You. Are. Spooked

You. Are. Spooked.

I wish tbh. I have basically no convictions left.

Much spook
Very spook
Wow spook

Tell me tell me mister, how am I spooked?




Is the ego a spook?

Not having money is a spook

Is the ego the biggest spook or are spooks the biggest spook? Or are believing the spook of egos is the biggest spook?

Is the spook the spook?

Being spooked is actually good.

i'm scared

Be one with the spook.

happiness is a spook

I admit it. My nature is too altruist for this egoism.

Stirner was right about the spooks, but he never declared whether they are good or bad things. As a nihilist, he couldn't make that determination. They're basically another opium of the people, but an opium isn't bad per se. It should be clear to a rational person who is aware of the spooks as to which ones are useful and which ones are 'bad'.

a egoist in his own self interest would cultivate his relationships.

Dude what, stirner isn't a nihilist for one as he sets "ownness" as the only good. Think of spooks in context of stirner's ownness. Having (submitting to) a spook would be detrimental to the sense of ownness.

"Stirnerian egoism is perhaps best thought of, not in terms of the pursuit of self-interest, but rather as a variety of individual self-government or autonomy. Egoism properly understood is to be identified with what Stirner calls ‘ownness [Eigenheit]’, a type of autonomy which is incompatible with any suspension, whether voluntary or forced, of individual judgement. “I am my own”, Stirner writes, “only when I am master of myself, instead of being mastered … by anything else” (153). This Stirnerian ideal of self-mastery has external and internal dimensions, requiring both that we avoid subordinating ourselves to others and that we escape being ‘dragged along’ (56) by our own appetites. In short, Stirner not only rejects the legitimacy of any subordination to the will of another but also recommends that individuals cultivate an ideal of emotional detachment towards their own appetites and ideas."

He was a nihilist. He had no determination as to the meaning of anything, and did not see anything as having any inherent value. They don't call it egoistic nihilism for nothing.

epic meme

Your first post reads like you're talking about moral nihilism in relation to spooks (whether they are good or bad or not)

Your second post characterizes the "I have set my affair on nothing" part wrongly. It's just plain epistemological nihlism, nothing more.

if egoism is true explain how rosa became martyr

Secret spooky fact: Stirner is the basis of Objectivism.

The only conviction you must never give up is knowledge of your own existence, possesing will to do whatever you want without any actual connection to another human being

Any questions?

every time

It should say "my property" tbh