Was the downfall of the Black Panthers inevitable? Is infiltration / dismantling by CIA not preventable?

Was the downfall of the Black Panthers inevitable? Is infiltration / dismantling by CIA not preventable?

If so, is creating resistance groups a futile act therefore we should just armchair until capitalism collapses on its own?

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The only thing that could happen would be a really massive, non-hierarchical resistance group. Similar to the women's march or something–just so many people united for one cause that it's difficult to oppose it or COINTEL it.

This guy gets it. Don't have an ML style vanguard party ya dips.

How do you organize without a vanguard party?

You don't need a hierarchical organization to spread ideology. Propagate study groups and affinity groups instead

Black Panthers died off due to sectarian leadership and recruiting too many lumpens.

Resistance is possible, but it needs to be better structured, more grounded in labor and whole communities, and more independent of the capitalist system.

The Black Panthers stopped being necessary when blacks were no longer guaranteed intimidation at the polls, and once non-violence took over as the primary form of resistance, as well as racial identity becoming irrelevant with the LSD generation dissolving those forms of boundaries. People need to be given LSD at a young age or those boundaries will reform in our society to an even worse degree than they already have.

Invisible dictatorship. Create a very large, nonhierarchical movement organization based in small cooperatives, solidarity networks, squats, and maybe unions (not so sure anymore). If you're not capable of growing financially, chances are you won't grow socially because everything, from media to jobs to population, is centralized in places where only raw money has leverage. Have a tightly organized General Union Of Anarchists to fend off infiltration attempts from FBI and also continually advocate socialist ideas within the general structure of face-to-face democratic assemblies. If the vanguard dies, the larger movement dies. If the larger movement dies, the vanguard dies. The FBI must fight the Left on the Left's terms if the Left wants to win.

The question is, how do we organically create a movement conducive to this and minimalist in structure? Occupy was non-hierarchical in name only - putting aside all the blatantly COINTELPRO bullshit that was the progressive stack aside, it put enormous, real demands on its members in terms of time and spatial commitments. Why would anyone care about feeling "uncomfortable" as a minority when you're working class and don't have the time to attend every little meeting? We need a simple, spontaneously-forming, easily-replicable and modifiable structure like soviets, but for the modern age.

Paul Cockshott's created an e-democracy app essentially immune to tampering. Look up "HandiVote". He also has an essay from further back where he explained the basic principle.


It was COINTELPRO/FBI do some research.

The only answer is mass decentralised insurrection

I think revolution could be possible through agitation groups and spontaneity.
We're also in need of the rejuvenation of leftist theory as a movement.
I'm not opposed to squatting initiatives and FNB, however.

They were literally purposefully destroyed by the FBI. Fred Hampton was straight up murdered. Black communities are still a shitshow and the Panthers are as necessary as ever, which is why they're no longer around.

Whats FNB?

The the Black Panthers came back today's America in the exact form as the original group, yes, their collapse would be inevitable. The state is just too powerful now and there are just too many liberals in the country that have eaten up all of porky's propaganda about non-violence and ethical capitalism.

But their collapse in the actual time they existed was not inevitable. The odds were stacked against them, and the state always had the means and the intent the shut them down at any point in their growth, but the public was not spooked enough to immediately take porky's side. The laws that apply to normal citizens weren't yet entirely rigged against the existence of a Black Panther-like organization.

Nah, they're not necessary. Just feed all of the white children LSD in their cereal or psilocybin mushrooms on their pizza and they won't be racist when they grow up.

America has really turned covert social control into a science. I can only wonder the sort of social science research they have in badly-lit rooms at RAND and DARPA.

you can't be serious

read this


Imagine something like this in the digital age. An app for revolutionaries that organizes groups localy world wide and spreads the message. Maybe even have a digital figurehead a la Hatsune Miku. CIA can't kill a hologram.

Come on user, it was obvious when he started going on about LSD in his first post.

Tho I wonder if someday, society will use certain drugs in a mandatory way, as if they were vaccines.

Is it written by Grant Morrison?

I actually picked up a copy after I saw my parents watching that episode. Really fun read though I wouldn't consider particularly useful.


Bullshit, the Panthers were incredibly unsectarian. They worked with poor white racists and found common ground that both groups could understand eachother and grow on (Young Patriots in Chicago).

The CIA destroyed the Black Panthers.

I have no idea. Theres nothing nearly as good or even existent as BPP or Debs era SPUSA. Redneck Revolt seems very good though, and from what I understand it's all local branches with no central authorities