300,000 heavily armed mexican marxist-leninists storm mexico city

300,000 heavily armed mexican marxist-leninists storm mexico city

How fucking erect are you?

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Source otherwise piss off

If that happened I would be more than erect.

If that happened I'd be sending jizz straight to orbit.

if this happened I'd probably drop everyone I am doing and go to Mexico to join the Mexican Commune

If that happened me and my erection would be running down there to help

If that did happen.
America would send in an expeditionary force to crush the communists almost immediately.
America would never allow a Socialist nation to share a border with it.

A Socialist Mexico would be just as doomed as Rojava is.

About as erect as the twin towers after 9/11.

Requesting mods ban OP.

Too soon

no fun allowed double nigger fuck you

Michael Jackson

What a faggot.

The zapitistas are lib socialists, and most other Mexican lefties are anarchist. How the fuck does this scenario even happen?

Try having something worth talking about.

I did report him tbh

this isn't a leftcom safespace for fuck sake why are so many people here buttblasted by marxism-leninism ?


Michael Jackson never died. He faked his death due to ongoing allegations of child molestation.

Upon fleeing Mexico, he formed an uprising to overthrow the Mexican government.

With the phase 1 almost complete. He's almost ready to begin phase 2, storming the US to steal all children ages 5 - 10.

That's a perfectly crafted message to make you look like a redditor and a stupid newfag, good job. You know full well the problem is you writing a hypothetical OP as if it was news.

I was referring to the picture lel

it's still a legitimate question dude

A leninist leader with a charisma of a 11/10, literally lefty jesus super attractive tall mexican convinces the poor to rise up and gets financed by Russia

Fuck off and stop posting in that case.
t. tankie

Mexico would become a gigantic crater, Dear Leader would glass them


Sadly I have to agree with the crypto-utilitarian. They would be destroyed even before they marched on MC.

so nothing changes

Not at all. The US would get rid of them in short order.

That would actually be great, because more people would turn up against the US afterwards

Why do you hate fun?

I would wait for american military intervention.

You are doing something right (or left) if americans are trying to stop you.

Polvolt over drumpfs border wall before I'm lined up against it and purged.

Get down to Cancun, get an AK, massacre porky kids getting off planes for spring break

Hello and welcome back, and I hope you're prepared for a long watch as we finally discover the origin of the zombies. I'll save my commentary for the end.
This is the game's longest cutscene by far and there's a lot of meat here, (get it) so I'll get right into it. This sequence was packed with political meanings despite the fantastic premise. The idea of zombie wasps is of course pure fiction but as before in the game the connections to reality are stronger than you might think. The idea of a horrific pandemic coming from the demands of cattle farming is far from outlandish, thanks to the idiotic short-term logic of the free market. Capitalism often operates on the logic of social darwinism, so it's only appropriate that the environmental pressures of factory farming might create the bacteria to destroy it. Throughout history, infectious diseases have been the primary killers of human beings, with the 1918 Spanish Flu killing 50 to 100 million worldwide, more than the First World War. Alongside vaccination, the discovery and use of penicillin (in government-funded labs, just for the sake of debunking the argument about the innovations of capitalism) was a gamechanger which alleviated incalculable suffering. As new antibiotics were discovered, humans remained one step ahead of the evolution of bacterial disease, but they have become harder and harder to develop. In the past decades, we have seen the advent of antibiotic resistant so-called 'superbugs' like MRSA that kill indiscriminately in hospitals. It is inevitable that bacteria, which can reproduce on average every 30 minutes, will eventually mutate and develop new resistances, but the current overuse of these precious drugs accelerates the process dramatically. In an increasingly demanding and insecure economy, getting sick and losing shifts is considered unacceptable, and it is estimated that 47 million unneccesary prescriptions for antibiotics are written each year in the US alone, and 10 million in the UK.
These figures are shocking, but to return to the point, they only represent the tip of the iceberg. In 2011, 13 and a half thousand tonnes of antibiotics were used in the U.S. for meat and poultry production - nearly four times the amount used for medicine. The vast majority of these are fed as standard practice to cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep who are not symptomatic, and it represents an enormous expense, so why is this done? It is the simple truth that this is the only way for modern factory farms, whose full cruelty I cannot describe here, to operate. Animals kept nose to nose, standing indoors in one spot in their own excrement for their entire lives, in the same gargantuan prisons as up to 60,000 others, and fed in the cheapest ways possible, are of course susceptible to disease, and death before the slaughterhouse, or reduced mass due to stunted growth, is unprofitable. It is for the cause of misery and not mercy that medical antibiotics are being used, and these farms are tailor made for the production of drug-resistant bacteria as well as meat. Studies have proven that drug resistant bacteria is transmitted outside these farms to soil, water, and humans. MRSA is relatively uninfectious, and usually preys only on those with compromised immune systems, but why is it that we accept the risk that a drug-resistant superflu that could kill billions will develop in these hellish disease incubators purely for the cause of cheap meat?
Dr Barnaby's justifications are not without merit, however. While it may be agribusiness giants that profit from factory farming, it is ordinary people that enable it. In case you were wondering how much meat Americans consume in a single day, it's 65 thousand tonnes, or 52.2 billion pounds anually. This is comparable to a figure in 1909 of just 9.8 billion pounds.
Both factory farming and government subsidies are used to keep meat affordable, despite its appalling toll on both human health and the environment. 18% of global greenhouse emissions are caused by livestock farming, and 56 billion farm animals are slaughtered each year. In Brazil, 65% of Amazon deforestation is attributed to cattle ranching. To save money, the trees are not logged, simply burned.
Much like firearms, meat is supposedly ingrained in American culture, and also like firearms, industry lobbyists are hard at work to manipulate both government and the public.

