Hello Holla Forums

Hello Holla Forums

TL'DR: I am leaving the right and want to come to the left. I am currently a guild socialist and wish to seek a good ideology that is close to it. I just need suggestions.

Also, any other ex-rightists here? What made you join the left?

I have been on the right most of my political awakening. (Seven years). I was a libertarian(Read austrian economics daily), fascist (Genuinely read Giovanni Gentile until most national social justice warriors), and eventually became a 'strasserite after realizing capitalism is the main problem.

I have for a long while debated with ancaps and Neo cons (I mean libertarian nationalists) and they can't seem to understand the contradictory nature of their ideology. I quickly grew to hate them.

I would come to this place for awhile to read some of your material and I slowly warmed up to you folks. I'm ready to finally abandon the right.

Other urls found in this thread:

libcom.org/files/David Harvey - Companion to Marx's capital.pdf


Syndicalism sounds like your bag.

Embrace the non sectarian life famerino
Read everything and take what's good from every author.

Also welcome.

This man is your friend.

Google Bookchin

Thanks guys.

I've always been a passionate reader. I read all the capitalist, and fascist works. Can't wait to read all the leftist books now.

btw david harvey's seventeen contradictions is a good entry level text, i'm reading it right now. don't have it in english tho, sorry.



If ideological contradictions interest you watch some Zizek conferences. He talks about how ideology is an all encompassing systemthat blinds people

welcome friendo

I'm an ex fashy. I joined the left for the same reason you did, the destructiveness of capitalism. From there I got rid of my other spooks and became an anarchist. Looking back on my previous self, I feel like a fucking idiot for ever falling into the fashy hole but that's life I guess.

I mean I don't really know much about guild socialism to be frank so if you really need to go "ideology shopping" then you'll probably have to explain further. That said, I'm generally against the notion of "ideology shopping." There is one way forward, and that is communism.

Welcome comrade.

Speaking of David Harvey - when you begin to want to dig into Das Kapital, use Harvey's study guide: libcom.org/files/David Harvey - Companion to Marx's capital.pdf

we need to set up some Asserist/nazbol stealth re-education group where we pretend to be Nazis but really we are commies.

Of course, such a re-education scheme would be exactly the kind of jewish cultural scheme they fear….

am I the bad guy?

But really, this book Mutual Aid: A Factor In Evolution by Peter Kropotkin actually talks tonnes about guilds and the early mercantile city-state.

Also talks about Aryans at one point so it might tickle your old Nazi buttons

I'm leaning towards the left but honestly I don't think socialism will solve my problems. Maybe I'll just become a radical centrist


user, don't do it. don't get sexual with that fence. communism awaits you.

Just be Nazbol/Strasserist.
Being a modern leftist is kind of an exercise in masochism if you're a white male. It's possible to be opposed to capitalism and also have enough self-respect to not bend over backwards for groups of people that hate you and use you as a scapegoat.

As for lit, I'd suggest
-marx-engels-lenin-stalin-hoxha. some is outdated, pick what seems valid for the present
-georges sorel
-oswald spengler
-the Frankfurt school (actually not as bad as the right thinks. it's those who came after them that are cancer)
-Christopher Lasch
-Otto Asser
-Alexander Dugin

Why the fuck are you here? At this point the 'I'm only pretending to be retarded' excuse doesn't hold up. You're not a leftist in any meaningful way, why bother shitting up this board?

Do you have specific contentions with socialism that we can address?

I've never been full right-wing but was gradually slipping towards the so-called "radical centrist" fedoralords and the anti-Muslim reactionaries until I found out about the shit that actually goes on in the middle east and that rich scumbags are basically orchestrating all that shit to line their pockets with zero regards for human lives, as well as how they've done similar things in South America. The capitalist machine is fueled in blood.
I also used to fall for the "outsourcing and immigration are the reasons jobs are disappearing!" meme until I learned just how much of a big deal automation is and that if we don't address that issue soon the working class is fucked.

May I ask what those problems are specifically? I've found that many everyday problems are ultimately a result of capitalism, as it creates most hierarchal power structures in society which harm everyone who isn't at the top.

The sort of identity politics nonsense that you're referring to is just a tactic used by Porky to draw attention from the real problems, its mostly just neoliberal drones who parrot the media that spout that sort of crap. I think its better to try to de-spook those types than to simply write them off, nobody is born with an understanding of economics and politics.

No need to be shitty, user.
I'm just giving OP my two cents and you're getting all assblasted over one post.
This is a board for open discussion between people with all different points of view. You're not the grand wizard of all leftism who gets to decide what is and isn't leftism. Nazbol is perfectly valid, and in fact, I would argue it is the only valid form of leftism these days.

Sam Harris is one hell of a drug

Yup. War, systemic racism, climate change - it can all be traced to the profit motive.

Btw, did you hear about the capitalist conspiracy to depose FDR and literally impose a fascist dictatorship with Smedly Butler as leader. He caught on, and exposed them. Some pretty insanse shit: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot

Very weak bait 2/10

Being an ugly stupid shithead basically. I'm the guy who posted with this image in the reexamining sexual liberation thread

Capitalism produces profound alienation from our labor, and atomizes us to be individualistic. Because of this, suicide rates continue to go up with people preffering death to showing up to the office on Monday. Literally: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foxconn_suicides

Idk you personally, so I can't say if you're ugly or stupid. But you're probably not a shithead - and even if you are, you can work on yourself since you're self-aware.

If your self-esteem issues are severe, I suggest seeking a psychiatrist. And please don't do drugs - it's just a temporary reprieve and you'll still feel trash. Try looking into religion in the meanwhile (specifically Islam).

Don't, it sucks here.

This user has it right for the most part (I personally don't agree with the religion part but if it works for him then whatever), it sounds like you're suffering at least partially from the sort of alienation which is caused by capitalism, Marx actually spoke about this sort of thing specifically youtube.com/watch?v=30HeJvE9KCg
Socialism won't magically solve ALL your problems or guarantee you a girlfriend, but I do think it would solve many of them and make it much easier for you to focus on improving yourself and solving the rest of them.