What book should i read to understand your "brand" of leftism the most?

What book should i read to understand your "brand" of leftism the most?
Revolution and the state seems like a good start for Leninism but other than that i don't know what to read.
Help i don't want to be an uneducated lefty anymore!

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The Next Revolution is a really good introductory text for Communalism.

After Capitalism by David Schweickert for Market Socialism.

Here's a pdf.

Has our lefty theory really regressed that bad to Proudhonism and further back?

The Capital

We don't follow a common branch of leftism around here except for the fact that we're all radical (non-liberal).

I meant your as in the individual reading it.

contemporary ultra-left and communization theory

Read Althusser if you want a no-bullshit introduction to serious non-spooky leftism and leftist philosophy. "On The Reproduction Of Capitalism: Ideology And Ideological State Apparatuses" is a good place to start.

More like they desperately try to advertise their meme ideologies to people without any grounding in theory because nobody else on Holla Forums would buy it.



Anarchist communism is pretty-well explained in both origin and practice by Peter Kropotkin in The Conquest Of Bread.

epic fam xDDDD

Das Kapital, the mango.

Unabomber's manifesto. Read it and you will understand why roads are an evil.

You should read the manifesto actually, you might find out a few things

>>>Holla Forums

Read this short text and let it sink in and try to relate it to your own conditions for a bit: prole.info/texts/hamburgervalue.html (this website, prole.info, is generally very useful for short and comprehensive "no bullshit" references for workers).

After that, watch this video series: youtube.com/watch?v=dGT-hygPqUM&list=PL3F695D99C91FC6F7

That's the most basic of understandings you can get with ease.

If after that you're actually serious about getting a more thorough understanding things, read these in order (warning: actually fairly intensive on the grey matter):
marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1845/german-ideology/ch01.htm (only this chapter; the rest is not relevant)

This "brand" of leftism, really just the consequence of workers reflecting of their conditions of existence, is known as the communist movement, or simply communism.

That's basically it. And then I actually tried to give Bookchin a shot and it was even worse than I expected.

can mods take action against this salty ancap psyop

Your salt only makes us stronger you know

State and Revolution is an exceptionally dishonest book when considering the reality of the Bolshevik revolution. In regards to understanding communalism, the best book remains Ecology of Freedom.

Marx & Engels Collected Works



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OP, read David Harvey's Seventeen Contradictions.

This. Next Revolution is a very fun read

Which books are the most fun? I am dumb but trying to learn.

Don't listen to Harvey on value, he doesn't have a great understanding of it.

Wage Labour and Capital.

I just read it. It's a really good intro to the function and inherent exploitation in capitalism. Easy to read too, and that's a problem lot's of people have these days when it comes to old writings.


watch this series, it gives a good explanation of the law of value and will really help you to understand it. then theoretical texts might be less boring to you when you have a better concept of whats being discussed.


Main Kampf.


Dam Hitlerphobic spellchecker

Since my ideology is not an isolated philosophical work, but rather the logical culmination of scientific, political, economic and historical review from Marx to Stalin, I'd recommend this as an introductionary text for Marxism-Leninism.


Fuck Stalin.

Rousseau: The Social Contract and Discourse on Inequality

The Ego and It's own: Max Stirner