visual differences among peoples. End hierarchies and people will stop inventing spooks like racism and colorism in order to carve out some understanding of the inherently irrational world we live in. You are putting the cart before the horse.
ethnicity has nothing to due with genetics. This is basic anthropology.
I never watched Bones but they probably do this as part of the job since any Forensic Anthropologist who consults with the authorities is going to be asked and will give an analysis of the race of the victim based off a skeleton.
subspecies and dog breeds are not the same thing.
geographic isolation is the important part. We are just as much an animal as everything else in the animal kingdom so it's ridiculous for us to be above the term subspecies.


There is nothing wrong btw with there being different races or subspecies of human. It doesn't change anything. Just means that we're being honest if we accept that we are.

Do you even read the sources you post?

>It is well known that blacks donate fewer kidneys than do whites (6), but until now no information relative to other organs has been available. The data in this study demonstrate several important facts. The number of livers donated by both the black and Hispanic population is significantly less than that for the white population (P < 0.001). Indeed only 8% of all livers donated are obtained from blacks, and even fewer (2%) are obtained from Hispanics.

>The number of livers donated by both the black and Hispanic population is significantly less than that for the white population (P < 0.001). Indeed only 8% of all livers donated are obtained from blacks, and even fewer (2%) are obtained from Hispanics.
Hey man I wasn't going to be racist this thread so I didn't want to bring that up.

You didn't read your own graphs.

the number of transplants is also very important to look at and the diseases inherited is also a big one as the third part. there were more charts but I got bored so give the paper a read

also the only thing it proves is that whites have a better genetic body and can deal with a lower quality nigger organ while niggers with white organs can't handle that high octane and die at 2x the rate lol

Why can't Stormfags read?

then the study sucks, It's not my problem.
Nothing indicating the reality or not of race can be identified in that graph, only that black donors although fewer have better organs than white ones, so good they have better success rates on white people than white organs.

well of course an official government paper is going to toe the jew line about race not existing lol. gotta read between the lines for things like this.


sounds like we should start harvesting them

well it's like in forensic anthropology. I think around after the science wars ended that they got browbeaten into calling race "ancestry" like there is any fucking difference. Also when people talk about cultural marxism they are probably unknowing referring to how critique became something of itself and during the science wars was considered at times more valid than actual science.

I've always liked Adorno personally and have agreed with a lot of the points he raised. Shame he was a jew.

It is real though

shame. I liked your posts nazi-kun.

Not to mention there is no fucking reason to ban someone for talking about race on a thread about race, both the mod and the guy reporting are retards.


wew isthis is what nazis believe?

Proof that niggers are dumb


Just reposting from pls don't ban me lol.

suppose |Q is an objective measure of intelligence
suppose race differentiation on white, black etc is scientific
suppose there are race based |Q differences

how is it follows that we should segregate niggers and install caste society?
some 100 years ago whities scored on |Q tests lower than modern poorest of niggers
should your and my ancestors be considered subhuman then?

this tbh
following their logic, segragation should happen according to i—q not race

b-b-but then asian and jews would be higher than them


lefty/pol/ is a containment board though.

not if they kill all the chinks and jews


Fascist ideology is one hell of a drug.

Segregation shouldn't happen at all in a classless society.

Oh boy here we go
5.1" (13.12cm) is worldwide average

Is generally correct. A lot of studies on penis size (at least the studies that come with infographs) should almost always be taken with a grain of salt as most studies either rely on trusting the accuracy of the guy or are flat out backed by condom or big-dick-pill companies size studies backed by condom companies&source=bl&ots=ZFWOpoe-0T&sig=rVxQW_dp5rUy4F1HfGHMsNqVA4I&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJsLnntsnTAhUISiYKHX1yATkQ6AEIOjAF#v=onepage&q=penis size studies backed by condom companies&f=false

As for "muh BBC": it's a flat-out myth (Haven't thoroughly read the article in a long time, but it seems like Holla Forums may have even recently influenced the content of the article but it doesn't matter much)

Interestingly, the idea of the "BBC" seems to have historically stemmed from the "black brute" archetype created during Reconstruction-era southern states to justify why niggers need to be enslaved again or just flat-out killed (inb4 muh rationalwiki) Cardyn, Sexualized Racism, Gendered Violence.pdf

Even with all of the above taken into account, one should consider the fact that vaginas also vary in size, so if you truly can't get past your insecurity, then there's still the hope of fucking/being with a grill with a vagina that makes 5.4"(13.71cm) feel like 8"(20.32) (However I do feel it should be taken into account that vaginas stretch if the woman is aroused)

tl;dr stop being spooked, dudes
t. virgin ex-robot

He was a big fan of Julius Evola who ultimately believed race was something more spiritual nature. So you could be born non-white but have a spirit of a white person, or a non-jew and the spirit of a jew, etc

Uh I'm a biologist, why would anyone want to do "debunk" taxonomy. It's the most useful branch of my fucking field.

Why the fuck are socialists engaging in science-denialism?

I've seen this on facebook too, there are people saying sex isnt real.


Race realism is an attempted rebranding of racists ideology, and all of its ramifications.

The study of what's being discussed in this thread is valuable and real, and what it is is genetics. "Race Realism" has ideological implications and an ideological perspective; it should be rejected.


Genetics has an impact on a shitload of issues, both personal and social.

You cant just ignore the reality of racial groups.

phrenology isn't a science no matter how mouch you want it to be
>>>Holla Forums