Le Pen's Front National Misappropriated $5,000,000+ in European Funds

Dozens of Front National-affiliated "parliamentary assistants" supposedly working in and paid wages by the European Union since 2012 were actually ghost employees. Basically, the Front National diverted lots of EU money through job fraud so they wouldn't have to cover their own unrelated expenses.

(en) BBC: bbc.com/news/world-europe-39733452
(en) New York Times: nytimes.com/2017/04/27/world/europe/marine-le-pen-european-parliament.html
(en) RTÉ: rte.ie/news/politics/2017/0427/870709-marine-le-pen-european-parliament/
(en) DW: dw.com/en/eu-parliament-lost-5-million-euros-in-le-pen-alleged-jobs-fraud-legal-source-says/a-38610329
(fr) Le Nouvel Observateur: tempsreel.nouvelobs.com/politique/20170427.OBS8636/emplois-fictifs-le-fn-doit-5-millions-d-euros-au-parlement-europeen.html
(fr) Europe1: europe1.fr/politique/comprendre-laffaire-des-assistants-parlementaires-du-front-national-au-parlement-europeen-en-5-points-3313604

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rest in piss le pen


What fortuitous timing.

accelerationist crypto-fascists btfo

Le Monde had a good article the other day for any leftists who think Le Pen is like Melenchon.


Nobody even gave me a (You) when I said the Americans were meddling in French elections again.

They're right wing so nothing will come of it most likely

I was trolling 4pol about this and they said "This is Le Pen's pussygate… this only means WE ARE WINNING!!! BIGLY!"

Their heads must be very warm for its so far up their asses.

How is this more like pussygate than comeygate?

I'm actually American too, but stop looking at this from a US perspective. Read the foreign language press (no, not the English press), learn a second language, please.

I'm not looking at it from a US perspective, I'm replying to the US based analysis by Holla Forumstards who think it's like pussygate when it's not. Also I know three languages but don't have the patience/interest for adding french.

More the second guy I should be angry at than you, then.

French is a wonderful language, what languages do you have?

Just because you know French, do you think that makes you better than other people? Thats quite a strange way of thinking.

Arabic and Spanish. My spanish has become weak recently though, need to take some time in a spanish speaking country to refresh.

You're misinterpreting me, though I understand how you could have got that from what I wrote.

Go to Bolivia and report back on their society and government!

I think Le Pen will lose.

Didn't even cross my radar before when thinking of where to go for some reason. I'll consider it.

Fug, I was kind of hoping they would win for the accelerationist prospects. The centrist guy probably isn't going to do jack shit.

The fascist fucks who vote for Le Pen aren't going to drop her over something like this though - she's rorting EU money here. She'll just get presented as the plucky resistance fighter Robin Hooding money from the Evil Empire to fund said Empire's destruction. For a leftist analogy, it would be like people trying to smear Stalin by saying that he robbed banks. If you're on his side already, finding that out about him will just make him seem more awesome.

Why not? Apart from being a beautiful and quite useful language (especially if you like art and the humanities), it's the universal leftist language if we can say that such a thing actually exists.

Eager to hear how you could possibly justify that statement, bucko.

Well, here it goes:

France is the official leftist country.

And they invented both anarchism-proper (Proudhon) and anarcho-communism under the name of libertarianism(DeJacque)!
too bad nations are spooks and the real movement to abolish the present state of things has no identity :^)

I really wish I could reach my dick with my mouth like they seem to be able to

Frenchfag here. What the fuck is Pussygate?

Somehow I doubt this will hurt Le Pen at all

Probably the "Grab them by the pussy thing" Trump said.

It's that thing where Trump and Billy Bush were talking with a hot mic ten years ago, and Trump more or less admits that he could grab a woman by the vagina and they would 'let it happen'. To some it was 4D Checkers. Others it was a candidate for the a major political party admitting and getting away with sexual assault. To the point where Anderson Cooper had to ask this during the 2nd Debate (when the tape got revealed) and Trump claimed he would sue the people claiming he sexually assaulted them after admitting to doing such a thing. Hilldog managed to not get caught in anything similar. Media forgets this happens in a weekend more or less.

Funny how this was only realised after the first round of the French election when the only alternative to the corrupt nationalist is an establishment stooge.

The EU misappropriated billions in EU funds.

She wants out of the EU.
So on balance there will be less misappropriation.

He didnt admit to doing something. He just said hypothetically a beautiful woman would allow a rich celebrity do things that a normie wouldnt be allowed to do. Which I think is true.

This has been around for weeks, including before the first round. The reason why they're talking about it now is probably because there's been new developments or whatever. People have heard about that, it didn't change anything, and as some have said it probably reinforced her because she's stealing from the EU.

A similar one for Hilldog would be the leaked emails where she said that she had different positions on policy in public to those she shared in private and her wallstreet speeches.

Both were true. But you shouldnt say that if you want to get elected.

This affair's been around for a long time, it's just that the multi-million-dollars scope was uncovered only recently.


5 youtu.be/qXTmAkJKikI