How much meat consumption is due to personal desires, and how much is due to industry and environmental pressures? I suppose it's impossible to seperate the two, but it is clear that hard choices are in our future as a species. Much like Dr Barnaby it is clear that few of us feel that we are doing anything wrong. In the food chain as in capitalism the strong do unto the weak, without much thought for those below. Far away from the CEOs and shareholders who profit, American factory farms are usually located in the poorest communities of the poorest states, like North Carolina and Mississipi, and the workers must also tolerate terrible and unsafe conditions. It is estimated that 38% of them are undocumented immigrants, mostly from Mexico. It even seems that brutality can radiate throughout society - one study concluded that counties with slaughterhouses have four times the national average of violent arrest and significantly higher rates of alcoholism, domestic abuse, child abuse and suicide.
Of course, workers outside the West must face even greater exploitation, and it is no surprise that the Santa Cabeza research facility was located by the writers in Latin America instead of the US. The scenario Isabella recounts encompasses the real-world suffering inflicted on the third world both economically and militarily. While I can't point to any zombie containment black ops, Central and South America have been vicimised by American capitalism for centuries, like in 1928 when between 800 and 2000 striking United Fruit Company labourers were killed by the Colombian army after the United States branded them communists and threatened to invade to deal with the threat. It was impossible to accurately quantify what became known as the banana massacre because the army threw the bodies into the sea. United Fruit Company later became Chiquita, now the largest banana distributor in the US. As late as 2004, the company paid millions of dollars for security to the AUC, a far-right Colombian death squad which murdered hundreds of left-wing labourers, politicians and union leaders with alleged links to leftist guerillas FARC with the tacit approval of many local security services. Colombia's attorney general even accused Chiquita of using their boats to smuggle 3,400 AK47 rifles and 4 million rounds of ammunition, but no company directors were ever extradited from the US to face trial at Chiquita or any of the other plantation and cattle ranching corporations which hired the AUC. With this litany of crimes from just one company in just one country, perhaps the only unbelievable aspect of the game's explanation is the idea that the bourgeois capitalists who preside over these crimes ever face punishment like Dr Barnaby did, or that American intelligence agents like Brad would ever be interested in bringing these scandals to light.

