
Was Jesus a communist?

As probably the only Christian who uses this board, I can say no. He was apolitical.

He couldn't have been as "Jesus" was around before any communist philosophers.
But he did destroy a market in front of a temple, give free "medicine" to lepers, and some I may have forgotten.

But communism is anti-religious, so that is a problem.

Can we go a while without having this thread?

As a fellow Christian I don't know if apolitical is the word I would use but I guess I would say he transcends politics.

Well he never charged anyone for the fish and bread he could materialize or curing the blind right?


If he were alive today, he would be considered a soc-dem, if not out-right Socialist.

Read the gospel of Thomas.

'Communism' is a development of Christian eschatology. The first communist revolutionaries were medieval Christians who understood Christ when He said the kingdom of god is within you [Luke 17:21]. The kingdom of God lies not in another world, but in our own, only we can bring it about. The Dulcinians, the Amalrcians, the brotherhood of the holy spirit, the tondrakians of armenia, all fought for the abolition of the feudal system, believed that all property should be held in common and in the equality between the sexes. Communist thought resurfaced during the reformation at the hands of people like Thomas Müntzer in Germany and Gerrard Winstanley in Britain.

No. He prefers lumenproles above all else, calls for obedience to the "earthly masters", is complicit with slavery, and will send non christian proles to hell. I don't see how anyone can see him as our comrade


i'm pretty sure it's well known jesus existed.

just not known whether he was son of god or not.

Alrighty, let's see
Communism existed long before any of its "philosophers". It's not a utopian system created a priori. Humanity has been communist for most of its history.
Communism =/= charity
How do you even think this?

You've got a lot of reading to do.

how are you to know this?

he was a nazbol,its true

It's known: he, along with the prophets before him claimed to be the son of man, not the son of God.

In Jesus name, out with such spooks! How are your morals (a fabrication) greater than anyone else's?

Sage because monism

When asking yourself which of today's political beliefs Jesus had, it's useful to look at political groups and beliefs as they were in Judea at the time of of Jesus' life. Of course you can't directly compare, as the presiding ideology and therefore dissenting political beliefs of the time were based around observance of the jewish law, but you can get some idea.

The Sadducees (conservatives) were the priestly class who aimed at preserving the cultic purity of the temple. Whether or not the masses observed the law was of little interest to them. Jesus was not a Sadducee, as he aimed at salvation for all men.

The Pharisees (liberals) were educated scribes who wanted to make the law practicable by all men, and did this by expanding the law to include all conceivable cases. Jesus was not a Pharisee as he criticised them for making man serve the law, rather than having the law serve man.

The Zealots (revolutionaries, MLs) aimed at expelling the romans from palestine and imposing by force a moral society that was in observance of the law. Jesus was not a zealot, he took issues with aspects of the society, but he never wanted to do away with it completely.

The Essenes (Hippies) escaped from society which they felt was decadent to build their own communes in the desert where they could practise the law unfettered. Jesus was not an Essene, he lived in society and participated in its customs.

Jesus was therefore not a political figure, he advocated no change in power nor structure. His teachings were about how to act morally regardless of the society one finds themself in. This does not mean that Christians should not be political, nor that they should accept the political situation. It is possible to be a Christian as well as a Communist, just as it is possible to be both a Christian and a Conservative.

I really dislike the idea of anachronistically prescribing ideologies to people/figures.

No, he was an contra-materialist spiritualist radical who set up structures that remain extremely radical notions to this day even among his supposed followers like unbreakable monogamous marriage. (which modern revisionists like to pretend is repressive when in reality it meant that men no longer divorced women at a whim and drove them from their homes to get with someone younger)


good post

I think the repressive part would be the bit where women's fortunes were entirely decided by who they marry, user. Making marriages unbreakable only ameliorates a symptom of the fundamental problem. A radical solution was required to truly solve the problem.

Jesus confirmed for succdem.

he can be read as someone whose views lend themselves toward communism. Though obviously there are points where he breaks from what other commies have to say and he can easily be used to justify a completely different politics. Jesus is just too ambiguous.

there are others.
NO. he may not have been communist, but I despise this trend that christianity has nothing to do with politics and is just about the individual's relationship to God. I'm not sure what good christian politics are, but Jesus wasn't apolitical and you can't be an apolitical christian


Although I disagree on Jesus being the son of God and/or God, I agree with your take. Very good post.