Apologies for the rant, but since this is the game's central cutscene I thought it was important to be thourough. We have to be back soon, but this is a good time to finally deal with Sean, and until you do his cultists are able to stun and then abduct you before taking all your items and your clothes. Ew.
I don't really have much to add here to what I said in the previous video, but without going back to replenish all the overpowered weapons I've collected over the course of the game it's harder than previous battles. After this we won't have to worry about them anymore, and the cult has 5 survivors to rescue. Sean serves his purpose as a stock religious villain well enough, but of course the only person with a British accent in the game is evil, typical typecasting. As with most of the game's psychopaths, he has an ironic death.
It's easy to miss Cheryl, who's tied up in the side room instead of in the arena, and I get the feeling she was going to be some sort of nubile female sacrifice, which is sort of appropriate, since if you save her, she poses for you later on and asks you to take erotica photos of her. It's seems a little forced in the middle of the zombie outbreak but at least it's nice to get some consentual T and A in this game for once.
We need some more clothes anyway, so I thought it was appropriate to dress like a stereotypical Chad to confront our last optional psychopath Paul, who might cut a little close to home for some.
Now, we don't have a whole lot of information about Paul so a lot has to be inferred from context, but it seems clear to me that he's a take on the socially awkward young male, who we've heard a lot about from all sides. Even though the game is a decade old, it's easy to slot the portrayal into current trends. Ultimately it has to be up to the player whether they see Paul as a troubled teen in need of help who probably hasn't been treated very well by society, or an exaggerated representation of the cliche of neckbeard /r9k/ 'toxic masculinity' in the Elliot Rodgers vein. Even as he's attacking you with explosives he's treated as a somewhat pathetic figure, with the game giving you comedy points for taking a photo of his awkward running. I think that he does epitomise a strange trend in society for even the supposedly progressive to treat lost, unhappy young men without purpose or self-esteem as losers and jokes at the same time as lamenting the troubles of other disadvantaged groups in society. As Kent is a strawman representation of Frank West, Paul is perhaps a strawman representation of the typical player himself; at least that's what I am forced to imagine from various commentaries on the subject of gamers and social justice. I'll give this portrayal a pass as a work of satire but I can't quite stomach that excuse for various hysterical news articles or the infamous NCIS episode. Of course, we must address the fact that gaming and reactionary ideology have become intertwined in some ways, but we should not forget that it was not only the alt-right or MRAs but also the feminist and social justice community that were responsible for redefining gamergate from being about longstanding anger about corruption in the industry to some hate campaign against women. We have to remember that hatred is typically met with hatred, and misunderstanding with misrepresentation. It seems that video gaming is now split between the Sargons and the Anitas of the world, and I can only hope that, as in general politics, at some point in the future an egalitarian leftist strain in videogames discourse will develop that can diffuse manufactured gender tensions and redirect the blame for the general reduction in quality and creativity in the gaming industry towards the corporations and empty suit executives who are truly responsible.

Indeed, the Dead Rising gives you the option to forgive and rescue Paul, alone among the psychopaths. In the same way I hope that we can treat listless young men and 'gamers' with understanding and education, and not hatred that will only drive them further to the right.
Similarly in the vein of more nuanced perspectives, at around this time another group of suspicious gunslingers appear at the hunting shack, but this time willing to talk things out and look at the evidence, asking for a photo of the security room's vent before they believe Frank.
Here again we see the game's ideas of Carlito as a 'suicide bomber' and a terrorist. After we've learned the truth about the outbreak, his actions have some context, if not justification. This is perhaps another, much more serious, example of how capitalism drives hatred between groups by a cycle of misery. The profit drives of American capitalism demand the destruction of Santa Cabeza, and in his rage Carlito responds by destroying an American town. When the understandable US response leads to Carlito losing his remaining family, he loses all hope and escalates things to the destruction of the United States as a whole. The tragedy here is that ultimately the people of Santa Cabeza are the victims of American imperialism for the benefit of the elites, but the violence done to their community leads the survivors to a reactionary struggle against the people of the United States as a whole. Of course, I would argue this is a paralell to the wider struggle historically between the West and the Middle-East. In response to the British and French injusticises of colonialism and the Sykes Picot agreement, Arab pan-nationalism developed, including leftist tendencies like Baa'thism. These were broadly a rejection of Western influence and the desire to build up a stable and prosperous Middle East region, but as some oil-rich nations looked towards the Soviet Union, the capitalist world and in particular America and Israel destabilised the region, fractured Arab unity, and deposed legitimate leaders in favor of religious extremists. In this way, the constructive and reasonable reaction to the brutalities of the West was destroyed, and in its place the dogmatic and self-destructive ideology of Islamism was fostered. Islamists now strike blindly against the West, only managing to kill innocents, and in response America kills innocents and destroys the remaining secular leaders of the Middle-East. Since neither side is driven by an honest attempt to solve the problems, with the Islamists only wanting glorious martyrdom and an impossible dream of a caliphate stretching from Spain to India, and America's leaders wanting to profit from the continued destruction through oil rights, weapons sales, and reconstruction contracts, the conflict can never be solved and the violence will continue as long as it is profitable. Mainstream society is quick to criticise Islamic extremists, but it is less open to understanding the violence dealt out by the West's leaders, so there can never be an honest negotiation or reconciliation.
For a homeland security agent he actually seemed like a good guy, and I honestly felt a little sad even replaying this bit. Rest in peace, Brad. This cutscene is actually optional, and if you don't care you can just continue with the story after defusing the bombs without going back to he tunnels to find out what happened, but here again we see the game's encouragement of voyeurism, with an achievement awarded for snapping the zombified Brad.